May 5, 2001 at Kawasaki Stadium, Hayabusa would return from his reconstructive double arm surgery to team up with The Great Sasuke to take on WEW World Champion Tetsuhiro Kuroda and fellow Team Kuroda member Mr. Gannosuke in a Exploding Octagon Cage Death Match on the 10 Year Anniversary of Eiji Ezaki's debut match. The four would battle around the ring with Hayabusa going at it with Gannosuke as Kuroda and Sasuke would take on each other. Hayabusa would be the first to be thrown into the explosions after being shoved into it by Gannosuke. Hayabusa and Gannosuke would begin battling on the outside before both hitting the side of the cage for another explosion as the entire ring blows up at the same time. Both Hayabusa and Gannosuke are knocked out for along time as Sasuke and Kuroda begin battling as the ring is filled with dust going everywhere as Hayabusa climbs in the ring and throws the knocked out Gannosuke in the ring as well. Hayabusa begins to go for the pin on Gannosuke and tries for an H Bottom when Gannosuke comes out of nowhere and gets a Gannosuke Clutch on Hayabusa but only gets a two count. Hayabusa then sets up Gannosuke for a Fire Bird Splash which Gannosuke kicks out. Hayabusa finally finishes Gannosuke off with an H Thunder for the pinfall victory in his return match and his 10th year anniversary of his pro debut in FMW match. Gannosuke and Kuroda barely are able to walk out of the ring to the back as Hayabusa would pull off his mask and announces that Hayabusa was back.

May 11, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would make his return to Korakuen Hall by teaming with friends Hisakatsu Oya and Ricky Fuji to take on Team Kuroda's Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Mr. Gannosuke, and Mammoth Sasaki. During the match Gannosuke and Kuroda have a miscommunication as Gannosuke accidentally clotheslines Kuroda allowing Hayabusa to be able to setup Kuroda for the Fire Bird Splash for the pinfall victory over the WEW World Champion Tetsuhiro Kuroda. The pinfall would make Hayabusa the Number 1 contender for the WEW World Title going into the May 22nd Sapporo Green Dome show. Gannosuke and Kuroda would argue after the match blaming the other for the lost eventually causing the end to Kuroda and Gannosuke's friendship.

May 22, 2001 at the Sapporo Green Dome, Hayabusa would face off against his rival Tetsuhiro Kuroda for the WEW World Championship in a Exploding Double Hell Death Match with Kodo Fuyuki as the Special Referee. It would be the second death match that for both Hayabusa and Kuroda with Hayabusa's body not having fully recovered from the Kawasaki match yet. Hayabusa would be the first one to be thrown into the landmine causing a huge explosion on the outside of the ring. Hayabusa would come back and knock Kuroda outside the ring into the landmine causing another explosion. Hayabusa would then follow that by diving over the top turnbuckle on to Kuroda outside. The two manage to make their way back in the ring with both showing obvious pain from the huge explosions until Mr. Gannosuke would rush the ring to attempt to attack his former Team Kuroda partner. Fuyuki would attempt to get Gannosuke out of the way, but Hayabusa and Kuroda would both dropkick Gannosuke who would cause Fuyuki to be knocked into the landmine for the third explosion. Kanemura would quickly rush into the ring and get Gannosuke out of the there as the two would brawl to the back. Kuroda would nail his finishing Technan Buster DDT on Hayabusa but Fuyuki would still out of it after exploding landmine. Kuroda would then attempt to throw Hayabusa over the ropes, but Hayabusa would bring Kuroda over with him and the two would begin fighting on the apron trying to throw one another into the final landmine. Kuroda would eventually clothesline Hayabusa but it would result in both being sent into the final exploding landmine. Hayabusa and Kuroda would make it back in the ring, and Kuroda would begin going for the win by hitting several lariats but not managing to put Hayabusa away. Hayabusa would eventually duck a Kuroda lariat and land a kick to the head and then would deliver his H Thunder with Kuroda becoming the first wrestler to ever kick out of. Hayabusa would then finally finish Kuroda with a 450 Fire Bird Splash and then follow that up with another H Thunder with Kodo Fuyuki making the three count for the Hayabusa win and his first reign as WEW World Champion.

May 25, 2001 in Fukuoka, Hayabusa would return to Michinoku Pro for the first time in almost three years by teaming with Tiger Mask as they would take on the team of Dick Togo and Kazuya Yuasa as Hayabusa would put away Yuasa for the win. It would be announced that Hayabusa would be returning for Michinoku Pro the next month in Sapporo. 

June 8, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, FMW's Commissioner Kodo Fuyuki would come out to the ring with business associate Stuart Levy from Tokyo Pop. Fuyuki would announce that he has a major announcement and would want the entire FMW locker room to come out. Hayabusa would be the first one out to see what is going on. Kodo Fuyuki would announce that with permission from FMW Vice President Yoshida, that he was going to buy FMW from under Shoichi Arai and has the money from Tokyo Pop to do so, and would want the entire FMW roster to join with him. Everyone thinking they had no other choice would side with Fuyuki besides Hayabusa who would stick with Shoichi Arai while Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Ricky Fuji would not side with individual. Shoichi Arai would announce that he still had 48% ownership of FMW, where as Kodo Fuyuki had only bought 47% of the stock with the backing of Stuart Levy. Hayabusa had bought 5% of the stock so Fuyuki would not have enough control to give the promotion to Tokyo Pop and then ask all the wrestlers to come back if they want to side with FMW instead of Fuyuki. Ricky Fuji, Hisakatsu Oya, GOEMON, Azusa Kudo, Naohiko Yamazaki and eventually Onryo would side with Arai and Hayabusa. Tetsuhiro Kuroda would come from his corner and grab the mic and state that he will never side with Fuyuki, so if that means that he had to side with Arai and Hayabusa then so be it. Fuyuki would then announce that in the main event of the show, Hayabusa would have to  team up with Kuroda to take on Mr. Gannosuke and Kintaro Kanemura. 

Gannosuke and Kanemura would end up getting the victory over Hayabusa and Kuroda after Gannosuke would end up getting the pinfall on Hayabusa with the Gannosuke Clutch to Fuyuki's happiness. Fuyuki would get  in the ring and begin making his new employee Arai kiss his feet and demand Arai to slap Hayabusa. As Arai would begin crying he delivering some very light slaps until Fuyuki would force Arai to punch Hayabusa. Arai would then begin punching Hayabusa into the corner which would not even phase Hayabusa until Arai would begin crying right on Hayabusa as Hayabusa would hold Arai in disgust of what Fuyuki had just forced Arai to do.

June 17, 2001 at the Sapporo Green Dome, Hayabusa would return to Michinoku Pro to team with The Great Sasuke for the last time as well as Alexander Otsuka against the team of Dick Togo, Men's Teioh, and Ricky Fuji with Sasuke getting the win after pinning Ricky with a Senton Atomico to get the win in Hayabusa's final Michinoku Pro match of his career.

July 2, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, Fuyuki would make a match where Arai will be forced to team up with Mr. Gannosuke and Kintaro Kanemura to take on Hayabusa teaming with GOEMON and Onryo and if Arai were to get pinned then he will be fired as an active performer with FMW. Hayabusa would score the pinfall on Mr. Gannosuke after Fuyuki makes a 2 count but freezes before making a three count, until referee Marty Asano would run to the ring and knock Fuyuki's hand down for the three count and the victory for Hayabusa's team.

July 30, 2001 at the Hakata Star Lanes, Hayabusa would successfully defend the WEW World Championship for the first time in a grueling battle against Mammoth Sasaki where Mammoth would setup a table on top of the turnbuckle and attempt to Super Chokeslam Hayabusa off the table placed on the turnbuckle. Hayabusa would manage to counter it and flip Sasaki off the table instead and hit Sasaki with several of his finishers before climbing up the turnbuckle with the table and hitting Sasaki with a 450 Fire Bird Splash for the victory and Hayabusa's first WEW World Title defense.

August 3, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would agree that if he were to team with GOEMON and Onryo and lose to Mr. Gannosuke, Kintaro Kanemura, and Mammoth Sasaki then he will put up 5% of his stock at the August 11th Komazawa Olympic Gym show. Hayabusa would fall victim to Gannosuke's Thunder Fire and then right away is picked up by Kanemura and given a Thunder Fire Power Bomb as Kintaro Kanemura would score only his second pinfall over Hayabusa to win the match and force Hayabusa to put up 5% of the stock he owned in FMW on August 11th. It is agreed, that the stock Hayabusa owned would be put in a Best 2 out of 3 matches. Hayabusa, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and Azusa Kudo will represent for FMW against Kodo Fuyuki, Mr. Gannosuke, and Kintaro Kanemura who will represent for Fuyuki's side. Azusa Kudo's new identity Biomonster DNA will take on Kodo Fuyuki, Tetsuhiro Kuroda will take on Mr. Gannosuke, and Hayabusa will put up his WEW World Title against Kintaro Kanemura in the third match.

August 11, 2001 at the Komazawa Olympic Gym, Biomonster DNA would defeat Kodo Fuyuki in just a couple minutes to give the FMW team their first win. Tetsuhiro Kuroda though would lose to Mr. Gannosuke after submitting to a painful arm lock submission thus tying it up it 1 to 1 for each side going into the last match with Hayabusa taking on Kintaro Kanemura for the WEW World Championship. Hayabusa and Kanemura put on a very good match, as Hayabusa tries everything to defeat Kanemura, even trying the Phoenix Splash for the first time since his double reconstructive surgery on his arms the year before but fails to connect with it, and ends up being hit with three straight of Kanemura's Thunder Fire Powerbombs for the Kanemura victory over Hayabusa for the WEW World Title and the right of Fuyuki to take claim of Hayabusa's stock in the promotion. Kodo Fuyuki with the stock who had announced earlier that it would be given over to Mixx Entertainment's Stuart Levy who would announce that Shoichi Arai was now fired as FMW President and replaced by FMW Vice President Senmu Yoshida. This also marked Hayabusa's first singles pinfall lost since last November 12, 2000 against Kodo Fuyuki.

September 5, 2001 at the Sapporo Green Dome, Hayabusa would wear his first non white uniform as Hayabusa since he wrestled in the Hayabusa farewell match back on August 25, 1999 as he would wear red for the match. Hayabusa would be given another shot at the WEW World Title and Kanemura and would manage to kick out of everything. Kanemura would deliver a lot of his powerful offense which would include a Powerbomb off the apron onto a table and one of the fastest suplexs possibly delivered. Kanemura would begin to get desperate in the match and lowblow Hayabusa to get every advantage until Hayabusa would counter and deliver his own lowblow to Kanemura and then hit a 450 Fire Bird Splash on Kanemura for the victory and his second WEW World Title victory.

September 9, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, President Yoshida would show footage showing that Hayabusa had in fact lowblow Kanemura in their WEW World Title match in Sapporo, and would strip Hayabusa of the WEW World Title and give it back to Kintaro Kanemura. Later in the show, Hayabusa would team up with Tetsuhiro Kuroda and GOEMON to challenge for the WEW 6 Man Tag Team Championship against Kintaro Kanemura, Kodo Fuyuki, and Mr. Gannosuke. Hayabusa would end up getting another pinfall victory over Kanemura by finishing him off once again with the Fire Bird Splash for the victory to win the WEW 6 Man Tag Team Titles with Tetsuhiro Kuroda and GOEMON.

October 9, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa and Tetsuhiro Kuroda team up to face WEW Tag Team Champions Mr. Gannosuke and Mammoth Sasaki. Hayabusa and Kuroda would walk away as the Tag Team Champions as Hayabusa would pin Sasaki with the 450 Fire Bird Splash. After the match, Mammoth Sasaki would challenge Hayabusa to a singles match on October 22, 2001 at the next Korakuen Hall show with the stipulation being that if Hayabusa were to win than Shoichi Arai would regain his position as FMW President.

October 19, 2001 in Tokyo, Hayabusa would meet up and challenge Genichiro Tenryu for a singles match at All Japan's October 28, 2001 Budokan Hall show, where Hayabusa would represent the All Japan team taking on Tenryu's WAR team in a best of 5 singles matches. The match would never take place.

