Added: 12/31
Masahiro Sase promoted his retirement show on December 19, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where he would announce a crowd of 220 fans for the show. The main event would have Sase teaming up with Masato Tanaka to take Jun Kasai and NOSAWA Rongai in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat and Barbed wire Board Death Match. Kasai would get busted up early in the match and Sase would lay Kasai on the table on the outside with Sase diving off the top turnbuckle to the outside to send Kasai through the table. Sase would end up meeting NOSAWA in the ring and NOSAWA would throw Sase into the barbed wire board in the corner of the ring. NOSAWA would then grab a guitar and smash it over Sase's head. Atsushi Onita would then appear and grab Kasai who was still on the outside after going through the table and toss him into the crowd. Onita and Sase would then take Kasai outside the building with Onita turning on the exploding barbed wire bat and handing the bat to Sase who would smash it against Kasai for the explosion. Onita and Sase would head back to the ring with Onita grabbing NOSAWA and delivering a Thunder Fire Powerbomb for the first time since retirement. Onita would then make the cover and the referee for some reason would start to make the count but NOSAWA would still kick out. Sase would then grab a chair and smash it over NOSAWA's head. Tanaka and Sase would send NOSAWA into the ropes but NOSAWA would come back and double clothesline both Tanaka and Sase. Kasai would then grab Sase and deliver a Reverse Tiger Driver but Sase would manage to kick out. Kasai would then setup the barbed wire board on top of Sase and hit his Pearl Harbor Splash to pick up the win at 19 minutes, 20 seconds over Sase. Sase would cut a promo afterwards about his retirement and begin crying. Onita would then take the mic as Sase's family would enter the ring and would cut his usual promo before all the wrestlers on the show would come in the ring and pick up Sase and toss him in the air for his retirement ceremony.
The semi-main event of the show had Kotaro Suzuki, Keiichi Sato, and Tomonori Chiba defeat Tomohiko Hashimoto who was returning after being out the last three months due to a fractured leg, HASEGAWA, and Raiden when Sato pinned Raiden at 13 minutes, 50 seconds with a Fisherman Buster. Naoshi Sano and Saki would win the mixed tag team match at 8 minutes, 32 seconds over Yuya Susumu and Yako Fujigasaki after Saki would KO Fujigasaki with three kicks in a row. The opening match would have a 12 person Battle Royal with Tomoryu getting the win at 5 minutes, 45 seconds after last eliminating Kushinbo Kamen at 5 minutes, 45 seconds with a Neckbreaker.
Atsushi Onita told Tokyo Sports on December 12, 2017 that he was asked by WWE to attend WrestleMania 34 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Onita did not give any details on anything. I would imagine it would have to be for the WWE Hall of Fame but more details will for sure come out as it gets closer to the event.
Atsushi Onita went to see a neck and knee pain doctor in Osaka on December 29, 2017. Many people do not believe Onita will stay retire but he feels he will stay retire just because of how much pain his body is in daily. He struggles to walk up stairs at 60 due to his knees being so bad. The doctor was able to cure the strain in his neck that he had but he also diagnosed Onita as having Adult Scoliosis as his spine is curved abnormally to the left.
Super Battle FMW ran their final show of the year on December 22, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. They announced a crowd of 250 fans for the show and although the only thing I found out was there was for sure at least 34 people there but there was no where close to 250 fans. The main event would have the FMW team of Masato Tanaka, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji take on the team of Kazushi Miyamoto, Nobuhiro Tsurumaki, and Iori Sugawara in a Street Fight. Miyamoto prior to the show had referred to the Super Battle FMW show as a nursing home for all the old FMW wrestlers to stay at. Tanaka and Miyamoto would first go at it with Miyamoto picking up Tanaka and press slamming him before posing. Miyamoto would then grab Tanaka and attempt a Brainbuster but Tanaka would counter by delivering a Brainbuster on him instead. Miyamoto, Tsurumaki, and Sugawara would then gang up and begin triple teaming Tanaka until Hosaka would make it in the ring with a barbed wire bat and smash it over Miyamoto's back. Ricky would then grab Sugawara and deliver a Kamikaze on Tsurumaki as Tanaka, Ricky, and Hosaka would deliver a Triple Powerbomb to Sugawara with Ricky lifting Sugawara up and Tanaka would deliver the Sliding D on Sugawara at 11 minutes, 5 seconds for the win. Miyamoto afterwards would get on the mic and apologize for the nursing home comments he had made and would shake Tanaka's hand in respect. Ricky would then get on the mic and state although Super Battle FMW does not have any wrestlers belonging to the promotion there are still good wrestlers in Tanaka, Hosaka, Kuroda that all can put up a good fight and that is worth getting excited about Super Battle FMW in the new developments of the promotion in 2018. I asked Ricky after the show about any plans for Super Battle FMW in 2018 as there are no shows booked for year yet and he told me he did not know anything about the promotion in 2018.
Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato would defeat Masamune and Tomoya Wolf in the semi-main event on the show at 11 minutes, 37 seconds when Sato would pin Wolf with a Fisherman Buster. Yuji Hino would take on Tetsuhiro Kuroda with Kuroda grabbing Hino and bringing him to the top turnbuckle and Hino tossing Kuroda off the top turnbuckle instead. Hino would charge at Kuroda but would miss and instead get hit with a lariat by Kuroda. Kuroda would then charge at Hino with a lariat again but Hino would catch Kuroda and deliver an exploder followed by a Fucking Bomb at 10 minutes, 50 seconds for the Hino win. Koharu Hinata would take on Saki in the Joshi Match on the show with Hinata getting the win at 7 minutes, 4 seconds with a Backslide. HASEGAWA and Hayate would defeat Tetsuya Nakazato and Takuya Murakami with HASEGAWA getting the win at 9 minutes, 55 seconds with a Diving Footstomp on Murakami. The opening Mini match would have Pretty Ota defeat Buddhaman at 2 minutes, 56 seconds with the Shinkunage.
Jun Kasai promoted his annual Christmas Death Match show on December 25, 2017 at Korakuen Hall drawing an announced 1100 fans for the show which is a good number but down over 200 from the previous show last year. The show did air on Samurai TV on December 30th. The main event of the show would be Jun Kasai challenging Violento Jack for the King of Freedom World Championship which he originally lost to Violento Jack back on July 13, 2016. This would be the third match in the trilogy of the two as Kasai had defeated Jack back on August 28th of this year in a match where he almost lost his finger in the process. The match would be a 300 Fluorescent Light Tube Ring of Pain Death Match with light tubes everywhere. Kasai would bring in a ladder with stack of light tubes connected to it and climb to the top and drop the ladder on Jack with the light tubes shattering against Jack's body. Kasai would then setup a stack of light tubes on a chair and bring Jack to the apron but that would turn out to be a mistake as Jack would fight back and pick up Kasai and deliver a Package Piledriver through a table that also had light tubes connected to it. Jack would grab a beer bottle in a throwback to their August match as Kasai almost lost his finger due to a deep gash by a beer bottle. Jack would go to smash the bottle over Kasai who would move out of the way and Jack would end up smashing the bottle against a ladder causing the glass to break in his hand. Kasai would manage to fight back and setup a stack of lights near Jack's head and would go over to Takashi Sasaki who was at ringside and fist pump before delivering Sasaki's signature Right Leg Kick to the the light tubes breaking across Jack's head. Kasai would then deliver a Pearl Harbor Splash but Jack would manage to kick out at two. Jack would come back with another Package Piledriver on the light tubes before setting up a stack of light tubes on Kasai and deliver a diving body press and breaking the light tubes across Kasai's chest in the process. Jack would then finish Kasai off with a third Package Piledriver to get the win at 19 minutes to successfully defend his King of Freedom World Title for the first time. Takashi Sasaki, GENTARO, Daisuke Masaoka, and Kenji Fukimoto would all come to the ring and challenge for Jack's title with a four way tournament being setup on January 3rd to determine the number one contender for Jack's title.
Daisuke Masaoka would go up against Aero Boy in the semi-main event of the show in a Glass Board Death Match. Masaoka and Aero Boy would start off with a bang as Masaoka would deliver a drop kick to Aero Boy sending him into the glass board with glass shattering everywhere. Masaoka would then setup the other glass board on two chairs and bring Aero Boy to the top turnbuckle. Masaoka would headbutt Aero Boy causing his body to fall down but still maintaining a grasp of the turnbuckle with his legs wrapped around it allowing Aero Boy to pop back up and grab Masaoka and throw him through the other glass board but Masaoka would still manage to kick out at two. Masaoka would end up messing up his knee during the match but would come back with a kick to the head of Aero Boy and deliver a Rokkura Kai followed would end up getting the win at 18 minutes, 31 seconds with the Spanish Fly for the win over Aero Boy. Kenji Fukimoto's mystery opponent would end up being revealed as Mad Dog McCrae from Outback Championship Wrestling in Australia in a Barbed wire Board Gadget Death Match. Fukimoto would start by going after Mad Dog's arm and cutting it open badly leaving blood all over Mad Dog's arm. Mad Dog would escape from Fukimoto and grab a handful of thumbtacks and throw them at Fukimoto's face before pouring thumbtacks over Fukimoto and delivering a powerbomb to Fukimoto on them. Mad Dog would go for a round house kick but Fukimoto would catch his leg and bring to take Mad Dog's boot off leaving him one barefoot the rest of the match. Mad Dog would go for a stomp on Fukimoto's head but Fukimoto would move out of the way resulting in Mad Dog stepping barefoot on the thumbtacks. Fukimoto would deliver a Package Piledriver on Mad Dog with him going headfirst into the thumbtacks and that would be enough for the win at 10 minutes, 41 seconds for Fukimoto.
The Unchain team of Masashi Takeda, Minoru Fujita, and Gunso would defeat Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and Tomoya Hirata who would get bloodied and beaten before Fujita would finish Hirata off at 11 minutes, 53 seconds with a Tombstone Piledriver. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei would defeat Takashi Sasaki and GENTARO in a Tokyo Desert Man on the verge of homelessness Death Match when Kei would end up picking up the pin at 11 minutes, 53 seconds over Sasaki. Yuya Chikara wearing The Joker face paint would team up with Kazma Sakamoto and Chikara as they would defeat Shuji Ishikawa, Kamui, and Dragon Libre in a Falls Count Anywhere Match with Chikara picking up the win at 9 minutes, 13 seconds with a Backdrop on Libre for the win in the opener.
Takashi Sasaki promoted his second all independent promotion show at Korakuen Hall on December 26, 2017 although this show drew much worse than the previous show back in August as Sasaki would announce a crowd of 456 fans which would be the lowest number for any type of FREEDOMS related show at Korakuen Hall and might spell the end of this project. The dark match on the show had Masamune defeat Dragon Libre at 4 minutes, 41 seconds with a Kaminari Kiri with the building almost empty pretty much during this match. The first match of the Country Capturing Tournament had the Dove Pro team of Gunso, brother YASSHI, and Kyohei Kinoshita defeat the DEWA team of Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Aisawa # 1, and Yamada Man Pondo when Gunso would get the win at 9 minutes, 58 seconds with a Body Scissors Sleeper Hold on Kikuchi. The other first round match of the tournament had Kazunori Yoshida, Hiroyuki Kondo, and Takahiro Kator of Eagle Pro defeat the Nagoya team of Kengo Takai, Michio Kageyama, and Grandpa Sho Mask when Kondo would get the submission win at 10 minutes with a Arm Scorpion over Grandpa. Masashi Takeda would team up with Kamui who was replacing Daisuke Masaoka who had injured his knee the night before as they would defeat the PUZZLE team of Battle Bear and Fighting Fish when Kamui would hit the Fire Bird Splash on at 9 minutes, 48 seconds for the win over Fighting Fish. Mammoth Sasaki, GENTARO, and Toru Sugiura would defeat the Kumamoto based team of Mt. Aso, Tsuchiya Crazy, and Rising Hayato in a non tournament after Mammoth would finish off Hayato at 9 minutes, 18 seconds with an Awesome Bomb.
The first semi-final match of the tournament had the Dove Pro team once again advance as Gunso, brother YASSHI, and Kyohei Kinoshita would defeat the Osaka based Dotonbori Pro team of TORU, Taiyoto Kamen, and Captain Amemura when Kinoshita would get the pin at 8 minutes, 31 seconds over Kamen with a Yoshitonic. The other semi-final match had the Okinawa based Ryukyu Dragon team of Guruken Mask, Ultra Soki, and Hijya Kidman defeat the Eagle Pro team of Kazunori Yoshida, Hiroyuki Kondo, and Takahiro Katori when Guruken would get the win at 11 minutes, 12 seconds after pinning Katori. A Mixed Tag Team Match had Fairy Nihonbashi team with Vacuum Mask who was Takashi Sasaki under a mask as they defeated Rey Paloma and Hibiscus Mii when Nihonbashi would get the win at 11 minutes, 44 seconds in a match that consisted of much sexual innuendo and shots to the crotch before Nihonbashi would get the pin on Paloma after kicking him low and standing on his crotch for the win. Violento Jack, Aero Boy, and Yuya Susumu would defeat Jun Kasai, Kenji Fukimoto, and Tomoya Hirata when a bloody Hirata would attempt to put a Armbreaker but Jack would end up countering and placing it on him to get the submission win at 9 minutes, 51 seconds over Hirata. The finals of the Country Capturing Tournament would have the Ryukyu Dragon team of Guruken Mask, Ultra Soki, and Hijya Kidman defeat the Dove Pro team of Gunso, brother YASSHI, and Kyohei Kinoshita when Soki would pick up the pin at 11 minutes, 44 seconds over Kinoshita with a Emerium Splash Max for the win as they would be rewarded a flag by Sasaki for the tournament victory.
The Devil Magician who is a regular wrestler for FREEDOMS when they run in Hiroshima suffered a mild heart attack on December 15th. He ended suffering a sudden shortness of breath and collapsed and became unconscious. Thankfully he was around other people who were able to help get him to an emergency hospital. He found out his heart had stopped three times and was revived all three times while at the hospital. He spent two days in ICU before being transferred to a heart rehabilitation center where he spent the next week there including Christmas. He has since been discharged and still wants to work the FREEDOMS show in Hiroshima on February 11th but states he will have to have a talk with Takashi Sasaki first. Yuya Susumu, Violento Jack, and Aero Boy all visited him in the hospital and Susumu is very close with him. He is a really nice guy in my interaction with him as he helped me get results of Onita's Fire Pro show back in October that he was in.
FREEDOMS announced the lineup for their first show of the new year on
January 3, 2018 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. They will have a four man tournament to determine the number one contender for the King of Freedom World Championship. Takashi Sasaki will take on Kenji Fukimoto and Daisuke Masaoka will go up against GENTARO with the winners going up against each other in the main event of the show. Other matches on the show will have Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and Kazma Sakamoto taking on the Unchain team of Masashi Takeda, Minoru Fujita, and Gunso as well as other Unchain member Jun Kasai going up against the rookie Tomoya Hirata. Yuya Susumu will defend his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title against Kamui and the opening match will be Chikara facing off against Dragon Libre.
Kenji Fukimoto will celebrate his 20th Year Anniversary in pro-wrestling on January 14, 2018 at the Osaka East Association Hall. The main event will be Kenji Fukimoto teaming up with Unchain partner Masashi Takeda going up against Jun Kasai and Jaki Numazawa. Daisuke Masaoka and Kamui will team up against Wrestle-1's Seiki Yoshioka and Andy Wu, and Yuko Miyamoto will go up against Tomoya Hirata.
The A-Team ran their show of the year on December 31, 2017 at the Osaka World Hall Pavilion where HASEGAWA took on the BJW Death Match Champion Masashi Takeda in a Weapons Hardcore Match in the main event. HASEGAWA would start with the advantage as he would deliver a head scissors to Takeda throwing him out of the ring. HASEGAWA would then dive over the top rope and fall on Takeda to the outside. HASEGAWA would then back inside the ring and grab a light tube but Takeda would rush back in the ring and grab the light tube as well as they would begin fighting over the light tube with Takeda gaining the advantage and smashing them over HASEGAWA's heads. Takeda would then begin to take the broken glass and begin cutting open HASEGAWA's forehead with blood running down his face. Takeda would not stop there as he would grab a pair of scissors and begin using them to make the cut even deeper for blood to drip all down HASEGAWA's body. Takeda would grab a couple of light tubes and come rushing at HASEGAWA but HASEGAWA would manage to deliver a drop kick smashing the light tubes across Takeda's chest. Takeda would come back and knock HASEGAWA down and set the light tubes near his head and deliver a running kick to the light tubes breaking over HASEGAWA's head. Takeda would then setup a table and attempt to suplex HASEGAWA through it but HASEGAWA would get underneath Takeda on the turnbuckle and manage to powerbomb Takeda through the table and follow that up with a Death Valley Bomb but Takeda would still kick out at two. Takeda would have enough and pick up the broken table piece and smash it over HASEGAWA's head and then follow that up a kick to the head, a uranage, a knee to the head, and would set up some light tubes on HASEGAWA's and dive off the top rope with a senton breaking the light tubes across HASEGAWA's body and at 11 minutes, 4 seconds would end up getting the pinfall win. Takumi Sakurai would end up challenging HASEGAWA for his WEW Jr. Heavyweight Title at the next A-Team show on January 28th in Nara with HASEGAWA accepting but adding that the match would also be a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match.
The Hayabusa Summit 2017 took place at Sam's Bar in Yokohama on December 19, 2017. Mr. Gannosuke and Ricky Fuji participated in the concert in memory of their friend Hayabusa. Both Gannosuke and Ricky sang songs about Hayabusa and Gannosuke told stories about his childhood friend while holding a Hayabusa figure as representation of Hayabusa being there. I was able to do a question and answer session about Mr. Gannosuke the other day through e-mail. He did not really tell me anything news related but some of the stuff will help me with future answers to questions on the podcast as well as when I update his Biography for the final time this summer following his retirement in April.
I recently finished up my Megumi Kudo Career Music Video that I am really proud of and it is currently on the Music Video page on the site linked to where I posted it on YouTube. Samurai TV recently came around to deleting a bunch of videos I had that had any amount of footage that they aired even if it was over a decade ago. They only deleted the Onita Part 3 Video in regards to my music videos, but every video I have has at least a little bit of footage from their network so they might not be able to be up much longer either.
Added: 12/12
Atsushi Onita promoted his first show since retirement on December 3, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. He announced 370 fans for the show but there was nowhere near that many people. Before the start of the show, Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Tomohiko Hashimoto participated in a talk show before watching Onita's October 31st retirement match on the big screen near the entrance. Hashimoto asked Onita if he was going to return with Onita stating he would not return as he has things he needs to do and those things will accumulate and explode in April.
The first two matches on the show would have Pandita, Shocker, and Toshiaki Terao defeating Butatsushi Futonita, Masashie Sase, and Raiden in a Iron wire Exploding Wind Match when Pandita would get the win over Futonita at 9 minutes, 15 seconds after Shocker would hit Futonita with an Obon. The other match had Hideki Hosaka, HASEGAWA, and Naoshi Sano defeat Battle Ranger, Tomoryu, and Takumi Sakurai when Hosaka would get the win at 13 minutes, 40 seconds when Hosaka would deliver a Powerbomb to get the pin over Sakurai. A 15 Man Battle Royal would be the main event with Atsushi Onita as the referee. Onita would come out last to Wild Thing with a red barbed wire bat with everyone in the ring moving away from Onita and his weapon. Onita would be one of two referees for the match. Masahiro Sase would end up rolling up Pandita with the other referee counting the three count to eliminate Pandita. Pandita would then reverse the roll up despite being eliminated and all the other wrestlers hold on to Pandita including Onita to make sure the other referee would count three and eliminate Sase. The referee would scold Onita afterwards about doing that with Onita apologizing. Raijin Yaguchi who has has been limited in the ring due to a neck injury would enter the ring despite not in the match with a chair and smash it over Raiden's head. Onita would then hit Yaguchi with his red barbed wire bat for interfering. Hideki Hosaka would then bring a table into the ring and ask for Onita to use it. Onita would then grab HASEGAWA and with the other wrestlers holding the table Onita would piledrive HASEGAWA through the table with the other wrestlers covering HASEGAWA. Takumi Sakurai and Battle Ranger would end up being the last two in the ring. Sakurai would grab a piece of the broken table and smash it over Battle Ranger's head. Sakurai would go for it again but Onita would come up to him and spit red mist in his face. Battle Ranger would then grab Sakurai and deliver a powerbomb and to get the Battle Royal at 6 minutes, 55 seconds with Onita counting the pinfall and raising his first FMW student's hand. Onita would then grab the mic and state being a referee was useless and this project of being a referee was over but he will be chasing a big dream with his next project in April before spiking the mic and throwing water from a water bottle everywhere. Onita would sit down afterwards with reporters and would not answer if this project was starting up a new promotion as he would conclude the interview by asking them to no longer ask him until he makes his announcement.
Atsushi Onita attended the Sera Risa promoted show on November 14, 2017 at Korakuen Hall from the crowd and while in the crowd he was met with a film crew from the VICE Global Media company which specializes in documentaries including one on CZW last year. Onita sat and talked with them about death matches while watching a death match on the show. VICE which is broadcasted in 80 countries around the country interviewed Onita for a documentary series called "The Wrestlers" with the theme being professional wrestling around the world. Damian Abraham who has been following this site for years and is also seeing about listing the site as a credit at the end asked Onita about his hardcore roots with Onita stating that he was inspired by his time in Puerto Rico and Tennessee and the hardcore ideas he came up with in FMW just went from there. VICE also interviewed Takashi Sasaki and Jun Kasai during their time in Japan as well. The documentary will be released in Summer 2018.
Atsushi Onita attended the Kyoto Police School on December 1, 2017 to commemorate the opening of the 69th Police School with Onita being named the principal of the police school for one day. Onita was awarded a letter commendation from Koji Ishimaru the Kyoto Prefectural Police President entitled "Do not give up on your dreams". Onita spoke to the young people telling them the importance of taking action towards their goal. Onita stated he retired seven times and he was called a fraud and a liar by repeating retirements and returning, but he was serious in each case of retirement but he loves wrestling. He wanted to do it and he did it until he was 60 years old and he always did what he wanted to do which got a good ovation from the crowd. Onita after finishing his duties at the police school stated the police school was heavy but seeing all the young students was nice and fun. He then concluded by saying he hopes all principals and teachers encourage young people to become police officers from now on.
Mr. Gannosuke teamed up with Guts Ishijima on November 14, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where they went up against the team of Daisuke Kanehira and Yoji Kondo in a Guts World vs. HEAT-UP match with the Guts World team picking up with the win after Ishijima would get the pinfall at 7 minutes, 35 seconds after hitting Kondo with a Facebuster.
Mr. Gannosuke competed in the main event of the Guts World show on December 2, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring for Daisuke's Retirement show. Gannosuke would team up with Masked Mystery and Joji Otani as they would defeat the team of Daisuke, Guts Ishijima, and Shota when Otani would deliver a Running Elbow and pinning Daisuke at 22 minutes, 14 seconds in his final match. This would end the 14 year career of Daisuke who was the ace of the promotion and had three of Gannosuke's best matches since coming out of retirement with all the matches going over 30 minutes. A retirement ceremony was held after the match with many different wrestlers getting to say their goodbye to Daisuke in the ring including Gannosuke who would present Daisuke with flowers before hugging him in a emotional scene between the two best Guts World wrestlers over the last three years. Daisuke would then receive a 10 gong salute before all the fans would throw green and gold streamers in the ring with Daisuke taking a group picture with all the Guts World wrestlers to symbolize the end of his pro-wrestling career.
Mr. Gannosuke, Guts Ishijima, and Daisuke appeared in Suidobashi, Tokyo at Toudoukan on December 4, 2017 to announce that not only Guts World would be shutting down on April 15, 2018 at the Tokyo Shinjuku FACE but that the show would also be Mr. Gannosuke's retirement show. Daisuke started by stating that he had retired from pro-wrestling two days earlier and it was a terrible decision he had to make, but it was a big decision that he felt was best due to the injuries he has dealt with. Daisuke stated it was great retiring being surrounded by customers as well as his colleagues who all came together. Daisuke then stated he was glad he could to the ring with his own feet and was thankful to everyone who he battled for 13 years.
Guts Ishijima then spoke and announced the future of Guts World. Ishijima stated that they would be holding a show at the Shinjuku FACE on April 15, 2018 and they were disbanding after that show. Ishijima stated he and Daisuke started the promotion 13 years ago and with Daisuke retiring he was choosing to dissolve the promotion. He stated that he made this decision after repeated discussions with the staff of the promotion and he decided it was best with the ace of the promotion no longer being present. Ishijima stated the promotion had a higher average age of wrestlers so he was thinking of their bodies when making this decision not wanting them to break their bodies for a promotion that he did not know would be able to successful any longer. He asked the fans to continue to support the promotion for the next four months.
Gannosuke then spoke saying that he would be retiring on the final Guts World show on April 15,
2018 at the Shinjuku FACE. Gannosuke stated the first reason would be because he would be turning 50 just two months prior to the retirement show. Gannosuke stated that he has pushed the limits of his body, the limits of physical fitness strength and will be putting an end to professional wrestling. He stated he loved pro-wrestling and that he has not done anything in his life other than pro-wrestling as after his first retirement he worked for Ice Ribbon and then for Guts World. Gannosuke mentioned that three months ago after his injury his weight had dropped down to 176 pounds and he had to train to gain back 44 pounds in just three months to have a proper body as it is rude to be in the ring with no physical strength. Gannosuke
stated that he had originally retired after turning 40 because of how his body was
feeling to all the years of punishment and a little over 3 years ago while
working for the Guts World he was asked to come back to the ring for their
Korakuen Hall show with Gannosuke agreeing to begin training again to get in
proper shape. He is now about to turn 50 and he is able to physically prepare
for the ring but it is becoming harder and with Guts World closing he feels it
is the proper milestone to end his career. Gannosuke mentioned that he had not
put much thought of retirement opponent since he has already retired once
before. Gannosuke then stated that unlike last time when he would promote shows
after his retirement he will be completely giving up pro-wrestling and will be
moving back to his home area of Kyushu as it will be the first time since he was
22 that he would no longer be in pro-wrestling.
Mr. Gannosuke announced that he would be promoting his final show on March 27, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring with his upcoming retirement less than three weeks later. The show will be a 2nd Anniversary Memorial show for Hayabusa with Gannosuke announcing the main event of the show with him teaming up with Hayabucha which is HARASHIMA dressed up in Hayabusa's attire as they will take on the team of Yuko Miyamoto and Isami Kodaka which will most likely be the final time that Gannosuke will go up against his former student Yuko Miyamoto in the ring.
