Mr. Chin (Yuko Taguchi)
10/12/32 - 6/26/95
FMW Tenure: 7/16/93 - 7/31/94
Dick Murdoch (Hoyt Murdoch)
8/16/46 - 6/15/96
FMW Tenure: 12/1/89 - 6/9/90
Mercenary # 2 (Louis Mucciolo Jr.)
2/10/71 - 2/15/98
FMW Tenure: 5/15/92 - 9/7/92
Jos LeDuc (Michael Pigeon)
8/31/44 - 5/1/99
FMW Tenure: 12/3/89 - 12/10/89
Shoichi Arai
12/19/65 - 5/16/02
FMW Employment Tenure: 9/89 - 2/15/02
FMW In Ring Tenure: 8/11/98 - 8/3/01
Little Frankie (Masanobu Okamoto)
2/20/58 - 8/15/02
FMW Tenure: 7/23/93 - 8/22/93, 4/21/98 - 9/30/98
The Sheik (Ed Farhat)
6/9/24 - 1/18/03
FMW Tenure: 11/20/91 - 5/5/95
Kodo Fuyuki (Hiromichi Fuyuki)
5/11/60 - 3/19/03
FMW Tenure: 5/5/94, 2/19/97 - 2/4/02
Sambo Asako (Fumiharu Asako)
8/27/63 - 5/18/04
FMW Tenure: 1/7/90 - 1/5/95, 2/9/97
The Blonde Bomber/Chris Candido (Chris Candito)
3/21/72 - 4/28/05
FMW Tenure: 1/30/92 - 2/11/92, 1/7/01 - 1/16/01
Captain Jack (Francisco Gutierrez)
2/19/62 - 10/22/05
FMW Tenure: 8/28/00
Grigory Verichev
4/4/57 - 5/25/06
FMW Tenure: 11/5/90 - 12/8/93
Bam Bam Bigelow (Scott Bigelow)
9/1/61 - 1/19/07
FMW Tenure: 4/29/98 - 4/30/98
The Gladiator (Mike Alfonso)
1/24/65 - 2/17/07
FMW Tenure: 9/20/90 - 8/26/98
John Kronus (George Caiazzo)
1/13/69 - 7/18/07
FMW Tenure: 4/21/98 - 4/30/98
Killer Kowalski (Walter Kowalski)
10/13/26 - 8/30/08
FMW Tenure: 9/19/92
John Tolos
9/18/30 - 5/28/09
FMW Tenure: 9/19/92
Ryuma Go
3/23/56 - 10/18/09
FMW Tenure: 5/5/96
Armageddon # 1/Eddy Fatu
3/28/73 - 12/4/09
FMW Tenure: 3/20/99 - 7/30/00
Lance Cade (Lance McNaught)
3/2/81 - 8/13/10
FMW Tenure: 12/1/99 - 2/25/00
Gran Naniwa (Yoshikuni Kimura)
2/15/77 - 10/6/10
FMW Tenure: 8/22/93 - 12/26/93
Hideo Makimura
9/23/67 - 6/29/11
FMW Tenure: 8/1/96 - 5/14/97
Mark Starr (Mark Ashford-Smith)
12/26/62 - 6/7/13
FMW Tenure: 6/15/91 - 5/7/92, 11/20/95
White African (Bill Jodoin)
1/23/59 - 9/29/14
FMW Tenure: 6/16/92 - 6/28/92
Koichiro Kimura
11/18/69 - 10/28/14
FMW Tenure: 7/18/90 - 7/31/90
Jimmy Backlund (David Ferrier)
11/30/62 - 12/6/14
FMW Tenure: 10/6/89 - 5/29/91
Axl Rotten (Brian Knighton)
4/21/71 - 2/4/16
FMW Tenure: 12/11/99 - 12/12/99
Eiji Ezaki/Hayabusa
11/29/68 - 3/3/16
FMW Tenure: 5/5/91 - 10/22/01
Balls Mahoney (Jonathan Rechner)
4/11/72 - 4/12/16
FMW Tenure: 11/23/99 - 4/11/00, 12/21/01
Jimmy Snuka
5/18/43 - 1/15/17
FMW Tenure: 11/23/01
Armageddon # 2/Matty Samu (Matthew Anoa'i)
4/7/70 - 4/17/17
FMW Tenure: 3/20/99 - 7/30/00
Katsuji Ueda (Tsutomu Ueda)
12/15/45 - 4/20/17
FMW Tenure: 1/7/90 - 6/27/95
Mr. Pogo (Tetsuo Sekigawa)
2/5/51 - 6/23/17
FMW Tenure: 6/4/90 - 5/26/91, 7/16/93 - 12/11/96, 9/24/98 - 11/20/98
Vader (Leon White)
5/14/55 - 6/18/18
FMW Tenure: 9/28/97
Piratita Morgan (Raymondo Rodriguez)
3/15/69 - 7/8/18
FMW Tenure: 6/4/90 - 8/4/90
Turtle Mask/Yoshi Kwan (Chris Ashford-Smith)
2/17/61 - 8/22/18
FMW Tenure: 8/17/91 - 8/31/91, 3/16/96 - 3/30/96
Willie Williams
4/14/51 - 6/8/19
FMW Tenure: 11/23/99 - 5/5/00
Big Titan (Richard Bogner)
1/16/70 - 9/20/19
FMW Tenure: 7/19/91 - 12/9/94
Dragon Master (Kazuo Sakuraba)
9/26/48 - 1/12/20
FMW Tenure: 3/24/90 - 4/1/90
Dr. Hannibal (Steve Gillespie)
7/22/63 - 1/18/20
FMW Tenure: 11/20/92 - 9/7/94
Supreme (Lester Perfors)
5/30/70 - 5/6/20
FMW Tenure: 10/7/00 - 11/28/00
Tracy Smothers
9/2/62 - 10/28/20
FMW Tenure: 3/27/00 - 4/11/00
Leon Spinks
7/11/53 - 2/5/21
FMW Tenure: 11/27/91 - 9/1/93
Chris Youngblood (Chris Romero)
2/10/66 - 7/7/21
FMW Tenure: 8/25/99 - 10/26/99
Hideki Hosaka
8/5/71 - 8/2/21
FMW Tenure: 10/15/93 - 2/18/01
Hido (Hideo Takayama)
10/19/69 - 10/17/21
FMW Tenure: 10/9/94 - 5/27/00
Super Leather (Michael Penzel)
9/7/57 - 12/22/21
FMW Tenure: 6/22/95 - 9/3/99
Tarzan Goto (Masaji Goto)
8/16/63 - 5/29/22
FMW Tenure: 10/10/89 - 4/20/95
Masashi Aoyagi
12/27/56 - 7/6/22
FMW Tenure: 10/6/89 - 10/10/89, 7/31/94 - 12/20/94
Goro Tsurumi
11/23/48 - 8/26/22
FMW Tenure: 1/7/94 - 10/9/94
Terry Funk
6/30/44 - 8/23/23
FMW Tenure: 5/5/93 - 8/28/93, 4/29/96 - 12/22/97, 11/23/99
Mongolian Mauler (Peter Miller)
9/2/61 - 1/22/24
FMW Tenure: 10/23/90 - 10/26/90
Kevin Sullivan
10/26/49 - 8/9/24
FMW Tenure: 1/5/92 - 1/15/92