October 21, 2001 at Kyoto KBS Hall, Hayabusa would team up wih Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Yoshihito Sasaki against Kodo Fuyuki, Kintaro Kanemura, and Chocoball Mukai with Fuyuki putting Sasaki away with the Charging Lariat. Hayabusa would get on the FMW bus late that night and take his temperature to confirm what he already knew and that was he had caught a cold and was dealing with a 101 temperate. They would travel 6 hours on the bus that night and get into Tokyo early in the morning on October 22, 2001. Hayabusa would return to his home in Kamata, Tokyo with a knee, neck, shoulder, and elbow injury on top of his fever. He knew as the ace he could not miss the main event of a Korakuen Hall show so he just needed to get through this last match of the tour and he would have a vacation. 

Hayabusa would arrange his outfit that he would wear for the show that night and take a nap before heading over to Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. He would appear in the stairway of Korakuen Hall on camera for the first time standing there getting ready for his entrance when the camera would show a Japanese demon some cryptic words to Hayabusa just minutes before his match. "You are cursed. As long as you're fighting in FMW, many curses will be brought to you. You are the one who has been cursed. Even if you struggle to keep on fighting, your wrestling life as Hayabusa will be finished within 2 years at the most. Don't forget it, Hayabusa." before Hayabusa could do anything the demon had already disappear and a tragedy was about to take his place.

October 22, 2001 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would take on Mammoth Sasaki in a singles main event match with the stipulation being that if Hayabusa won then Shoichi Arai would become President of FMW once again. Hayabusa would notice that his injuries and sickness were messing with his body as he would deliver a drop kick in the match and not be able to get the same height on it that he was use to. He would also notice that the crowd was silence to the match. Hayabusa would begin to get impatient as he would struggle to find a rhythm to the match. A little after ten minutes had gone on in the match when tragedy would then strike. Hayabusa would go to do an Asai Moonsault from the inside of the ring on Sasaki when his foot would suddenly slip on the middle rope and Eiji Ezaki would fall directly on his head. 

Hayabusa's initial reaction to having no feeling in his body was that it was the same thing as one time when Masato Tanaka had delivered a Half Nelson Suplex on him and he had lost feeling in his body for about two seconds but once the two seconds had passed and he still had no feeling his whole body started to get cold. Mammoth Sasaki would go over to him and place in him in a chin lock not knowing what had happened as he was looking up when the accident had occurred. Hayabusa would feel his spirit leaving his body at that time and would remember looking up above the ring in a form of Astral Projection before returning to his body and he would come to feeling disturbed over what had just felt. He would realize he could not move his arm and realize he was struggling to breathe. The next thing he would remember is FMW Referee Marty Asano saying "Mr. Ezaki! Are you okay?" with Hayabusa responding it was impossible for him to move. Hayabusa would try to tell him that he was going to die but he could not get the words out. Marty Asano would finally stop the match and the match would be ruled a No Contest as fans would start to get worried. Ricky Fuji watching on the monitor in the back would come out along with other FMW wrestlers. Shoichi Arai who had been doing commentary during the match would also come to the ring. Hayabusa would ask for his mask to be taken off as he was still struggling to breathe. 

A stretcher would be rushed to the ring as Hayabusa would realize that this was the main event and did not want to have the fans go home disappointed and would ask for the mic to address the fans. Hayabusa would state "All of you, I'm truly sorry. It probably might take a long to come back, but, I want to come back. I think I want to come back, so, so please don't abandon FMW that I loved at the risk of my life." with the fans screaming "We will wait for you!" 

Shoichi Arai would ask the fans to clear the building to allow the ambulance to come into Korakuen Hall. Television cameras would then stop filming as paramedics would rush to Korakuen Hall and place him on Ezaki on a stretcher and would take him to Nihon University in Tokyo. Ezaki while in the ambulance would ask for someone to go to his bag in the locker room and take out his cell phone and call his wife Harumi to let her know what had happened. Ezaki would then remember hearing the ambulance over the dispatch stating "A man fell on his head during a pro-wrestling match. He is 31 years old. Numbness from the bottom of his neck and is conscious." 

One of the nurses would begin touching his body with her fingers and Ezaki would not feel any of it. Ezaki would begin crying as hard as possible with an oxygen mask on with one of the teacher at the University asking him to calm down with the doctors stabilizing him but before falling asleep he would hear a voice "Broken neck. Whole body is paralyzed. Bedridden." Ezaki would wonder whose voice that was saying that before passing out.  

Ezaki would would wake up with the oxygen mask on and feeling intense numbness. Harumi Ezaki would come in to see her husband. The doctor would tell her that Ezaki had suffered a cracked Vertebrae in the L4 and L5 discs. If he did not recover in three months then he could be like this for life. Ezaki hearing that would go into mental shock thinking how he was just wrestling in the ring flying around hours earlier and now he was going to be bedridden for life and how that was impossible. 

Eiji Ezaki would be moved to the ICU on October 23, 2001. He would just look up at the ceiling all day with the nurse changing the direction of his body to avoid bed sores. Ezaki would feel his heart break. Harumi would visit him and bring their four year old daughter Ayane and their two year old daughter Shie to visit him. Shoichi Arai would visit him on October 24, 2001 and would apologize to Ezaki over and over. Arai would let Ezaki know that his family would be taken care of financially during this. The horrible process would continue on October 25, 2001 as Ezaki would have to have male nurses change his diaper and he could smell the horrible smell which was humiliating. He would cry wishing he had just died. He would look at the window just three feet away and wish he could just jump out of it. He would cry realizing he could not even kill himself and wish someone would just kill him. All he could do physically do was bite his tongue. 

Ezaki would be told that visiting hours would be one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon and only family would visit him as Ezaki's parents would travel from Kumamoto to visit their son daily during the process.. Ezaki would also end up seeing two familiar faces in Mr. Gannosuke and GOEMON show up in early November 2001. Ezaki would ask them how they were able to get in as family were the only ones allowed in. Gannosuke would tell him that they told the hospital that they were Ezaki's cousins with Ezaki shocked that the hospital workers would actually buy that story. 

November 5, 2001at Korakuen Hall, it would be announced that the team of Hayabusa and Tetsuhiro Kuroda would be force to vacate the WEW Tag Team Titles and Hayabusa, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and GOEMON would vacate the WEW 6 Man Tag Team Titles. Tomokazu Morita would brought in under the new name of Garuda to replace Hayabusa while Hayabusa. Mr. Gannosuke would address the fans at the show stating that Hayabusa loved FMW, and that Hayabusa would want you to continue to support FMW, and that he believes in his heart that Hayabusa will return one day and fly again which would garner loud "Gannosuke!" chants from the FMW fans.

Problems would begin to occur while just laying in the hospital filled with germs without being able to move. The first would be kidney failure. He would also drop from his wrestling weight of 232 pounds down to eventually 127 pounds. All the muscle he had worked so hard for years to get were gone in months. 

Then Ezaki's body would become constantly dangerously hot as would develop pneumonia and he would have a temperature of 104 degrees. He would begin receiving antipyretic drugs to bring his temperature down to a 98 degrees but it would eventually just go back up 102 degrees before having to take the drugs again. The drugs would result in Ezaki having no memory during this time period. He would not know what was real and what was a dream. They would become one to him. The only thing in his hospital room was a radio and thus would believe things were happening like Harry Potter had been kidnapped by North Korea. He would also tell Harumi that he had an important match at the Yokohama Bunka Gym and if she could not compete against him then he would have to ask Keiji Muto. 

The cause of the never ending fever would be discovered by doctors and that it was bacteria that had spread to his heart valve and he would have to have open heart surgery and if the surgery was not a success he could die. He would have the surgery on December 29, 2001. He would be brought to the operating table as the lights above him would make him think about the lights at Korakuen Hall that shine above the ring. He would be put under and when he would wake up he would feel frozen cold. His first thought would be that he was alive and then he would look down at the pipe installed in his chest and he would want to tell the nurse to kill him but he did not have the power to speak. The pipe would be removed to intense pain and would leave a huge scar across his chest but he would finally be able to speak and for the first time and Eiji Ezaki felt happiness for the first time as his fever would finally be gone and he would be moved to the General Ward of the hospital as his rehabilitation would begin. 

Ezaki would receive an unexpected visitor on January 6, 2002 when the lights were suppose to be off. He would hear an "Eiji!" before the door would open and it would be Mr. Gannosuke in a wheel chair and his foot in a cast. Gannosuke would tell him he was under care also and if he wanted to compete on who would recover first? Ezaki would ask Gannosuke about FMW with Gannosuke letting him know that it was alright to not worry about it and to concentrate on recovery. 

Shoichi Arai would also come by and bring Ezaki over 1,000 letters from fans resulting in Hayabusa sobbing so hard he could not speak. Kintaro Kanemura, Ricky Fuji, Ultimo Dragon, Kensuke Sasaki, and Dragon Kid would all come visit him in the hospital as well. Ezaki would also begin to feel his right index finger twitch meaning the nerves were still active and he would be able to move again. He would have his head shaved to avoid having to shampoo his hair daily before moving out of the Tokyo Nihon University and being transported to the Maruyama Medical Center in Gakuen.  The three month stay at the Nihon University would result close to a $5 million Yen bill ($50,000 USD) 

Ezaki would arrive at the Maruyama Medical Center in Gakuen on February 14, 2002. He would meet his new nurse Mr. Amiake who was a big Hayabusa fan and told Ezaki he would do anything he needed for him. He would begin receiving Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy on his road to recover. 

Ezaki would then receive a call that night that the check issued to his bank account by FMW had bounced. He would have Mr. Amiake help call the FMW office but no one would pick up. He would be anxious all night trying to sleep wondering what was going on with FMW. Kodo Fuyuki would arrive at the hospital on February 15, 2002 to tell Ezaki that FMW had declared bankruptcy. Fuyuki would let Ezaki know that he would be starting his own promotion and that he wanted Ezaki to be a part of it with Ezaki agreeing figuring everyone in FMW would be participating in it. Ezaki would then find out that he would no longer receive his workman's compensation that had received by being an employee of FMW due to FMW no longer being a company and that all the hospital bills going forward would be up to him to pay.  

Shoichi Arai would then show up in Ezaki's hospital room with Ezaki just sitting there. Shoichi Arai would begin apologizing to Ezaki for losing the home for him to return to. Arai would tell Ezaki that creditors were looking for him. Ezaki would then just tell Arai to "please be careful." 

Eiji Ezaki would then read a headline in April 2002 about Kodo Fuyuki having colon cancer to Ezaki's surprise. He also would read about Kodo Fuyuki creating his WEW promotion but would not see Mr. Gannosuke or many of the other FMW wrestlers names listed on the roster.

Ezaki would then get a call on May 14, 2002 by an FMW sponsor who was helping Shoichi Arai hide from the creditors. He had asked Ezaki to call Arai because he was worried about him killing himself. Ezaki would call Arai and Arai would admit to thinking about killing himself to help his family out money wise as they would receive his life insurance as well as feeling guilty about Ezaki's injury. Ezaki would try to convince Arai not to as they would agree on doing business together again when Hayabusa would be able to return with Arai agreeing before they would finally hang up. Ezaki would have a bad feeling after hanging up the phone. 

May 16, 2002 at a Tokyo Park, Shoichi Arai's body would be found dead after a early morning jogger would find Arai's body hung by his own neck tie. Ezaki would end up receiving a cassette tape in the mail which Ezaki would listen to a ten audio recording of  Shoichi Arai apologizing to Ezaki  about deciding to take his own life and that he felt he had disappointed everyone. Ezaki would be very sad over the lost of his friend Shoichi Arai as Ezaki was actually one of the few FMW wrestlers that would consider Arai a friend.

Mr. Gannosuke would then visit Hayabusa in late May 2002 about starting his own promotion and wanting Hayabusa to be a part of it. It would hurt Hayabusa to hear about the split in FMW as it was a sign that the promotion he had given his body for was finished. Hayabusa would agree to join Mr. Gannosuke's promotion. The promotion would consist of Gannosuke, Mammoth Sasaki, GOEMON, Onryo, Garuda, Flying Kid Ichihara, Satoru Makita, and Happy Ikeda all being apart of the promotion called WMF. A Japanese computer company called Laing, Inc. would become the financial backer for the promotion and the WMF would be soon born, but until then it would be kept a secret from everyone until July 1, 2002 when the announcement of the promotion would be announced for July 3rd.

July 3, 2002 at a Tokyo Press Conference, Hayabusa would make his first public appearance in 254 days since being paralyzed on October 22, 2001. Confined to a wheel chair with friends Mr. Gannosuke and Jinsei Shinzaki, Hayabusa, Gannosuke, and Shinzaki would announce the official start of the promotion the WMF "Wrestling Marvelous Future" and would have an alliance with Hayabusa's friend The Great Sasuke's Michinoku Pro as well Ultimo Dragon's Toryumon as the promotion would run a practice show on August 18th in Saitama and would run its first show on August 28th at the Tokyo Differ Ariake.