FREEDOMS ran their annual "Heel Don't Think" show on November 13, 2017 at Korakuen Hall drawing an announced crowd of 802 fans for the show. The main event of the show would be Daisuke Masaoka defending his King of Freedom World Championship for the sixth time against Violento Jack in a rematch of their December 26th Scaffold Death Match that saw Masaoka win the title from Jack. This match would be a No Canvas Glass Board Death Match and would start with Jack throwing Masaoka outside the ring but as he was going to go for a tope he would be met with a light tube to the head by Masaoka. Masaoka thinking he would have some time following that would be surprised when Jack would come rushing at him and deliver a flip to the outside on Masaoka. Jack would then deliver a suplex off the turnbuckle on the hard wood board. Jack would then take out some of the boards to create a hole in the ring. Jack would then set up a glass board with cut up cans on it in the hole of the ring and deliver a Package Piledriver through the glass sending them both underneath the ring. Jack would then pick up Masaoka and throw him in the air but Masaoka would come back down at him with two knees to the face. Masaoka would then deliver a kick sending Jack into the hole in the ring. Masaoka would then climb the top rope and deliver a Rokkura Kai on Jack as he was getting up still in the hole in the ring. Masaoka would go for another Rokkura Kai but this time Jack would catch him and then toss him into a stack of glass before finishing Masaoka off with a Package Piledriver on the hard ward for the win at 21 minutes to win back the King of Freedom World Championship.
Jun Kasai would make his return back to the ring for the first time since August 27, 2017 when he would nearly lose his finger for the semi-main event of this show. Kasai would team up with Takashi Sasaki as they would take on Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match. Fukimoto would get the early advantage of the rusty Kasai and would end up delivering a Package Piledriver to Kasai onto bamboo skewers. Fukimoto would then grab a stack of light tubes but Kasai would charge at him and deliver a lariat at the light tubes causing them to break on Fukimoto. Kasai would then setup Fukimoto with a Pearl Harbor Splash followed by a Reverse Tiger Driver on a stack of light tubes before finishing Fukimoto off at 17 minutes, 17 seconds with a Angel with One Wing for the win. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would defend their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles against the team of Kazma Sakamoto and Chikara with Kazma and Chikara having an early advantage by delivering double team moves to Sugiura until Mammoth would make the save for his partner and deliver a choke slam to Kazma followed by Sugiura hitting Kazma with a Swift Driver and then finishing Kazma off with the S.S.S to get the win at 13 minutes, 33 seconds to defend their tag team titles for the seventh time. Yuya Susumu would defend his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Championship against Masamune after making Masamune tap out at 10 minutes, 29 seconds with a Cross Face Lock to successfully defend his title for the third time. Minoru Fujita and Gunso would team up against Brahman Shu and Brhaman Kei in a match to determine the next King of Freedom Tag Team Title contenders but the match would end up being ruled a No Contest at 6 minutes, 6 seconds after both teams would assult the referee. Tomoya Hirata would make his debut against GENTARO and would end up getting busted open early by GENTARO and although Hirata would get some offense and show some fighting spirit he would end up getting placed on the ground and made to submit at 7 minutes, 44 seconds after GENTARO would place on a Octopus Hold. GENTARO would begin stomping at Hirata after the match before leaving. The opening match would have Kamui and Dragon Libre get the win over Mitsuo Momota and Kenichiro Arai after Kamui would pick up the win at 7 minutes, 14 seconds after hitting Arai with the Firebird Splash to get the three count.
FREEDOMS ran their Road to Blood X'Mas 2017 show on December 7, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring announcing a crowd of 205 fans for the show. The main event had Jun Kasai and Daisuke Masaoka going up against Violento Jack and Aero Boy in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match. Aero Boy would go after Kasai right away by attempting to do a Swanton Bomb on him but Aero would end up missing after Kasai would move out of the way. Kasai would then toss a light tube at him with Aero catching it and Kasai delivering a lariat and breaking the light tube across Aero Boy's body. Kasai would then hit the Pearl Harbor Splash on Aero Boy but Violento Jack would make the save. Masaoka would follow that up by delivering the Rokkura Kai on Aero Boy but again Jack would make the save and then deliver a Swanton Bomb himself on Masaoka. Jack would then attempt a Package Piledriver but Kasai would come at him with a lariat but would miss and be met with a knee to the face by Aero Boy. Jack would then pick up Masaoka and deliver a Package Piledriver on a stack of light tubes to get the win at 16 minutes, 31 seconds for the DTU team. Kasai would then challenge Jack for the King of Freedom World Championship at his Christmas Death Match with Jack accepting.
Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would put their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles against the teams of Minoru Fujita and Gunso as well as Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei. Sugiura would be the target from both opposing teams right away as the Brahman Brothers would throw powder in Sugiura's eyes and then Gunso and Fujita would be delivering double team moves to him with Fujita setting up Sugiura with a tombstone piledriver. Mammoth would grab the Indian dye ink that the Brahman Brothers bring to the ring and use it himself to spit it in Fujita's face before he could deliver the tomebstone to Sugiura. Sugiura would then grab Fujita and deliver the Swift Driver to get the win at 15 minutes, 4 seconds to defend the titles for a record 8th time. The Unchain team of Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto would defeat Takashi Sasaki and Kazma Sakamoto after Fukimoto would get the win over Sakamoto at 11 minutes, 45 seconds with a Package Piledriver in a Hardcore Match. Kamui would a big upset as he would defeat Yuya Susumu at 10 minutes, 48 seconds with a Kamui Clutch. Tomoya Hirata would get a second chance against GENTARO but the result would be the same as GENTARO would pick up the win at 11 minutes, 44 seconds by making Hirata submit to the Face Lock. The opening match would have Gabbai Ji-chan return teaming with Dragon Libre as they would get the win over Kenichiro Arai and Chikara when Gabbai would pick up the win at 11 minutes, 21 seconds with a Gabbation Bomb on Arai.
FREEDOMS returned to the Nagoya Tsuyuhashi Sports Center on December 10, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 234 fans for the show. The main event was Jun Kasai and Daisuke Masaoka teaming up once again against Violento Jack and Aero Boy this time in a Barbed wire Board Death Match and this time Kasai and Masaoka would come away with the win after Masaoka would get the pin over Jack after losing two straight to him at 15 minutes, 10 seconds after reversing Jack's Violento Break for a cradle for the win. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura won a non tag team title match defeating Kenji Fukimoto and Gunso after Sugiura would pick up the win at 12 minutes, 37 seconds with a Swift Driver for the win over Fukimoto. Kazma Sakamoto and Chikara who have become a regular team defeated Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei after Chikara got the win at 9 minutes, 14 seconds after pinning Kei with a Saber Chop. Kamui and Konaka Pale One defeated the team of Yuya Susumu and Shuichiro Katsumara when Konaka would get the pin at 11 minutes, 31 seconds over Katsumara. Ryuichi Sekine would defeat Dragon Libre at 6 minutes, 56 seconds with the Combine and the opening match would have Takashi Sasaki, GENTARO, and Tomoya Hirata getting the win over the Southern Japan based team of Kengo Takai, Michio Kageyama, and Dyna Mido when Sasaki would get the pinfall over Dyna Mido at 9 minutes, 55 seconds after hitting him with the D-Geist.
FREEDOMS announced the lineup for the Jun Kasai promoted Christmas Death Match show on December 25, 2017 at Korakuen Hall where Jun Kasai will challenge for the King of Freedom World Championship against the man he lost the title to back in July 2016 in Violento Jack for the King of Freedom World Championship Match. Daisuke Masaoka will take on DTU's Aero Boy in a Death Match for the semi-main event. Kenji Fukimoto will go up against a Mystery Opponent in a Death Match as well. Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and Tomoya Hirata will take on Masashi Takeda, Minoru Fujita, and Gunso in a Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match which will be Hirata's first death match and most likely he will get destroyed in it. Takashi Sasaki and GENTARO reunite as a team to take on Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei in a Tokyo Desert Homeless Dear Mortal Human Dismissal Death Match. The opening match will have Shuji Ishikawa, Kamui, and Dragon Libre against Yuya Susumu, Kazma Sakamoto, and Chikara.
Takashi Sasaki will promote his second Korakuen Hall show under his name on December 26, 2017 which again will allow smaller promotion wrestlers to have the chance to wrestle on a bigger stage at Korakuen Hall. Most of the matches on the show will be interpromotional tournament matches with the tournament called the Country Capturing Tournament. The main FREEDOMS match on the show will be Jun Kasai, Kenji Fukimoto, and Tomoya Hirata going up against Violento Jack, Aero Boy, and Yuya Susumu. Promotions being represented on the show will be Pro-Wrestling DEWA, Dove Pro, Kyushu Pro, Moi Dojo Egoist Wrestling, Ehime Wrestling, Dotonbori Pro, Eagle Pro, Osaka Women's and Ryukyu Dragon.
Mr. Gannosuke made some controversial comments again on Twitter back on November 14, 2017 as he felt discomfort in what Kazushi Miyamoto did to Gosaku Goshogawara back on the November 10, 2017 show for the Super Battle FMW promotion. Miyamoto who began legit punching Goshogawara in the face who was aware that he was going to take legit shots to the face by Miyamoto ended up suffering a broken nose as a result but the limited crowd was quiet and confused during it. This was attempt to get Miyamoto over as the top heel of the promotion as well. Gannosuke was not happy with it and what happened to his friend of over 20 years in Gosaku by stating that the Guts World show on November 14th was tremendous which was the exact opposite of the FMW show he was on. Former Super Battle FMW owner Yoshiyuki Yamakon who ran the promotion from August 2015 to December 2016 was critical of Gannosuke for not loving FMW with his comments. Gannosuke came back at Yamakon stating he loved FMW as that is where he grew up with and what Miyamoto did to Gosaku was not what FMW represented and he needed to shut up. Gannosuke is most likely done with Super Battle FMW but with his upcoming retirement I don't think it will matter to much to him at this point.
Super Battle FMW announced their lineup for the December 22, 2017 show at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. The main event of the show will be the FMW team of Masato Tanaka, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji going up against Kazushi Miyamoto, Nobuhiro Tsurumaki, and Iori Sugawara in a Street Fight. The semi-main event of the show will be Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato going up against the team of Masamune and Itabashi Pro's Tomoya Wolf. Tetsuhiro Kuroda will have quite the challenge when he faces off against Yuji Hino in a singles match. The women's match on the show will have Koharu Hinata take on SAKI. HASEGAWA and Hayato team up to face off against Tetsuya Nakazato and Takuya Murakami. The opening match will be a mini's match between Pretty Ota and Buddhaman.
Kazushi Miyamoto responded with his match against the FMW team by asking if the match was a gathering of elderly people and asking if the FMW team was coming from a nursing home. Miyamoto stated he would focus only on Masato Tanaka during the match. Kintaro Kanemura heard about Miyamoto's comments and responded back by criticizing his partners for the stating that Tsurumaki was his junior in W*ING and did nothing with his career after W*ING (Tsurumaki did a lot of MMA matches that he lost) and he knew who Sugawara was but never made his friends with him because he was stupid. Kanemura then finished by stating that Miyamoto was lucky that Kanemura had a hard time moving but he would have a hard time moving for three seconds after Tanaka was finished with him and to not mess with FMW.
A-Team announced the lineup of their final show of the year on December 31, 2017 at the Osaka World Hall Pavilion with the main event of Tomohiko Hashimoto, Hi69, and Nobutaka Moribe against Koji Kanemoto, Daisuke Ikeda, and Akira Jo. HASEGAWA will go up against Masashi Takeda in a match with a stipulation that will be announced later in the semi-main event. The former ZERO1 team of Ryoji Sai and Masakado will team up against Masamune and Keiichi Sato. A-Team's Toshiaki Terao and Takumi Sakurai will go up against the brother tag team of Yasu Kubota and Hide Kubota. The opening match will have Daisaku Shimoda go up against Kurone Shimizu of Dream Fighter Pro-Wrestling. A-Team's first show of 2018 will take place on January 28th at the Nara Tenri Station Square Special Ring.
Even though he passed nearly two years ago there continues to be numerous concerts held under the Hayabusa name at locations that Hayabusa would regularly hold concerts at. Usually they would include Hayabusa's band mates Fumi Taguchi and Sana Sakura but this concert on December 19, 2017 at Sam's Bar in Yokohama which is entitled "Hayabusa Summit 2017" will also consist of Mr. Gannosuke and Ricky Fuji at the event as both will sing tribute songs in memory of their long time friend.
I am looking into improving my video library in January 2018. I am currently uploading every FMW video I have onto a 4 terabyte external hard drive so that I will have every FMW video stored as a file. I will be selling the shows as files that I can just e-mail as an attachment on top of continue to selling the shows as DVD's. It is a long process as I have already uploaded over 200 files and I am still only up to 1997. I plan on trying to get every video I have eventually turned into a file on the hard drive. I will also begin selling more videos of other promotions including old W*ING shows, Onita Pro shows, ZERO1/Super Fireworks, and Miscellaneous shows. A lot of these shows you can not find anywhere on the internet. 2017 was the biggest year I had in terms of sales in the 20 years I have been doing this, so I am trying to help make it easier for people and allow everyone that would rather be able to watch a show right away instead of waiting a couple of days to get a DVD in the mail that option.
Added: 11/12
Atsushi Onita promoted his "Sayanora Onita" retirement show on October 31, 2017 at Korakuen Hall. The announced crowd would be 2,000 fans as the show would legit sell out the day before and the building would be packed with people. The main event had Atsushi Onita, KAI, and Shingo Takagi defeat the team of Kazuyuki Fujita, Kendo Kashin, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Scramble Bunkhouse Street Fight Barbed wire Board wire Board Death Match with Onita pinning NOSAWA at 16 minutes, 48 seconds after multiple Thunder Fire Powerbombs. The ringside area was filled up with fans just trying to touch him as Onita spoke with the fans one last time in the ring as an active wrestler before pouring water everywhere in the crowd.. Onita also had a retirement ceremony prior to his match where the likes of Tam Nakano, Masashi Aoyagi, and his mother and brother presented him flowers before he had his 10 bell salute in memory of his 43 years as a pro-wrestler. Full details and pictures of the show can be found at
There were quite a few wrestlers were on both this retirement for Onita that was also on his famous Kawasaki Stadium retirement show on May 5, 1995 as both shows included Masato Tanaka,
Kintaro Kanemura, Hideki Hosaka, Ricky Fuji, Battle Ranger, Crusher Maedomari, and Bad Nurse Nakamura.
This retirement marks Atsushi Onita's seven retirement. His
retirements include:
1) Retired on January 3, 1985 in All Japan at Korakuen Hall this was due to Giant Baba feeling his knee injury was too severe and that he would not be a capable enough wrestler to continue wrestling for his promotion so a retirement was kind of forced on Onita due to his options and he was given a good amount of money as severance. He would take his retirement money to buy land that would make him a good amount of money which would lead him to create several companies that would flop leaving him bankrupted. Onita would look into getting back in wrestling by 1988 as he would make his come back for the Pioneer Sensei promotion on December 3, 1988 against Gran Hamada.
2) Retired on May 5, 1995 in FMW at Kawasaki Stadium in front of over 58,250 fans in a Exploding Ring Death Match against Hayabusa. Onita seeing his popularity at an all time and injuries mounting up from that style would lead to Onita promoting a year long retirement tour concluding with the Kawasaki match to make as much money as possible before going into acting feeling he would be a mainstream star in Japan. Onita would be pressured by his step father to keep FMW going so Onita would agree to sell the company to Shoichi Arai. It was always expected for Onita to come back eventually but not just 19 months later as Onita's acting career would not go the way he had hoped and the addiction of the fame that wrestling would bring would make him come back to FMW on December 11, 1996 as he would come up with an idea for Mr. Pogo to beg Onita to come out of retirement to team with him as Onita could not refuse that kind of request from his long time rival.
3) Retired on September 23, 2003 after a Exploding Barbed wire Death Match in Michinoku Pro at the APPI Kogen Ski Resort in Iwate against The Great Sasuke in a loser must retire match. Onita had been elected to the senate in 2001 and he had felt the job was taking away from his ability to commit to pro-wrestling as he would have to cancel on several wrestling bookings so this would allow him to only focus on politics. Onita would come back on October 23, 2004 to hold a Memorial show for his old friend Sambo Asako who had passed away earlier in the year.
4) Retired on March 26, 2005 after a Barbed wire Street Fight Death Match for his own promoted show at Korakuen Hall as he would get pinned in a tag match to the man that forced him to retire the second time in Genichiro Tenryu. Onita who had graduated from college earlier in the day had announced that would be graduating from both college and pro-wrestling on the same day. He would return on May 18, 2008 after forming an alliance with old rival Riki Choshu against Kintaro Kanemura who had a very public sexual harassment scandal earlier in the year. Onita confronted Kanemura about embarrassing himself and having great shame to do what he did with Kanemura arguing back that Onita had no right to talk due to all the shame he had due to his sexual past.
5) Retired in January 2010 after announcing on December 27, 2009 following his own promoted show at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as he would announce he would be giving up pro-wrestling to focus on the election of becoming Governor of Nagasaki. He would place third in the election in February 2010. He would return to the ring on May 5, 2010 which would lead to...
6) Retired on May 5, 2010 at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring after teaming up with his old friend Tarzan Goto for his Super FMW promotion against Katsutoshi Niiyama and Banji Takada. Onita would announce afterwards that he would like to come back to wrestling but did not know if he had the time as he would running for election for the House of Councilors. It would be symbolic as it was 15 years to the day of his most famous retirement. Onita would return 6 months later for the Toryumon Japan promotion on November 13, 2010 as he would begin working full time once again in 2012.
7) Retired on October 31, 2017 at Korakuen Hall for his own promoted show in a tag team match against Kazuyuki Fujita as he saw it as a fitting tribute of an All Japan vs. New Japan in a FMW style match. Onita would announce 4 years earlier that he had planned on retiring at 60 in 2017 due to his age and his body breaking down. He announced he would continue promoting his own shows starting the next month.
Fire Pro-Wrestling held what would assume to be the last show for the promotion on October 29, 2017 at the Nagoya International Congerence Hall. This would be the second to last match of Atsushi Onita's career. I will not miss this promotion as they release very little about the shows to the public.
There would be no attendance figure given although the building was lit up compared to the previous month
that had a very darkened building with Onita vs. Tanaka on top so you could see there was a decent amount of people for this show. The main event had Atsushi Onita, KAI, and at the last minute Yoshitatsu
being added to the match to make it a 6 man as they would go up against Masashi Aoyagi, Minowaman, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Exploding Ankle Brace Lumberjack Different Style Death Match. This would be the return to the ring for Masashi
Aoyagi after retiring in May 2015 due to a motorcycle accident. Aoyagi and Onita would meet up face to face with one another before the start of the match. Aoyagi would end up grabbing Yoshitatsu as NOSAWA would turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and hit
Yoshitatsu with it. Aoyagi would then take Onita and set him on a chair as NOSAWA would turn on the exploding bat again and hand it to Minowaman who would look uncomfortable handling it before hitting Onita with it across his chest with a powerful blast. NOSAWA would then place on a exploding ankle brace on Aoyagi with Aoyagi kicking Onita in the back to cause another explosion with Aoyagi covering and Onita kicking out. KAI would come rushing in for the save and deliver a lariat to NOSAWA as Onita would get up to setup a powerbomb on NOSAWA but Aoyagi would rush in to make the save and Onita would meet him by spitting red mist in his face. Onita would then turn on the exploding barbed wire as Aoyagi would get up and would stand there screaming for Onita to "Come on!" as Onita would hit Aoyagi with the exploding barbed wire bat knocking Aoyagi out. Onita would stand there and hesitate for a second before covering and getting the pin at 12 minutes, 46 seconds over his long time rival. Onita would begin pouring water over Aoyagi and would held him before the two would embrace putting an end to their 28 year old rivalry.
The semi-main event had Crusher Maedomari and Bad Nurse Nakamura come out as they were suppose to face Tomoko Watanabe and a Mystery Partner in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Watanabe came out and said she had no partner and she wanted to face Maedomari alone. Nakamura was in the hospital not too long ago and really is not in wrestling shape by any means so that is most likely why the match was turned into a singles match with Maedomari getting the win after hitting Watanabe with the exploding barbed wire bat. Hideki Hosaka, Daisuke, and Takuya Shibayama defeated the team of Onryo, Mayo-gun # 4, and Devil Magician after Shibayama would end up pinning the Devil Magician. 666 NENE mugen D.a.i defeated Pandita and boxer Rocky Kawamura knocked out Mayo-gun # 4 in the opening match to start the show.
Atsushi Onita would appear at Suidobashi, Tokyo at Toudoukan on November 1, 2017 where he would announce that he will continue to promote shows under his name in wrestling as he does not want to do what he did back in 1995 and that was completely block everything wrestling related from his life. He announced that he will promoting a show on December 3, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring and he will be the referee of the main event and will brings weapons for the match. No card has been announced yet.
Super Battle FMW held their first show since Atsushi Onita's retirement as they would return to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on November 10, 2017 where they would draw an announced crowd of 250 fans to the show. I got two reports from fans at the show. One stated that it was really around 70 people in attendance for the show and the other stated the promotion would not make it much longer with an attendance like this again as it was noticeably missing the large group of Onita fans that had been attending every show in Tokyo the last two years. Other promotions like ZERO1 and Guts World have drawn similar in the building but they also have bigger sponsors to keep them going longer as this promotion lost its big sponsor last year even with Onita on top. They are currently without an identity and it is a situation when they are only running one show in Shin-Kiba that they will need find one fast or this promotion will be in deep trouble. Before the show all the former FMW wrestlers including Masato Tanaka, Mr. Gannosuke, Kintaro Kanemura, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Hideki Hosaka, Ricky Fuji, and Gosaku Goshogawara were all in the locker room together talking about old stories in FMW before taking a group picture together.
Kintaro Kanemura came out before the main event with his cain and did the TNR Brief Brother Dance for the first time since his retirement last year as a way to greet the fans. The main event had Mr. Gannosuke, Kazushi Miyamoto, and NOSAWA Rongai defeat KAI, Ricky Fuji, and Gosaku Goshogawara in a regular six man match. Miyamoto would end up with Gosaku towards the end and begin beating him down with powerful lariats resulting in Gosaku bleeding from the nose. Kintaro Kanemura would come to the ring and throw his jacket in the ring as a symbol of a manager throwing in the towel but the referee would continue the match with Miyamoto finishing off Gosaku at 13 minutes, 16 seconds with a short range lariat. Kanemura would come into the ring afterwards to check on Gosaku as he would state that feared Gosaku was dead from what Miyamoto had done to him. Kazushi Miyamoto would get on the mic and declare himself the new ace of the New FMW now that Atsushi Onita had retired.
Miyamoto would begin speaking to Kanemura with Gannosuke and Ricky in the ring that the FMW wrestlers specifically naming Kanemura, Gannosuke, Tanaka, Ricky, Kuroda, Gosaku, and Kuroda were all old with ragged faces. He stated that the New FMW needs youth (Miyamoto is 38) and wrestlers with a drive that the old FMW wrestlers don't have because they are lazy. Miyamoto would then leave the ring and begin speaking backstage to reporters that if you a professional wrestler you should practice it and that Gosaku did not practice it. Onita could no longer practice it and that is why he had to retire. Miyamoto was taught by Genichiro Tenryu that the root of basic wrestling was the difference in the health than a ordinary person. He stated he had spoken with Super Battle FMW President Hideki Takahashi that he wanted to fix the problem and have a wrestler like Gosaku prove himself by doing 1,000 squats. The old FMW wrestlers are just lukewarm and tat he wants them to be able to come out for a fierce battle that is not a death match. He wants to help prepare everyone for original wrestling as that is the future of the New FMW. Kanemura would respond afterwards that Miyamoto only talked to him because is handicap and that would be bringing in help next month and would be making a call to friend Tomohiko Hashimoto for the next show.
Other matches on the show had the semi-main event of Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato defeat Minoru Tanaka and Raiden at 9 minutes, 32 seconds when Suzuki would hit hit Blue Destiny on Raiden. The former ZEN/Team Zero team of Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Hideki Hosaka would defeat the team of Masato Tanaka and Masahiro Sase in a Hardcore Street Fight when Hosaka would get the win at 10 minutes, 44 seconds with a Building Bomb. This match had been promoted as Sase's retirement but changed to his FMW retirement and he will be promoting his own retirement show on December 19th at Shin-Kiba and wanted to tag with Tanaka for his retirement match. Raijin Yaguchi who is still suffering a neck injury but seems out of place without Onita on this show teamed with Yutaka Yoshie as they defeated Naoshi Sano and Junichi Hanawa when Yoshie got the win at 10 minutes, 44 seconds after using a Body Press on Hanawa. The Pure-J Offer Match had Manami Katsu defeat Yako Fujigasaki at 11 minutes, 26 seconds with the Orange Blossom. The Brahman Brothers made their return to the promotion for the first time in nearly two years as they defeated the former Kisarazu Clown/Kid now going by his real name Kazuki Enosawa and Toshiaki Terao at 8 minutes, 46 seconds when Kei would pin Terao with No One's Perfect. The opening match would be a mini's match of Pretty Ota getting the win at 3 minutes, 59 seconds over his rival Buddhaman with the Shinkunage.
Super Fireworks held their first show since Atsushi Onita's Retirement on November 3, 2017 at the Kawasaki City Sports Bunka Center which is walking distance from Kawasaki Stadium. The main event had Masato Tanaka defend his Bakuha-ō King Title for the first time against Yuko Miyamoto in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. The match would start off with Miyamoto being the first to turn on the exploding bat first and would charge at Tanaka who would move out of the way with Miyamoto hitting the turnbuckle which would result in a explosion knocking Miyamoto down. Tanaka would take Miyamoto and suplex him on the outside on to a set of chairs before setting him up on a table. Tanaka would then hit Miyamoto with the exploding barbed wire bat across his stomach as he lay on the table. Tanaka would then toss Miyamoto back in the ring hit the Super Fly Splash but Miyamoto would be able to kick out. Tanaka would then set Miyamoto on a table in the ring and go up to the top turnbuckle but Miyamoto would manage to get up and climb the top turnbuckle and take control of Tanaka while up there and deliver a Fire Thunder off the top rope to Tanaka through the table. Miyamoto would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and hit Tanaka with it across the chest before climbing to the top again and delivering a Moonsault to Tanaka to get the pin at 17 minutes, 5 seconds to win the Bakuha-o Title for the first time.
Atsushi Onita appeared at the Mr. Pogo Memorial WWS show on November 12, 2017 in Pogo's hometown of Gunma at the Isezaki Civic Gym # 2 in what was promoted as the final WWS show due to Pogo who was the promoter of the promotion passing away back in June. The promotion goes back to April 22, 2001 when former W*ING owner Mickey Iberagi began running W*ING reunion shows at Korakuen Hall starting on April 22, 2001 to somewhat of a success. Iberagi would end up selling the rights to the promotion after awhile to Mr. Pogo who would rename the promotion WWS for World W*ING Spirit as a way for Pogo to promote shows in his home town every couple of months. Naoya Takase who was a long time wrestler would announce that he would be starting a Shin-WWS promotion in 2018. Much like at his Farewell show at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring back in July there would be a table set up with framed pictures of Pogo from his life and career set up for fans to go over and pray. Atsushi Onita would come to the ring and stated that his wrestling life would no longer be present without Mr. Pogo and he was truly thankful for him in his life and this was his chance goodbye one last time to his rival and ally. Former FMW wrestlers Ricky Fuji, Hideki Hosaka, and Katsunari Toi along with the likes of Gran Hamada, Dump Matsumoto, and Yoshiaki Fujiwara would all enter the ring along with the WWS wrestlers for one final 10 bell salute with Onita brushing away a tear in memory of Mr. Pogo's life.
FREEDOMS would return to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo on October 26, 2017 drawing an announced 197 fans for the show. The main event would be Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Isami Kodaka going up against Violento Jack, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes 2 Corners of Pain Death Match. Takeda would start by delivering a German Suplex to Masaoka and go for a light tube right away but Masaoka would headbutt the light tube into Takeda's head resulting in glass shattering all down his face. Jack would make his way into the ring and pick up Masaoka and press him down right into his knees and then deliver a powerbomb onto a stack of light tubes and the barbed wire board with Masaoka kicking out. Jack would then follow that with a Package Piledriver on Masaoka and get the win at 17 minutes, 5 seconds with a pin over the champion. Jack would then get on the mic and challenge Masaoka to a rematch for the King of Freedom World Title that he lost to Masaoka on the Christmas Death Match show with Jack wanting the match on November 13th at Korakuen Hall. The semi-main event would have Kazma Sakamoto defeat Tory Sugiura at 15 minutes, 23 seconds with a Michinoku Driver II with Sakamoto challenging Sugiura to a King of Freedom Tag Team Title Match at Korakuen Hall on November 13th with Sakamoto revealing his partner to be Chikara. Mammoth Sasaki and Kamui would reunite as a team with both of them wearing their WMF shirts to defeat GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai when Kamui would pick up the win at 10 minutes, 48 seconds with a Backflip Kick on GENTARO. Yuya Susumu teamed up with the masked Luchadore DOUKI to defeat Masamune and HEAT-UP's Kazuhiro Tamura with Susumu locking the Crossface Lock on Masamune for the submission win at 13 minutes, 11 seconds even though Masamune will be challenging him at Korakuen Hall. Chikara would defeat Dragon Libre at 8 minutes, 11 seconds with a Saber Chop. The opening match would have Minoru Fujita and Gunso defeat Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei when Gunso would get the win over Kei at 7 minutes, 20 seconds with a School Boy.
Jun Kasai would then promote his Bloody Halloween show at the Osaka Ikeno Kumin Citizen Center on October 29, 2017 with an announced crowd of 308 fans for the show. Kasai who was not able to wrestle on the show due to his finger injury would come out and greet the fans to start the show. The main event would have Daisuke Masaoka and Takashi Sasaki going up against Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Glass Board Razor Cross Board Death Match. Fukimoto would start by attempting to send Masaoka into the razor cross board in the corner as Masaoka would catch himself by grabbing the ropes but Fukimoto would throw his body at Masaoka sending Masaoka into the razor board cutting his back open. Takeda and Fukimoto would then set up one of the glass boards on a stack of chairs and place Masaoka on the top turnbuckle where they would lunge him into the glass board as he would crash into it with glass flying everywhere. Takeda would then setup a stack of light tubes and deliver a knee to them right into Sasaki. Fukimoto would then take Masaoka and deliver a Powerbomb with broken glass all over the ring but Masaoka would manage to kick out. Fukimoto would then go for his Package Piledriver but Masaoka would manage to escape and then deliver a Tombstone Piledriver on Fukimoto on the glass filled ring and follow that up by delivering the Rokkura Kai for the win at 18 minutes, 48 seconds over Fukimoto.
Yuko Miyamoto and Kamui would team up for the semi-main event in a Bloody Halloween Fluorescent Light Tubes Double Item Death Match as they would take on Minoru Fujita and Gunso with Fujita picking up the win at 15 minutes, 16 seconds after pinning Kamui with a School Boy. Mammoth Sasaki would take on his tag team partner Toru Sugiura in a Hardcore Match with the match match starting off with both having chairs and they would begin doing the dueling chairs spot made famous in FMW before Mammoth would decide to get a ladder instead and place it over his head and hit it up against Sugiura. Mammoth would then deliver a Falcon Arrow to Sugiura with Sugiura kicking out. Mammoth would place a chair over Sugiura's head and go for the Mammoth Home Run but Sugiura would duck out of the way and then place a chair over Mammoth's head and hit him with his own Mammoth Home Run instead. Sugiura would follow that up by hitting Mammoth with a Rolling Elbow and would make the cover with Mammoth kicking out of it. Sugiura would then go for a Swift Driver but Mammoth would end up rolling up Sugiura for a small package for the win at 15 minutes, 4 seconds over his partner. Mammoth and Sugiura would shake hands afterward the match. Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei would team up for a Trick or Treat Tokyo Homeless Death Match against GENTARO and Dyna Mido with Kei getting the win at 8 minutes, 36 seconds with a Full Body Dissatisfaction to get the pin over Mido. Violento Jack would take on Susumu Yuya who would be sporting a new hair cut in a singles match with Susumu using his kicks to Jack's leg to start off the match. Yuya would then begin working on Jack's arm to try and get him ready for the Cross Armbreaker but Jack would come back with a kick to the face and then go for the Package Piledriver that Susumu would get out and go for a kick but Jack would duck and roll Susumu up with Susumu grabbing Jack's arm and placing him in the Crossface. Jack would manage to get out but Susumu would then make the mistake of climbing to the top rope and flipping off right into Jack's arm for him to easily hit the Package Piledriver for the pin. The opening match would have Masamune and Idea defeat Kazma Sakamoto and Dragon Libre after Masamune would lock on the Crossface to get the win at 10 minutes, 51 seconds over Libre.
FREEDOMS will be returning to Korakuen Hall on November 13, 2017 with the main event a rematch of their Christmas Death Match show last year with Daisuke Masaoka defending his King of Freedom World Championship in a No Canvas Glass Board Death Match against the man he defeated for the title in Violento Jack. Jun Kasai makes his return to the ring for the first time since cutting his finger almost off back on August 27th as he teams up with Takashi Sasaki against his Unchain friends Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorecent Light Tubes Death Match. Kasai's other friends Minrou Fujita and Gunso will team up to take on Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei. Tomoya Hirata will be making his pro-debut on the show as he is someone that FREEDOMS is high on as he is very bulky and is wishing to one day compete in top Death Matches for the promotion as he will take on GENTARO in his first match. Kamui and Dragon Libre who a year in is probably already below in the rankings of Tomoya Hirata will team up to take on Mitsuo Momota and Kenichiro Arai. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura will defend their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles against the team of Kazma and Chikara. Yuya Susumu will open the show by defending his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title as he will take on Masamune. The show is entitled "Heel Don't Think" which is the show title for every show they hold in Tokyo in November.
FREEDOMS ran on November 4, 2017 at the Sendai Miyagino Ward Cultural Center drawing an announced crowd of 182 fans for the show. The main event had Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Yuko Miyamoto defeat Violento Jack, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto when Masaoka would get the pin over Jack to even them up 1-1 against each other going into Korakuen Hall as Masaoka would get the pin at 14 minutes, 50 seconds after hitting Jaack with the Rokkurai Kai. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would team up in a non title match for the semi-main event as they would defeat Aisawa # 1 and Minoru Fujita # 2 as Fujita would be going by Aisawa's gimmick during the match with Sugiura picking up the win at 16 minutes, 8 seconds with the Swift Driver. GENTARO and Masamune would defeat Yuya Susumu and Fuminori Abe when Masamune would get the win at 9 minutes, 21 seconds over Susumu with a Honebami to setup their title match at Korakuen Hall. Kamui would defeat Chikara at 8 minutes, 52 seconds with the Norisuke Clutch and the oppening match would see Gabbai Ji-chan defeat Dragon Libre at 10 minutes, 41 seconds with a Gabaiton Bomb.
Mr. Gannosuke made his debut for the HEAT-UP promotion on November 5, 2017 as he teamed up with Guts Ishijima at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as HEAT-UP and Guts World have began working with each other. Their opponents for the show would be Gannosuke's former student Mineo Fujita as well as former ZERO1 student Toshiaki Iwaki with Ishijima getting the win over Iwaki at 11 minutes, 52 seconds after hitting him with a Demon Bomb. Fujita afterwards backstage stated that he always grabs touches his opponents penis during his match (Fujita is pansexual as he is someone that comes on to everyone including me the one night I hung out with him years ago) but he did not touch his opponents penis this time because they were fat (Ishijima) and old (Gannosuke) and he was worried they would sexually enjoy it if he did. Gannosuke backstage afterwards went after Fujita and Iwaki for being ZERO1 reject bastards and that HEAT-UP was a nothing promotion started by a nobody in Kazuhiro Tamura and that they wanted another HEAT UP tag team at the next Guts World show. Gannosuke and Ishijima will team up on November 14, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on the next Guts World show as they will face HEAT-UP's Daisuke Kanehira and Yoji Kondo.
Next week will mark the 19th Anniversary of the site. A lot has happened in the past year. The FMW Instagram I update has gotten much bigger, I was able to meet a bunch of long time fans of this site at the Onita show in New Jersey, and I started doing an FMW History Podcast which has gotten a lot of praise. The FMW name probably is as popular now than I have ever seen it due to nostalgia for people outside of Japan. This year also probably delivered so much content for this site with Onita's retirement. There is a big question mark on next year though for this site and what I cover. Onita now out of the picture leaves a struggling Super Battle FMW promotion that will be hopeful to make it out 2018 still running. There will still be FREEDOMS that but sometimes I feel like I am the only one watching the product outside of Japan now other than the few that watch when it airs on NicoNico as I get in pretty much every FREEDOMS DVD from their DVD company and when it comes to purchases of DVD's which this year was my biggest ever in terms of profit the 90's FMW shows sold so much more than FREEDOMS or anything current. One other factor for this site is that I will be getting married in January. So things in my personal life will be changing, but I am still planning on keeping up with this site as much as usual and having this site see its 20th Anniversary and it go into 2019. I obviously love FMW and hopefully this site has helped you love FMW just a little bit more over these last 19 years.
Added: 10/25
Although it would actually be Masahiro Sase who would promote the show the big show promoted under Atsushi Onita's name on October 9, 2017 at a Tokyo Odaiba Outdoor Special Ring would draw an announced 2700 fans for the show which would be considered a successful show. The first main event of the show would be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, Masahiro Sase who was promoting the show, and HASEGAWA against Matt Tremont, DJ Hyde, NOSAWA Rongai, FUJITA, and Chainsaw Tony in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match to end the Onita vs. Tremont feud. All the wrestlers would begin brawling around ringside before Onita would end up being left in the ring as Tremont, Hyde, and Fujita would all set up Onita in a chair in the ring with NOSAWA turning on the exploding barbed wire bat and smashing it across Onita's chest. Hyde would hold on to Onita as Tremont would grab a regular barbed wire bat but as he would go to hit Onita with it he would get red mist spit in his face. Onita would then shove Tremont into the exploding barbed wire. Onita would hit NOSAWA with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb but Fujita would end up making the save. Sase would make it back in the ring and Tremont and Hyde would grab him and send him into the exploding barbed wire. Onita would grab a piece of a broken table and smash it over Tony's head and with the help of Sase send Tony into the exploding barbed wire followed by Sase hitting Tony with the exploding barbed wire to get the pinfall at 10 minutes, 15 seconds to get the biggest win of Sase's soon to be over career,
The second main event of the show to set up his retirement show would have Atsushi Onita teaming up with Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against Kendo Kashin, FUJITA, and Kendo Kashin in another No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. Kashin who was fresh from not competing in the previous match would begin standing on Onita's neck as he would pull out his cell phone and begin calling somebody to come to the ring. Kazuyuki Fujita would then make his way to the ring and meet face to face with Onita for the first time as Fujita would take the place of FUJITA in the match. Onita would take a swing at Fujita but but NOSAWA, FUJITA, and Kashin would attack Onita. Kashin would hold on to Yaguchi and Hosaka as NOSAWA would hit them both with the exploding barbed wire bat. Fujita and Kashin would pick up Onita and send him into the exploding barbed wire. Fujita and Kashin would then pick up two exploding barbed wire bats and both would hit Onita with them at the same time creating a powerful blast which would also injure Onita's arm and leave burn marks on his face as a result as NOSAWA would pick up the scraps and cover Onita at 4 minutes, 35 seconds to get the win for NOSAWA's first ever pinfall victory over Onita. The IGF group would take off afterwards victorious.
The semi-main event would have Atsushi Sawada and Kendo Kashin team up in a handicap match against Naoshi Sano who would be without his partner Tomohiko Hashimoto who had fractured his fibula on the October 7th show and they would make short work of Sano as Sawada would end up getting the win at 3 minutes, 2 seconds after finishing off Sano with a STO. Mr. Gannosuke and Onryo would team up to defeat the team of Battle Ranger and Gosaku Goshogawara when Gannosuke would end up getting the win over his old friend Gosaku at 9 minutes 36 seconds when he would use his Gannosuke Clutch to pick up the pinfall. Dump Matsumoto and ZAP would defeat the team of Saki and Raiden after Matsumoto would get the win over Raiden at 5 minutes, 55 seconds after nailing him with a lariat. There would be a Three Way Match between Okinawa wrestlers as Super Delfin would defeat Masato Inaba going by his Golden Pine gimmick as well as Eisa8 after Delfin would pick up the win at 9 minutes, 27 seconds after using the Delfin Clutch on Pine for the win. Pandita. Wild Seven, and Kisarazu Clown defeated the team of Taco Papilla, Junichi Hanawa, and Crab K*ING when Kisarazu would score the victory over Papilla at 9 minutes, 12 seconds using a Neckbreaker. The team of KENSO, Tomoaki Chiba, and Akira Joh would get the win over the A-Team consisting of Kenichi Fujii, Toshiaki Terao, and Takumi Sakurai when KENSO would finish off Terao at 11 minutes, 57 seconds with an Axe Bomber. The opening match would have Dragon Soldier LAW and Masao Momano would get the win over Yumiko Kawada and Kunihiko Mitamega when LAW would pick up the win at 9 minutes, 15 seconds with his move Diving Ina Bauer over Mitamega.
Super Battle FMW held their final tour with Atsushi Onita on the shows as the first show started on October 12, 2017 at the Niigata Joetsu City Tourist Information Center where they would announce a crowd of 700 fans for the show. The main event would have Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka, and local wrestler Great Mucha defeat Raijin Yaguchi, NOSAWA Rongai, and Chainsaw Tony who was taking the place of Tomohiko Hashimoto after breaking his fibula the week before on the A-Team show in a no gimmick match with Onita picking up his final win over NOSAWA in FMW at 8 minutes, 50 seconds after he would hit NOSAWA with the Thunder Fire Powerbomb. Yutaka Yoshie teamed up with HASEGAWA in the semi-main event as they defeated Ricky Fuji and Keiichi Sato when HASEGAWA pinned Sato at 13 minutes, 26 seconds with a Backslide for the win. Akane Fujita defeated Miyako Matsumoto at 7 minutes, 40 seconds in a Ice Ribbon Offer Match as Fujita would pick up the win using a move called Mandarin Oranges. Battle Ranger and Masahiro Sase defeated Naoshi Sano and Tsuneo Yoshie the younger brother of Yutaka as Ranger would end up making Yoshie tap out at 7 minutes, 54 seconds to the Dragon Sleeper. The opening match would see Pandita get the win over Atsushi Dainita at 11 minutes, 21 seconds using a oversized fire cracker in a Exploding Wind Death Match.
Super Battle FMW then ran their last ever Atsushi Onita in FMW show on October 15, 2017 at the Chiba Kisarazu City Kiyomidai Gym where they would draw an announced crowd of 1000 fans. If Onita were to remain retire this would mark the official end spanning over 28 years from Onita's first and last show under the FMW name. The main event much like most Super Battle FMW shows was changed to become an 8 man as Atsushi Onita, Mammoth Sasaki, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji all former FMW wrestlers that have had relations with Onita going over 20 years defeating the team of Mr. Gannosuke, Raijin Yaguchi, NOSAWA Rongai, and Chainsaw Tony going by the Leatherface name in a Exploding Onibo Death Match with the Onibo being five times more powerful than a exploding barbed wire bat. NOSAWA fresh off his one win over Onita would go right after him and throw him into a table set up on the turnbuckle. Yaguchi would grab the Onibo and charge at Onita but Onita would move out of the way and Yaguchi would end up hitting the table causing a blast so powerful it would knock him down. Mammoth and Ricky would set up a table as Onita would gab NOSAWA and piledrive him through it. Yaguchi would grab Onita and spit red mist in his face as Gannosuke and Yaguchi would hold on to Onita as NOSAWA would smash across the chest with the powerful Onibo. Leatherface would pick up Onita and Gannosuke would take a regular barbed wire bat and as he would go to hit Onita with it he would get red mist in his face as Onita would deliver a stunner to Leatherface. Mammoth would charge at both Gannosuke and Leatherface and hit them both with a running lariat. Onita would take a piece of the table and smash it over Leatherface's head as Freddy Krueger who had battled with Leatherface earlier in the show would appear and turn on the exploding Onibo as Onita as Onita would hit Leatherface with the Onibo across the chest and score the pinfall win at 11 minutes, 12 seconds for Onita's final FMW match. Onita would then announce to NOSAWA Rongai that he would want to start off his retirement match 3 vs. 1 against Fujita, Kashin, and NOSAWA until his partners who were to be Yaguchi and Hosaka were to come out after it was too out of control for Onita although this idea might be dropped now with Takagi and KAI taking part in the match.
The semi-main event would The Bodyguard and Kazushi Miyamoto forming a powerful muscle team to defeat Raijin Yaguchi and KIYOSHI when Miyamoto got the win at 11 minutes, 59 seconds over KIYOSHI after hitting him with Double Impact for the win. Kotaro SUzuki and Keiichi Sato would defeat the team of Raiden and home town Kisarazu Kid when Sato would get the win over Kisarazu at 12 minutes, 13 seconds with a Modified Fisherman Buster. Chainsaw Tony as Leatherface would wrestle his first match on the show as he would take on the masked Freddy Krueger as the match would end at 7 minutes, 25 seconds after both men would be counted out. Battle Ranger, HASEGAWA, an Toshiaki Terao would defeat Naoshi Sano, Pandita, and Masahiro Sase when at 11 minutes, 56 seconds when Terao would use a Back Drop to get the pin over Pandita. Atsushi Dainita would take on Chotto Chono who has a Small Masahiro Chono gimmick and they would go to a Double KO at 7 minutes, 39 seconds in a Current Exploding Wind Death Match as a play off the Onita vs. Chono Exploding Barbed wire Death Match back on April 10, 1999 at the Tokyo Dome that went to a Double KO after both could not get up from the explosions.
Super Battle FMW announced the lineup for their first show after Atsushi Onita's retirement on November 10, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. No show after this show has been announced yet. It looks like KAI will become the top wrestler in the promotion as the main event will have him teaming up with Ricky Fuji and Gosaku Goshogawara against the team of Mr. Gannosuke, Kazushi Miyamoto, and NOSAWA Rongai in a regular match. Other matches on the show will have Kotaro Suzuki teaming up with Keiichi Sato who I personally would look into pushing for this promotion as they will take on Minoru Tanaka and Raiden. Masato Tanaka returns to the promotion for the first time since January as he will team up with Masahiro Sase in what will be Sase's retirement match as they take on Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Hideki Hosaka in a Hardcore Match. Raijin Yaguchi gets moved down the card as he will team up with Yutaka Yoshie against Naoshi Sano and Junichi Hanawa. The Pure-J Offer Match will have Manami Katsu taking on Yako Fujigasaki and the opening match will have Toshiaki Terao and Kisarazu Kid now going by his real name Kazuki Enosawa as they will take on mystery opponents.
The A-Team would hold the first of two shows in October for Onita's upcoming retirement with the first show taking place on October 7, 2017 at the Yokohama City Tsurumi Fruit Market where they would announce 400 fans for the show. The main event would have Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Hideki Hosaka defeating Japanese TV comedian Jiro Hachimitsu, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Captain Falls Elimination No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Street Fight Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Onita would charge after Hachimitsu by throwing his jacket at him and take him to outside where Onita would throw him into the crowd. Onita would bring him in and smash his head with a chair. Hachimitsu would fight back and begin tussling with Onita resulting in both going into the exploding barbed wire together. Onita would fall on Hachimitsu and make the cover but NOSAWA would manage to make the save. NOSAWA would turn on the exploding barbed wire bat as NOSAWA and Hachimitsu would set Onita up on a chair with Hashimoto grabbing the bat and smashing the exploding bat into Onita's chest. Hachimitsu would make the cover but Onita would manage to kick out. Hashimoto would hold on to Onita as Hachimitsu would grab a barbed wire bat but as he would go to swing it at Onita he would be met with red mist to the face by Onita. Onita would then deliver a Thunder Fire Powerbomb to NOSAWA to eliminate him from the match at 8 minutes, 52 seconds. Hashimoto would then clothesline Yaguchi and place him in a Crossface to eliminate him by submission at 10 minutes, 12 seconds to even the match up. Hashimoto would then pick up Hosaka and deliver a Death Valley Bomb and get the elimination him at 10 minutes, 52 seconds right before getting red mist spit in his face by Onita as Onita would deliver a stunner on Hashimoto and get the pinfall elimination at 11 minutes, 6 seconds to leave Hachimitsu alone with Onita. Onita would then hit Hachimitsu with a barbed wire bat and throw Hachimitsu into the exploding barbed wire with Hachimitsu managing to kick out from Onita's cover. Onita would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and smash it across Hachimitsu to get the win at 13 minutes, 49 seconds for the pinfall win. Onita would begin to pour water over Hachimitsu's body before Onita would help Hachimitsu up and the two would hug afterwards to end the show
The semi-main event of the show would have NOAH's Taiji Ishimori and Hi69 defeat the A-Team of Masaru Kameda and Takumi Sakurai when Ishimori would get the win over Sakurai at 13 minutes, 20 seconds after Ishimori would deliver his 450 Splash. Daisuke Ikeda who is a former FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Champion with Hayabusa would win the title that the FMW tag team titles would become in the WEW Tag Team Titles along with HASEGAWA as they would defeat the champions of Daisaku Shimoda and The Blue Shark at 14 minutes, 20 seconds when Ikeda would get the pinfall over Shimoda with the Daichan Bomber. Matt Tremont would make his debut in Japan on this show teaming up with CZW owner DJ Hyde along with Chainsaw Tony as they would defeat the A-Team of White Mask, Nobutaka Moribe, and Akira Joh when Tremont would get the pinfall over Joh at 17 minutes, 16 seconds with a Liger Bomb for the CZW team win. There would be a 10 man two out of three falls match as Naoshi Sano, Rion Mizuki, Raiden, Masahiro Sase, and Toshiaki Terao would defeat the small comedy indie team of Small Antonio Inoki, Kunihiko Mitamega, Tsuneo Yoshie, Chinsuke Nakamura, and Kota Kobashi as the comedy wrestlers would get the first fall after Small Antonio Inoki would Terao tap out at 1 minutes, 30 seconds with an Octopus Hold. Rion Mizuki would even it up at 4 minutes, 52 seconds with a roll up on Tsuneo Yoshie and the third and deciding fall would go to Toshiaki Terao as he would also pin Tsuneo Yoshie at 7 minutes, 53 seconds after finishing him off with a Backdrop. Masamune would defeat Keiichi Sato at 8 minutes, 53 seconds with his Ligtning Off. The opening dark match would see Wild Seven and Pandita defeating Kenichi Fujii and Kisarazu Kid when Seven would get the win at 6 minutes, 1 second over Kisarazu with a Shoulder Breaker for the pinfall.
The A-Team promotion promoted a special beach show on October 21, 2017 at the
Okinawa SUN Beach Special Ring where they would announce a crowd of 800 fans for the show although there would not be close to 800 fans for the show in actuality. The show was hurt by the fact that Typhoon Lan which was a Category 2 storm at 100 miles per hour winds was in close proximity of Okinawa during the time of the storm. The stipulations that Onita had mentioned months ago when the show was announced which included if you dunked your opponent in the beach water for under 10 seconds or were able to bury your opponents in the sand that would count as a victory would have to be scrapped as the beach area was closed off due to the storm and the ring had to be set up in the grass area a little bit away from the beach. Although the show would take place at night and those stipulations would have been difficult during the night time anyway. There was concerned about the show being cancelled because of the storm but since Okinawa was not in an actual danger of being hit by the storm they were able to have the show although winds would be up around 28 miles per hour during the show and the wrestlers would have to deal with the rain coming and going during the show. The main event also was originally suppose to be a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match but the match would be changed to just a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match which would be the first explosion match to take place in Okinawa as well as the main event card would be switched around due to Tomohiko Hashimoto's fractured
fibula as Raijin Yaguchi would be moved over to the A-Team of HASEGAWA and Takumi Sakurai as they would take on Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka, and Tomoaki Chiba. HASEGAWA would throw Onita into a table and Yaguchi would turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and charge at Onita with Onita moving out of the way and Yaguchi hitting the table and causing an explosion knocking him to the ground. HASEGAWA would then take the bat and while Sakurai and Yaguchi would hold Onita to a chair he would get hit across the chest with the exploding barbed wire by HASEGAWA as Sakurai would cover and Onita would kick out. Yaguchi would grab a hold of Onita as Sakurai would go to hit him with the bat he would be met with red mist sprayed in his face by Onita. Onita would then take a piece of broken table and smash it over HASEGAWA's head multiple times and would then turn on the exploding bat with HASEGAWA standing there waiting to accept his fate as Onita would hit him with the exploding barbed wire bat and get the pinfall at 15 minutes, 32 seconds for the win. Onita would pour water on HASEGAWA's body and would then spitting water everywhere with the water flying everywhere due to the wind.
Other matches on the show would have the semi-main event of
former FMW wrestlers going up against each other as Tetsuhiro Kuroda would
defeat Ricky Fuji at 8 minutes, 8 seconds with a Lariat in a Alcoholic Drunk
Death Match. Daisaku Shimoda defeating Ryukyu Dragon's Shuri Joe at 9 minutes, 49 seconds with a Backdrop. Akira Joh would defeat fellow A-Team wrestler Toshiaki Terao at 11 minutes, 20 seconds as Joh would hit Terao with a Lariat. Keiichi Sato would team up with Ryukyu Dragon's Churaumi Saber as they would defeat Ryukyu Dragon's Guruken Mask and Ultra Soki when Saber would get the win at 7 minutes, 28 seconds over Soki with a Aqua Twist. Naoshi Sano defeated Masahiro Sase at 5 minutes, 18 seconds when Sano would get the win with a Brainbuster. Drake Morimatsu would defeat Ryukyu Dragon's Pork Tachiko at 6 minutes, 29 seconds in a women's match with the Drake Bottom. The opening match would have Hibiscus Mii wrestling in her normal wrestling attire and freezing due to the wind and rain during the match would defeat Battle Ranger and
Pandita in a Three Way Match when the referee would hit Pandita with a lariat and Mii would make the cover at 6 minutes, 15 seconds for the win.