Mitsuharu Misawa, Kenta Kobashi, and The Gladiator would all go visit Hayabusa at the hospital following the announcement of him appearing for WMF. Ezaki and Misawa would talk about going drinking again after he was out of the hospital and The Gladiator would bring up that he would want a match with him when he returns and that he could challenge him for the Triple Crown after The Gladiator who was working for All Japan at the time would win it.  

Kodo Fuyuki would walk in to Ezaki's hospital room one night in July 2002 at 1:30 am. Fuyuki told Hayabusa that he was feeling sick so he came in this late because there was no traffic. Fuyuki would ask Ezaki if Gannosuke had persuaded him into joining WMF instead of WEW. Ezaki would have no response. Fuyuki would then walk over to Ezaki's bed and would tell him that he only had 6 months left to live due to his cancer. He would ask Ezaki if he was going to be able to walk again. Ezaki would respond that he did not know. Fuyuki would tell him he did not have much time but Ezaki did and he wanted him to do his best before walking out. 

Eiji Ezaki would begin focusing on learning to stand as he wanted to show the fans his improvement. He would train for hours every day for a month before finally gaining the mobility to being able to stand up.

WMF would run a practice show on August 18, 2002 at the Saitama Pepe Hall Atlas.  Hayabusa would still would be at the Maruyama Medical Center so he would be unable to appear at the show but Gannosuke would hold a cell phone up the ring with Hayabusa on it as Hayabusa would announce to the crowd that he would appear at the August 28th Differ Ariake show to see the fans since his accident. 

August 28, 2002 at the Differ Ariake, Hayabusa would be introduced to the crowd and gives a very emotional speech talking about his is accident and the death of Shoichi Arai. Hayabusa would then ask that everybody to stand for a 10 bell salute in the memory of Shoichi Arai. Hayabusa would begin before standing up with the help from braces attached to his legs and a cane to show how far he has came since such a horrible accident. Hayabusa would stay and watch the match between friends Mr. Gannosuke and Jinsei Shinzaki against Tetsuhiro Kuroda and GOEMON, but during the match a very upset Mitsuhiro Matsunaga would appear and attack both Gannosuke and Shinzaki with his barbed wire baseball bat causing Gannosuke to bleed. Matsunaga would then leave but not before staring at an upset Hayabusa watching in his wheelchair when GOEMON would soon appear and high five Matsunaga and make his way to the ring to cheer on Kuroda. Kuroda would eventually get the pin over Gannosuke and GOEMON would then begin to pound on both the beaten Gannosuke and Shinzaki with help from Kuroda and Oya. The three would then walk over to a very upset Hayabusa as GOEMON would take Hayabusa's water bottle and then take a sip and then poor the bottle over Hayabusa's head and then spit the water in his face. Gannosuke would soon get up and rush at the three, but would be too late. GOEMON would later announce along with Kuroda, Oya, and Soldier that he was forming a group called Brand Double Cross as the top heel faction in WMF.

Hayabusa would only be able to attend specific WMF shows in Tokyo. He would spend most of his time going through rehabilitation. He would also begin working on his own personal autobiography covering his entire career which would be released on October 26, 2002.

December 12, 2002 at Korakuen Hall. Hayabusa would return to Korakuen Hall for the first time in 461 days since being paralyzed. Hayabusa would come out with walking crutches connected to his arms and take his first steps to the public injury since the accident. Hayabusa would then give an interview and talk about how he wanted to return to the "holy ground" of Korakuen Hall and be able to walk. Hayabusa then talked about how one year ago he was fighting for his life in the hospital and how much he had progressed through the past year with the hopes that he would be able to return to wrestle which has been openly his goal since coming out of his open heart surgery. Hayabusa would later return for color commentating and shake the hands of Garuda, Satoshi Kojima, and Mr. Gannosuke after their matches. After the main event match between Mammoth Sasaki and Tetsuhiro Kuroda which would would go to a Double KO finish, Mammoth Sasaki would grab the mic and announce to the crowd that when Hayabusa would be able to wrestle again he wanted to be his first opponent when he returned.

December 21, 2002 at Sapporo Teisan Hall, Mr. Gannosuke would turn on partner Jinsei Shinzaki and join GOEMON's Double Cross Army to setup a feud with Mammoth Sasaki as well as renew the Hayabusa/Shinzaki vs. Gannosuke feud. Eventually Gannosuke would leave the Double Cross Army and form the GUN's with two Gannosuke look-alikes in Mr. Rocknosuke and Mr. Iwaonosuke who were portrayed by Ichiro Yaguchi and Katsumi Hirano. 

Hayabusa would begin to 2003 with a personal goal that when the cherry blossoms would begin in the Spring he wanted to be able to leave the hospital to go back home on foot.

March 15, 2003 after leaving the Maruyama Medical Center with Jinsei Shinzaki strolling him back to the hospital, Mr. Gannosuke along with the GUN's would drive up and and attack both Hayabusa and Shinzaki from behind. Mr. Iwaonosuke would attack Shinzaki while Mr. Gannosuke would knock Hayabusa out of the wheelchair which would be Hayabusa's first bump since the injury since the injury. This would setup Mr. Gannosuke vs. Jinsei Shinzaki for April 11, 2003 for WMF's return to Korakuen Hall.

Go Ito would show up at Maruyama Medical Center on March 18, 2003 to tell Ezaki that Kodo Fuyuki was dying. Ezaki would ask for a staying out report to the nurse to go see him one last time. The nurse would deny it stating that he would need a family member to check him out or doctors permission. Ezaki would bring up the situation to his personal nurse Mr. Amiake who was an FMW fan and Mr. Amiake would end up persuading the other nurse to allow him to leave. Ezaki would arrive at Kodo Fuyuki's hospital at 9:00 pm that night with Kodo Fuyuki's wife at his bed side crying and Fuyuki unconscious. Fuyuki's wife would allow Ezaki to move close to the bed and Ezaki would hold Fuyuki's hand and speak to him for the first time since July 2002. Ezaki would feel Fuyuki's hand faintly move while holding it feeling that was a sign that Fuyuki could hear what he was telling him. Ezaki would leave and get the news the next day that Kodo Fuyuki had passed away.

Kodo Fuyuki would pass away on March 19, 2003 at his Yokohama hospital room.  The WEW President who had been booker for FMW and lead heel from 1998 to FMW's end would die right beside his wife as well as former FMW wrestlers Kintaro Kanemura, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Chocoball Mukai, and Shinjuku Shark.  Hayabusa would attend the vigil on March 22nd in Yokohama and say goodbye to Fuyuki. Former FMW wrestlers of Kintaro Kanemura, Mammoth Sasaki, Mr. Gannosuke, Masato Tanaka, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Koji Nakagawa, Ricky Fuji, Hido, Yoshihito Sasaki, Flying Kid Ichihara, Shinjuku Shark, Gosaku Goshogawara, and Chocoball Mukai would also attend the vigil. 

Eiji Ezaki's request would finally be granted on March 30, 2003 for him to be able to leave the Maruyama Medical Center and move back home the next day. Ezaki would be so happy he could not sleep that night but there would be issues right away that he would have to deal with in order to live at home. He would have to get an electric bed, he would not go to the restroom by himself, and he could not go outside by himself. 

Hayabusa would finally be able to leave the Maruyama Medical Center on March 31, 2003 and be able to return to his home after 525 days but he would have to return for 3 hours a day for his rehabilitation. Mr. Amiake would begin strolling him out and just before exiting Ezaki would want to walk out on his own like had thought about months earlier as he would walk several feet outside the door before returning to his wheel chair. WMF wrestler Mineo Fujita would pick him up and bring him home. Ezaki on the ride home would see the cherry blossom trees beginning to form as he was leaving just around the time he had hoped for. He would go out that night with Nikkan Sports reporter Mr. Nagai joining him for a beer as Ezaki would have his first beer since being injured. Chocoball Mukai would also end up joining them that night as they would stay out until 5 am getting drunk. 

Ezaki would also notice after moving back home that all his Hayabusa memorabilia was gone. Every mask and every outfit that he had worn in the ring for years was no longer in the house and he would never be given a reason to where any of them had gone.

Mineo Fujita would live part time with Eiji Ezaki while Harumi would be at work. Fujita would care for Ezaki at his home helping him go to the bathroom and helping him to bed. Ezaki would get frustrated due to the struggles of living at home and would take it out by cursing out Fujita many times. 

April 11, 2003 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would give a speech about WMF before the show about its future and that WMF is very interested in fans feedback about the show. Mr. Gannosuke and Jinsei Shinzaki would take on each other in a 5 year rematch from their FMW match in April 1998. Before the match, Mr. Gannosuke would get on the mic and call out Hayabusa who was color commentating. Mr. Gannosuke would insult Hayabusa which would lead to Hayabusa giving Gannosuke the middle finger. That would cause Mr. Rocknosuke and Mr. Iwaonosuke to grab Hayabusa to the wheel chair and wheel him to the ring before Shinzaki would make the save for his friend which would start the match. Shinzaki would have to take on Gannosuke, Rocknosuke, and Iwaonosuke for most of the match with them triple teaming him most of the match until referee Ted Tanabe would finally send Rocknosuke and Iwaonosuke to the back. Shinzaki would be in control afterwards but a bloody Gannosuke would end up hitting a Shining Wizard for the win over Shinzaki. Shinzaki afterwards crawl to Hayabusa sitting down ashamed of his loss to Gannosuke and for not getting revenge for what he did to Hayabusa. 

July 7, 2003 at Korakuen Hall for the Fuyuki Army Promotion, WMF and WEW would agree to get together and hold a FMW reunion show. Hayabusa would state that this would be the official end to FMW as FMW was never really given a farewell show when it went under in February 2002. WMF's Double Cross Brand would officially end on this show as GOEMON would return as a team with Onryo. Mammoth Sasaki would team up with Mr. Gannosuke and TAKA Michinoku against Genichiro Tenryu, Kintaro Kanemura, and Masao Orihara. Gannosuke would turn on Mammoth during the match and Kanemura would end up pinning Mammoth to win the match as Hayabusa would watch the match from the entrance in his eyes would officially be the end for FMW.

The rest of 2003 would be a rough time for WMF as the Fuyuki Army Promotion would be using the same wrestlers more effectively with the exception of Mammoth Sasaki. The Apache Army of Kintaro Kanemura, Mr. Gannosuke, Hido, GOEMON, Onryo, and GENTARO would start up and challenge Zero-One. Hayabusa would remain fairly inactive the rest of the year, just color commentating during the top matches for WMF shows. Word would then spread that due to the money losses that WMF had suffered, they would be shutting down after their February 11, 2004 Korakuen Hall show.

February 11, 2004 at Korakuen Hall, fans would attend believing that the show would be the last WMF show. Kensuke Sasaki would defeat Mr. Gannosuke in the main event of the show. Gannosuke would inform the crowd that this would become the end of Chapter 1 of WMF, but that Chapter 2 of WMF would start in 6 months. Afterwards, Gannosuke would begin crying backstage due to the recent problems with WMF's finances. Hayabusa would announce that he would be stepping down as WMF Commissioner and both he and GOEMON would no longer be officially part of the WMF roster.

The split from WMF would leave Ezaki very bitter about promised money that he would not receive. He was promised a performance fee for all the media appearances he would make for WMF that would not receive. Money would begin to become a real issue for the Ezaki's. FMW going out of business had resulted in his loss of workman's comp insurance so he applied for a government aid while living at the Maruyama Medical Center that would help pay for his medical bills. It would not be processed until Ezaki had already moved back home and thus did not qualify any longer. Ezaki would call trying to explain the situation that the request was made while he was living in the hospital but it would still be rejected. 

Eiji Ezaki would begin to feel like a burden on Harumi and his family since moving back home. He would just be at home all day while Harumi and the kids were living their lives being at work and at school all day. Ezaki would try spending his time by rehabilitating by himself, but he would get impatient and end up falling down many times, which he would result in him injuring his ankle and rupturing a ligament in his right knee without even knowing about the injury. 