Atsushi Onita held a special Birthday press conference on October 25, 2017 at Toudoukan in Chiyoda, Tokyo wearing his red riders jacket and was presented with a two cookie cakes shaped as 6 and 0 as well as flowers to celebrate him turning 60 years old today. Onita stated that he was most happy when he is in a wrestling ring but he has to realize that he is now 60 years old. Onita stated he had decided to change the retirement match to teaming up with Shingo Takagi and KAI against the teamed of Kazuyuki Fujita, Kendo Kashin, and NOSAWA in a Street Fight Tornado Scramble Bunkhouse Barbed wire Board Death Match. Onita stated it was because that match with Yaguchi and Hosaka had already happened on October 9th and they had lost in the match after the three had already just competed in a match. Onita stated he has been asked why was not a singles match between him against Fujita with Onita stating that he wanted to destroy three people on his retirement match and that included Kashin and NOSAWA. Onita stated that both Takagi and KAI grew up longing for Onita as children and that he trusts they will protect him during his retirement match and that them teaming with him he considers a birthday gift. Onita stated he wanted to hit Fujita with a barbed wire bat. Onita stated that his shoulder is messed up following the double exploding barbed wire bat explosion spot back on October 9th by Fujita and Kashin and that he has been in a lot of pain and can not bench press as a result but he wants to give his thanks to the fans one last time.
The other matches on the Atsushi Onita Retirement show on October 31, 2017 which has mostly sold out is a ZERO1 Offer Match with Masato Tanaka, TARU, Takuya Sugawara against Shinjiro Otani, Yusaku Obata, and Sean Guinness. Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka have been moved to a mixed tag team match as Yaguchi will team up with Dump Matsumoto, ZAP, and Onryo against the team of Hosaka who will be teaming up wither former FMW women wrestlers Crusher Maedomari and Bad Nurse Nakamura who will also be teaming up with 666's NENE Mugen D.a.i. There will be a Battle Royal that will have former FMW wrestlers Ricky Fuji, Flying Kid Ichihara, Battle Ranger along with Wild Seven, Wild Bear, Wild Common, Wild Cat, Tomoryu, Naoshi Sano, Masahiro Sase, 326, Macho Michaels, Raiden, Shocker, Toshiaki Terao, Takumi Sakurai, and Masaru Kameda with the winner getting a Million Yen as the prize. The opening match will be Atsushi Dainita against Pandita possibly for the final time.
Fire Pro-Wrestling which will be holding Onita's second final match on October 29th at the Nagoya International Conference Hall have announced two matches for the show as Atsushi Onita will team up with KAI as they take on Masashi Aoyagi to finally end their 28 year old rivalry as he will teaming up with Minowaman in a Exploding Barbed wire Lumberjack Death Match. The other match on the show so far announced is Crusher Maedomari and Bad Nurse Nakamura against Tomoko Watanabe and a Mystery Partner in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match.
FREEDOMS returned to Okinawa to partner with the Ryukyu Dragon promotion on October 9, 2017 at the Okinawa Miyakojima JTA Dome where they would announce a crowd of 312 fans for the show. The main event had the FREEDOMS vs. Ryukyu Dragon main event of Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Toru Sugiura defeating the Okinawa team of Guruken Mask, Churaumi Saber, and Shuri Joe when Sasaki pinned Joe at 21 minutes, 8 seconds with a D-Geist. The semi-main event had Mammoth Sasaki and GENTARO get the win over the Ryukyu Dragon team of Ultra Soki and Hijya Kidman when Mammoth got the win at 12 minutes, 10 seconds over with the 29 Years Old over Kidman. The FREEDOMS team got another win as Violento Jack and Yuya Susumu scored the win over Ryukyu Dog Dingo and Tida Heat when Jack pinned Heat 13 minutes, 34 seconds with the Package Piledriver. Ryukyu Dragon's only win on the show was the female team of Hibiscus Mii and Pork Tachiko defeating Kenji Fukimoto and Kamui as Mii would score the pinfall at 9 minutes, 54 seconds over Kamui after the referee would hit a lariat on Kamui and Mii would roll him up with a Kasadora. The opening match had GENTARO and Devil Magician team up for the win over Dragon Libre and Shikuwasa Z with GENTARO picking up the win at 8 minutes, 7 seconds after hitting Shikuwasa with a Backdrop.
FREEDOMS will run two shows this month that are coming up with the first show taking place on October 26, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring with the main event of Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Isami Kodaka against the team of Violento Jack, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes and 2 Corners of Pain Death Match. Toru Sugiura will take on Kazma Sakamoto in the semi-main event. Mammoth Sasaki and Kamui team up to take on the team of GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai. Yuya Susumu teams up with small
independent wrestler DOUKI as they take on Masamune and the returning Kazuhiro Tamura. Dragon Libre will take on Chikara and the opening match will have GUNSO and Minoru Fujita against Brahman Shu and Kei with Karate Brahman in their corner.
Jun Kasai will promote the next show on October 29, 2017 although his injury will force him off the show as the main event will be Daisuke Masaoka and Takashi Sasaki
against Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Glass Board and Razor Cross Board Death Match. The semi-main event will be Yuko Miyamoto and Kamui going up against GUNSO and Minoru Fujita in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match. The tag team champions will compete against each other as Mammoth Sasaki will take on Toru Sugiura in a Hardcore Match. GENTARO and Dyna Mido will team up to take on Brahman Shu and Kei in a Trick or Treat I am going to be
Mischievous without Sweets Tokyo Desert Human Being out of Business Homeless Death Match. Violento Jack will being going up against Yuya Susumu in a non-death
match and the opening match will Masamune and Idea taking on Kazma Sakamoto and Dragon Libre.
FREEDOMS will then run on November 4, 2017 at the Sendai Miyagino Ward Cultural Gym with a main event of Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Yuko Miyamoto against the team of Violento Jack, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto. The semi-main event will be a non title match of Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura against Minoru Fujita and Aisawa # 1 and the undercard will consist of Yuya Susumu teaming up with Fuminori Abe against GENTARO and Masamune along with Kamui against Chikara and Gabbai Ji-chan against Dragon Libre.
Mr. Gannosuke would face off against Daisuke for the third and final time for the Guts World promotion on October 17, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. This would also be the third match to go over thirty minutes as this match would go 30 minutes, 11 seconds with Gannosuke picking up the win using his Gannosuke Clutch. Gannosuke would win the series 2-1 that has spanned over two years with Daisuke getting the first win back on July 19, 2015 at the Shinjuku FACE and Gannosuke winning the second match on May 8, 2016 at Korakuen Hall as this would be promoted as Daisuke's 1st Retirement Road Match as he will be retiring in December.
I just wanted to write a little about Atsushi Onita with his upcoming retirement. My first exposure of FMW like many people was through tape trading back in the 90's and that was because of the stipulation matches that Atsushi Onita was having against Mr. Pogo which just seemed insane. But I was a Mr. Pogo fan at first as I felt like Onita was too much like Hulk Hogan and I have never been a fan of the super man that beats everyone and gets all the glory which Onita is all about. Once I started really following FMW that was during the time that Onita and Hayabusa were having an internal struggle on who would be the ace of FMW. I was very much with Hayabusa and still would be to this day. This was also a down time of Onita with his face ZEN/Team Zero groups and his act was very stale. While working on this website I did not cover Onita in New Japan nor did I cover Onita Pro. I loved FMW and Onita was competition at this time. I did appreciate Onita bringing back the nostalgia based Onita FMW promotion after all the the crap after FMW went under although that promotion would only last three months and it seem like Onita's heart was not really in wrestling anymore during this time. He would come in for a little while and then retire and take a couple of years off before coming back for a short time again for about a decade. I have always respected Onita for everything he put his body through for the business and appreciate him creating FMW and starting all this but I always have been aware that he can be a huge ego maniac jerk. But these last 5 years where he has not been a good wrestler by any means but he has made me really become a fan of his whole career despite the ego and the politics that will always come with him. He has helped so much with content as well for this site the last 5 years as I feel like every top story for a news update starts with Onita. It might be because he is addicted to the glory that is pro-wrestling but he has really given his body for this business and you can't help but respect him for everything he has done. He has talked about retiring for the last 4 years at 60 and here we are with less than one week left. I know many people don't believe this will be his actual retirement but whether it really is or not I hope he can have happiness in his life without having to put his body through anymore than it already has been put through over the last 43 years.
Added: 10/2
Megumi Kudo did an interview on September 22,
2017 where she was at the recently renovated Kawasaki City Gym which is now
called the Kawasaki City Sports Cultural Center which is across the street from
Kawasaki Stadium. Kudo pointed to Kawasaki Stadium in the interview and stated
that was the place where she had hoped for Onita retired. That there was a
period that no wrestler could beat Onita in a Exploding Ring Death Match at
Kawasaki. She stated that she wanted the Super Fireworks booking of the former
Kawasaki City Gym scheduled for November 3rd to be moved to Kawasaki Stadium as
that is the rightful place for Onita to retire. Kudo stated that Kawasaki
Stadium was the sanctuary for the FMW era and then Kudo ended the interview by
stating she wanted to help create the final Kawasaki moment for Onita.
Atsushi Onita saw this interview on Twitter and immediately laughed it off
stating it was impossible as Onita tried for months to get Kawasaki Stadium
booked and even with his connections with the building (they had a shrine of
Onita's Kawasaki matches inside their office last year) since he wanted the show
to take place in October and with the stadium now being a home to football games
and October being Football season it was just impossible for Onita to get a
booking for a wrestling show at the building and instead decided to book the
show at Korakuen Hall where he made his debut 43 years ago. Onita then was given
a document by ZERO1 written by Megumi Kudo on September 24th after his match
with Masato Tanaka with Kudo stating the same thing about wanting his final
match to take place Kawasaki Stadium. Onita declined this offer and stated his
retirement match will take place on October 31st at Korakuen Hall. It would also
not make sense for Onita to work his retirement match for the ZERO1 promoted
Super Fireworks promotion as they would end up getting the money for the show
where as Onita who is the one promoting the October 31st at Korakuen Hall and
selling tickets at a high price for his retirement show would be getting the
money for that show and his show would take a hard hit and upset many people who
have bought the tickets to see the promoted Onita retirement show.
Atsushi Onita held a press conference at the Toudoukan in Suidobashi, Tokyo on October 2, 2017 where he officially announced his final match to take place on October 31, 2017 against Kazuyuki Fujita. Onita started by stating that he would not participate for the Super Fireworks promotion on November 3, 2017 in Kawasaki. Onita stated as a result of them asking him to wrestle one last time about 100 people have canceled their reserved tickets for his final show on October 31st. Onita stated that he will offer everybody a full refund if he were to work the November 3rd show in Kawasaki. Onita stated that Korakuen Hall is a memorable place for him as it was where he had his first retirement ceremony back in January 1985 for All Japan. Onita who does not want to refer to this being a retirement match because of nobody believing him due to him returning so many times but he wants to call it a "Goodbye Match" for him. Onita stated his last Death Match will take place on October 29th in Nagoya in a tag match against Masashi Aoyagi and Minowaman. Onita then stated that he was officially announcing his final match to be against Kazuyuki Fujita even though Fujita has not accepted his offer yet. Onita stated he has been in talks with Kendo Kashin who is Fujita's agent and that he wants Fujita to appear and accept the challenge on October 9th in Odaiba, Tokyo. Onita has stated that originally he wanted his final match to be against Tarzan Goto but because of issues (he didn't state but Goto with his age has not really kept up in wrestling shape and has beginning to show the signs of someone that is punch drunk) so he then decided that he wanted a New Japan vs. All Japan match as he is the first son of All Japan and he considers Fujita to be one of the sons of Antonio Inoki. Onita did not state this but this match has not been received well and I would imagine that many of the 100 people that cancelled their reservations were actually canceling due to this being the match announced for Onita's retirement.
Super Battle FMW returned to the Fukuoka Hakata
Star Lanes on September 16, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 700 fans to the
building that Onita first brought FMW to in October 1991. The main event had
Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Ricky Fuji take on the team of Mr.
Gannosuke, Raijin Yaguchi, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball
Bat Exploding Chair Tornado Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match. Yaguchi would be the
first to grab the exploding barbed wire bat with NOSAWA turning it on. Yaguchi
would charge at Onita but Onita would move out of the way an Yaguchi would hit a
table set up in on the turnbuckle as the explosion would knock Yaguchi to the
mat. Onita would gab NOSAWA and set him up on a table and piledrive NOSAWA
through it. Onita would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat as Yaguchi
would sit NOSAWA down on the chair and just as Onita was about to use the
exploding bat it would be turned off by Gannosuke to save NOSAWA as Yaguchi
would attack Onita. Yaguchi would then set up Onita in the chair as NOSAWA would
turn on the bat and hit Onita with the exploding bat across the chest. NOSAWA
would then grab a guitar and smash it over Onita's head. Yaguchi would then hold
on to Onita as Gannosuke would grab a regular barbed wire bat but as Gannosuke
would go for the swing he would end up getting red mist spit in his face by
Onita. Hashimoto would come in and clothesline Yaguchi and Onita would grab a
piece of the table and begin smashing it repeatedly over NOSAWA's head before
turning on the exploding bat and swinging it at NOSAWA to get the pin at 12
minutes, 21 seconds over NOSAWA as NOSAWA would shake Onita's hand afterwards.
Other matches on the show would have Koji Kanemoto and Yutaka
Yoshie defeat the team of Hideki Hosaka and HASEGAWA when Yoshie would get the
pinfall at 13 minutes, 58 seconds using a Jumping Body press on HASEGAWA in the
semi-main event of the show. The Ice Ribbon Offer Match would see Hamuko Hoshi
defeat Miyako Matsumoto at 7 minutes, 39 seconds after getting the win with the
Metabolic Sand. Junji Tanaka who worked for FMW in 2001 under the name
would team up with Mt. Aso as they would defeat Keiichi Sato and Naoshi Sano
when Juni would deliver a Diving Headbutt to get the win at 11 minutes, 41
seconds over Sato. Pandita would win the opening match defeating Atsushi Dainta
in a Exploding Blast Death Match at 7 minutes, 47 seconds after Pandita would
get the win with a Bazooka Cracker Attack.
Atsushi Onita would promote a show called "Kyushu Heavy Rain Charity Event" held on September 17, 2017 at the Saga Kanzaki City Jiro Gym where they would announce a crowd of 400 fans for the show. Saga was one of the area heavily in Southern Japan over the summer that resulted in mudslides and at least 17 deaths. It was raining outside at the beginning of the show as Onita, HASEGAWA, Naoshi Sano and Ricky Fuji would meet people entering with donation boxes with Onita and HASEGAWA's boxes being for the rain and Ricky Fuji holding a box for donations for Yoshihiro Takayama and his severe injury that has left him paralyzed. Naoshi Sano and Pandita would have children enter the ring where they would work out and do squats with the children and push ups with the children on their backs. Onita would participate in 10 Man Battle Royal which would be his first Battle Royal in over 23 years as he would roll up Mt. Aso but Aso would reverse it and all the wrestlers would hold on to Aso to make sure he would get the pinfall and eliminate Onita from it with Onita leaving while laughing. The last two would be Aso and Ricky with Aso delivering a sunset flip but Ricky staying on his feet until Aso would pull down his trunks and roll him up for the pinfall at 8 minutes, 10 seconds to give Mt. Aso the Battle Royal win. The main event of the show would have Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Ricky Fuji defeat Raijin Yaguhi, Hideki Hosaka, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Yaguchi would attack Onita with a barbed wire bat and set him on a chair as NOSAWA would turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and smash it across Onita's chest. NOSAWA would then begin hitting Onita with the barbed wire bat but as he would go to smash him over the head with a chair he would get red mist spit in his face by Onita. Onita would then deliver a Thunder Fire Powerbomb with NOSAWA managing to kick out. Onita would then turn on the exploding bat and nail NOSAWA with it as he would get the pinfall over NOSAWA at 12 minutes, 30 seconds as all the wrestlers afterwards would grab chairty boxes and begin walking around the building collecting donations from the fans to end the show. The only other match on the show was the opener of HASEGAWA defeating Pandita and Naoshi Sano in a Three Way Match at 7 minutes, 30 seconds after HASEGAWA would get the win over Pandita after pinning him.
Super Battle FMW would then run a show on September 18, 2017 at the Kumamoto Distribution Center where they would announce a crowd of 500 fans for the show. The main event would get switched to an 8 man match as Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka, Ricky Fuji, and Mt. Aso would defeat Mr. Gannosuke, Tomohiko Hashimoto, 20 year old Hiroshi Nozaki who works for Kyushu Pro, and Naoshi Sano in a in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Exploding Chair Tornado Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match with the match being similar to the show two days earlier with Gannosuke swinging the exploding bat and missing Onita and hitting the table on the turnbuckle instead and then getting red mist in the face when trying to swing the non explosive barbed wire bat at Onita. Hashimoto would end up hitting Onita with the exploding bat but Onita would manage to kick out and eventually end up hitting Sano with the exploding bat himself and getting the win at 10 minutes, 41 seconds with a pin over Sano. Koji Kanemoto and Yutaka Yoshie would defeat Junji Tanaka and Keiichi Sato after Kanemoto would make Sato tap out at 10 minutes, 41 seconds to a Boston Crab. Mochi Miyagi once again defeated Miyako Matsumoto in the Ice Ribbon Match at 9 minutes, 49 seconds with a Diving Guillotine Drop. Mt. Aso would defeat Hiroshi Nozaki earlier in the show before their main event tag match as Aso would get the win at 9 minutes, 14 seconds after nailing Nozaki with a Piledriver. HASEGAWA would win the opening match by defeating Pandita at 7 minutes, 49 seconds with a Diving Double Drop for the win.
Atsushi Onita would go up against NOSAWA Rongai in their first and final singles match against each other in what would be promoted as Atsushi Onita's final FMW show in Tokyo on September 21, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where they would announce a crowd of 400 fans for the show. They would compete in a 15 Chairs Barbed wire Baseball Bat Guitar Falls Count Anywhere Outside Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Onita would early on get a table set up and piledrive NOSAWA through it and grab NOSAWA's guitar but NOSAWA would manage to get up and kick Onita and grab the guitar to smash over Onita's head. NOSAWA would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and take Onita outside and smash it across Onita causing the huge explosion outside. NOSAWA would bring back Onita into the ring but Onita would manage to fight back after this and grab a piece of the broken table from the piledriver earlier and begin smashing it over NOSAWA's head repeatedly before hitting NOSAWA with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb with NOSAWA kicking out. Onita would then turn on the exploding bat and take NOSAWA outside again and NOSAWA would spread his arms out and prepare for Onita to swing and smash the exploding bat at him with the explosion causing NOSAWA to fall to the ground screaming in pain. Onita would then take NOSAWA back to the ring and begin smashing chair after chair over NOSAWA's head until then spitting yellow mist in NOSAWA's face and smashing another chair over his head with NOSAWA getting right up and telling Onita to hit him again with another one which NOSAWA would before finally hitting a Thunder Fire Powerbomb on NOSAWA to put him away for good at 19 minutes, 1 second as Onita and NOSAWA would lay on the mat holding each others hand in respect.
The semi-main event of the show would be promoted as Raiden's 6th Anniversary Match as Raiden would announce he was joining the A-Team promotion and would team up with fellow A-Team wrestlers Tomohiko Hashimoto and HASEGAWA as they would lose to the team of Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, and Katsunari Toi when Toi would get the win at 19 minutes, 43 seconds with his signature Foot Stomp over Raiden for the win. Manami Toyota who is retiring next month teamed up with Kotaro Suzuki as they would defeat the team of Keiichi Sato and Tam Nakano in a Mixed Tag Match as Toyota would get the win over Nakano who has been getting a following over the past year at 14 minutes, 59 seconds after hitting Nakano with the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex. Shigeo Kato and Tomoaki Chiba defeated Naoshi Sano and Tomoryu when Chiba would get the win over Tomoryu at 8 minutes, 56 seconds. The opening match would be Ricky Fuji, Pandita, and Masashiro Sase defeat Wild Seven, Shocker, and 666's NENE mugen D.a.i when Ricky would get the win at 10 minutes, 39 seconds after pinning Shocker with a 9999 DDT.
Ray made her first appearance at the Super Battle FMW show on September 21, 2017 at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring for the first time since November 24, 2016 at Korakuen Hall. Ray who sat with Super Battle FMW Commissioner Kaoru Izumi during the show was suppose to appear back in March but due to the weather and fear of the germs that came with it decided not to appear on the show and had not made a public appearance. Ray who has been fighting a malignant brain tumor since early 2016 showed signs of a swollen face which would come from the steroids that she is taking to fight the deadly cancer.
Atsushi Onita took on Masato Tanaka for only the second time in their careers on September 24, 2017 for the Super Fireworks promotion at the Nagoya International Conference Hall with Onita putting up his Super Fireworks Title. The first match between the two would be on December 19, 1997 at the Komazawa Olympic Gym where Onita who wore his signature white shirt and blue Onita trunks for the final time in his career ended up rolling up Tanaka for the win over his pupil. Almost 20 years later Tanaka get his shot against his mentor and he would charge at Onita with a chair but Onita would kick him and pick up the chair and smash it over Tanaka's head and deliver a stunner. Onita would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat but Tanaka would grab his arm before he could swing it while Takuya Sugawara who was in Tanaka's corner would turn off the explosions. TARU and Sugawara would then come in the ring and attack Onita and set him up on a chair as Tanaka would turn on the exploding bat and smash it over Onita's chest with the explosion being so hard that Onita would grab a bottle of water to pour on his chest before kicking out of Tanaka's pinfall attempt. Tanaka would then setup Onita on top of a table on the outside and fly off the top turnbuckle sending Onita through the table. Tanaka would then bring Onita in the ring and charge at him with an elbow before setting up to deliver the Sliding D which Onita would kick out. Onita would manage to fight back and turn on the exploding bat but Tanaka would duck out of the way of Onita's swing but Onita would then spit red mist in his face and hit Tanaka with the exploding bat and then deliver a Thunder Fire Powerbomb with Tanaka managing to kick out. Onita would then smash a chair over Tanaka's head but he would no sell and then put his arms up to block Onita spitting red mist in his face and then pick up a metal sword case and smash it over Onita's head and then deliver a Super Fly Splash with Onita kicking out. Tanaka would then set up Onita for the Sliding D with Onita managing to kick out from it again. Tanaka would then turn on the exploding bat and hit Onita with it once again and Onita would still manage to kick out. Tanaka would then go for his third Sliding D and this time would manage to put away Onita for the win at 15 minutes, 10 seconds with Onita just half a second too slow from managing to kick out of it again. Tanaka would be awarded the Super Fireworks Heavyweight Championship with Tanaka grabbing the mic and showing Onita respect for being a mentor to him his entire career as Tanaka and Onita would shake hands and hug to end the show.
The Apple Star promotion would run their last ever show on September 30, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where the 18 month feud between Atsushi Onita and Akane Watase would finally conclude as Atsushi Onita would team up with HASEGAWA, Tomoaki Chiba, and Atsushi Dainita would defeat Akane Watase, Raijin Yaguchi, Masahiro Sase, Naoki Tanizaki, Green Apple in a No Ropes Barbed wire Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Barbed wire Board Exploding Prison Death Match. A brawl between both teams would start off the match as Yaguchi would pick up Onita and allow Watase to charge at Onita wearing her barbed wire bra knocking Onita down. Yaguchi would take Onita outside Shin-Kiba where they would turn on the exploding bat and with Yaguchi helping her Watase would hit Onita with the exploding barbed wire bat. They would make it back in the ring where Watase would get charge Onita with her barbed wire bra but Onita would spit red mist in her face. Onita would pick up a piece of a broken table and smash it over Watase's head. Onita and Chiba would then suplex Sase through a barbed wire board as Chiba would end up getting the pin at 14 minutes, 29 seconds over Sase. Watase would then be brought out to the parking lot again and place in a prison cell that would be turned on to explode. Onita would then bring Watase back in the ring where he would pour water on her and have her helped up to do his signature Onita Theater with him to the crowd as a final farewell to the Apple Star promotion.
The official lineup for Masahiro Sase's promoted show under Atsushi Onita's name on October 9, 2017 in Odiba, Tokyo where an outdoor special ring will be setup with the main event of a 10 man No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match as Atsushi Onita will team up with Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, Masahiro Sase, and HASEGAWA will go up against the team of Matt Tremont, DJ Hyde, Chainsaw Tony, Minoru Fujita, and NOSAWA Rongai. Other matches on the show will be Tam Nakano teaming up with a Mystery Partner as they will go up against Dump Matsumoto and ZAP T. There will be a FMW reunion match as Mr. Gannosuke and Onryo will team up to take on Battle Ranger and Gosaku. There will be an Okinawa 3 Way Match between Super Delfin against Eisa 8 against Masato Inaba as Golden Pine. The opening match will have Yumiko Kawada and Kunihiko Mitamega against Dragon Soldier LAW and Masao Momano.
The final two Super Battle FMW shows for Atsushi
Onita have been announced. The first show will take place on October 12, 2017 at
the Niigata Joetsu City Tourist Information Center with a main event of Atsushi
Onita, local wrestler Great Mucha, and Hideki Hosaka against the three wrestlers
he has faced most in the 2 1/2 years since the promotion started up in Raijin
Yaguchi, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and NOSAWA Rongai in what is now just a standard
match. The semi-main event of the show will have Ricky Fuji and Keiichi Sato
against Yutaka Yoshie and HASEGAWA. The Ice Ribbon Offer Match will have Miyako
Matsumoto against Akane Fujita. Naoshi Sano will team up with a Shinshu Pro
wrestler as Yukihide Ueno returns as Battle Ranger for the first time in over
two years for the promotion as he will team up with Masahiro Sase. The opening
match will be Atsushi Dainita against Pandita.
The final Super Battle FMW show for Atsushi Onita will take place on October 15,
2017 at the Chiba Kizarazu City Kiyomidai Gym with the main event of an all
original FMW teams with Atsushi Onita teaming up with Mammoth Sasaki and Ricky
Fuji against Mr. Gannosuke, Hideki Hosaka, and NOSAWA Rongai (who was an FMW
member the final four months of the promotion) in a Exploding Barbed wire
Baseball Bat Death Match. The semi-main event will be Raijin Yaguchi teaming up
with KIYOSHI against the big man team of The Bodyguard and Kazushi Miyamoto. The
former W-1 team of Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato will take on Kisarazu Kid and
Raiden and the random match of Freddy Krueger against Leatherface will take
place. Battle Ranger will team up with HASEGAWA and Toshiaki Terao against
Naoshi Sano, Pandita, and Masahiro Sase and the opening match will be Atsushi
Dainita against Chotto Chono which stands for small Chono.
Aki "Miss Mongol" Kambayashi announced at the age of 41 that her and her husband Japanese comedian/Samurai TV host Akinga Toyomoto were expecting their first child and thus Mongol has not been wrestling for the Super Battle FMW promotion since July. The couple were married in 2015 but suffered hardship earlier this year once it came out that Toyomoto had cheated on Kambayashi which got Onita wanting to do a mixed tag match between the two to allow Mongol to hit Toyomoto with an Exploding Barbed wire Bat to get even for the affair. This will most likely take Mongol out of action for the rest of 2018.
Daisuke Masaoka made his American debut for the Game Changer Wrestling promotion on September 16, 2017 in Howell, New Jersey at Game Changer World for the Nick Gage Inviational Death Match Tournament. Masaoka would end up defeating Markus Crane in the first round of the Nick Gage Invitational Death Match Tournament after Masaoka would hit his signature Spanish Fly on Crane to advance. Masaoka would end up losing the semi-finals of the tournament to Nick Gage himself in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match as Gage would advance to the finals of the tournament before losing to Matt Tremont who had earlier defeated FREEDOMS regular Miedo Extremo himself.
FREEDOMS would return to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on September 28, 2017 drawing an announced 197 fans for the show which would be down from their recent set of shows but understandable top draw Jun Kasai still out due to his cut finger getting infected. The main event of the show had Daisuke Masaoka and Takashi Sasaki defeat Masashi Takeda and Minoru Fujita who was replacing Kasai in the match in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Weapons Death Match with Sasaki managing to get the win at 20 minutes, 25 seconds after hitting a light tube with a right kick against Fujita's head for the win. Masaoka and Takeda both held up their heavyweight titles in front of the other to show off between the two champions. Mammoth Sasaki and Violento Jack would end up going to a Double Fall finish at 15 minutes, 24 seconds as they would both roll up each others legs and the referee would count three and announce the match a draw. Kenji Fukimoto and GUNSO would defeat Yuko Miyamoto and GENTARO at 11 minutes, 9 seconds after Fukimoto would hit GENTARO with a Package Piledriver. Kazma Sakamoto and Chikara would win a 3 Way Tag Match over Kamui and Toru Sugiura as well as Brahman Shu and Kei when Chikara would get the win at 7 minutes, 35 seconds with a Saber Chop on Sugiura. Kenichiro Arai and Masamune would defeat the team of Yuya Susumu and PSYCHO at 12 minutes, 20 seconds when Masamune would hit the Honebami on Susumu. The opening match would have Ryukyu Dragon's Ultra Soki defeat Dragon Libre at 10 minutes, 17 seconds with the Emerium Splash MAX for the opening match win.
FREEDOMS will return to Okinawa where they will run a show on October 9, 2017 at the Okinawa Miyakojima JTA Dome with all the matches pitting FREEDOMS against Ryukyu Dragon talent. The main event will have Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Toru Sugiura against Guruken Mask, Chuaraumi Saber, and Shuri Joe. Mammoth Sasaki will team up with a Mystery Partner as they take on Ultra Soki and Hijya Kidman in the semi-main event. Violento Jack and Yuya Susumu team up to take on American Ryukyu Dog Dingo and Tida Heat. Kenji Fukimoto and Kamui team up to take on Hibiscus Mii and Pro Tachiko. The opening match will have GENTARO team up with Hiroshima based wrestler Devil Magician as they take on FREEDOMS' Dragon Libre and Ryukyu Dragon's Shikuwasa Z.
It was announced that FREEDOMS will be represented in a Differ Memorial 2017 Tag Team Tournament Cup along with NOAH, DDT, ZERO1, and former IWA Japan talent on November 28, 2017 at the Tokyo Differ Ariake before my least favorite arena I ever went to in Japan shuts down at the end of the year.
The A-Team returned to the Tokyo Kitasenju Theater 1010 where they drew an announced 140 fans for the show. The opening match was really the main event of the show as HASEGAWA was able to win the title he created in the WEW Jr. Heavyweight Title as he defeated former All Japan wrestler Tsuyoshi Kikuchi with his H Flow. Hiroshi Kosakai the former Apache Army wrestler who left pro-wrestling full time to pursue a career in shoot fighting defeated Raihito Shimizu at 6 minutes, 8 seconds with a Left Kick. Nobutaka Moribe defeated Takumi Sakurai at 13 minutes, 58 seconds with the MRB. Koji Kanemoto, Keiichi Sato, Masahiro Sase defeated Kotaro Nasu, Rion Mizuki, and Raiden when Kanemoto made Raiden tap out at 15 minutes, 53 seconds to the Ankle Lock. Masamune and Akira Joh defeated Tomohiko Hashimoto and Toshiaki Terao when Masamune pinned Terao at 16 minutes, 18 seconds with a Bat Fish Drop. The main event of the show had Daisaku Shimoda and The Blue Shark team up in a non title match against Masaru Kamed and White Mask which would go to a no contest at 12 minutes, 17 seconds as both sides would have members interfere with White Mask ripping off The Blue Shark's mask during the match.
The A-Team will promote a show on October 7, 2017 at the Yokohama City Tsurumi Fruit Market with the main event being a Captain Falls Elimination No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Street Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match as Atsushi Onita will captain his team of Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against the team of famous Japanese comedian Jiro Hachimitsu who will captain his team of Tomohiko Hashimoto and NOSAWA Rongai. The NOAH tag team of Taiji Ishimori and Hi69 will go up against the A-Team tag team of Masaru Kameda and Takumi Sakurai. Daisaku Shimoda and The Blue Shark will defend their WEW Tag Team Titles up against Daisuke Ikeda and HASEGAWA. Matt Tremont will make his Japanese debut on the show teaming up with his boss DJ Hyde and Tony Myers as Chainsaw Tony against the team of Nobutaka Moribe, Akira Joh, and White Mask. There will be a small indies 10 man match as Small Antonio Inoki teams up with Kunihiko Mitamega, Yutaka Yoshie's brother Tsuneo Yoshie, Chinsuke Nakamura, and Kota Kobashi against the team of Naoshi Sano, Rion Mizuki, Raiden, Masahiro Sase, and Toshiaki Terao. The opening match will have Masamune going up against Keiichi Sato.
Mr. Gannosuke took on long time rival Buffalo as their rivalry goes back to August 1995 in IWA Japan when Gannosuke and Buffalo who went by his real name Keisuke Yamada at the time brawled all over a Japanese Bath House in front of naked men and women in one of more memorable matches in Japanese history. Gannosuke and Yamada would renew their rivalry in 2006 after Yamada would go by the Black Buffalo and feud with Mr. Gannosuke in the WMF promotion. Now just going by Buffalo their feud would enter into Guts World promotion on September 20, 2017 with both of them again brawling all over the place as Gannosuke would try to tear off Buffalo's mask during the match. Gannosuke would end up picking up the win at 10 minutes, 49 seconds after using a Backslide on Buffalo. Gannosuke's next match in Guts World will be on October 17, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring against Daisuke. This will be the third and final match between the two as Daisuke announced on the show that he would be retiring from wrestling. Daisuke won the first match against Gannosuke on July 19, 2015 in a match that would nearly go 35 minutes followed by Gannosuke winning the second match on May 8, 2016 in a match that would go over 33 minutes with this match being the rubber match in their feud.
I have conducted two History of FMW podcasts since my last update. The second episode which can be found on YouTube at where we go over 1989 and Onita starting up FMW and his feud with Masashi Aoyagi along with the first ever barbed wire death match for the promotion. The third podcast at where we go over the first half of 1990 with FMW as Onita begins to build up FMW and begins to make Onita a star. There was so much to cover in 1990 that we will be recording the second half of 1990 later this week. These can be found on iTunes as well. I really do a lot of research for these so if you want to learn about FMW stuff that's not even covered on this site you should check these out.
Added: 9/12
Atsushi Onita has retired The Great Nita gimmick for the fourth and apparent final time. Atsushi Onita first debut The Great Nita gimmick on December 1, 1994 in Hiroshima as a counter to The Great Muta's popular gimmick at the time as he teamed up with Tarzan Goto's alter ego Ho Chi Win a play off of the Vietnamese communist revolutionary leader as they would defeat Mr. Pogo and Hisakatsu Oya in a in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. Nita would return once again on December 20, 1994 to defeat Mr. Pogo in a Lumberjack Match. Nita would end up suffering his first lost on March 30, 1995 at the Yokohama Bunka Gym to Mr. Pogo's alter ego King Pogo in a No Ropes Barbed wire Lumberjack Death Match. The Great Nita would be retired on May 1, 1995 in Osaka with Onita's retirement coming up four days later. The gimmick would stay retire until Onita would bring it back to take on the man the gimmick was based off in The Great Muta in New Japan on August 28, 1999 at the Jingu Stadium in a horrible Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. Nita would hold a funeral for the gimmick after the match but would end up bringing it back to life on May 3, 2003 in World Japan as he would take on Hiroshi Hase and end up getting DQ'd after accidentally misting the referee. This match would be forgotten as ten years later The Great Nita gimmick would still be presumed dead after the Muta match until May 27, 2013 when Ichiro Yaguchi would arrive at the Tokyo Bay where The Great Nita's burial site would be and would pray for the resurrection of The Great Nita. Nita would then appear and begin swimming from the bay to arrive once again. The Great Nita's first match in over a decade would take place on June 21, 2013 as he would destroy The Winger. He would wrestle a couple more times with the gimmick before bringing it back this time for one final as this time he and sister The Great Tam would swim up to shore from the Tokyo Bay.
The Great Nita's Farewell show took place on August 27, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo where an announced 350 fans for the show as The Great Nita team up with Tam Nakano built as Nita's sister The Great Tam, Tomohiko Hashimoto as Ochimusha Hashimoto, and Raiden as they would take on Raijin Yaguchi as Jesus Yaguchi, Onryo, Hideki Hosaka as Mr. Pogo # 2, and NENE mugen D.a.i in the main event. Nita would take off his mask and right away spit green mist in Yaguchi's face to start the match. Nita would then take Yaguchi and begin carrying him around the building as Tam and NENE would begin brawling in the crowd. Everyone would meet back in the ring as Yaguchi would end up grabbing Tam and throwing her into a table setup on the turnbuckle. Yaguchi would then charge at Tam but Nita would run in the way to save Tam and deliver an elbow to Yaguchi although Pogo # 2 though would charge at Nita with a barbed wire baseball bat and hit him across the mid section with it. Yaguchi would then hold Nita while Onryo would take out some powder of his pocket with Nita managing to move out of the way and Onryo would end up accidentally hitting Yaguchi with the powder. Nita would then spit red mist into Onryo's face and Raiden would come in the ring and deliver a drop kick. Tam would then deliver a handspring elbow to Onryo in the corner and Hashimoto would deliver a choke slam to Onryo. Nita would then grab a chair and smash it over Onryo's head and Nita would deliver a Back Drop to get the win at 11 minutes, 50 seconds to get the pin over Onryo. Nita would then walk out of Shin-Kiba 1st Ring into a near by lake where he would wave goodbye before going under weather to presumably never be seen again.
The semi-main event of the show would be changed after Ricky Fuji who was originally scheduled to take on Hideki Hosaka could not make it to Shin-Kiba in time for the show after wrestling on a show at the Chiba Blue Field for Wrestle-1 which so Hosaka was moved up to the main event and the semi-main event was made into Mr. Hage who is Pandita/Wild Bear without the mask taking on Miss Mongol with Mongol laying the boots to Hage right away and then pulling the little hair that he has left until grabbing some a pair of scissors and cutting some of it off. Mongol would then go low and smash Hage against the mat to get the win at 7 minutes, 32 seconds in a total squash. Naoshi Sano and Masahiro Sase would defeat Kenichi Fujii and Shocker after Sano would get the win at 13 minutes, 12 seconds with a Brainbuster. A-Team's HASEGAWA and Toshiaki Terao would defeat Raiden and Tomoryu at 10 minutes, 21 seconds with a Diving Double Drop. The opening match would have Fat Kobashi defeat Atsushi Dainita (Fat Onita) at 9 minutes, 6 seconds in a Exploding Blasting Wind Death Match after Kobashi would hit Dainita with a Iron Wire Bat to open the show.
Super Battle FMW started their August Tour on
August 24, 2017 at the Yamaguchi Messe Shimonoseki drawing an 600 fans for the
show with the main event of Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Ricky Fuji
defeating the team of Raijin Yaguchi going by the name of Jesus Yaguchi, Hideki
Hosaka going by his Mr. Pogo # 2 gimmick, and NOSAWA Rongai when Onita would get
the win over NOSAWA at 11 minutes, 7 second with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb in a
Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match. Tetsuhiro Kuroda who was originally scheduled
for the tour ended up missing the tour and the undercard matches all had to be
changed up so the semi-main event of the show had Mr. Gannosuke and Kotaro
Suzuki defeating Naoshi Sano and HASEGAWA when Suzuki would pin Sano at 13
minutes, 6 seconds with a Endless Waltz. Bambi defeated Buso Mongol which
translates to Ugly Mongol at 8 minutes, 9 seconds with a Standing Shining
Wizard. I was never able to find out who Ugly Mongol was. Kenichi Fujii and Yuki
Takasugi defeated Toshiaki Terao and Keiichi Sato when Takasugi got the win at
11 minutes, 28 seconds after finishing off Terao with a Lariat. Pandita won the
opening match which was a Safety Wire Exploding Bat Death Match against Atsushi
Dainita at 7 minutes, 27 seconds after using a Safety Wire Bat on Dainita for
the pinfall.
Super Battle FMW then traveled to the Takamatsu Symbol Tower Exhibition Center
where the original FMW use to run for their show on August 25, 2017 drawing an
announced 350 fans for it. The main event had Atsushi Onita, Raijan Yaguchi, and
Ricky Fuji defeating Tomohiko Hashimoto, Mr. Pogo # 2, and NOSAWA Rongai when
Onita once again pinned NOSAWA at 12 minutes, 8 seconds in a Scramble Bunkhouse
Death Match with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb for the win. The semi-main event was
once again Mr. Gannosuke and Kotaro Suzuki defeating Naoshi Sano and HASEGAWA
when Suzuki would put away Sano at 14 minutes, 16 seconds with the Endless
Waltz. Bambi once again defeated Ugly Mongol at 9 minutes, 13 seconds this time
with a Lariat. Keiichi Sato and Kenichi Fujii defeated Yuko Takasugi and
Toshiaki Terao who had to sleep underneath touring bus when heading to the show
due to his rookie status as Fuji would pin Terao at 12 minutes, 40 seconds with
a Backdrop. Pandita once again defeated Atsushi Dainita in a Carbonless
Exploding Bat Death Match at 8 minutes, 58 seconds when hitting Dainita with the
Carbonless Bat.
The final show on the tour took place on August 26, 2017 at the Tokushima City
Woodworking House drawing an announced 300 fans for the show. The main event had
Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and the returning Flying Kid Ichihara who
started up in FMW in 1990 and is from Tokushima defeat the team of Raijin
Yaguchi, Mr. Pogo # 2, and Naoshi Sano when Ichihara would get the win at 8
minutes, 11 seconds with a La Magistral in a Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match.
Ricky Fuji and HASEGAWA teamed up to defeat the team of Mr. Gannosuke and Yuki
Takasugi when Ricky would get the win over Takasugi at 13 minutes, 13 seconds
with the 9999 DDT. Ugly Mongol who had Miss Mongol in her corner for this match
defeated Bambi at 9 minutes, 38 seconds after slapping on a Cross Armbreaker to
make her tap out. Keiichi Sato defeated Toshiaki Terao and Kenichi Fujii at 15
minutes, 10 seconds in a Three Way Match after making Terao tap out to the Texas
Cloverleaf. The opening match had Pandita once again defeat Atsushi Dainita at 8
minutes, 37 seconds in a Exploding Bat Death Match at 8 minutes, 37 seconds
after hitting Dainita with the Exploding Bat for the win.
Super Battle FMW will tour for three shows this
month including Atsushi Onita's last FMW show in Tokyo taking place at the end
of the tour. The first show will be on September 16, 2017 at the Fukuoka Hakata
Star Lanes which Onita first competed in FMW at 26 years ago next month as the
main event will be Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Ricky Fuji going up
against Mr. Gannosuke, Raijin Yaguchi, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Exploding Barbed
wire Baseball Bat Exploding Chair Tornado Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match. Koji
Kanemoto returns to team up with Yutaka Yoshie against the team of Hideki Hosaka
and HASEGAWA. A FMW Women's Match undecided will take place as well as a three
match between Naoshi Sano, Junji Tanaka, and Mt. Aso and the opening match will
be Pandita against Atsushi Dainita in a Exploding Blasting Wind Death Match.
Super Battle FMW will then go to Kumamoto at the Distribution Information Center
on September 18, 2017 as the main event will be Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko
Hashimoto, and Hideki Hosaka against Mr. Gannosuke, Raijin Yaguchi, and a
Mystery Partner in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Exploding Chair Tornado
Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match. The semi-main event will be Ricky Fuji and
HASEGAWA against Yutaka Yoshie and Koji Kanemoto and the same unannounced
women's match will be on the show. The first two matches on the show will be
Junji Tanaka against Mt. Aso and Naoshi Sano against Pandita.
The only match announced for the final show on tour which will take place September 21, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring is the main event of Atsushi Onita against NOSAWA Rongai in their first and last singles match although Onita has pinned NOSAWA 23 times in tag matches in the Super Battle FMW promotion alone since opening up in April 2015 as the match will have 15 chairs stacked up, a barbed wire baseball bat, a guitar, and two exploding barbed wire baseball bats outside the building as Shin-Kiba does not allow large explosions inside and the match will be Falls Count Anywhere. NOSAWA stated that he has a lost an inch in height due to all the chair shots to the head he has taken by Onita over the past two years and once Onita retires next month that he will be retiring from ever doing anymore Death Matches.
The final two Super Battle FMW shows for Onita will be on October 12th at the Niigata Joetsu City Tourist Information Center and October 15th at the Chiba Kisarazu Kiyomidai Gym which include former FMW wrestlers Mr. Gannosuke, Mammoth Sasaki, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Hideki Hosaka, Miss Mongol and Ricky Fuji on the shows. The first show following Onita's retirement will take place on November 10, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring which will be interesting to see the direction they take after two years of Onita on top with nothing much else to attract the fans.
Atsushi Onita and Chigusa Nagayo who won the Tokyo Sports Tag Team of the Year Award in 2015 teamed up for the final time on September 7, 2017 at the Morioka Gym for the Super Fireworks promotion. Nagayo's friend Takumi Iroha was a last minute addition to the match as it was made into a 6 person match as they would take on the team of Masato Tanaka, Hartley Jackson, and Takuya Sugawara in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Iroha would be a last minute change as Onita would charge at Tanaka right at the start. It would not take long as Jackson and Takuya Sugawara would place Onita on the chair and then Nagayo on his lap as Tanaka would turn on the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. Iroha would try to jump in to save them but Sugawara would knock her out of the way as Tanaka would hit them both the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. Tanaka would cover Onita but he would kick out. Iroha would be left with Tanaka, Jackson, and Sugawara but she would grab her kendo stick and attack all of three of them with it. Nagayo would make it back to her feet as her and Iroha would deliver a Double Superkick to Tanaka. Onita would end up turning on the exploding barbed wire baseball bat and handing it to Iroha as Onita and Nagayo would hold on to Jackson as Iroha would smash the bat across Jackson's chest for the explosion and would pick up the win at 15 minutes, 45 seconds for the win in Onita and Nagayo's final tag match together.
Atsushi Onita with the help of Kitajima Group Corporation (which is the company the created the Onita America shirts sold at CZW) promoted Atsushi Onita's final match in Osaka at the former Osaka Prefectural Gym # 2 on September 9, 2017 as they would announce a crowd of 1200 fans as Onita would team up with Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Kazunari Murakami, and NOSAWA Rongai in a in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Electric Chair Scramble Bunkhouse Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight Death Match. Murakami would be the first to turn on the bat and swing at Onita but miss and hit a table placed on a turnbuckle resulting the table getting hit with the explosion from the bat instead. Murakami would then set up a chair while Fujiwara would headbutt Onita onto the chair with NOSAWA turning on the exploding bat and smashing into Onita's chest with NOSAWA covering but Onita managing to kick out. NOSAWA would then grab a chair but Onita would spit red mist in his face and take the chair and smash it over his head. Onita would then hit NOSAWA with the Thunder Fire Powerbomb but NOSAWA would manage to kick out. Onita would hit him with another and NOSAWA would kick out again resulting in Onita turning on the exploding bat and swinging it across NOSAWA's chest and covering him at 14 minutes, 8 seconds for the win. Onita and NOSAWA would shake hands afterwards. Other matches on the show would have
The semi-main event would be a mixed tag as Tomohiko Hashimoto, Dump Matsumoto, and ZAP-T would defeat HASEGAWA, Tam Nakano, and NENE mugen D.a.i after ZAP would get the win at 13 minutes, 33 seconds when she would finish off Nakano with a Brainbuster. Super Delfin and Eisa 8 defeat Takaku Fuke and Yuki Tanaka when Eisa would get the pin over Tanaka at 9 minutes, 53 seconds with a Double Knee Chin Cruser. Kenichi Fujii would win a 7 Man Battle Royal that would also have Miriri, Yoon Gang Cheol, Ricky Fuji, Naoshi Sano, Osamu Suganuma, and Karate Machine # 3 with Fujii getting the win at 6 minutes, 50 seconds after last eliminating Karate Machine with a Spear. Pandita would once again defeat Atsushi Dainita at 6 minutes, 25 seconds in a Iron Wire Blasting Wind Death Match after hitting Dainita with a Bazooka Attack (T-shirt gun) for the win.
Atsushi Onita and Bob Sapp who went up against each other in a 6 man Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match back in May for the Super Fireworks promotion got a lot of attention for it although it would be a pretty bad match overall. Onita's Fire Pro-Wrestling promotion booked it again on September 10, 2017 at the Hiroshima Industrial Center and although the promotion would actually release results for the show afterwards which they had not been doing the previous couple of shows there was no attendance figure given which is usually a sign of a bad crowd number. The main event had Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka, and Takeshi Okada defeat Bob Sapp, Raijin Yaguchi, and local masked wrestler Devil Magician in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match with Onita getting the win at 12 minutes, 49 seconds after hitting Magician with the exploding bat and getting the pinfall on him for the win. Masashi Aoyagi who was at ringside for Sapp's team came to the ring and the match between Onita and Aoyagi was made official for October 29th in Nagoya although it will now be a tag team match with Aoyagi announcing his partner will be MMA fighter Minowaman in some type of explosion match. Undercard matches would have Yuko Miyamoto & Mayo-gun # 2 with Aoyagi in their corner as well go to a No Contest with Kuroshio Jiro and Rey Palona at 10 minutes, 5 seconds after Aoyagi would interfere in the match causing it to get thrown out. Minoru Tanaka and Naoki Tanizaki would go to a 20 minute time limit draw with Yuya Susumu and Seiki Yoshioka in the work rate match of the show. Rocky Kawamura and HASEGAWA would defeat Onryo & Eiger after HASEGAWA would pick up the win at 10 minutes, 39 seconds with a Double Knee Drop. The opening match would have former Tarzan Goto student Crab K*ING defeat Pandita at 7 minutes, 41 seconds with a Small Package.
It was announced that Atsushi Onita would be competing against Jiro Hachimitsu who is a famous Japanese comedian/famous for being once married to an even more famous Japanese singer in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match on October 7, 2017 with the A-Team promoting the show at the Yokohama City Tsurumi Fruit Market as the show is expected to gain interest due to Hachimitsu's fame. Hachimitsu has worked a couple of shows in 2009 put on by his friend NOSAWA in Mexico as well as a DDT Tag Team Gauntlet Match in 2010 for their annual Ryogoku Sumo Hall show. It was decided that for quality purposes it would be best for the match to become a 6 Man Match as the match will now be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against Jiro Hachimitsu, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Captain Falls Elimination No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Street Fight Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match with Onita and Hachimitsu as the captains of their teams. Other matches announced are NOAH's Taiji Ishimori and Hi69 against the A-Team of Masaru Kameda and Takumi Sakurai and making his debut in Japan will be Matt Tremont teaming up with DJ Hyde and Tony Myers reprising his role as Chainsaw Tony as they take on Nobutaka Moribe, Akira Joh, and a Mystery Partner.
The next day a show was suppose to take place put on my Masashiro Sase under the Atsushi Onita name as Onita's name is obviously going to mean more than Sase's at the Yokohama Yacht Society Special Ring where it was going to most likely be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Hideki Hosaka against Matt Tremont, DJ Hyde, and Tony Myers in a FMW vs. CZW No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. The show has been officially canceled. Days before canceling the show it was announced that another show on October 9th outdoors in Tokyo Odaiba which is a very popular shopping area right next to the Tokyo Bay. There was no official reason why the show was canceled and it was only mentioned that fans that had bought tickets for the show would get a refund. The most likely scenario is that the Yokohama show which is a very large area in a very expensive area (it's a Suburban Yacht Club after all) was not selling tickets at the rate they were hoping as this is an area that holds at least 900 fans as Onita vs. Suwama in a 6 man match back in July drew 898 fans and Matt Tremont in Japan is not Suwama so after realizing that the show would be a financial loser, they decided to book a show at a cheaper smaller area in Tokyo Odaiba outside and then cancelled the Yokohama show a couple days later. No match has been officially announced yet but the only match that makes sense would be the Onita, Yaguchi, Hosaka vs. Tremont/DJ/Tony match in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match.
Tokyo Sports is reporting that the leading candidate to take on Atsushi Onita in his Retirement Match on October 31, 2017 at Korakuen Hall will be former IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kaziyuki Fujita. This will most likely lead to many disappointed fans as Onita's fan base and Inoki's IGF fighters are two different worlds but Onita has wanted to face the closest thing to Antonio Inoki and Naoya Ogawa not available this would be the closest thing to it. This is not set in stone though as Fujita has not even competed in any type of match since IGF's New Years Eve show in 2015 and Onita would know this would have to be a bad match and it would probably get changed to a 6 man before actually happening. The other speculation was 73 year old Terry Funk who is having a match on September 22, 2017 in Raleigh, North Carolina to see if he would be in the shape to have match in Japan against Onita although that would have to be turned into a 6 man as well.