The stress of Eiji Ezaki living at home was beginning to become too much for Harumi. There were already problems in their marriage prior to his accident. Ezaki would be gone on tour half the time and then the other half while he was suppose to be home, he would go out to bars and drink all night. He also had cheated on Harumi with many different women. Ezaki would actually feel being paralyzed was his karma for everything he had done to her. It would all come to an end one night in 2004 when Harumi was washing Ezaki's hair and was completely silent the entire time. Ezaki would try to get her to talk while she would just stay quiet while continuing to wash his hair. Ezaki would then ask Harumi to tell him what she was thinking. Harumi would respond stating that she wish he had just stayed living at the hospital. Those words would break Ezaki's heart. His heart had been broken and feeling like a burden on his family. Ezaki would agree to move out and get an apartment close by to them in Kamata, Tokyo. Ezaki and Harumi would agree to separate and their 7 year marriage would come to an end with Ezaki still loving his wife. Ezaki would find himself crying alone at least once a week. 

Hayabusa would meet up with his friend Masahiko who had been a drinking buddy for years as well as a guitarist and a radio broadcaster in Sapporo. Masahiko would suggest Hayabusa become a singer as a way to make as to make money with Masahiko playing the guitar. They would work on producing a CD which would be released on May 4, 2004 and announce that his first concert entitled "Triple Fight"  would be on June 11, 2004 with Hayabusa singing, Masahiko playing the guitar, and GOEMON participating in the show while videos of Hayabusa's career being played in the background. 

May 5, 2004 at Kawasaki Stadium, Hayabusa would attend backstage the last show of the Fuyuki Army Promotion promoted by Kodo Fuyuki's widow Kaoru Fuyuki. Backstage a FMW reunion would be formed with Hayabusa, Mr. Gannosuke, Masato Tanaka, Kintaro Kanemura, Mammoth Sasaki, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, GOEMON, Onryo, Jado, Gedo, Hido, Garuda, Yoshihito Sasaki, Shinjuku Shark and Chocoball Mukai all backstage talking with one another. Although the show would not be the success due to repeated changing of the card, and poor weather with it being cold and windy, it would still mean something to Hayabusa as it was possibly the last time a May 5th show would be held at Kawasaki Stadium, the building that saw some of Hayabusa's biggest matches of his career.

June 11, 2004 in Sapporo, Hayabusa would hold his first concert entitled "Triple Fight" with Masahiko & GOEMON participating in the concert while Hayabusa would sing his songs. The show would overall be a success, and another show would soon booked for "Triple Threat II". 

July 29, 2004 at a Tokyo Press Conference, Hayabusa would accompany Jinsei Shinzaki with Motoko Baba on July 29th to announce that Jinsei Shinzaki would be taking part for the 6th year anniversary of the death of Giant Baba show on February 5, 2005 at Budokan Hall. Hayabusa would also be participating in the show out of the respect he had for the late Giant Baba.

August 31, 2004 in Kumamoto, Hayabusa would hold his second concert "Triple Fight II" in front of his friends and family in his hometown. Clips of Hayabusa's matches from FMW would play on the screen in the background. Hayabusa would sing while Masahiko would play the guitar, and GOEMON joining as it would be another successful show for a small building in front of his friends and family.

Hayabusa would then get a text on October 17, 2004 that Naohiro Hoshikawa who had wrestled back in August 1998 in Michinoku Pro had passed away in the ring. Masato Tanaka would later call Hayabusa to let him know that Hoshikawa was alive but that he was unconscious after taking a Death Valley Bomb and Lariat hard by Tatsuhito Takaiwa that would put him in a coma. It would turn out that Hoshikawa had suffered brain damage and would have a mental disability the rest of his life. Hayabusa would go see him in the hospital after one of his concerts in Sapporo months later after he had awaken from his coma and would hold his hand. It would make him realize that although although he had his disability that he still at least had his mind in tact.

November 10, 2004 in Sendai, "Triple Fight III" would take place in Northern Japan to allow Hayabusa to participate singing with Michinoku Pro friends The Great Sasuke & Jinsei Shinzaki. Both Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki who had teamed together in FMW, Michinoku Pro, All Japan, and ECW would be now be singing together to Masahiko's guitar play while The Great Sasuke and GOEMON would sing along.

February 5, 2005 at Budokan Hall, Hayabusa and Masahiko would sing a song dedicated to Hayabusa's late friend Giant Baba at the 6year anniversary show of Giant Baba's death. During a break between the matches, Hayabusa would sing in front of his largest audience ever of around 6,000 fans at Budokan Hall. Jinsei Shinzaki and GOEMON would also participate in matches during the show.

February 15, 2005 at KRAPS Hall, the postponed Triple Fight show in December would be made up at KRAPS Hall instead on the 3rd year anniversary of the death of FMW. GOEMON would handle the auctioning off of the pictures of Hayabusa and the Hayabusa cigarette lighters in between songs.

April 17, 2005 at the Tokyo Differ Ariake, two shows are held to benefit Sabu from an illness. Out of the respect and friendship for Sabu from the old FMW wrestlers, almost all of them perform for the show in one way or another. Hayabusa would sing a song dedicated to Sabu who he patterned his style early in his career off of. Hayabusa also in English states that he wishes to have a match with Sabu once again. The show would also allow Hayabusa to not only meet with Sabu afterwards face to face for the first time in almost a year, but many of the former FMW wrestlers as well including Megumi Kudo, Shark Tsuchiya, Kaori Nakayama, and Hisakatsu Oya backstage for the first time in months. Hayabusa would also meet with Sanshiro Takagi of DDT and agrees to attend a DDT show on July 3, 2005 for a benefit show for the victims of the Earthquake in South Japan earlier in the year. 

April 22, 2005 in Tokyo, Hayabusa would meet face to face Jushin Liger for a interview together for Weekly Gong Magazine where they would discuss their past friendship, their time in Mexico together, their Super J Cup match. Their interview together would make the cover of the magazine. 

Hayabusa would get the role in a play called the Shinichi Amano Story on May 27, 2005 with the second showing on May 28, 2005 at the Tokyo Shinjuku Theater. Hayabusa would play Amano's best friend Fuyuki Hayato who was an injured air pilot soldier in World War 2 would be in a wheel chair through out the play. Hayabusa would be given positive reviews for the performance and the show would be a success as there would be 6 more showings added later on.

July 3, 2005 in Niigata, Hayabusa would attend the DDT promotion's Earthquake Relief Benefit show for the victims of the earthquake that hit Niigata back in March. Hayabusa who is from Kumamoto, which is near Niigata agreed to do the show to help out the victims as much as he possibly could. GOEMON would also wrestle on the show in a tag team match. It would be only the third wrestling show that Hayabusa has gone to in the last year. Hayabusa would perform a song in front of the crowd about the tragedy of the earthquake, which the crowd sat quietly but obviously emotional throughout the whole song. Hayabusa would also get to meet several wrestlers for the first time, and many wrestlers for the first time in years. Mitsunobu Kikuzawa as Kikutaro, AKINO, Mariko Yoshida, and MIKAMI would all take pictures with Hayabusa backstage. Both Kikuzawa and MIKAMI would bring a big smile to Hayabusa's face interacting and talking with each other.

July 30, 2005 in Tokyo, Hayabusa would attend the 5 Year Anniversary Commemoration Party for the Pro Wrestling NOAH promotion. Hayabusa would be invited by NOAH President Mitsuharu Misawa would get the chance to meet with wrestlers that he had not gotten to talk to in years. He was greeted by his old drinking buddy Mitsuharu Misawa and would take pictures with Jun Akiyama, his good friend Masato Tanaka, and Yoshihiro Takayama as well others. Hayabusa would be very grateful towards Misawa who earlier in the month had given Hayabusa free sky box tickets to the NOAH Tokyo Dome show as well.

November 29, 2005 at the Osaka Tsukamoto Live house, Hayabusa's Triple Fight concert would be a way for many of Hayabusa's biggest fans to support Hayabusa for his 37th birthday. The fans would sing to Hayabusa themselves as they would sing Happy Birthday to their hero. 

June 23, 2006 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would return to Korakuen Hall for the first time since WMF's last Korakuen Hall show in 2003 as Hayabusa would sing to the crowd for Ultimo Dragon Fiesta promotion. Hayabusa would then hold another concert on June 24, 2006 just down the road from Korakuen Hall at the Suidobashi Fighting Cafe Colosseo which would be restaurant that is just down the road from Korakuen Hall that all the wrestlers attend with all the pictures of the wrestlers hanging on the walls like Riberia's. 

July 3, 2006 at the Tokyo Ota Ward Gym, Hayabusa would make his first appearance at an All Japan event since losing the All Asian Tag Team Titles with Jinsei Shinzaki to Yoshihiro Takayama and Takao Omori on June 4, 1999. Hayabusa and his protégé Hayabusa-cito would come  out to Hayabusa's "Fight with Dream II" theme to team with Kikutaro to take on CMLL's Virus and MAZADA. Hayabusa-cito would deliver some of Hayabusa's old moves like the Moonsault Press, the Asai Moonsault, and the Phoenix Splash while Hayabusa watched in his corner. Hayabusa-cito would also took a good beating like Hayabusa was known for, but Kikutaro would end up being the one taking the fall after Virus would put him the in Virus Lock II for the submission victory. 

August 19, 2006 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hayabusa's trip to the United States would start with a sit down interview scheduled for 10 AM with Fumi Saito helping translate the interview. Hayabusa would talk about getting into the wrestling business, and admit that he had hard feelings towards Atsushi Onita coming back to FMW back in 1996 to retake Hayabusa's position as ace of FMW like Hayabusa had failed at his position. Hayabusa would then attend a PWU show that night at the ECW Arena where he would sign autographs for many fans at the show, and receive a standing ovation from the crowd as Hayabusa would sing a song to the fans and receive another respectful round of applause. Hayabusa stayed backstage and watched the rest of the show on the monitor until getting 200 dollars for his performance and taking a taxi back to his hotel. He had dinner at 12:30 AM with Fumi Saito at the restaurant in the hotel where he was told his schedule for the upcoming day that would start at 3 AM. Hayabusa would only get to take a two hour cat nap before having to get ready for another day in the United States. 

August 20, 2006 in Boston, Massachusetts, Hayabusa and Saito would attend WWE's SummerSlam at the former Fleet Center. Due to the show being a big event, the security was incredible as Hayabusa would meet with Johnny Ace first to be allowed backstage for the event. While backstage Hayabusa would see Sabu in person as Hayabusa would yell "Brother!" with Sabu replying back "Super Star!" which caused a smile on Hayabusa's face as they both went into the waiting room together. While talking Hayabusa realized that Sabu had not changed at all in the fourteen years that they had known each other. While talking with Sabu, somebody would shout "Hayabusa" out loud. It would turn out to be Rey Mysterio, Jr. who had trained with Hayabusa while in Tijuana in 1993. It was the first time that Hayabusa had seen Mysterio in ten years. Mysterio would kneel to Hayabusa and begin talking with him as both would begin getting teary eyed. Hayabusa couldn't believe that this sixteen year old he knew while training in Tijuana would become one of the biggest stars in wrestling today but couldn't be more proud of his old friend. Hayabusa would then watch the show backstage, while eating more than he has in years including hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato chips. After the show, Sabu would meet up with Hayabusa and introduce Hayabusa to WWE owner Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon. After the McMahons would leave, Fumi Saito would introduce Hayabusa to John Cena as the two would greet each other. Edge and Lita would soon greet Hayabusa as well before many other WWE wrestlers would get the chance to meet with Hayabusa. 

August 21, 2006 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Hayabusa and Fumi Saito would take a bus to the next night for RAW. Hayabusa would receive passes from Johnny Ace once again. Jeff Hardy who was returning to the WWE that night and thus did not get to meet Hayabusa the night earlier at SummerSlam would come up to Hayabusa and show him much praise and respect. 

August 22, 2006 in  Stanford, Connecticut, Hayabusa and Fumi would visit WWE headquarters to meet with people working in the building as well as look at the many wrestling pictures on the wall. They would then take a flight to Queens, New York. Hayabusa and Fumi would visit Central Park, Times Square, and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant before leaving New York to travel to Wilkes Baree, Pennsylvania for the SmackDown and ECW tapings.  

December 17, 2006 at the Tokyo Shinjuku FACE, Chocoball Mukai would hold his Retirement show teaming up with Mammoth Sasaki against Yuki Ishikawa and Ryuji Walters. Hayabusa would attend the Retirement ceremony after the match and present Mukai with flowers and shake hands with his former FMW co-worker.

August 30, 2007 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would be brought in for Michinoku's Fukumen Tournament at the beginning of the show. Jinsei Shinzaki would help roll Hayabusa in his wheel chair and hand him the mic as he would stand up and wish all the masked wrestlers luck in the tournament. 