Jun Kasai would promote his final Death Match Carnival show for the Summer on August 27, 2017 at Korakuen Hall drawing a very good number of 1378 fans for the show. The main event would have Daisuke Masaoka defending his King of Freedom World Championship against Miedo Extremo in a 4 Corners of Hell Death Match. Masaoka would end up going through the first glass board after setting it up on a stack of chairs but Extremo would end up grabbing him and delivering a German Suplex on him sending him through the glass as it would shatter everywhere. Extremo would then setup a table on the outside and place thumbtacks on it and deliver a Kamikaze to Masaoka off the apron through the table with thumbtacks on it. Extremo would then place a light tube on Masaoka and deliver a Fire Bird Splash breaking the light tube on Masaoka but Masaoka would still kick out. Extremo would then climb the top turnbuckle with a light tube and Masaoka would climb up with him and flip him off the top turnbuckle which he calls the Spanish Fly sending Extremo and the light tube to the mat and cutting up Extremo's face in the process. Masaoka would then set up a broken razor board table and place Extremo against it and go for the Rokura and hit Extremo against the broken razor board table sitting up. Masaoka would hit the Rokura again but Extremo would manage to kick out. Masaoka would then deliver another Spanish Fly and get the win at 19 minutes, 22 seconds to defend the title for the fifth time. Masaoka and Extremo would then fist bump afterwards as a sign of respect as Extremo would be finished with the promotion for the time being and going back to Mexico.
Jun Kasai would then take on Violento Jack in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Razor Board Death Match as Kasai would look for revenge after dropping the King of Freedom World Title back on July 13, 2016 to Jack. Jack would end up grabbing a bottle alcohol to hit Kasai with it but Kasai would end up giving him a low blow and taking the bottle and smashing it over Jack's head instead which would accidentally cut Kasai's finger scary deep. Kasai would continue to work through the match grab a stack of light tubes but Jack would end up kicking them into Kasai's chest. Jack would then charge at Kasai but Kasai would meet him with a lariat. Kasai would take over then lay a stack of light tubes on Jack and deliver the Pearl Harbor Splash and although he would hit it successfully and smash the light tubes across Jack it would be no sold by Jack who would get up right away and deliver a suplex to Kasai. Jack would then grab a cactus and charge Kasai with it but would end up running into the turnbuckle with it after Kasai would move out of the way. Kasai would then deliver a knee to the cactus sending it right in Jack's face. Kasai would then take a razor board and place it over Jack's body and deliver the Pearl Harbor Splash on it again but Jack would manage to kick out at two. Kasai would then piledrive Jack on the cacti and cover Jack for the pinfall at 18 minutes, 20 seconds for the win.
Ciclope would end up defeating Kenji Fukimoto in a Barbed wire Board Gadget Board Weapons Death Match at 15 minutes, 47 seconds after Ciclope would hit Fukimoto with a Diving Body Press onto a bunch of light tubes for the win as Ciclope would be leaving back to Mexico as well following the match. Masashi Takeda, Minoru Fujita, and GUNSO defeated Takashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto, and Toshiyuki Sakuda in a Hardcore Match after Takeda would put away Sakuda with a Reverse U-Crash. Following the match Takeda would be showing off his BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title that he won back on August 19th to Sasaki to hint towards a possible title match between the two although Sasaki has not worked for Big Japan since 2013. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defeated Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei in a non-title match after Sugiura would get the win at 9 minutes, 36 seconds over Kei with a Gotai Manzoku. The opening match would have Yuya Susumu, Kazma Sakamoto, and Chikara defeat GENTARO, Kamui, and Dragon Libre at 9 minutes, 40 seconds after Chikara would pick up the win over GENTARO after delivering a Saber Chop.
Jun Kasai revealed that his finger was close to being amputated after hitting Violento Jack with the beer bottle and the glass chards going through his finger and cutting it deeply. Kasai originally announced that he would be out for September and would end up having surgery on September 5th on the cut. Kasai is still staying in the hospital as it seems like it will be a little longer than he originally as he will be out until his Halloween Death Match show in Osaka in October. He was present while his wife gave birth to their second child a girl on August 30th.
FREEDOMS returned to Osaka equivalent of the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in the Osaka World Hall Pavilion on September 3, 2017. FREEDOMS which has always been a very good on updating results on their site still have not posted the results after more than a week so no finishers will be listed. The main event saw Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defend their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles for a sixth time in a Four Way Elimination Hardcore Ladder Match against the teams of Daisuke Masaoka and Kamui, Isami Kodaka, and Yuko Miyamoto, and Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto. Mammoth Sasaki would end up climbing the ladder and grabbing the titles to get the win at 13 minutes, 7 seconds for the title defense win. Mammoth and Kamui would get into a exchange afterwards on the mic as it would be hinted that they would be facing against each other in the upcoming future. Chikara defeated Minoru Fujita at 8 minutes, 14 seconds in a Drunk Alchoholic Match as both would be drinking through out the match including while in rest holds as Fujita would be too drunk to barely stand before being put away by Chikara. Naoki Tanizaki and Hiroaki Moriya would defeat Takashi Sasaki and Dyna Mido at 10 minutes, 59 seconds when Tanizaki would pin Mido. Violento Jack would defeat GENTARO at 12 minutes, 30 seconds in their first singles match against each other. Yuya Susumu and Hamuko Hoshi would defeat Idea and Mochi Miyagi at 10 minutes, 20 seconds after Susumu would get the pin over Miyagi. The opening match would have Hide Kubota get the win at 7 minutes, 17 seconds over Dragon Libre.
Daisuke Masaoka ended up going up against Riki Choshu for the first time in his career for the small MASAKI promotion on September 10, 2017 at the Osaka Prefectural Park Kyuhoji Green Area Softball Park as Masaoka's team of Michio Kageyama and Takeshi Irei would end up taking the loss to Choshu's team of Fzy and Big Maeda after Fzy would get the win over Irei. Masaoka will also be making his debut in America on September 16, 2017 in Howell, New Jersey for the Game Changer Wrestling promotion as they would be having their 2nd Annual Nick Gage Invitational Death Match Tournament which will also include GCW Champion Matt Tremont, Miedo Extremo, and Ciclope as well. No actual matches for the show have been announced beforehand.
Mr. Gannosuke participated in a special Guts World show on August 19, 2017 at the Shinjuku 3-Chome Shopping District as a promotion held a free show in a popular shopping district to try and attract new fans to the promotion. Gannosuke teamed up with new GWC Champion Guts Ishijima and CHANGO in the main event as they took on Daisuke, Masked Mystery, and Tetsuhiro Kuroda with Daisuke picking up the win after hitting the Sliding D on Chango for the win. Gannosuke announced afterwards that he cracked a rib during the match although he was able to compete five days later for the Super Battle FMW promotion. Gannosuke stated the injury is due to him still wrestling at 49 years old.
Gannosuke also made a controversial comment that gained a lot of attention in Japan after stating the national broadcast telethon special 24 Hours which airs on Nippon TV was a terrible show. The show which is a 24 hour telethon on the network that broadcasts different people that are either mentally handicap or physically handicap doing great things still for 24 hours every August was terrible. Gannosuke stated that they use and force the handicap performers to do exactly what they want. Gannosuke stated that for the Hayabusa segment two years ago that gained much attention that they wanted Hayabusa to walk to the ring in his Hayabusa costume and retire from pro-wrestling on their show. Hayabusa refused to do this as something that special would be a very special attraction that he had wanted to save doing and would make a good amount of money off it. He did agree to walk up in to the ring on his own for the first time as he had done something similar for a show in 2011 but he had needed much more help getting into the ring for that show. Hayabusa walked to the ring with all his friends and former wrestlers cheering him on. The network then edited a 10 bell retirement ceremony afterwards which Hayabusa did not know about. Hayabusa afterwards did state at the time that despite what it looked like on TV he was not retired and the show which posts every segment hour by hour of their 24 hour telethon on YouTube ended up deleting the hour that Hayabusa was on which is the only segment they have ever taken down. Gannosuke got much blow back from people as the show in theory is for a good cause but Gannosuke did not pull back as it was a negative experience that Hayabusa went through the last stage of his life.
Hiroshi Mukai better known as Chocoball Mukai who is 50 announced that he suffered a stroke back in July. He has been in hospital rehabilitating how to walk normally again. He is able to walk but only for a short time period and he expects to be out of the hospital by October to November. He has been giving updates every day while in the hospital on his Twitter. He noted that his bar Chocoball Family in Shinjuku will be closed until he recovers and that Masato Tanaka and Kintaro Kanemura went to go visit him in the hospital one day.
Mukai grew up a wrestling fan tried out for the New Japan Dojo in his early 20's but because of how difficult it was he ended up quitting by escaping in the middle of the night. He instead focused on bodybuilding and became a very well known Japanese body builder which because of his good looks got him contacts with the Japanese porn industry. There he got the name Chocoball Mukai as he became one of the more famous Japanese male porn stars in the early 90's. He ended up suffering a meth addiction while in porn which was a subject in a nonfiction short stories book on young Japanese dealing with the economic collapse in Japan in the late 80's. Kodo Fuyuki who was the booker for FMW in 1999 reached out to Chocoball Mukai knowing his love for wrestling to see if he could perform have an FMW theme porno. The video had Mr. Gannosuke as Hayabusa tarnish the Hayabusa gimmick while wearing a mask and performing a rape like porn where Gannosuke would finger the girls while Mukai would have sex with them. Because of the favor Fuyuki got Mukai a spot in the FMW Dojo to train and become an undercard wrestler. Mukai made his debut on September 24, 1999 at Korakuen Hall in the main event of an 8 man match with Team No Respect but would turn face during the match after Gannosuke was placing a dog collar around fellow female porn star Sena Wakana leading to Mukai standing up against Gannosuke. Mukai would eventually turn back heel and join Kodo Fuyuki's ECW Japan in February 2000. He would continue to live in the FMW Dojo and train with the young wrestlers until FMW would close down in February 2002. Mukai would join Kodo Fuyuki's side of the FMW split and would work for his WEW promotion and then Fuyuki Army Promotion until May 2004. He would also begin working for the IWA Japan promotion and go back to porn as his full time job when he would get arrested filming a porn in a public sex bar in Tokyo with IWA President Marty Asano bailing him out with his connections to get him free. Mukai would work exclusively for Asano after that until his retirement on December 17, 2016. Mukai would retire from porn as well and run his own popular bar in Shinjuku. I went to meet him in 2011 at his bar and he was very nice person although very limited in English. But talking to him I picked up that his memory of his time in FMW and wrestling was very limited but as someone that has lived life like he has it is very understandable.
I have agreed to take part in Steve Ayy's FMW History Podcast which is posted to YouTube where I go over the History of FMW year by year. The first episode I did runs nearly an hour and I go over Atsushi Onita and his career prior to FMW which you can find at I also have recently posted the 2nd Part of my Atsushi Onita Career Music Video which spans his return to FMW in 1996 to his retirement 2005 which spans can be found at the next one I will do will cover his full time return in 2012 to his retirement match next month and I am hoping to have it posted in November to complete the Trilogy.
Added: 8/17
Atsushi Onita returned to the ring for his first legitimate match in America in 25 years since FMW had a show in Los Angeles, California on May 16, 1992. He also technically was in a ECW match on June 27, 1998 at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia as he came out during a match as a mystery partner for The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer before attacking them and leaving them. Atsushi Onita appeared for the CZW promotion in Vorhees, New Jersey at the Flyer Skate Zone on August 5, 2017 against Matt Tremont in a No Ropes Barbed wire, Barbed wire Board, and Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match for the "Once in a Lifetime" show that drew an announced 1,000 fans for the show. Atsushi Onita and Matt Tremont were able to get a good majority of their signature spots in including both of them being sent into the barbed wire, both of them spitting mist into each other, and both of them using the exploding barbed wire baseball bat on each other before Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka ran in and began attacking Tremont. A little bit later after Yaguchi and Hosaka had already stopped attacking Tremont and were on the outside when music hit and Danny Havoc and Rickey Shane Page came out with Onita getting on the mic and challenging Tremont to a six man match with Tremont accepting. The Onita vs. Tremont singles match went a little over 7 minutes and the 6 man alone went a little over 5 minutes before Yaguchi would end up hitting a Olympic Slam on Havoc on a barbed wire board for the FMW team win. Onita got on the mic afterwards and would call the explosions of the barbed wire baseball bat "cheap" and would challenge Tremont to come to Japan and have a real exploding death match with Tremont accepting. Onita and Tremont ended up having words with one another while going to their tables after the show with Onita pretty much saying the same thing asking if Tremont would promise to come to Japan and they will have real explosions there. Nothing has been made official but the talk is that Matt Tremont will be appearing around October 7-9 put on by undercard wrestler Masahiro Sase for his retirement show.
Onita making it to America did not go without a hitch. The travel situation ended up being much more difficult than they had planned. Onita, Yaguchi, and Hosaka all ended up meeting up at the Haneda Airport on August 3, 2017 at 7:00 am for the 8:30 AM flight to Beijing which would take them to JFK Airport in New York. They got word that the flight had been delayed so they decided to all go to an airport lounge where they ended up staying for 4 hours as the 8:30 AM flight did not end up taking off until 12:40 PM. Onita, Yaguchi, and Hosaka were all still at the lounge when they heard that their flight was ready and everyone needed to get on the plane immediately as they were taking off any moment. Onita, Yaguchi, and Hosaka all ended up having to get on the transportation vehicle to get them to their gate quickly so that they could take off. They ended up getting on the plane and taking off to Beijing. By the time they arrived in Beijing their flight to JFK had already taken off. So they had to get into line to process a new ticket. The problem was a country like China with billions of people resulted in a huge line in order to get the new tickets. They waited in line for another 4 hours before finally getting to speak with the airport staff. They were notified there was no more flights going to New York that night so they would have to wait until the next day in order to go which upset all of them. They all got on the bus that took them to a near by hotel called the Golden Phoenix. They got up in the morning and headed to the airport where they again dealt with another delay although this time a minor one before finally getting to take off to New York for the 12 hour flight. They went through all through customs and then met Daigo Matsukama better known as Pandita at the arrival at the airport. Pandita who took a different flight from Korea ended up arriving a day earlier but since he had no ride he ended up just staying at the airport throughout the night although while waiting he got to meet Evander Holyfield that was walking around. They rented their car which Onita had to drive as Hosaka did not the correct license to drive in the states and Yaguchi had a swollen foot so they headed out to their La Quinta hotel in Philadelphia.
The show took place the next day on August 5, 2017 and they arrived at the building at 1:30 PM. They were notified that the only explosion that was allowed by the fire department would be the Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bats that former CZW owner John Zandig had made for them. As I mentioned last update that I could not expect for them to really think that they would be able to do an Exploding Barbed wire Death Match despite what CZW was saying as all buildings in Japan (which is a lot less restrictive) need a good amount of space between the ring and the audience to allow for an Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. This building which is owned by the NHL's Philadelphia Flyers is way too small and the front row seats were always set up right very close to the ring. The word going around was that the fire marshal did not notify them until right before the show that they could not do anything more than a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat. But they knew well in advance that they were not doing a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match which was a part of Onita's dream of coming to America and having a Explosion Match as it was something he was even settling for knowing there was no possible way they could actually come through in his real dream of having an Exploding Ring match in America. Onita considered the explosions of the barbed wire baseball bat cheap as the bat that he is use to in Japan lets out a very big loud explosion once it makes contact with someone where as the bats used on this show would explode after being swung. Onita due to coming up with the explosion death match ideas has always prided himself in having big explosions for his matches and thus he was upset about the outcome of the explosions and that is why he lashed out during his promo about them being cheap. Onita stated he felt regret that the explosions were not up to par but that the American fire laws were a big hurdle to overcome.
False stories were all over the place after the show. One was Onita held the promotion up for more money for a singles match and that is why they ended up doing a six man. This story was very much false as I mentioned last update that there was speculation that the match would become a 6 man over a month ago as Onita decided he wanted to continue to have another match with Tremont in Japan and did not want either one to beat the other so that it could be set up. Another false story was that Onita was charging $70 dollars for autographs after the show to try and swindle as much money as possible. This was false as well. The only money Onita made for this show was what CZW paid him for the match and the money he made off selling his own t-shirts that he brought. CZW was charging $40 dollars for meet and greets before the show with CZW making the money off of that. I know the line was so long that it seemed it was going to be difficult for Onita to meet with the people that had not paid in advance as they started 30 minutes later than plan 4:00 and it was only scheduled to last until 6:00. Onita then after the show went to the gimmick table and the deal was if you then bought a $40 dollar shirt from him than you could sit down and take a picture and get an autograph with him. Onita who was more in a tired frustrated mood after the show when meeting with fans than he did before the show later stated he signed 500 autographs that day and did not make any money off them. He feels CZW owes him and that they owe him for all the money he made them that night so they are going to use that money that he made them to buy a flight for Tremont to come to Japan. Onita stated afterwards this trip made him realize it was not a mistake to be a pro-wrestler even though it had made him incredibly jet lagged.
I attended the show and had a great time. I know many people watching the show did not like it but live it was an awesome experience and everyone I talked to in the building thought the same thing. This show though made me happy I am not covering for a mass audience. It was an incredible getting to meet Onita again and get to see him wrestle live probably for the last time.
Super Battle FMW ran the last show of their July tour on July 29, 2017 at the Gifu Aimesee Yamanashi where they would announced a crowd of 1,000 fans for the show. The main event would have Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and HASEGAWA take on Dragon Gate's Shingo Takagi, Raijin Yaguchi, and NOSAWA Rongai with Onita throwing his jacket at Takagi and taking him to the outside to brawl around ringside. Onita would end up setting up a table and grabbing NOSAWA to piledrive him through a table with Takagi making the save for NOSAWA. Takagi would then pick up Onita and spit red mist in his face and turn on the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. Yaguchi would set Onita down on a chair and smash the bat across Onita's chest but Onita would manage to kick out. Takagi would then grab the bat to hit Onita with it again when Onita would spit red mist in Takagi's face followed by Onita delivering a Backdrop and then Onita would turn the bat on and hit Takagi across the chest with it. Onita would then grab the bat and hit NOSAWA across the chest causing another explosion as Onita would pick up the win at 10 minutes, 53 seconds after getting the pinfall over NOSAWA. The semi-main event would have the former W-1 Team of Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato defeat Masao Inoue and Raiden when Sato would get the win at 13 minutes, 30 seconds with the K-1 Crush. Miss Mongol and Tam Nakano would continue their team as they would defeat Miss Koharu and Sachiko Yokozuna after Mongol would make her CPE employee Yokozuna tap out at 14 minutes, 59 seconds after placing her in a Cross Armbreaker. Hideki Hosaka would continue under his Mr. Pogo # 2 gimmick teaming up with WWS' Great Pogo as well as former Pogo Army member Katsunari Toi as they would defeat Naoshi Sano, Toshiaki Terao, and Shocker at 13 minutes, 43 seconds when Pogo would get the KO win over Shocker after hanging him across the ropes with a chain. The opening match was an Exploding Iron Wire Death Match between Pandita and Atsushi Dainita with Pandita getting the win at 11 minutes, 14 seconds after hitting Dainita with a hardwired steel wire bat for the pinfall win.
Super Battle FMW will begin their August tour
with the first show taking place on August 24, 2017 at the Yamaguchi Messe
Shimonoseki with the main event of Atsushi Onita, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Ricky
Fuji against Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka returning under the Mr. Pogo # 2
gimmick, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match. Mr. Gannosuke
makes his return to the promotion since March as he will team up with Kotaro
Suzuki against Tetsuhiro Kuroda and HASEGAWA in the semi-finals match. Bambi
will go up against a woman going by the name Busu Mongol on the tour which will
not be Miss Mongol as she will be in her corner during the match. Kenichi Fujii
and Yuki Takasugi will go up against Toshiaki Terao and Keiichi Sato. The
opening match will be Pandita going up against Atsushi Dainita as they must like
this opening match comedy match.
The next Super Battle FMW show will be at the Takamatsu Symbol Tower Exhibition
Center with Atsushi Onita teaming up with Raijin Yaguchi and Ricky Fuji against
Tomohiko Hashimoto, Mr. Pogo # 2, and NOSAWA Rongai in a Scramble Bunkhouse
Death Match. Team Kuroda reunites in the semi-main event as Mr. Gannosuke and
Tetsuhiro Kuroda team up to take on Kotaro Suzuki and HASEGAWA. The women's
match will again be Busu Mongol against Bambi. The team of Kenichi Fujii and
Keiichi Sato will go up against Toshiaki Terao and Yuki Takasugi and the opening
match will against be Pandita against Atsushi Dainita.
The final show on the tour will be on August 26, 2017 at the Tokushima City Woodworking House with Flying Kid Ichihara who is from the area making his Super Battle FMW return for the first time in over a year he will team up with Atsushi Onita and Hideki Hosaka against Raijin Yaguchi, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and NOSAWA Rongai. Mr. Gannosuke and Tetsuhiro Kuroda will team up once again this time against fellow former FMW original Ricky Fuji as well as HASEGAWA. Busu Mongol wil again take on Bambi and Toshiaki Terao, Kenichi Fujii, and Yuki Taksugi will compete against each other in a Three Way Match. The opening match will once again be Pandita against Atsushi Dainita.
Atsushi Onita returned to Japan and contacted reporters on August 10th to be at the Tokyo Bay. They appeared and out came from the waters The Great Nita which is where Nita originally came out from on May 27, 2013 when he made his first appearance in over a decade except this time another person came out of the water with him as it Tam Nakano. The Great Nita announced that this was The Great Tam and she was Nita's sister. Nita came up with a story that they have different mothers but that Nita crossed the Pacific Ocean off Hawaii and moved to the East China Sea where he met Tam. Nita then announced that his Farewell Match on August 27, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where Nita and Team would team up with Tomohiko Hashimoto going by his Cowardly Warrior gimmick Ochimusha Hashimoto that he did last year for Halloween as they take on Raijin Yaguchi going by Jesus Yaguchi, Onryo, and 666's NENE mugen D.a.i with Nita stating after the show he will walk out of Shin-Kiba 1st Ring and go out to the sea near by for good. Other matches on the show Hideki Hosaka going up against Ricky Fuji for the first time in a singles match since FMW and Miss Mongol will go up against the unmasked Pandita going by the Mr. Hage (Bald) with the other matches being the regular fill ins of Naoshi Sano and Kancho Nagase against Masahiro Sase and Shocker along with Raiden and Tomoryu taking on HASEGAWA and Kenichi Fujii with the opening match of Futofuto Kobashi (Fat Kobashi) against Atsushi Dainita (Fat Onita) in a comedy match.
Atsushi Onita defended his Super Fireworks Title for the second time on August 13, 2017 at the Hyogo Kobe Tokiwa Arena against his partner Chigusa Nagayo in the first No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match in nearly 2 years with Onita getting the win at 13 minutes, 28 seconds after hitting her with a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat and falling over her body for the win. There was some confusion on my part the day of the show as many pictures were taken afterwards of Onita handing the belt to Nagayo and putting it around her waist as she walked around the ring with the title making it look like she won the match. The actuality was that Onita got on the mic and stated that since he was retiring he proclaim Nagayo the Queen of Super Fireworks and felt with him retiring soon there needs to be a women's division to have explosion matches and she would be the champion. Onita then stated his next and final challenge defense will be against his pupil Masato Tanaka on September 24th in Nagoya as he wants Tanaka to be the future of the promotion for the men's side.
The Jun Kasai Death Match Summer Carnival continued as he promoted a show on July 30, 2017 at the Osaka Tsurumi Green Forest Hana Exhibition Park where the announced crowd of 540 fans saw the first ever Fire Death Match promoted by FREEDOMS. The main event had Daisuke Masaoka, Jun Kasai, and Kenji Fukimoto would main event the show against Violento Jack, Miedo Extremo, and Ciclope in a No Ropes Barbed wire Fire Scaffold Death Match. Kasai would end up grabbing a table and setting the table on fire on the outside for Fukimoto to Package Piledrive Jack but Jack would manage to get out of the move and instead he would end up Package Piledriving Fukimoto head first into the table on fire. Extremo would then grab a stack of light tubes and climb the scaffold and jump off it breaking the light tubes upon impact across Masaoka's body. Masaoka would end up gaining advantage on Extremo and would slam him setting up Kasai to attempt a Pearl Harbor Splash off the scaffold on him but Extremo would end up moving out of the way and Kasai would end up eating the mat instead. Kasai would then get up and be met with a Shining Wizard by Extremo. Fukimoto would try to make the save for his team with a light tube but Extremo would end up headbutting the light tube into Fukimoto's face. Extremo would then place his leg up against some of the fire and deliver a Shining Wizard with his leg on fire to Fukimoto's face with EXtremo making the cover and Fukimoto kicking out. Extremo would then grab a barbed wire bat and set it on fire but he would swing at Fukimoto and Fukimoto moving out of the way would mean he would accidentally hit Ciclope with it instead. Fukimoto would then grab the bat and hit Extremo across the back with it. Fukimoto would then set the light tubes on fire and deliver a Package Piledriver to Ciclope to get the pin at 17 minutes, 8 seconds for the victory.
Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and Kamui defeated the Dove Pro team of GUNSO, HAYATA, and Hide Kubota in a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight Death Match with Kamui getting into a mini van during the match and driving it towards the ring but the Dove Pro wrestlers would see Kamui coming up and throw Mammoth Sasaki into the van busting up the windshield. GUNSO would then get Kamui out of the car and send him into the windshield as well. They would bring Kamui into the ring and begin triple teaming him when GUNSO would go for the pin but Mammoth would manage to make the save by throwing a chair at his back. They would then go back to the outside where Mammoth would set Kubota on two chairs and Kamui would climb up on the moving truck that brought the ring to the area and Kamui would deliver a Swanton Bomb off the truck sending Kubota on the table and getting the pin at 16 minutes, 17 seconds over Kubota. Yuko Miyamoto and Isami Kodaka teamed together to defeat the Sportiva team of Fuminori Abe and Yusaku Ito when Miyamoto would get the win at 8 minutes, 53 seconds with a Moonsault landing on Ito. Masashi Takeda would defeat Kazma Sakamoto in a Hardcore Match when Takeda would get the victory at 8 minutes, 57 seconds after delivering a Rolling Senton from the top rope onto a chair smashing into Sakmoto for the pin. Takashi Sasaki and Dyna Mido in a Drunk Match against GENTARO and Dragon Libre when Mido would pick the win at 11 minutes, 8 seconds with a Diving Headbutt onto Libre. Yuya Susumu would get the win in the opening match by defeating Yuki Tanaka at 5 minutes, 57 seconds after Yuya would lock on the Crossface to make him submit for the win.
Takashi Sasaki would promote his own small independent summit to give wrestlers from all over the country a chance to compete at Korakuen Hall where he would announce a crowd of 735 fans for the show. The main event would be given to Dove Pro out of Hiroshima where GUNSO, HAYATA, and Kabuki Kid would defeat YO-HEY, Kenshin Chikano, and Rey Paloma with GUNSO getting the pinfall at 9 minutes, 23 seconds after hitting Paloma with a Guillotine Drop. The semi-main event of the show would be the Okinawa based Ryukyu Dragon promotion with Hibiscus Mii, Shuri Joe, and Tida Heat defeating Guruken Mask, Churaumi Saver, and Ultra Soki with Heat getting the win at 13 minutes, 3 seconds after delivering a Swanton Bomb to Soki for the pin. Unchain vs. Los Nomadas would take place with Violento Jack, Miedo Extremo, and Ciclope defeating Jun Kasai, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto when Extremo would pin Fukimoto at 12 minutes, 2 seconds after delivering a Fire Bird Splash to him. The DEWA promotion out of Yamagata would have Tsuyoshi Kiuchi and Futofuto Kobashi defeat Yamada Man Pondo and Aisawa # 1 when Kikuchi would hit Aisawa with a Running Elbow at 8 minutes, 56 seconds to pick up the pin. Osaka Women's out of Osaka had Fairy Nihonbashi, Rina Yamashita, and Misaki Glico # 3 get the win over Police Woman, Nyanbar, and Kuroneko when Yamashita would defeat Police Women at 9 minutes, 11 seconds after a Lariat. The FREEDOMS team of Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and GENTARO would defeat Tottori Pro team out of Tottori consisting of Gaina Tiger, Inaba Buffalo, and G when GENTARO would make G tap out at 8 minutes, 38 seconds to the Crossface. Gamushara Pro out of Fukuoka would be represented by Yoki and Turueno Guerrero would defeat Tessi and YASU after Yoki would pick up the win at 11 minutes, 43 seconds with the YCD on YASU. B168 out of Osaka would be represented by FREEDOMS wrestlers Daisuke Masaoka and Kamui that also work for the promotion as they live in the Osaka area as they would team up with Idea to defeat Dyna Mido, Naoki Ito, and Sero Kaito with Kamui getting the win at 5 minutes, 43 seconds with a Senton Atomico on Mido. EAGLE Pro out of Tochigi would have Kazunori Yoshida and TAKU defeat Hiroyuki Kondo and Black Soldier when Yoshida would pin Soldier at 7 minutes, 30 seconds after delivering a Frankensteiner on him. The opening match would be represented by Team Aichi out of Nagoya with a 6 Man Battle Royal with The Intelligence Sensational Grand Pasion Mask # 4 would win at 6 minutes, 40 seconds after last eliminating Kengo Takai. The dark match would have FREEDOMS wrestlers Yuya Susumu go up against Dragon Libre in a singles match with Susumu getting the win at 3 minutes, 48 seconds after making him tap out to a Cross Armbreaker. Takashi Sasaki announced he would hold another show like this on December 26, 2017 at Korakuen Hall.
Jun Kasai would promote his Unchain Night on August 11, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where they would announce a crowd of 263 fans for the show. Violento Jack would win in the main event against Unchain's Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match at 15 minutes, 32 seconds after making Fukimoto submit to the Mexican Stretch. Unchain's Jun Kasai and Masashi Takeda would also lose in the semi-main event to Miedo Extremo and Ciclope in a TLC Razor Board Death Match after Extremo would once again get the pinfall over Kasai at 15 minutes, 55 seconds with the Fire Bird Splash. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would go up against Daisuke Masaoka and Yuya Susumu and it would end up in a draw at 11 minutes, 57 seconds after Sugiura and Masaoka would both end up being counted out of the ring. Takashi Sasaki would defeat the returning Captain Abnormal who was played by Masato Inaba and a part of the group in 2012 before being kicked out after Sasaki would get the win at 9 minutes, 35 seconds with a Desired Cut. GENTARO going by his real name Gentaro Takahashi would team up with Karate Brahman in the opening match against Kamui and Dragon Libre with Kamui getting the pinfall over Karate at 12 minutes, 18 seconds after a punch to the face.
The next and final Jun Kasai promoted Death Match show of the Summer will take place on August 27, 2017 at Korakuen Hall with Daisuke Masaoka defending his King of Freedom World Championship for the fifth time against Miedo Extremo in a Death Match. Jun Kasai will get his rematch against Violento Jack who won the King of Freedom World Title from him back on July 13, 2016 as they will compete in a Death Match that will be announced later as well. Kenji Fukimoto will also compete in a Death Match against a Los Nomadas member in Ciclope. Masashi Takeda, Minoru Fujita, and GUNSO team up in a Hardcore Match as they will take on the team of Takahashi Sasaki, Yuko Miyamoto, and Toshiyuki Sakuda. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura will team up against the Brahamn Brothers and the opening match will have GENTARO, Kamui, and Dragon Libre against Yuya Susumu, Kazma Sakamoto, and Chikara.
FREEDOMS will then run on September 3, 2017 at the Osaka World Hall Pavilion where the main event of the show will be Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defending their King of Freedom World Championship against Daisuke Masaoka and Kamui, Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto, and Yuko Miyamoto along with Isami Kodaka in a 4 Way Tag Team Match. Jun Kasai will go up against Chikara in a singles match in the semi-main event of the show. Takashi Sasaki and Dyna Mido will team up against Dragon Gate's Naoki Tanizaki and Hiroaki Moriya while GENTARO will takes on Violento Jack in a singles match. A mixed tag team match will consist of Yuya Susumu and Hamuko Hoshi taking on B168's Idea teaming up with Mochi Miyagi and the opening match will be Dragon Libre against Hide Kubota.
The A-Team held a special show on August 5, 2017 at the Kumamoto Yu Palace Special Ring where they announced a super crowded number of 290 fans for the show. The main event saw Koji Kanemoto, Kendo Kashin, and KENSO defeated Tomohiko Hashimoto, Dick Togo, and Hi69 when KENSO picked up the win at 14 minutes, 8 seconds with the Hagakure. The semi-main event had Shiro Koshinaka and AKIRA with Masashi Aoyagi in their corner defeat Kotaro Suzuki, FUJITA, and HASEGAWA in a Handicap Match when Koshinaka got the pinfall over HASEGAWA at 12 minutes, 35 seconds with a Diving Hip Attack. Shogun Okamoto, Hitamaru Sasaki, MIYAWAKI, and Masashiro Sase defeated Daisuke Ikeda, Rocky Kawamura, Daisaku Shimoda, and Toshiaki Terao when Okamoto got the win at 6 minutes, 35 second swhen Okamoto used the Kaiketsu for the win over Terao. Hide Kubota and Keiichi Sato defeated the returning Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Takumi Sakurai with Sato gettin gthe win over Sakurai at 13 minutes, 20 seconds with his K1 Clutch. The opening match was the womens match with Aoi Ishibashi getting the win at 9 minutes, 50 seconds over Tam Nakano with a Flying Body Press.
The A-Team promotion then returned to the Tokyo Kitasenju Theater 1010 on August 11, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 140 fans for the show to crown the first ever WEW Jr. Heavyweight Title which is the first WEW title created since WEW Hardcore Tag Team Titles were formed on April 25, 2000 in FMW. The first matches on the show saw the winners move on to the main event in a 4 Way Match to crown the champion. The first match saw Masamune defeat Rion Mizuki at 9 minutes, 10 seconds with an upper arm cut. HASEGAWA got the win in the second match on the show after defeating Keiichi Sato at 3 minutes, 30 seconds after rolling up Sato with a Jack Knife. The third match match on the show had Nobutaka Moribe get the win over Raiden at 5 minutes, 17 seconds with a Diving Body Press. The fourth and final first round match had former All Japan wrestler Tsuyoshi Kikuchi defeat Takumi Sakurai at 6 minutes, 50 seconds with a Fireball Bomb for the win. The Shoot Fight team of Daisuke Ikeda, Osamu Namiguchi, Akira Joh, and Kenichi Fujii defeated Hi69, Masaru Kameda, Toshiaki Terao, and Masahiro Sase when Joh got the win over Terao at 12 minutes, 28 seconds after Joh hit Terao with a Sliding Lariat for the win. The WEW Tag Team Titles were put on the line by Tomohiko Hashimoto and Masashi Takeda in their first defense against Daisaku Shimoda and The Blue Shark with Shimoda and Shark coming away with the titles after getting with win at 12 minutes, 28 seconds when Shimoda would deliver a Backdrop to Hashimoto for the win. The main event of the show was 4 Way Match between Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Nobutaka Moribe, Masamune, and HASEGAWA. Masamune would be the first elimination at 5 minutes, 30 seconds by Moribe and Moribe would then be eliminated at 7 minutes, 45 seconds by HASEGAWA. Kikuchi would then finish off HASEGAWA at 11 minutes, 41 seconds with a Fireball Bomb for the win to become the first ever WEW Jr. Heavyweight Champion.
Mr. Gannosuke and Michio Kageyama teamed up on August 15, 2017 for the Guts World promotion at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring against two people Gannosuke know very well in Masked Mystery who defeated Gannosuke for his GWC Title last September and Tetsuhiro Kuroda who Gannosuke has known for over 24 years and were members together of Team Kuroda in 2001 as Mystery and Kuroda would end up getting the win at 17 minutes, 16 seconds after Mystery would finish off Kageyama with a Chokeslam. Their third partner Guts Ishijima would go on to win the GWC Title in the main event against Daisuke at 23 minutes, 21 seconds to become the new champion of his promotion. Mr. Gannosuke will go on to take on Buffalo in his first singles match since his injury on September 20, 2017 at the next Guts World show at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring.
I attended the CZW show and got to meet Onita and take a picture
with him for the second time before the show. It was a lot of fun overall. I
wrote up a review of the show of my experience attending live and going to
Philadelphia the next day that you can find by going to
I also was on the Culture Bum's Podcast for an hour earlier this
week which he posted to YouTube that you can find by clicking this
link. I had a good time on the show as the host is very knowledgeable also
when it comes to the FMW topic. There is some audio issues as he lives in China
and doing the show on Skype so I believe I fade out a couple of times early on
and there was a delay going on but if you want to listen to me talk about FMW
and its history as well as the Onita and Tremont match check it out. He has
asked that a take part of couple of more shows with him next month discussing
Death Match history.
Added: 7/27
Super Battle FMW returned to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo on July 15, 2017 for Mr. Pogo's Memorial show which would draw a legit full house crowd and announced at 350 fans for the show which is close to the actual number. Kintaro Kanemura would come out before the main event in his first appearance at a wrestling show with a picture of Mr. Pogo as they would conduct a 10 gong salute in Pogo's memory before the match. The main event would have Hideki Hosaka going by the Mr. Pogo # 2 name, Great Pogo who would go by that name for Pogo's WWS promotion, and Onryo as they would take on Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Ricky Fuji in a No Ropes Barbed wire Bunkhouse Death Match. The four Pogo weapons on each side of the ring was scrapped in favor of just having a No Rope Barbed wire match.
Onita would square up against Hosaka right away
with Hosaka grabbing a chair and Onita managing to knock it away and pick it up
and smash Hosaka over the head with it while screaming out Pogo's name. Yaguchi
and Ricky would set up a table as Onita would pick up Onryo and piledrive Onryo
through the table. Hosaka would then come over and spit red mist in Onita's
face. Onryo and Hosaka would then send Onita into the barbed wire. Hosaka would
then take the Mr. Pogo chain and place it around Ricky's neck and throw him over
the barbed wire to hang him as the referee would lift Ricky's arm three times to
no response to call the match a KO victory at 12 minutes, 9 seconds for Hosaka,
Pogo, and Onryo.
Tam Nakano after months would finally settle her feud with Miss Mongol in a
Lumberjack Death Match although Mongol would control the match early and get
Nakano in a Boston Crab when Naoshi Sano would come in the ring and push her off
to save Nakano. Wild Bear would then come in with a barbed wire bat with Mongol
holding on to Nakano but Nakano would move out of the way and Bear would end up
hitting Mongol instead allowing Nakano to roll her up and get the pinfall at 11
minutes, 12 seconds to finally get her payback after being destroyed by Mongol
for months. Kotaro Suzuki, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Keiichi Sato would defeat
NOSAWA Rongai, Leatherface, and Katsunari Toi when Sato would pick up the win at
12 minutes, 35 seconds after pinning Leatherface with the K1 Clutch. Tomoryu,
Naoshi Sano, and Raiden would defeat Wild Seven, Wild Bear, and Shocker when
Tomoryu would score the pinfall at 10 minutes, 17 seconds after hitting Shocker
with Diving Elbow Drop. Kancho Nagase would defend his UWA Lightweight Title by
defeating Shigeru Kato at 14 minutes, 32 seconds with a Small Package for his
fifth successful title defense. Pandita would defeat Atsushi Dainita who is
better known as Fat Onita in the opening match at 8 minutes, 47 seconds in a
Iron Wire Death Match after using putting the Iron Wire around a bat and
smashing it against Fat Onita for the pin.
Atsushi Onita promoted a show the next day on July 16, 2017 at the Yokohama Yacht Society Special Ring which was a ring set up right by the water and drew an announced crowd of 898 fans for the show. Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Ricky Fuji would team up in the main event against the All Japan team of Suwama, Atsushi Aoki, and KIYOSHI in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match with Kendo Kashin as the referee. Onita and Suwama would brawl in the crowd before making it back in the ring. Onita would grab a chair and smash it over Suwama's head. Onita would then pick up Aoki and place him over the table and piledrive him through it. Aoki and KIYOSHI would end up grabbing Onita and placing him on a chair as Suwama would turn on the exploding barbed wire baseball bat and smash it across Onita's chest with Suwama only managing to get a two count. Aoki would then grab a hold of Onita while Suwama would look to hit him again with the bat when Onita would spit the red mist in his face and deliver the stunner Aoki and follow that with a Backdrop. Onita would then smash Aoki and KIYOSHI over the head with the table before smashing it over Suwama's head three times followed by a really bad DDT to Suwama. Onita would then turn on the exploding barbed wire bat and smash it over Suwama's back. Onita would cover Suwama but Suwama would manage to kick out. Suwama would end up getting a hold of the exploding bat and smash it over Ricky's chest to get the pinfall. Kendo Kashin would raise Suwama's hand but then raise Onita's hand with Onita throwing water in Suwama's face and Onita and Suwama squaring up face to face before Suwama and the All Japan team would leave the ring to allow Onita to do his Onita Theater to end the show.
Other matches on the show had Miss Mongol and Miss Koharu defeating Tam Nakano and Yuiga when Mongol would get the Kanbaya C submission win at 13 minutes, 4 seconds over Nakano officially putting an end to their feud as they would begin teaming after this show. Hideki Hosaka as Mr. Pogo # 2 and Tomohiko Hashimoto would defeat Daisaku Shimoda and Kazuhiko Matsuzaki when Hashimoto would put away Shimoda at 9 minutes, 47 seconds with the XCT. Ultra Seven, Wild Seven, Yuki Takasugi would defeat The Wild Team of Wild Bear, Wild Shooter # 2, and Shoji "Wild" Ono when Seven made Ono submit at 11 minutes, 50 seconds to an Octopus Hold. The team of Naoshi Sano, Masahiro Sase, and Shocker would defeat Raiden, Tomoryu, and Kancho Nagase when Sano would get the win over Raiden at 8 minutes, 4 seconds after hitting him with a Brainbuster. Nobutaka Moribe would win the opening match against Kenichi Fujii at 5 minutes, 13 seconds after making him submit to a Face Lock.
Fire Pro-Wrestling returned for the first time since the end of April for a show at the Nagoya Aichi Nishiku Rokushima Sports Center on July 17, 2017. No official release of results were posted which is the norm for this promotion so everything collected is me scouring the internet for hours looking to find results. I will not miss this promotion. Atsushi Onita teamed up with Raijin Yaguchi and the returning Crusher Maedomari as they defeat the team of Hideki Hosaka going by his Mr. Pogo # 2 name, Mayo-gun # 2, and Tomoko Watanabe with Masashi Aoyagi in their corner in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Aoyagi would end up getting in the ring and taking the exploding barbed wire bat and smashing it across Onita's chest. Maedomari would end up grabbing the bat herself and would end up hitting Mayo-gun # 2 with it to get the pinfall. Aoyagi would get in the ring after the match and would bump right into Onita and then Aoyagi would grab the mic and challenge Onita to his last Death Match in Nagoya on October 29th. Aoyagi would then state that he would kick Onita again. Onita would get on the mic and state to Aoyagi that it was there in Nagoya 28 years ago in FMW that they fought and that if there was no Aoyagi then there would be Atsushi Onita and that he would accept Aoyagi's challenge. Aoyagi then got back on the mic and stated that he had not kicked for two years since his motorcycle accident, but that he is reviving now because he wants to kick Onita's chest once more and on October 29th in Nagoya he will finish Onita once and for all with his kicks as the two would begin punching each other before having to be separated. Aoyagi suffered a serious motorcycle accident in May 2015 that shattered his knee in 30 places and was told by doctors that a return would be impossible. Onita at the time visited Aoyagi in the hospital and told Aoyagi he wanted to return to the ring so that he could feel his kick one more time.
Other matches on the show saw Yasuko Fujisaki defeat Tam Nakano after making Nakano submit. Mr. Gannosuke and Michio Kageyama going by Mr. Wannosuke played the twin brother act against actual twin brothers Hide and Yasu Kubota with Gannosuke getting the win over one of the Kubota Brothers with the Gannosuke Clutch. Guts Ishijima and Takaya Shibayama defeated Daisuke and Shota Nakagawa when Shibayama pinned Nakagawa. Nobutaka Moribe got the win over Kengo Takai and Pandita when Moribe pinned Pandita in a Three Way Match. Rocky Kawamura opened the show by defeating Mayo-gun # 2 with the Balboa Blow. Bad Nurse Rie Nakamura was originally booked for the show and most likely would have been in the main event of the show but she had to pull out after suffering from heat exhaustion as she could not get the heat out of her body and was feeling bad for a week and ended up having to go to the hospital prior to the show and was unable to compete as a result. The next and most likely final Fire Pro-Wrestling show will take place on September 10, 2017 at the Hiroshima Industry Hall.
Super Battle FMW would continue their tour on July 21, 2017 at the Ibaragi Mito Citizen Gym with a main event rematch from the previous show at Shin-Kiba with Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Ricky Fuji taking on Hideki Hosaka as Mr. Pogo # 2, WWS' Great Pogo, and Onryo this time in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match and this time Onita's team would come out with the win after Onita get the pinfall over Onryo at 10 minutes, 10 seconds after hitting Onryo with the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. The semi-main event would have NOSAWA Rongai, Leatherface, and Katsunari Toi defeating Tomohiko Hashimoto, Kotaro Suzuki, and returning to Japan from a trip all over America HASEGAWA with Toi getting the win at 12 minutes, 41 seconds over HASEGAWA after hitting him with a Diving Footstomp. Miss Mongol and Tam Nakano would team up for the first time as they would defeat the team of Miss Koharu and Kaori Yoneyama returning under the Yone Mongol name with Mongol getting the win at 12 minutes, 37 seconds over Koharu with the Kanbaya C. Former All Japan wrestler Mitsuo Momota would team up with his son Chikara as they would defeat the team of Wild Seven and Magic Dragon which is the gimmick of an old All Japan wrestler from the early 80's that was close with Onita early on his career as Momota would end up picking up the win at 9 minutes, 11 seconds after hitting Dragon with a Backdrop. The Hitachi Pro would have an offer match on the show with Sunriser K which is a gimmick of a local hero in the town as he would defeat Kento DiCaprio at 8 minutes, 14 seconds after hitting him with a Fire Bird Splash. Naoshi Sano would open the show defeating Keiichi Sato at 7 minutes, 20 seconds after hitting Sato with a Brainbuster for the win.
Atsushi Onita would then go on to team up with Super Delfin for the first time in their careers as they would take on the female team of Chigusa Nagayo and Takumi Iroha in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match on July 23, 2017 at the Osaka Prefectural Gym # 2 for the combo ZERO1 and Super Fireworks show. Onita and Delfin who go back to 1989 when Onita was the first Japanese promoter to book Delfin in Japan as Delfin would wrestle his first match in Japan for the very first FMW show on October 6, 1989 in Nagoya as Monkey Magic Wakita. Onita would early on manage to set up the table and piledriver Nagayo through it. Nagayo and Iroha would come back by both spitting red mist in Onita's face and then Nagayo would set him up on the chair as Iroha would smash the exploding barbed wire baseball bat against Onita's chest. Iroha would cover Onita but he would manage to kick out. Nagayo and Iroha would then deliver a double superkick to Delfin. Nagayo and Onit would both turn on exploding barbed wire baseball bats and square up and just as they were about to swing at each other Iroha would run up in the middle of it as both exploding bats would hit each other causing the explosion to knock Iroha down. Delfin would then take Iroha would deliver a Swinging DDT and then place her in the Delfin Clutch to get the win at 18 minutes, 51 seconds for the win. Onita would go up to Nagayo and spit water in her face. Onita and Nagayo would then have words with each other before celebrating together to end the show. Onita will face off against Nagayo on August 13th at the Hyogo Kobe Tokiwa Arena as he will put up his Super Fireworks Title on the line in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match.
The final Super Battle FMW show for the month will take place on July 29, 2017 at the Gifu Aimesee Yamanashi where Dragon Gate's Shingo Takagi will appear on the show as it will be Takagi's first Death Match since he teamed up with Atsushi Onita and Masato Tanaka on November 3, 2014 against Yoshihiro Takayama, Kintaro Kanemura, and NOSAWA in a Exploding Barbed wire Death Match in Kumamoto and ended up suffering an injury to his shoulder as a result of the match. Takagi who was a huge fan of Onita and FMW growing up wants to have one match against Onita before Onita retires and Takagi is based out of Gifu. The match will be a Barbed wire Exploding Onibo Death Match as Onita will team up with Tomohiko Hashimoto and HASEGAWA against Shingo Takagi, Raijin Yaguchi, and NOSAWA Rongai. Masao Inoue will return to the promotion as he teams up with Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato as they take on the Pogo Army of Mr. Pogo # 2, Great Pogo, and Katsunari Toi. Miss Mongol and Tam Nakano will continue their team as they take on Miss Koharu and CPE's Sachiko Yokozuna. Wild Bear and Wild Seven will team up against Raiden and A Team's Takumi Sakurai and the opening match will have Naoshi Sano against Shocker.
Atsushi Onita and HASEGAWA held a press conference on July 20, 2017 at Toudoukan to announce that the upcoming A-Team show on October 21, 2017 has changed locations and instead will take place at the Okinawa SUN Beach Special Ring. Onita stated that he has wrestled in exploding barbed wire death matches all over Japan but never in Okinawa and he wants to do one before he retires. Onita stated that the match he will be in will be a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Falls Count Anywhere Death Match. Onita stated that there were other ways to win the match as since it will be on the beach the winner can be determine if they dunk their opponents head under the ocean for more than ten seconds or if all three members of a team are buried in the sand. The match will have the Jado Army team of Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Hideki Hosaka against the A-Team of Tomohiko Hashimoto, HASEGAWA, and Takumi Sakurai. The semi-main event match will be Tetsuhiro Kuroda against Ricky Fuji which will be the first time since FMW that they have wrestled in a singles match against each other. Daisaku Shimoda will go up against Ryukyu Dog's Shuri Joe and the women's match will have Tam Nakano team up with a Mystery Partner against Drake Morimatsu and Okinawa's Hibiscus Mii. Keiichi Sato will team up with Ryukyu Dog's Churaumi Saber as they go up against Guruken Mask and Ultra Soki. A-Team's Toshiaki Terao will face off against Pandita in a singles match and the opening match will have Naoshi Sano against Masahiro Sase.
Mr. Pogo's Farewell Memorial Party took place on July 27, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. Pictures on one side Mr. Pogo and The Gladiator together with the FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team Titles along with personal pictures such as his wedding in 1996 placed on the wall. The other side had a picture of Mr. Pogo holding both the FMW Brass Knuckles Title and Brass Knuckles Tag Team Title with pictures of him against Matsunaga and against Onita on the sides. A Battle Royal would take place with WWS wrestlers and afterwards Naoya Takase of WWS would announce that the promotion would be holding one last show on November 12, 2017 in Isezaki before closing down. Miss Mongol would then a play a compilation of Mr. Pogo on the Samurai TV show Occupation of the Indies over the years. Occupation of the Indies host Sayoko Mita would then have Ricky Fuji and Hideki Hosaka come to the ring and tell stories about their personal experiences with Mr. Pogo over the past 27 years. Hosaka would unable to speak much because of suffering a fractured jaw in a match the previous day. Ken Suzuki would then have Mitsuhiro Matsunaga come to the ring with Matsunaga telling the crowd that Mr. Pogo had no regrets and that without Mr. Pogo there is no Mr. Danger and that he really appreciated that. Matsunaga stated he went to various promotions with Mr. Pogo but he was always unable to exceed their match on March 8, 1992 in W*ING at Korakuen Hall. Atsushi Onita then came out and went in the ring by himself and told the crowd Pogo was his best ally and rival and admired him as a promoter of WWS. Onita stated he wish he could do another exploding ring match with him. Everyone attending would form around the ring and a 10 gong salute would take place in Pogo's honor. Onita and Matsunaga would then walk to the picture of Pogo and laid a bouquet of flowers down by it and said their goodbyes for the final time to their best rival.
Atsushi Onita's upcoming match for the CZW promotion on August 5, 2017 in Vorhees, New Jersey will be Onita's first match in America since May 16, 1992 when FMW had a show in Los Angeles, California. Onita will be bringing his friends Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka who will be going the Mr. Pogo # 2 gimmick for the show. The show has sold out all 400 seats at the Skate Zone and the only tickets left are general admission. There has been speculation about the scheduled Atsushi Onita vs. Matt Tremont match. There has been talk that the match will only be an Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat and Exploding Barbed wire Board Death Match. Tremont himself is under the impression it will be an Exploding Barbed wire Death Match despite the show taking place in such a small inside building. There is also speculation that the match will start off as a singles but eventually Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka will interfere and the match will turn into a 6 man with two CZW guys joining Tremont which would be Onita's idea. This would actually make for a better actual match as Onita as it would help better disguise Onita at this point and would allow him to conduct one of his signature spots he does every match which is piledrive his opponent through a table which would be difficult for him to do that to the much larger Tremont. It would leave many upset fans though at the last minute switch. Only three matches have been announced for the show but if Yaguchi and Hosaka are not going to be announced in a match prior to the start of the show it would be a big red flag as far as I am concerned. Onita is very much looking forward to coming to America as he has talked about doing an Explosive Match for over 20 years when he first tried to get WWF to do it followed by ECW and then XPW. Onita will be bringing his Super Fireworks Title but the match is not a title match. Onita will be meeting with fans for pictures and autographs for 40 dollars for two hours an hour before the show would start. The match will air live on HighSpots streaming network.