Hayabusa would release his fourth CD on November 11, 2007 along with friend former FMW referee Nobuyoshi Nakamura also known as Dragon Gate's Dragon Kid. Dragon Gate Records would be the label for the CD which would be entitled "Trust!" with Hayabusa and Dragon Kid singing separate songs and songs together. Both Hayabusa and Dragon Kid who had been friends for years going back to the FMW days would get matching half and half mask of each others signature masks to wear within another while promoting the album. 

September 5, 2008 in Los Angeles, Hayabusa would return to the United States for the first time since his trip in 2006 through the Northeast. This time it would be through his connection with Dragon Gate as Dragon Gate would run one of its first shows in the United States. Hayabusa would be there to take pictures with the fans and sing to the crowd one of his songs.

November 29, 2008 in Tokyo, a Birthday celebration would take place for Hayabusa's 40th birthday. Hayabusa's friends and family would attend the party with a cake of a picture of Hayabusa being presented. Hayabusa would also announce that he would be promoting his very first show in 2009 under the name "FIESTA DEL HAYABUSA ~ PHOENIX" at the Shinjuku FACE.

December 15, 2008 in Asagoya, Hayabusa would hold a concert entitled "Hayabusa vs. Mr. Gannosuke talk show" with Hayabusa singing along side with Dragon Kid, Ricky Fuji, Ichiro Yaguchi, and Emi Sakura. Mr. Gannosuke who had announced back on May 1, 2008 that he would be retiring from wrestling at the end of the year would appear and sit down with the man he friends talked with another for about an hour about Hayabusa's singing career, Mr. Gannosuke's upcoming retirement and beer among other things. The show would end with Hayabusa wishing his long time friend the best of luck with his upcoming retirement.  

December 27, 2008 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring, Mr. Gannosuke would hold his Retirement show to officially put an end to his near 18 year career as a pro-wrestler. Gannosuke's retirement match which would be an old style FMW Street Fight with Gannosuke teaming with Jinsei Shinzaki and Mammoth Sasaki against Masato Tanaka, Kintaro Kanemura, and Tetsuhiro Kuroda with Gannosuke pinning Kanemura in the end with the Fire Thunder. Gannosuke's retirement ceremony would then take place with Hayabusa's music playing and Mineo Fujita and Yuko Miyamoto rolling Hayabusa down the Shin-Kiba ramp. Hayabusa would hand Gannosuke flowers and talk to Gannosuke with tears running down his face about starting together and now their careers coming to an end with Gannosuke walking over to Hayabusa to hug him. A 10 bell salute would then take place with Gannosuke crying in the ring to symbolize the end of his career as a pro-wrestler. Gannosuke would meet up with Hayabusa after the show in the back to answer questions together by reporters right by the door to the shower with former FMW wrestlers coming by to take their shower and talking with Hayabusa and Gannosuke before an FMW reunion of Hayabusa, Mr. Gannosuke, Masato Tanaka, Kintaro Kanemura, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Koji Nakagawa, Ricky Fuji, Mammoth Sasaki, Flying Kid Ichihara, and Gosaku Goshogawara would end up taking place with the group taking pictures with one another.

December 28, 2008 at the Fukuoka International Center, Hayabusa would appear as a color commentator announcer for the Dragon Gate Pay-Per-View show. He would appear for a couple of more shows for the promotion due to his friendship with Dragon Kid and connection with Dragon Gate being the official label to his CD's. Hayabusa when ask would state that if he was still wrestling today that it would be for the Dragon Gate promotion as it his favorite promotion today.

January 24, 2009 at the Tokyo Shinjuku FACE, Hayabusa would be contacted a sponsor that would agree to build a show around him with him getting to book the show. The show would be entitled "FIESTA DEL HAYABUSA ~ PHOENIX" with the show being a mix of Dragon Gate wrestlers and FMW friends competing on the show. The first two matches would bring back old FMW gimmicks from the early 1990's of Battle Ranger, Pandita, and the Cockroaches. The next match would see former FMW wrestlers Mammoth Sasaki and GOEMON taking on Hisakatsu Oya and Ricky Fuji. The next match would be an FMW vs. Dragon Gate match of Masato Tanaka and Tetsuhiro Kuroda against Shingo Takagi and Akira Tozawa. The main event would then see Dragon Gate wrestlers compete under Eiji Ezaki's gimmicks. Dragon Kid would dress up in the Hayabusa costume and wrestle as Hayabusa Kid, BxB Hulk would wrestle as H, and PAC would wrestle as Darkside Hayabusa. They would face off against NOSAWA Rongai, MAZADA, and Magnitude Kishiwada revising his old FMW gimmick as Toryu with the finish seeing PAC as Darkside Hayabusa hitting the Phoenix Splash on MAZADA for the win. Hayabusa afterwards would grab the mic and announce that his dream is for next time to be able to team with the three wrestlers and compete again in the ring. The show would overall be considered a success drawing 467 fans, but no second show would ever take place. 

October 20, 2009 at the Yokohama Star Ship, Hayabusa along with Ricky Fuji and Command Bolshoi would sing along with Hayabusa for the "Intoxication Vol. 5" show with fans just having to pay the 20 dollars to attend the concert and 5 dollars a drink for the show.

December 22, 2009 at the Yokohama Star Ship, one of Hayabusa's biggest concerts would be the end of the year Christmas show with Hayabusa dressed up in his old Team Phoenix outfit and singing along with former Team Phoenix member Ricky Fuji singing songs from Hayabusa's fifth album "The Dream Goes On" that was released back on May 27, 2009 as well as Ichiro Yaguchi playing his guitar and the last song with Hayabusa wearing a Santa hat singing with Ricky Fuji to "Santa is coming to town" to end the show. 

Hayabusa would begin attending the Walking Rehabilitation Center called Forest of the Heart on January 2, 2010 which would give Hayabusa more improvement on his walking more than any other time since 2002. Hayabusa will still need a cain, but can walk as much as he wants with the help of the cain, which is a far improvement than when he was first able to begin taking steps again in 2002. 

February 14, 2010 at Sumo Hall, Hayabusa would make an appearance at Sumo Hall for the first time since his Super J Cup match in 1994. Hayabusa would attend the New Japan show for Milano Collection A.T.'s Retirement Ceremony. Hayabusa would be one of the several wrestlers to present Milano with flowers as Hayabusa would stand up out of his wheel chair to present the flowers and wish Milano the best of luck for his future outside of wrestling. After the 10 bell salute to symbolize the end of Milano's career and streamers were thrown in the ring, Milano would go over to Hayabusa and roll Hayabusa out with him for the last time in the former Toryumon and New Japan wrestler. Hayabusa would also meet up with friend Koji Kanemoto at the show with Kanemoto agreeing to participate at a Hayabusa concert in the future. 

March 23, 2010 at the Yokohama Star Ship, Hayabusa's guest singers for the show would be long term friends Mr. Gannosuke and Ricky Fuji with Hayabusa celebrating their friendship in its 23rd year as well as Ricky Fuji who had been friends with Hayabusa since Hayabusa started in FMW and met Ricky Fuji in 1991.

Hayabusa would get the news on April 25, 2010 that his father had passed away in Kumamoto. Ezaki's father was a personal hero to him and he would take the news very hard despite his father making it into his 80's. Ezaki would worry about his mother who was getting up in age as well and would be now living alone. 

May 4, 2010 at the Toshima LIVE IN ROSA, Hayabusa would hold another concert called the Fum Rock Festival 2010 with Ricky Fuji singing and Ichiro Yaguchi playing. Former FMW wrestlers Yoshihito Sasaki and Soldier would attend the concert and have drinks with Hayabusa after the show. Hayabusa would then spend the next day on May 5th which would mark the 19th anniversary of his debut in pro wrestling with best friend Jinsei Shinzaki at Shinzaki's house as the two would eat lunch together. 

Hayabusa's fifth CD called "Drink with Hayabusa" would be released June 2, 2010 and would feature a new piano version of his Fight with Dream theme song included in it which would be the fifth version of the popular song. 

July 16, 2010 at the NHK Broadcasting Center, an interview with Hayabusa would be filmed for a three night special on the NHK TV show "Hartnett TV" which covered the life of handicap people and people on their show live the life of a handicap person to show the struggles of everyday from just getting around to having to take a bath alone. Hayabusa would be part of the group interviewed and discuss his life of being in a wheel chair everyday with the segment being MC'd by pop singer Mari Yaguchi. 

October 11, 2010 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring, Hayabusa would attend Mil Mascaras' Mask Nobility Fiesta show. Hayabusa would watch the match between El Samurai against Kikutaro on the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring entrance ramp. Hayabusa would also get to once again meet with his first favorite wrestler in Mil Mascaras for the first time since Hayabusa was in Mexico in 1994. Hayabusa would also get to meet with Genichiro Tenryu, El Pantera, and Kikutaro after the show.

January 24, 2011 at the Tokyo JCB Hall, Hayabusa would attend GAORA's 20th Anniversary show backstage and meet with many of the wrestlers at the show. Hayabusa would meet up and take pictures with friends Keiji Muto, Jushin Thunder Liger, and The Great Sasuke and as well as others while there.

February 14, 2011 at the KUSHI-ZARU Restaurant in Kamata, Ezaki would revise his H gimmick for the first time since July 22, 2000 for a concert. Ezaki would dye his hair from blonde to gray to bring back his H look from early 2000. SMASH's AKIRA would attend the concert and meet up with Ezaki to talk and take pictures together afterwards.

A 9.0 earthquake would occur on March 11, 2011 in the Tohoku region followed by a tsunami killing thousands and misplacing hundreds of thousands of people along many cities that Hayabusa regularly toured at like Sendai and Iwate. Hayabusa's apartment in Tokyo did not suffer any damage but Hayabusa made it a point to himself right afterwards to try and do whatever he could for the people in the Tohoku region. Hayabusa would get a collection plate and begin singing on the streets of Tokyo to help earn as much as money as he could for the people devastated by the earthquake and tsunami. He would also announce that his next concert on March 29th at the AFR Yokohama would be postponed as a result of the disaster.

March 31, 2011 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would attend SMASH's show at Korakuen Hall and meet with long time friend Sabu after the show. Hayabusa and Sabu would hug and talk about the earthquake and the Nuclear Power Plant problems that occurred as a result of the earthquake which brought Sabu great fear when coming back to Japan but knowing he had to honor his already booked appearance.

May 5, 2011 would mark the 20th Anniversary of Eiji Ezaki's debut in pro-wrestling. Hayabusa would spend the day in Fukushima at a event called Kickout which was to help feed the homeless effected by the Tohoku Earthquake. Hayabusa would end up releasing a different t-shirt for every month of the year as well as a new mask the number 20 on it to symbolize the anniversary.

May 10, 2011 at the Yokohama AFR, the Phoenix Music Fiesta that had been scheduled for March 29th but had been postponed due to the Tohoku Earthquake would take place. Megumi Kudo would appear at the concert and meet with Hayabusa for the first time in around ten years and first time since FMW had closed down and Hayabusa had become paralyzed. Hayabusa and Megumi Kudo would have a talk segment at the beginning show discussing their time in FMW from the early days to NEO-FMW when both Hayabusa and Kudo were responsible for keeping FMW going after Onita's Retirement up to Megumi Kudo retirement. Ricky Fuji, Command Bolshoi, and Ichiro Yaguchi would also end up performing at the concert with wrestlers Takashi Sasaki, Miwa Sato, and Taiji Ishimori in the crowd watching the show. Hayabusa, Megumi Kudo, and Ricky Fuji would take pictures after the show together for the first time years with both Kudo and Ricky drunk. 

June 30, 2011 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would appear among the crowd during the Dick Togo Retirement Match against Gedo. Although Togo and Gedo would brawl right in front of Hayabusa during the match when it was time for Togo's Retirement Ceremony following the match and Hayabusa's name would be called out to deliver flowers and say to Togo it would shock Togo not knowing that Hayabusa would there. Hayabusa and Togo would pose for pictures before Togo would go back to the ring for the ceremony.

July 17, 2011 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring, Hayabusa would attend the Meteor Mask Fiesta which would be the Retirement show for the Masked Superstar Bill Eadie. After the incredibly hot show, Hayabusa would go drinking with Yoshiaki Fujiwara with Fujiwara stating that he wanted to have a match with Hayabusa and did not mind waiting for him as he was going to be old anyway with Hayabusa feeling very honored that the legendary wrestler would want to have a match with him. 

July 23, 2011 at the Kumamoto Circulation Information Hall, an event called "The Triumph Return of Hayabusa vs. Mr. Gannosuke Talk Live" would take place. It would be a talk show with Hayabusa and Gannosuke talking about starting their careers with FMW to the audience and then followed it up by answering questions from the audience. The sponsor of the event was Yoshinori Murata the long time Hayabusa and Mr. Gannosuke friend and also from the area and famous for making a lot of money off creating an Antonio Inoki bronze statue in the 90's would include himself wearing a Hayabusa mask during the talk show and announce that he had made enough Hayabusa and Mr. Gannosuke bronze statues of themselves to circulate and sell them at Hayabusa's concerts and Gannosuke's own promoted wrestling shows.

August 27, 2011 at the Osaka Prefectural Gym # 2, Hayabusa would return to the Osaka building for the first time since October 13, 2001 for Nanjyo Hayato's debut promotion called FFF. The show would be a nostalgic FMW show with many former FMW wrestlers on the undercard including Megumi Kudo, Mammoth Sasaki, Flying Kid Ichihara, Bad Nurse Nakamura, and Battle Ranger Z with the main event consisting of Atsushi Onita, The Great Sasuke, and Nanjyo Hayato against W*ING Kanemura, Magnitude Kishiwada, and Ricky Fuji in a Barbed wire Street Fight Death Match. Hayabusa would come out to watch the main event and take pictures with Nanjyo and Kudo around ringside and then afterwards  take pictures with many other former FMW wrestlers including Atsushi Onita who had not seen since 2003. 

It would be announced that another Mil Mascaras Mask Fiesta would be taking place in October 2011 this time at Korakuen Hall. Hayabusa would not only be booked for the show like last year but also get to book his own match for the show. Hayabusa would book the match of three of his good friends consisting of Jinsei Shinzaki, The Great Sasuke, and Genichiro Tenryu revising his role as Big Hayabusa against Kensuke Sasaki, Prince Devitt, and El Samurai. Hayabusa and Tenryu with the Hayabusa mask on would get together in September 2011 and take part in a interview for Pro-Wrestling Weekly discussing many different things including FMW and Atsushi Onita. 

October 6, 2011 at the Yokohama AFR, another Hayabusa Music Fiesta would take place this time with many different wrestlers on the show including Mr. Gannosuke, Ricky Fuji, Megumi Kudo, Ichiro Yaguchi, MASU-ME, and Command Bolshoi. Hayabusa while standing up would perform a song along with his long time friend Mr. Gannosuke while Tetsuhiro Kuroda would be in the audience watching the show. Afterwards, a group picture would take place as it was the first time in years the group of Hayabusa, Mr. Gannosuke, Megumi Kudo, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and Ricky Fuji had been together in the same room.

October 7, 2011 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa before the show would get to meet and take pictures with Kensuke Sasaki's wife Akira Hokuto who toured with Hayabusa while in Mexico together in EMLL in 1994 as well as his child hood favorite Mil Mascaras once again. 

The Hayabusa Productions match of Big Hayabusa, Jinsei Shinzaki, and The Great Sasuke taking on Kensuke Sasaki, Prince Devitt, and El Samurai would have Hayabusa commentating for Samurai TV during the match as Big Hayabusa would end up getting the win with the Texas Cloverleaf. After the main event of the show, all the wrestlers would get in the ring when Hayabusa's "Fight with Dream" would begin to play as Hayabusa would head towards the ring. Hayabusa would get out of his wheel chair and with the assistance of many of the wrestlers holding open the ropes he would manage to get in the ring. It would be the first time since his injury almost exactly 10 years earlier on October 22, 2001 that he had stepped foot in a ring notably Korakuen Hall the same building the accident occurred. Hayabusa would first take pictures along side Genichiro Tenryu as Big Hayabusa and then get in the middle next to Mil Mascaras and Dos Caras for group pictures of everybody from the show. It would bring back child hood memories as Hayabusa would be right next to not only Mil Mascaras his first favorite wrestler as a child but also next to Satoru Sayama as Tiger Mask his favorite wrestler as a teenager as he had an amazing time that night. 

Hayabusa, Masato Tanaka, and Mr. Gannosuke would on Samurai TV's Battle*Men together on December 24, 2011 for a three minute discussion. Tanaka would bring his IWGP Intercontinental Championship that he had recently won and the three would talk about their days in FMW together in the brief segment. 

February 22, 2012 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would appear along side with politician Kota Matsuda at the event "Creation of STRONG TOKYO". Hayabusa would do the first segment as he did a speech and then followed that up by singing two of his songs. Matsuda then did the last two segments talking about his campaign and ways to improve Tokyo post the Tohoku Earthquake.

Hayabusa would attend a one year anniversary rally of the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11, 2012 by the Yotsukura Train Station in Iwaki, Fukushima which was one of the harder hit areas of the disaster. The rally which saw people distribute shampoo, conditioner, and school bags to people still homeless and living in tents from the disaster was entitled "Kick Out". They held a moment of silence at 2:46 PM when the Earthquake hit. They also had a candle light visual in memory of the people that lost their lives and Hayabusa sang a song that he wrote following the Earthquake. 

Hayabusa would attend Kamata High School near his apartment on March 15, 2012 and would do a question and answer with the students of the school with many students asking why was he wearing a pink mask. Hayabusa would then perform a song from his CD. Hayabusa would then meet up with Kyoko Inoue and Tetsuhiro Kuroda later that night for dinner.

Hayabusa returned to Mexico for the time since his injury as he would come along with Kensuke Sasaki's Diamond Ring promotion as well as NOSAWA Rongai and his girlfriend Io Shirai. Hayabusa would attend the Lucha Fan Fest V that was held on May 19, 2012. Hayabusa would arrive and although was very jet lagged would go sight seeing the ancient pyramids as well into the town where he was serenaded by a Mariachi band. Hayabusa would attend the Fan Fest and meet with the fans and took pictures. He would also meet and take pictures alongside his childhood hero Mil Mascaras as well as brother Dos Caras. He would sing one of his songs at the show. Hayabusa would then find out after returning about NOSAWA Rongai who had come along with them on the trip would be arrested for bringing back marijuana in picture frames that fans had given them on the trip. NOSAWA would call Hayabusa and apologize and swear to him that he was set up. Hayabusa would believe his friend even though NOSAWA's track record would not be the best. It would turn out that Takuya Sugi who was known as Yoshitune in Michinoku Pro had framed NOSAWA by plating the drugs in his picture framed to get back at NOSAWA. 

June 23, 2012 at the Head Rock Cafe in Takadanobaba, Tokyo, Hayabusa would hold his first show at DJ Namijin's restaurant with Ricky Fuji in attendance. Namijin who was a big time FMW and Hayabusa fan was also a Indy Rock music producer and had included Hayabusa and many of the other FMW wrestlers in a music video he did back in August 2001. Hayabusa would sing songs from his CD with stories in between each song. Ricky would sing one song with him and Hayabusa would close out the show by singing John Lennon's Stand by Me in English which can be found by clicking here. The show would be a success and Hayabusa would continue to routinely perform there as one of his three regular venues along with UOYA and KUSHI-ZARU which were near his home in Kamata, Tokyo. 

August 9, 2012 at the Tokyo Ryogoku Sumo Hall, Hayabusa would attend backstage at a WWE show as a present by John Laurinatis. Hayabusa would meet with Alberto Del Rio whose father Dos Caras had become great friends with Hayabusa over the years as well Rey Mysterio, Jr. who trained with Hayabusa when he first started learning the Lucha Libre style back in 1993 at Rey Mysterio, Sr.'s training school in Tijuana, Mexico. 

September 1, 2012 in Shinbashi, Tokyo, Megumi Kudo would run a small FMW reunion show along Hayabusa, Ricky Fuji, and Combat Toyoda called Happy Share With. The event would start with them discussing the days of when they were all wrestling for FMW in the 1990's.  They then took turns playing music as it first started with Hayabusa and his guitarist Fumi Taguchi singing alongside Ricky Fuji and his band The Heavyweighters. Hayabusa and Megumi Kudo would then sing together with Hayabusa matches playing in the background. All the wrestlers then took pictures with one another as well as the fans getting to take pictures with all the wrestlers as well.

October 8, 2012 at the Tokyo Ropponagi Belle Salle, Hayabusa would be in his first official and final match of his career. Kyoko Inoue would be celebrating her 25th Anniversary of her career. Inoue would wrestle 25 matches with one minute time limits. She would face three men out of the 25 and the first two would be Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Ricky Fuji before Hayabusa would come to the ring in his wheelchair. Hayabusa during the one minute of their match would get on the microphone and talk to Kyoko Inoue before delivering his signature catchphrase "Lets have some fun!" before the one minute time limit would expire. Hayabusa afterwards would come out along with many of her other opponents to celebrate the accomplishment of his friend.

November 7, 2012 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would attend the Lucha Fiesta 2012 show put on to celebrate Ultimo Dragon's 25 year career. Dragon who was a big help to Hayabusa in Mexico and helped him get into CMLL would come out to present flowers to Dragon during the show as they would pose for pictures together.

December 15, 2012 at the Tokyo Shinjuku Sound Creek Doppo, Hayabusa would again participate in Megumi Kudo's Happy Share With event. Hayabusa and Combat Toyoda would again appear for the show with Dump Matsumoto making a surprise appearance for the show. Megumi Kudo and Combat Toyoda would dress up in Christmas attire and Hayabusa and Kudo would sing a song together while Toyoda would clap on. Kudo would then cut cake for everyone in attendance for the fun show.

May 5, 2013 in Takadanobaba, Tokyo, Hayabusa would return for a concert with Mr. Gannosuke being a surprise guest for the show. Hayabusa and Gannosuke along with Fumi Taguchi and Sana Sakura who were musicians for Hayabusa would sing songs with him while Gannosuke would sit and watch the show and towards the end they would bring a cake out to celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of Hayabusa making his debut in FMW. 

May 11, 2013 at Budokan Hall, Hayabusa would appear at Kenta Kobashi's Retirement show. Hayabusa would come out to open the show and do speech on stage and would tell the crowd "Welcome to Budokan. It was Budokan in which I received Kobashi's chop for the first time. That pain still gives me strength to fight against my injury. Let me announce that Final Burning starts. Let's have some fun!" backstage Hayabusa would be interviewed where he would state "Kobashi's comebacks from various injuries have encouraged me incredibly. Today I wanted to let Kobashi know that I can still fight thanks to you. When I was in tough times while in FMW, I watched Kobashi's matches and thought I might be able to change my life if I'd be given an opportunity to have a match with him. His matches were that inspirational. He in fact gave me the opportunity without a hesitation when I challenged him in All Japan and I still appreciate him for it." Hayabusa and Kobashi would pose together for a picture after the show. 

June 22, 2013 at the Tokyo Shinjuku Sound Creek Doppom, Hayabusa, Megumi Kudo, and Masato Tanaka would participate in Megumi Kudo's fourth and final Happy Share With event. Hayabusa vs. Masato Tanaka from May 5, 2000 along with Megumi Kudo's Anthology video would be playing in the background as Hayabusa, Masato Tanaka, and Megumi Kudo would celebrate Masato Tanaka's 20th Anniversary in wrestling. They would discuss mostly 1993 era of FMW when Tanaka first got started as they would discuss Onita, The Sheik and Tarzan Goto during those days. Ricky Fuji and Mr. Pogo videos would also be played celebrating Tanaka's 20 years. Hayabusa would end up singing several songs before every fan would get to come up and take pictures as well as have a Masato Tanaka 20th Anniversary cake with the crowd popping streamers to end the show. 

July 17, 2013 at Korakuen Hall, a special event for Naohiro Hoshikawa's 20th Anniversary show would take place put on by the ZERO1 promotion. Hoshikawa had suffered brain damage back on October 17, 2004 from repeated blows to the head by Tatsuhito Takaiwa followed by a Death Valley Bomb off a cage. Hayabusa would come to the ring and comment that he was asked to come the day of the show so he didn't have much notice but was glad to get to see that Hoshikawa had improved a lot since he had last seen him when he went to visit Hoshikawa in a Sapporo hospital after the injury. All the ZERO1 wrestlers watched the match from ringside and all gathered in the ring to take a group picture with Hoshikawa. Hayabusa would turn down coming into the ring with everyone as it would be too much trouble for him to get through the ropes while everyone celebrate Naohiro Hoshikawa's career.

October 1, 2013 Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would perform at the Nagaharu Imai Memorial Show on October 1, 2013 at Korakuen Hall. The show was put on by many promotions to honor the late Imai who was the ring announcer for both All Japan Women's and Big Japan. Hayabusa who performed along with Ichiro Yaguchi and JWP's Command Bolshoi mentioned that it was very emotional when performing as it was the first time he was singing in honor of someone who had just died recently. 

November 11, 2013 at the KUSHI-ZARU in Kamata, Tokyo, Hayabusa would celebrate his birthday two weeks earlier as he would receive a cake and blow out the candles following a show. He would then receive a cake on November 17, 2013 after a show in Umeyashiki with his likeness placed on the cake to celebrate his 45th Birthday. He would hold a concert on his actual birthday of November 29, 2013 at Chocoball Mukai's Chocoball Family Bar in Shinjuku, Tokyo. 

December 4, 2013 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would attend Tokyo Gurentai's "Tokyo Dream 2013" show. Hayabusa would have a specialized Dos Caras style mask made for the show. Dos Caras would wrestle his Japanese Retirement Match on the show as Caras and his brother Mil Mascaras would defeat NOSAWA Rongai and MAZADA in the main event of the show. Hayabusa would meet with Caras backstage at the show and take pictures with him as Hayabusa would have a special bond with both Mascaras and Caras over the years where they would exchange Christmas cards with one another every year. 

January 31, 2014 in Roppongi, Tokyo. Hayabusa would appear on a talk show called "Everybody's Olympic Games and the Paralympics" with psychiatrist Ms. Rika Kayama and former judo expert Ms. Kaori Yamaguchi. They would talk about how being handicap was a shameful thing in the Edo period of Japan and some of those customs still remain to this day. Hayabusa would state that there are so many things that can still be improved for those who are handicapped like cars and chairs. They talked about how the Paralympics will be held in Tokyo in 2020 and they hope that will change the trend. Hayabusa would state that he felt it was a good thing that a disabled person is accepted by sports and hopes that becomes a model around the world as a result by all people as well.

February 4, 2014 at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring, Hayabusa would be invited to attend Genichiro Tenryu's Tenryu Project show. Hayabusa would watch from a ringside seat as Genichiro Tenryu would return as Big Hayabusa for the first time since October 7, 2011 as he would team with with fellow WAR friend Arashi as well as Dragon JOKER as they would defeat team of former FMW wrestler Masaru Toi, Big Japan's Ryuichi Kawakami, and Kikutaro who would wear bright yellow tights and going by the name Kodo Fuyukitaro as Arashi would put away Fuyukitaro with a Powerbomb for win. Hayabusa would get on the mic and cut a promo to end the show. 

April 17, 2014 in Ikebukuro, Hayabusa would make a surprise appearance at Mr. Gannosuke's Bar in Ikebukuro during the early hours of the night. It was not promoted ahead of time but when Hayabusa told Gannosuke that he was heading over to the bar Gannosuke announced it to everyone over Twitter that Hayabusa would be appearing. Hayabusa would sing, talk, and drink with Gannosuke and everyone at the bar until early in the morning. 

Hayabusa would be challenged on August 20, 2014 to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by politician Kota Matsuda who is also the founder of the Tully's Coffer Japan. Hayabusa would respond the next day on August 21, 2014 while visiting his mother in Yatsuhiro, Kumamoto and would post the video on YouTube that you can find by clicking here. Hayabusa would not challenge anyone although Masato Tanaka did the challenge as well the next day. 

August 25, 2014 in Kumamoto, Hayabusa and Mr. Gannosuke would reunited with Yoshinori Murata for his 80th birthday. Murata's restaurant is where both Hayabusa and Gannosuke would go drinking at while in college in Kumamoto and that is where they would become friends with Murata who was famous for creating a bronze Antonio Inoki statue. Hayabusa and Gannosuke would speak to the fans and then Hayabusa would sing along with Fumi Taguchi and Sana Sakura. Gannosuke would even wear the Hayabusa mask for a portion of the show. They took a group photo together and Hayabusa stated that they hope to do it again the following year.

September 27, 2014 in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Megumi Kudo would put together a FMW 25th Anniversary event with Ken Suzuki as the MC of the event. Kudo's special guest for the show would be Hayabusa. Kudo would come out first and would notice Kumiko Matsuda who also went by Tsuppari Mack in FMW. Kudo called the shy Matsuda up to the front to talk with her for a few minutes. Hayabusa then came out and presented Kudo with flowers. Kudo's birthday was the previous week so she had received many presents from those attending the show. Kudo and Hayabusa would speak for awhile about FMW and answered questions from the fans before ending the show. Hayabusa, Kudo, and Matsuda chatted after the show and took pictures with one another following the event. 

October 12, 2014 at Korakuen Hall, Mr. Gannosuke would return to the ring for the Guts World ending his near 7 year retirement from pro-wrestling. Gannosuke would ask for Hayabusa's permission about returning to the ring as he did not want to upset his friend for returning after Hayabusa had attended his retirement ceremony back in 2008. Hayabusa would give Gannosuke the okay to return to the ring and continue being an active wrestler. 

December 11, 2014 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would attend NOSAWA Rongai's Tokyo Gurentai show. Hayabusa would not appear in front of the crowd, but he would get to see Mil Mascaras and Terry Funk and posed for pictures with him. This would be the first time that Hayabusa would see Terry Funk for the first time since 1999. 

January 22, 2015 at the Niiza Rikkyo Senior High School in Saitama, Hayabusa would attend Rika Kayama's Philosophy class for a guest lecture. Kayama who is a psychiatrist as well as Pro Wrestling Weekly's Fumi Saito's wife would invite Hayabusa to discuss with the class pro-wrestling and the philosophy of how close to real life it is. Hayabusa would then pose for pictures with the classmates afterwards.

April 3, 2015 in Shinagawa, Gotanda, Tokyo, Hayabusa would attend a press conference for the brand new Super Battle FMW promotion. Gotanda, Tokyo was symbolic because that is where the original FMW's office use to be held. The old FMW logo banner would be set up as Hayabusa, Hideki Takahashi, KAI, and Yukihide Ueno would attend the press conference. Takahashi who use to work for FMW would be the President of the promotion and would be bringing back the FMW name after 13 years. Hayabusa would state that he could not give Takahashi an answer at first after he had asked him to join the FMW. But after Takahashi had brought in Onita then Hayabusa knew it would not be a cheap poor imitation of FMW like some of the other restarts had been previously. Hayabusa would state he would do as much cooperation as he could and that it would not be just an nostalgic promotion but it would be a creation of a new FMW. Hayabusa would not have an exact role with the company but he would attend all the shows in Tokyo where he would do a speech to start the show or sing to the crowd a song and would be able to sign the FMW name after his signature for the first time since 2001. 

May 5, 2015 at the Head Rock Restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo, Hayabusa would hold a concert at DJ Namijin's new restaurant location for his concert to celebrate his 24th Anniversary in Pro-Wrestling and the 20th Anniversary of his match against Atsushi Onita. Hayabusa would be given a small cake to blow out the candles after the show to celebrate the biggest date of Hayabusa's professional wrestling career. 

June 15, 2015 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would be invited by Jinsei Shinzaki to attend the Michinoku Pro and watch from a front row seat. Hayabusa and Shinzaki would meet up before the show and talk as Hayabusa would consider Shinzaki his best friend throughout the years of him in wrestling.

August 5, 2015 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would appear on a tape segment for a national broadcast telethon special called 24 Hours on Nippon TV for the mental and physically handicapped. The segment would show Hayabusa's music playing and him walking to the ring as Tatsumi Fujinami, Genichiro Tenryu, Kenta Kobashi, Keiji Muto, Ray, as well as his daughters Ayane Ezaki, and Shie Ezaki all in the crowd. Hayabusa would walk to the ring with his crutch and walk up the stairs with help from Mammoth Sasaki and Mr. Gannosuke and  through the ropes with the help of Mr. Gannosuke and Dragon Kid opening them for him. They would then hold a retirement ceremony for Hayabusa with Jinsei Shinzaki ringing the bell 10 times as Hayabusa along with many of the other wrestlers in the crowd would get teary eyed. Hayabusa would state afterwards that the retirement ceremony was more of a symbol of a fresh start as he was not actually retiring from professional wrestling but it was more for the emotion of the television show.

August 23, 2015 at Budokan Hall, Hayabusa would walk on stage with his cane on stage live following the 24 Hours Telethon airing his segment. Hayabusa would sing a song with one of the hosts of the show to close the segment out on him as it would gain Hayabusa the most mainstream attention since his accident and the video would end up going viral online. 

Hayabusa would return to Kumamoto on September 5, 2015 to visit his mother as well as attend a big regional concert called Kumamoto Night with him as one of the many singers on the show. Hayabusa would also spend time to visit the Kumamoto Castle which is one of the most iconic features of the area which he had visited many times growing up and would even joke that it was his castle while taking a picture along side it. 

While visiting his hometown region of the Kumamoto area, Hayabusa would attend a Kumamoto Elementary School on September 8, 2015 to speak and sing to the children. One of Hayabusa's old teachers was now the principal of the school. Hayabusa would speak to the children about reaching for their dreams like he had. Hayabusa would then sing songs to the children and then sit down and have lunch with them. The children would send thank you letters afterwards and mail them to Hayabusa for coming to their school. Hayabusa attending the school would make the local Kumamoto paper for his appearance. 

October 8, 2015 at the Shinjuku FACE, Hayabusa would appear for Ray's promoted show which would see Ray who had sang with Hayabusa before and who based her costume and mask off Hayabusa wrestle in a Death Match on the show. Hayabusa would start the show off by singing to the crowd. He would also get to see Sabu once again as the two would hug and take a picture together.

November 15, 2015 at the Ryogoku Sumo Hall, Hayabusa would attend Genichiro Tenryu's Retirement show backstage. He would not make an appearance in front of the crowd but he would get to see old friends Manukea Mossman, Terry Funk, Stan Hansen, Mammoth Sasaki, Gedo and Onryo as well as get to meet Kazuchika Okada.. He also got to meet with Tenryu and take a picture with him as well as Tenryu's only other gimmick for his career was as Big Hayabusa. 

November 29, 2015 at the UOYA Resturuant in Ota, Tokyo, Hayabusa would hold a concert on his birthday with Mammoth Sasaki and Ray attending the concert and singing songs along with him. After the show, Hayabusa would be presented a birthday cake which he would dive his face into to begin eating it. 

December 1, 2015 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would appear for the Wrestle-1 promotion as he would participate in a 3 Way Talk with NOSAWA Rongai and Keiji Muto to start the show. It would start with just Hayabusa and NOSAWA as Muto would be stuck in traffic with Hayabusa talking to NOSAWA about how they became good drinking friends while in Mexico in 2012 before Keiji Muto would make it to the ring and they would begin talking about Keiji Muto's 30 years in pro-wrestling before posing for pictures together.  

December 22, 2015 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would open the show coming out in his wheel chair. This would be the first time that Hayabusa would be returning to Korakuen Hall under a promotion with the FMW name since his accident 14 years earlier. Hayabusa would stand up with the help of his cane and be given the mic to thank the fans for showing up and do his "Lets have some fun!" catchphrase to start the show.

February 26, 2016 at Korakuen Hall, Hayabusa would appear at Korakuen Hall for the Super Battle FMW promotion once again as he would come out in his wheel chair and then stand up and do his opening speech before saying "Lets have some fun!" as his theme song would begin to play once again as he would exit. He would get to see his familiar friends at the gimmick table like Masato Tanaka, NOSAWA, Ricky Fuji, and Sabu who would kiss him on the cheek after saying goodbye to him. The show would mark 25 years to the day of Eiji Ezaki first time appearing at Korakuen Hall back on February 26, 1991 and his first time ever appearing as an employee of a wrestling company in FMW which would follow by getting punched Tarzan Goto that night for laughing at El Pandita's match. This would also tragically be Hayabusa's last appearance at Korakuen Hall and his last appearance to the public. 

The life of Eiji Ezaki would come to a sudden and tragic end in the early hours of March 3, 2016 in his apartment in Kamata, Tokyo. Ezaki would wake up around midnight to him heavily bleeding. Blood would begin to pour out of his nose and he would then begin vomiting blood violently until he would fall unconscious and pass away from losing so much blood. Ezaki had suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the middle of the night due to a blood thinner he was taking to prevent the possibility of a heart attack that he was at a higher risk for due to his common immobility. The hemorrhage had resulted in the bleeding of his brain with the blood gushing out.

Ezaki would have no chance to survive the hemorrhage living alone although he would have had only a 25% chance to survive if he had been taken to the emergency room right away and he even if he had survived it, his quality of life would have gone through a major decline for the rest of it.  

Eiji Ezaki's lifeless body would remain in his bed for the entire day of March 3, 2016. Ezaki had promised to meet with Masato Kawamura of the KUSHI-ZARU restaurant that night to discuss the concert that was scheduled at Kawamura's on March 7, 2016. After Ezaki did not show up to Kawamura's restaurant that night and did not respond to any of Kawamura's texts he would start to get worried. Kawamura would close the restaurant for the night at 2:00 AM on March 4, 2016. Kawamura would then go by Ezaki's apartment afterwards which was close by to check on him. Kawamura would open Ezaki's door as Ezaki had kept it unlock due to the difficulty of locking a door while paralyzed. Kawamura would see Ezaki's wheel chair by his bed room in the living room so he knew that Ezaki was there. Kawamura would then open the bed room door to see the a horrendous scene. Ezaki's body laid there on his bed with his entire body covered in blood. The walls along the side the bed were also covered in blood as well. Kawamura would scream at Ezaki asking if he was okay but when touching his body would realize his body had already have gone through Rigor Mortis. Kawamura would call 911 right away as well as Ezaki's daughters Ayane and Shie. Ayane and Shie would rush over in the middle of the night after the calls to their fathers apartment. They would get there but his there were already a ton of police officers as well as the paramedics as  they would get the news that their father Eiji Ezaki had passed away at the age of 47. 

Ayane would visit her mother Harumi the next morning to inform her that Ezaki that had passed away. Harumi would begin to break down at the news of her ex husband and father of her children having passed away.

Tokyo Sports would report the news of Hayabusa's death a little after 12:30 PM on March 4, 2016. Wrestlers from Japan, America, Mexico, and all over the world would post on Twitter and other social media sites about their sadness of Eiji Ezaki passing away including close friends Mr. Gannosuke and Masato Tanaka. New Japan, All Japan, Michinoku Pro, Dragon Gate, ZERO1, DDT, Wrestle-1, Super Fireworks, 666, Underground Pro, Lucha Underground, Guts World, and Big Japan would all honor Hayabusa. Hayabusa's name would also get mentioned at WWE's WrestleMania after Kalisto would wrestle in a costume that was designed as a tribute to Hayabusa. 

March 5, 2016 at the Tokyo Takeshiba Colosseum, a conference would be held by Super Battle FMW's Yoshiyuki Yamakon along with Atsushi Onita and Ichiro Yaguchi. Onita would talk about first meeting Eiji Ezaki in 1991 as this young kid from Kumamoto who could throw a good drop kick. It would be stated that Hayabusa's goal of walking to the ring unassisted in his Hayabusa costume was in the plans for Super Battle FMW's show on May 5, 2017 at Kawasaki Stadium even though Hayabusa had originally stated to me it would be 2018 before announcing it a year later to the media that it would be in 2019. Yamakon would state that the show will be a One Year Memorial for Hayabusa. 

March 7, 2016 at the KUSHI-ZARU Restaurant in Kamata, the scheduled concert for Hayabusa would be used as a tribute to him. Masato Kawamura would place a framed picture of Hayabusa on the chair where he would be sitting usually for his concert with a microphone placed next to it as Masahiko would play his guitar and all the people attending the show would be given the lyrics of the songs to sing out loud during the show. 

Eiji Ezaki's body would be transferred to Kumamoto at the wishes of his mother. The funeral for Eiji Ezaki would take place on March 8, 2016 in Kumamoto. Mr. Gannosuke, Mammoth Sasaki, and Dragon Kid would be the only wrestlers to attend in the private ceremony. His daughters Ayane and Shie would attend also although Harumi would decide to not attend. Mr. Gannosuke and Eiji Ezaki's brother Takanori would be the speakers for the funeral. Everyone attending would begin to cry as they would open up the casket to show Ezaki's face as it would look like he was just simply sleeping. Everyone begin to cry again as Gannosuke during his eulogy would go up to Ezaki and begin to break down as he said goodbye to his friend of 29 years. Ezaki's brother Takanori would speak in memory of his brother as well during the funeral. Ezaki's body following would be cremated and his ashes would be placed in a urn as a shrine would be created at his mothers house in Kumamoto. 

March 22, 2016 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring, Mr. Gannosuke would wrestle his first match following Hayabusa passing away. Gannosuke would face off against Tatsuhiko Yoshino and would use the Falcon Arrow in tribute to Hayabusa before defeating Yoshino. Gannosuke would shout "This is for you Eiji!" Gannosuke who had brought a Hayabusa t-shirt to the ring would hug it afterwards and then end the show on the mic by screaming Hayabusa's signature closing line of "Lets have some fun!" as Hayabusa's theme music would begin to play.

Eiji Ezaki's hometown of Yatsushiro, Kumamoto would get hit hard by a devastating Earthquake on April 14, 2016 and get a devastating main shock April 16, 2016. Ezaki's mothers house where his urn would lay would get hit hard by the tremors but her house would remain standing unlike many of the other houses and buildings surrounding her. 

April 20, 2016 would mark 49 days of Eiji Ezaki's passing. This date would be symbolic for Ezaki who was Buddhist as the Buddhists believe that the 49 days after death is time when the spirit is checking its consciousness and digesting its karma. Buddhist teachings are that Ji Jang Bosal helps the dead perceive their karma so when they return they are reborn to help this world, rather than continue in the cycle of birth and death.

April 27, 2016 at Korakuen Hall, a shrine would be setup in memory of Hayabusa to allow the public to honor Hayabusa since his funeral had been private and in all the way in Kumamoto. Hayabusa's brother Takanori would bring the urn of Hayabusa and place it in the middle between a bronze Hayabusa statue that Yoshinori Murata had created and a special goal 25th Anniversary Hayabusa mask placed under a framed Hayabusa photo. A special Hayabusa costume that he would wear to the ring on special occasions would also be placed on top of his wheel chair as fans would be allow to lay flowers out in memory of Ezaki. Jinsei Shinzaki, Mr. Gannosuke, Naomichi Marufuji, Mohammed Yone, Ichiro Yaguchi, Ray, Command Bolshoi, Mitsuhiro Matsunaga, Kamui, and Mammoth Sasaki would all attend the memorial as songs sung by Hayabusa would be played over the speaker. Jinsei Shinzaki would speak to the crowd and state that he looks forward to meeting Ezaki again one day. Mr. Gannosuke would then follow as he would begin crying while thanking Ezaki for being his life long rival which pushed him to always want to do better. Ezaki's brother Takanori would then speak and then Ezaki's daughters Ayane and Shie would ask for their father to watch over them with warmth. The shrine would be open for several more hours to allow fans to come by and take pictures and place flowers in memory of Eiji Ezaki. 

Hayabusa's Retirement Ceremony would take place in the middle of the Super Battle FMW show on April 27, 2016 at Korakuen Hall. Original FMW women wrestlers Megumi Kudo, Combat Toyoda, Crusher Maedomari, Rie Nakamura, Yukie Nabeno, Keiko Iwami, and Miwa Sato. Megumi Kudo would read a letter to Hayabusa. "Hayabusa your departure was too sudden. The days spending together on tour are irreplaceable and precious memories to us. Among the Death Match style of FMW you built your own style. We had a prominent dream that you would lead the world of pro-wrestling. It is important to continue the dream and the true strength and tenderness you taught us Hayabusa. You are a Super Star in the world of pro-wrestling definitely. We dream of a return and if that dream does not come true then there would be no doubt regret. But because of you and your friends including Onita there will always be prosperity of the future in the world of professional wrestling. In addition your home in Kumamoto has been hit by an unfortunate earthquake. I think there will be an inheritance of your pro-wrestling love to everybody while delivering a smile to Japan. I am happy that you gave many years of good work in wrestling. Thank you and good bye Hayabusa." 

Hideki Takahashi would then come to the ring with a framed picture of Hayabusa and there would be a 10 gong salute in the memory of Hayabusa with Megumi Kudo beginning to break down. Toshihiro Yamada who was the FMW ring announcer in 1995 would announce Hayabusa's name one last time as streamers would get thrown in the ring and Hayabusa's theme music would begin to play. Hayabusa would be officially retired from pro-wrestling one week shy of his 25th Anniversary of his debut in pro-wrestling. 

Eiji Ezaki's death really ripped into my heart. The years I have spent following his career. The emotional attachment to someone that I had spent hours upon hours writing and collecting every little bit of information I could about him. The hours I put into researching everything from his career to his personal life these last two months have been the best therapy I could possibly give myself on dealing with a death of someone despite only meeting several times meant so much to me. I was honored to have met Eiji Ezaki four times and three of the times in 2008, 2012, and 2013 really got to just sit and talk with him and ask him anything I could think of. It really meant a lot to me and means even more now that he is gone and I really and truly miss him and hope this biography of his life and career was a suitable tribute to the memory of Hayabusa.

Eiji Ezaki's Title History

PCWF Florida Heavyweight Championship

Defeated: Navy Seal 2/95
Lost to: Randy Fuller 4/6/95

FMW Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Championship

Defeated Hisakatsu Oya 6/27/95
Lost to: Vacated on 6/27/95

FMW 6 Man Street Fight Titles w/ Masato Tanaka & Koji Nakagawa

Defeated: The Gladiator & Hisakatsu Oya & Mr. Gannosuke 8/31/97
Lost to: Atsushi Onita & Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Hido 10/14/97

FMW 6 Man Street Fight Titles w/ Masato Tanaka & Hisakatsu Oya

Defeated: Atsushi Onita & Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Hido 12/20/97
Lost to: Mr. Gannosuke & Yukihiro Kanemura & Jado 1/16/98 

FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Championship w/ Masato Tanaka

Defeated: Kodo Fuyuki & Hido 4/17/98
Lost to: Kodo Fuyuki & Yukihiro Kanemura 5/27/98

FMW Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Championship

Defeated: Mr. Gannosuke 4/30/98
Lost to: Kodo Fuyuki 11/20/98 

FMW Independent Heavyweight Championship

Defeated: Mr. Gannosuke 4/30/98
Lost to: Kodo Fuyuki 11/20/98

FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Championship w/ Daisuke Ikeda

Defeated: Kodo Fuyuki & Yukihiro Kanemura 10/26/98
Lost to: Vacated in 1/99

All Japan All Asian Tag Team Championship w/ Jinsei Shinzaki

Defeated: Tamon Honda & Jun Izumida 2/13/99
Lost to: Takao Omori & Yoshihiro Takayama 6/4/99 

FMW Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Championship

Defeated: Yukihiro Kanemura 8/23/99
Lost to: Vacated on 8/25/99

WEW Tag Team Championship w/ Mr. Gannosuke

Defeated: Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Hisakatsu Oya 12/1/99
Lost to: Kodo Fuyuki & Kyoko Inoue 2/25/00

WEW 6 Man Tag Team Championship w/ Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Hisakatsu Oya

Defeated: Kodo Fuyuki & Kyoko Inoue & Chocoball Mukai 6/26/00
Lost to: Kodo Fuyuki & Mr. Gannosuke & Shinjuku Shark 9/15/00 

WEW World Heavyweight Championship

Defeated: Tetsuhiro Kuroda 5/22/01
Lost to: Kintaro Kanemura 8/11/01

WEW 6 Man Tag Team Championship w/ Tetsuhiro Kuroda & GOEMON

Defeated: Kintaro Kanemura & Kodo Fuyuki & Mr. Gannosuke 9/9/01
Lost to: Vacated on 11/5/01

WEW Tag Team Championship w/ Tetsuhiro Kuroda 

Defeated: Mr. Gannosuke & Mammoth Sasaki 10/9/01
Lost to: Vacated on 11/5/01

Every result of Eiji Ezaki's career as Hayabusa and H in Japan from 4/16/94 to 10/8/12 can be located at  

Pictures of Hayabusa's trip to America in 2006 can be found at

I wrote a Memorial on Hayabusa giving details of Hayabusa's death, comments and tributes by other wrestlers and companies, and my interactions with Hayabusa which can be found at 

Hayabusa/H's Record from 4/16/94 to 10/8/12.

Single Matches: 77-19-7
Tag Team Matches: 264-278-6
Getting the pinfall and being pinned in tag match record: 195-34
Overall: 341-297-13

Last Updated 5/5/2016