FREEDOMS returned to Okinawa for their annual show at the Kadena Dome on July 2, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 234 fans for the show. The main event would be a FREEDOMS vs. Ryukyu Dragon Single Elimination Match with Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, Jun Kasai, Kenji Fukimoto, and Yuya Susumu teaming up to take on Guruken Mask, Churaumi Saber, Tida Heat, Ultra Soki, and Hijya Kidman. Kenji Fukimoto would score the first elimination as he would eliminate Kidman at 10 minutes, 28 seconds with a Package Piledriver. Jun Kasai would then follow up by eliminating Ultra Soki at 14 minutes, 34 seconds with a Pearl Harbor Splash giving the FREEDOMS team a 5-3 advantage. Guruken Mask would make the next elimination by eliminating Fukimoto at 18 minutes, 41 seconds with a Guruken Driver. Kasai would then end up eliminating Guruken at 22 minutes, 52 seconds by tossing him over the rope. Despite being down two guys to four and losing their captain the Ryukyu Dragon would begin to rally as Churaumi Saber would eliminate Kasai at 23 minutes, 5 seconds by tossing him over the top rope and then Saber would eliminate Yuya Susumu at 25 minutes, 16 seconds by also tossing him over the top rope. Daisuke Masaoka and Churaumi Saber would both end up tossing each other over the top rope at 28 minutes, 37 seconds for the double elimination. This would leave just Takashi Sasaki and Tida Heat with Tida Heat getting the last elimination over Sasaki at 31 minutes, 55 seconds by tossing him over the top rope for the Ryukyu Dragon victory. Other matches on the show saw Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defeat the Ryukyu Dragon team of Hibiscus Mii and Pork Tachiko when Mammoth would get the win at 12 minutes, 7 seconds over Mii with a Powerbomb. Violento Jack would put away Shuri Joe at 14 minutes, 26 seconds with a Udegatame for the submission win. The opening match had GENTARO and Dragon Libre defeat Ryukyu Dog and Shikuwasa Z when GENTARO would put Shikuwasa away at 10 minutes, 58 seconds with a Backdrop.
The Jun Kasai promoted Death Match shows for the Summer would start on July 5, 2017 at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo where they would announce a crowd of 876 fans with a main event of Daisuke Masaoka defending his King of Freedom World Championship against Minoru Fujita in Glass Board Weapons Death Match. Fujita would wear barbed wire across his forehead and already come to the ring bleeding. Fujita would hit Masaoka with an exploder into the glass board right away and then come off the top rope with a light tube and send it into Masaoka. Fujita would charge at Masaoka but Masaoka would end up delivering a knee to Fujita's face. Masaoka would deliver an Asai Moonsault to the outside. Masaoka would then grab a bucket of thumbtacks and pour them down all over him into the mat with Fujita coming back and delivering back to back lariats sending Masaoka onto the thumbtacks. Fujita would then pull out Mr. Pogo's sickle in tribute and begin cutting Masaoka with it in the forehead. Fujita would then set up the other glass board on two chairs and attempt to suplex Masaoka through but Masaoka would counter and deliver a Tornado DDT off the turnbuckle sending Fujita through the glass board. Masaoka would then come off the top turnbuckle and hit Fujita with the Rokura for the win at 22 minutes, 14 seconds and to successfully defend the King of Freedom World Championship for the fourth time.
The semi-main event of the show had Jun Kasai and GUNSO team up to take on Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Double Cross Board Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match with Kasai picking up the win over his friend Fukimoto at 15 minutes, 53 seconds with a Reverse Tiger Driver. Takashi Sasaki and Violento Jack teamed up against Miedo Extremo and Toshiyuki Sakuda in a Barbed wire Board Death Match with Jack picking up the win at 15 minutes, 25 seconds after hitting Sakuda with a Package Piledriver on the barbed wire board. Jack would then attack Sasaki after the match and deliver a Package Driver on him as he would show his allegiance to Extremo and Ciclope who had entered the ring would also attack Sasaki before laying him out while they would hold up the Mexican flag in victory. Yuko Miyamoto would defeat Ciclope at 11 minutes, 4 seconds after rolling up Ciclope after a failed Shining Wizard. Kamui would return to the ring full time after 15 month injury to his arm as he would team up with Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura as they would lose to Yuya Susumu, Kazma Sakmoto, and Chikara at 9 minutes, 40 seconds when Susumu would grab Kamui and put him in the Cross Armbreaker to make him submit. in a Tokyo Desert Homeless Straight Human Scrapping Death Match when GENTARO would get the win at 8 minutes, 30 seconds with an Ipponzeoi on Kei for the win.
The Jun Kasai Death Match Tour would continue on July 9, 2017 at the Nagoya Nakamura Sports Center Stadium # 2 drawing an announced crowd of 286 fans. The main event of the show saw Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defending their King of Freedom Tag Team Championship against Miedo Extremo and Ciclope in a Hardcore Match with Sugiura picking up the win at 17 minutes, 54 seconds after finishing off Ciclope with a Swift Driver for the 5th title defense. The semi-main event had Jun Kasai and Kenji Fukimoto defeating Daisuke Masaoka and Violento Jack in a Barbed wire Board Death Match when Kasai would get the pinfall over champion Masaoka at 13 minutes, 35 seconds with a Reverse Tiger Driver for the pin. Kamui would go up against both GUNSO and Ryuichi Sekine in a Scramble Bunkhouse Three Way Death Match and would end up taking the fall at 10 minutes, 41 seconds after GUNSO would hit Kamui with a DDT on a Barbed wire Bat for the GUNSO win. Kenichiro Arai and Chikara would defeat GENTARO and Konaka Pale One in a Alcohol Drinking Match where the teams would have to take drinks during the match and would end up getting drunk during the match as Chikara would end up countering a Figure Four on Konak at 11 minutes, 18 seconds and would end up making Konaka submit for the win. Yuya Susumu would take on local talent Yusaku Ito and would get the win easily at 6 minutes, 53 seconds after putting him away with a Front Crash. The opening match would be a FREEDOMS vs. Nagoya with the Nagoya team of Kengo Takai, Michio Kageyama, and Takuya Shibayama getting the win over Takashi Sasaki, Dyna Mido, and Dragon Libre when Takai would pick up the pinfall at 8 minutes, 24 seconds after nailing Libre with a Lariat for the win.
The third Jun Kasai promoted show of the month took place on July 17, 2017 at the Hiroshima Industry Center East Hall drawing an announced 740 fans for the show. The main event would have Jun Kasai going up against Miedo Extremo in a Four Corners of Hell Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match with the winner getting a shot at Masaoka's King of Freedom World Title as Extremo would end up getting the win at 16 minutes, 23 seconds after hitting Kasai with a Gaijo Driver on the light tubes for the win. Extremo will now challenge Masaoka for the King of Freedom Title on August 27th at Korakuen Hall. Takashi Sasaki would try to get some revenge on the Mexican team for attacking him at Korakuen Hall as he would team up with Daisuke Masaoka against Violento Jack and Ciclope in a Barb wire Board Death Match with Masaoka getting the win at 16 minutes, 43 seconds with a Rokura on Ciclope. GENTARO, Kamui, and Dyna Mido would go up against the team of Kazma Sakamoto, Kenshin Kono, and Devil Magician in a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight Tornado Death Match with a car getting driven up to the ring as Kamui would deliver a Swanton off the top turnbuckle on to the top of the car but Magician would end up picking up the win at 16 minutes, 21 seconds after hitting Mido with a Fisherman Buster on the top of the destroyed car for the win. Yuya Susumu would defend his UWA World Jr. Heavyweight Title against Rey Paloma as Yuya would end up getting the win at 14 minutes, 50 seconds with a Front Clash for his second title defense. Mammoth Sasaki would easily defeat Chikara at 7 minutes, 56 seconds with a Stretch Plum. The opening match would have Toru Sugiura, Kenji Fukimoto, and Dragon Libre defeat the team of GUNSO, Takeshi Okada, and Yuya Aoki when Fukimoto would hit Yuki with a Package Piledriver at 8 minutes, 37 seconds for the win.
Takashi Sasaki will promote a show on August 3, 2017 at Korakuen Hall as it will have many small level independent promotions across Japan and allow them to compete at Korakuen Hall some wrestlers for the first time. The main event will be a FREEDOMS match as it will have the Unchain team of Jun Kasai, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto against the Mexican team who call themselves Los Nomadas of Violento Jack, Miedo Extremo, and Ciclope. There will be matches on the show from Ryukyu Dragon based out of Okinawa, Gamushara Pro out of Fukuoka, Tottori Pro based out of Tottori will have three of its wrestlers take on Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and GENTARO. Dove Pro out of Hiroshima will have a six man match on the show. B 168 out Osaka will have a match consisting of Daisuke Masaoka and Kamui who frequently wrestle for the promotion team with Idea as they take on Dyna Mido and two other mystery B168 wrestlers. Osaka Women's Pro out of Osaka will have a 6 woman match. Chimu out of Nagoya will have a 6 man Battle Royal on the show. Eagle Pro out of Tochigi will have a tag team match. Pro-Wrestling DEWA out of Yamagata will be the opening match and Yuya Susumu will take on Dragon Libre in the Dark Match on the show.
Mr. Gannosuke made his return to the ring for the first time on July 16, 2017 for the Tsugaru promotion in Hirosaki as he teamed up with Koju Takeda against the team of Taro Yamada and Joji Otani in a 666/Guts World Match with Yamada and Otani coming away with the victory after Otani would pin Takeda. It marked Gannosuke's first match in 3 1/2 months after suffering 10 fractures to his face on April 1, 2017 after taking a knee to the face by Yuko Miyamoto. Gannosuke would end up losing 33 pounds due to the injury and due to his age would make it very hard to get back in ring shape. Gannosuke had originally agreed to come back to the Super Battle FMW promotion at the end of July but knew he would not be compete in the hard style matches he would be in and thus pushed his return back to August. He would them compete in a comedy match against the Kubota Brothers the next day for Fire Pro. His first match back for his home promotion Guts World took place on July 25, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as he teamed up with Michio Kageyama as they defeated the IWA Army team of Keizo Matsuda and Yuji Kito when Gannosuke would hit Kito with the Fire Thunder at 12 minutes, 45 seconds for the win. Gannosuke's next match will take place on August 15th for the next Guts World show in Shin-Kiba 1st Ring before touring with Super Battle FMW at the end of the month.
I posted another career music video recently this time of Atsushi Onita ranging from the beginning of his career in All Japan to his retirement from FMW on May 5, 1995. That is the first part and I will finishing up later this year after Onita's retirement match on October 31st as well as when I am able to find songs that go with the footage as that ends up taking almost as much time as the actual editing and putting the video together with how picky I am at trying to find the perfect songs. I will also be traveling to Philadelphia on August 4th to attend the CZW show on August 5th to see Onita live one last time. I will be wearing my white FMW t-shirt and my fiancée will be wearing a Megumi Kudo t-shirt so if you are going and see us make sure to say hello. I look forward to meeting a bunch of FMW fans. No matter how the match turns out hopefully the energy and electricity especially the post match is anywhere near what I experienced last year following Onita's match at Korakuen Hall because that was something special to be a part of.
Added: 6/30
Tetsuo Sekigawa best known as Mr. Pogo passed away at the age of 66 on June 23, 2017 at 12:21 AM in Saitama (not his hometown of Gunma like most reports have). Pogo who has had severe back issues decided to get a spinal canal surgery for the second time because of the amount of back pain he had been in recently despite going through the surgery before back in 2014. His spinal canal surgery was originally scheduled for May 25, 2017 but the surgery had to be stopped in the middle of it because of the amount of blood he was losing during it and it was considered too dangerous to continue. Pogo remained in the hospital during this time as he was too weak to go back to a normal life and he had lost movement in his leg and had been dealing with a severe headache following it. He had the surgery again on June 22, 2017 but during the surgery his blood pressure ended up dropping dangerously to where he began to develop an irregular heart beat that would end up in him suffering a cerebral infraction also known as a stroke. He would be transferred to another hospital in Saitama to try and save his life but he would never end up coming back and would end up passing away. W*ING promoter would end up getting notified just 30 minutes later and would begin calling everybody and the news story would be posted online by 2 PM. Pogo had made many calls the day before on June 21st to friends and family including Atsushi Onita but Onita would end up missing his call. Despite not being known as the best worker during his run throughout the 90's where he was Atsushi Onita's best drawing opponent he was known as a good man. Everyone that dealt with him loved him and respected him. He was the person that got me into FMW originally 20 years ago and he will always have a special place in my heart for that as well as all the friends he had made after a 45 year career. I have written up a condensed biography of Mr. Pogo's career that can be found at
Super Battle FMW would return to the Tokyo
Shinjuku FACE for the first time in nearly two years on June 8, 2017 as they
would announce a crowd of 600 fans. The main event would be an FMW vs. All Japan
Street Fight Bunkhouse Barbed wire Board Falls Count Anywhere Death Match as
Atsushi Onita would team up with Hideki Hosaka and Kendo Kashin against Suwama,
Atsushi Aoki, and Super Tiger who was taking Hikaru Sato's place following a
surgery he recently got. Onita would go after Suwama right away but Suwama
would throw him outside the ring. Suwama would then take an axe he had brought
to the ring and chop the barbed wire board in half. Suwama would setup Onita for
a Powerbomb through a table when Black Tiger would end up making the save for
Onita. Onita would instead grab Aoki and use the table to piledrive him through
it instead. Aoki would get up and spit blue mist in Onita's face and smash a
guitar over his head and cover him with Onita kicking out. Aoki would then grab
then grab the barbed wire bat but Onita would spit red mist in his face. Onita
and Kashin would double suplex Kashina and Onita would smash the piece of table
over his head and deliver a Back Drop on Aoki to get the win.
The semi-main event of the show had Raijin Yaguchi, Tetsuhiro
Kuroda, and Ricky Fuji defeat NOSAWA Rongai under his Black Tiger # 7 gear,
Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Chainsaw Tony when Kuroda would finish off Tony at 15
minutes, 27 seconds with a Lariat. Miss Mongol and Tamumi Nakano would continue
their feud as Nakano would team up with Manami Katsu as they would defeat the
team of Miss Mongol and Miss Koharu after Katsu would nail a diving elbow drop
to get the win at 13 minutes, 44 seconds over Koharu. Kotaro Suzuki and HASEGAWA
would defeat Keiichi Sato and Raiden after Sato would get the win at 12 minutes,
13 seconds over HASEGAWA with a Backslide. Rion Mizuki, Kancho Nagase, and
Tomoryu would defeat Wild Seven, Wild Bear, and Shoji Ono as Nagase would get
the KO win over Ono at 11 minutes, 10 seconds after applying the sleeper on him.
Naoshi Sano would win the opening match defeating The Shocker at 6 minutes, 50
seconds with a Diving Body Press.
Atsushi Onita and Tamumi Nakano would co-promote a show at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on June 24, 2017 where they would announce a crowd of 284 fans for the show. The show would start with a Mr. Pogo tribute with a 10 bell salute in his memory. The main event would be changed due to Pogo's death as Hideki Hosaka would be moved to the heel side as he would paint his face with the Mr. Pogo logo that he used to wear during his first couple of years while in FMW apart of the Pogo Army so the main event would be Atsushi Onita, Tamumi Nakano, Pandita, and Tomohiko Hashimoto as they would take on Miss Mongol, Raijin Yaguchi, NOSAWA Rongai, and Hideki Hosaka in a Street Fight Bunkhouse Falls Count Anywhere Barbed wire Bra Exploding Coffin Death Match.
Pandita would start off by grabbing the barbed wire bra and putting it on Onita who would smash into Yaguchi, Hosaka, and NOSAWA. Mongol and Nakano would begin brawling outside with Mongol bringing Nakano back in the ring and grabbing the barbed wire bat and would have Yaguchi hold Nakano but Nakano would manage to move out of the way and Mongol would end up hitting Yaguchi. Mongol would pick up the bat and go after Onita but Onita would meet her with red mist to the face. Onita would then smash a chair over Mongol's head. Hashimoto would then bring Mongol outside and hold her while Nakano would turn on the exploding barbed wire baseball bat and hit her with it for some revenge. Hosaka and Yaguchi would grab Onita and suplex him into a barbed wire board as Mongol would put on the barbed wire bra and run into Nakano with it as Hosaka would place her into the coffin and Mongol would turn on the explosives of the coffin with Nakano in it for the win. The semi-main event of the show had Ricky Fuji team up with Kenichi Fujii and Yamada Man Pondo as they would defeat Hi69, HASEGAWA, and The Shocker with Ricky getting the win at 12 minutes, 18 seconds over Shocker with a 9999 DDT. Kenichiro Arai, Tomoryu, and Raiden defeat Wild Seven, Shoji Ono, and Wild Shooter # 2 when Raiden would pin Shooter at 11 minutes, 4 seconds with a Rollup. Pandita would open the show by defeating the small overweight Atsushi Dainita who has an Onita gimmick after Pandita would get the win at 3 minutes, 24 seconds in a Test Match for Dainita.
Atsushi Onita would be backstage following the show where he would place his Super Fireworks Title next to the picture of Mr. Pogo and stated that he would not have had the success he has had without Mr. Pogo and that he had many years of a relationship with him. Onita stated he called Pogo earlier this month and stated that after Pogo would have healed from his surgery he wanted to do an Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match with him one last time before Onita were to retire in October. Onita then stated he wanted the next Super Battle FMW show to be a tribute to Mr. Pogo with the FMW side taking on the Pogo Army.
Hideki Hosaka would do an interview afterwards as well would mention how he had always been loyal to Mr. Pogo and that a part of him had always remained a part of the Pogo Army as the team of Mr. Pogo, The Gladiator, and Hideki Hosaka teamed together every day for over a year with Hosaka stating he did not expect the break up of the team to end this way. Hosaka stated he wants to fight with Pogo's soul in him and he will now begin to challenge Onita like Pogo would have wanted.
The Super Battle FMW lineup was announced for July 15, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as the main event will be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and former Pogo Army member Ricky Fuji taking on Mr. Pogo # 2 who I would imagine to be Hideki Hosaka as he is not on another match on the show, Leatherface as it would make more sense to be Chainsaw Tony as Pogo is who brought him to Japan years ago, and Katsunari Toi who was a member of the Pogo Army in 1993-94 in a 4 Sides of Pogo Barbed wire Bunkhouse Death Match as I would guess that four of Pogo's usual weapons will be at each corner like his sickle. The semi-main event will have the Miss Mongol and Tamumi Nakano finally face other in a singles match as they compete in a Lumberjack Death Match. The former Wrestle-1 team of Kotaro Suzuki and Keiichi Sato will go up against Tomohiko Hashimoto and NOSAWA Rongai. The team of Wild Bear, Wild Seven, and Shocker will take on Naoshi Sano, Raiden, and Tomoryu. Kancho Nagase will defend his UWA Lightweight Title against Shigeru Kato, and the opening match will once again be Pandita going up against Atsushi Dainita.
Atsushi Onita also announced a lineup for a show he will be promoting himself on July 16, 2017 at the Yokohama Yacht Society where a special ring would be setup outside as the main event will be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Ricky Fuji against the All Japan team of Suwama, Atsushi Aoki, and a Mystery Partner in a Exploding Onibo Death Match. The team of Tomohiko Hashimoto and Hideki Hosaka will take on Kazuhiko Matsuzaki and A-Team's Daisaku Shimoda. There will be a women's match with none of the participants announced yet. The Wild team of Wild Bear, Wild Shooter # 2, and Shoji "Wild" Ono will take on Ultra Seven, Wild Seven, and Yuki Takasugi. The opening match will have Naoshi Sano, Masahiro Sase, and Shocker face Raiden, Tomoryu, and Kancho Nagase.
Atsushi Onita and Masanobu Fuchi put up their All Japan All Asian Tag Team Titles for the second time and first time in over 5 months following Fuchi's health causing him unable to compete as of late as they would take on the team of Atsushi Aoki and Hikaru Sato on June 20, 2017 at the Obihiro City General Gym as Aoki would end up grabbing Fuchi's arm and placing him in a Armlock for Fuchi to tap out at 13 minutes, 3 seconds ending the reign of the 100th All Asian Tag Team Champions after 7 months.
FREEDOMS would run their first show of the month on June 4, 2017 at the Kyoto Nagaokakyo Central Lifelong Learning Center announcing a crowd of 226 fans for the show. The main event would be a Hardcore Match with Daisuke Masaoka, Jun Kasai, and Kenji Fukimoto defeating the local team of brother YASSHI, Naoki Tanizaki, and Yasu Kubota when Masaoka would pin Kubota at 17 minutes, 10 seconds after hitting him with a Rokkura off the top of a ladder. Yuya Susumu would defend his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title against PSYCHO where he would get the win at 13 minutes, 57 seconds after making him submit to the Crossface to successfully defend the title for the first time. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would defeat the local team of GUNSO and Kenshin Kono when Mammoth would score the win at 13 minutes, 14 seconds after finishing off Kono with the 29 Years Old. GENTARO and Yuki Tanaka would get the win over Takashi Sasaki and Dyna Mido after GENTARO would hit the Rainmaker on Mido for the win. Konaka Pale One would defeat Idea with the Zen Meditation Tone. Masamune and Keita Yano would defeat Violento Jack and Dragon Libre when Masamune would pin Libre at 8 minutes, 42 seconds after hitting him with a bat to get the win in the opening match.
FREEDOMS returned to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring show on June 22, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 216 fans for their annual show with Ryukyu Dragon in Tokyo before holding another show together in Okinawa. The opening match of the show would have the FREEDOMS team of Yuya Susumu and Dragon Libre defeating the Ryukyu team of Ryukyu Dog and Hijya Kidman when Yuya would get the pin over Kidman at 11 minutes, 52 seconds with a Neckbreaker. The next match would have the Ryukyu team of the former Apple Miyuki now Hibiscus Mii, Supermantaro, and Pork Tachiko defeat Daisuke Masaoka, GENTARO, and Toru Sugiura would Mii would hit a Neckbreaker to get the pin at 11 minutes, 52 seconds over GENTARO. The next 5 matches would be singles matches between the two promotions as the matches would be randomly selected. The owners of the promotions would first face off against as Takashi Sasaki and Guruken Mask would end up going to 15 minute time limit draw. Violento Jack would give FREEDOMS a 1-0 lead in the next match as he would defeat Tida Heat at 7 minutes, 33 seconds after making him submit to a Cross Armbreaker. Mammoth Sasaki and Ultra Soki would be the next match and they would also go to a 15 minute time limit draw. Churaumi Saber would then tie things up up for Ryukyu Dragon as he would defeat Kenji Fukimoto at 6 minutes, 20 seconds after rolling him up. The final match to determine who would win the 5 match series would come down to Jun Kasai and Shuri Joe for each promotion with Kasai getting the win at 12 minutes, 54 seconds after hitting Joe with the Pearl Harbor Splash for the win and to give FREEDOMS 2-1-2 victory over Ryukyu Dragon.
FREEDOMS ran at the Iwate Ichinoseki Central Gym drawing an announced 756 fans for the show with the main event of hometown Takashi Sasaki teaming with Jun Kasai and Violento Jack would get the win over Daisuke Masaoka, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto when Sasaki would pin Fukimoto at 19 minutes, 23 seconds with a Right Kick in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Weapons Death Match. The semi-main event would have the submission team of Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Yuya Susumu defeating GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai after Fujiwara would hook on the Fujiwara Armbar on GENTARO to get the win at 9 minutes, 55 seconds after making him submit. Minoru Fujita and Hibiscus Mii would team up in a mixed tag team and defeat the team of The Great Sasuke and Hirori when Mii would get the pin at 16 minutes, 26 seconds with a Dragon Splash. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would win a non title match by defeating the team of Yuko Miyamoto and Kazma Sakamoto at 11 minutes, 35 seconds after Mammoth would put away Kazma with the 29 Years Old. The match of The Brahman Brothers against Shinobu and Daichi Sasaki would originally go to a double count out at 2 minutes, 33 seconds but the match would get restarted and Shinobu would nail Kei with the S.E.X. for a total time of 8 minutes, 49 seconds win. The opening match would have Chikara, Fuminori Abe, and Keisuke Goto defeat Aisawa # 1, ASUKA, and Dragon Libre when Chikara would score the pin at 8 minutes, 35 seconds over Libre with a Saber Chop.
The Summer Death Match Carnival shows promoted by Jun Kasai will then begin on July 5, 2017 at Korakuen Hall as Daisuke Masaoka will defend his King of Freedom World Championship against Minoru Fujita in a Glass Board Weapons Death Match. The team of Jun Kasai and GUNSO will go up against Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto in a Double Cross Death Match. Kamui will finally make his return after breaking his arm back in April 2016 and then reinjuring it following his one match back in January 2017 as he will team up with Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura against the team of Yuya Susumu, Kazma Sakamoto, and Chikara. Takashi Sasaki and Violento Jack will team up to take on the returning Miedo Extremo and Big Japan's Toshiyuki Sakuda in a Barbed wire Board Death Match. The Brahman Brothers will have their annual Tokyo Desert Homeless Straight Human Scrapping Death Match against GENTARO and Dragon Libre and the opening match will be Yuko Miyamoto going up against Mexico's Ciclope.
FREEDOMS referee Kaisei Shimizu who went missing before the FREEDOMS show on April 8, 2017 at the small Yokohama Nigiwaiza that Shimizu was suppose to promote is alive and well but it is still not known why he disappeared and stopped all contact with the promotion. Takashi Sasaki held a press conference at the FREEDOMS office on June 19, 2017 to announce he received the retirement papers in the mail from Shimizu. Sasaki announced that after Shimizu no showed the April 8th show he was suppose to promote he was suspended by FREEDOMS. There was no return address so Sasaki and the promotion still have no way of contacting Shimizu about exactly happened. Sasaki announced that he spoke with a lawyer about the situation and he has agreed to just leave everything alone at this point and let Shimizu retire from wrestling. Sasaki announced that FREEDOMS will work with the wrestler and the staff to recover trust due to this incident as well the issue with losing all contact with The Winger from earlier this year. The only thing I can think of is that Shimizu did not want to deal with any possible money loss from promoting the one show and he was willing to be done with wrestling in general as a referee he was not going to make very much with FREEDOMS and he was very young and probably immature on how to handle the situation of just wanting out and decided to just go ghost on everybody as a result.
W*ING's Mickey Ibaragi promoted a special sit down with Kintaro Kanemura on June 24, 2017 at Toudoukan in Suidobashi, Tokyo. The event would take place just one day following Mr. Pogo's death so the event would start with a one minute silent prayer in Mr. Pogo's memory. Kanemura would tell the fans that Pogo was a mentor to him while they would show footage of a W*ING match between Mr. Pogo and Kanemura from 1992. Kanemura would mention that the match would bring back a lot of nostalgic memories. Kanemura would state that he would pray for Mr. Pogo's soul from the bottom of his heart. Kanemura would tell the fans that he had no regrets and was satisfied with choosing to become a professional wrestler while smiling. Kanemura was suppose to bring the Kodo Fuyuki robe for pictures but instead would bring his W*ING bomber jacket and let the fans place the WEW World Title across their shoulder for pictures with him.
Mr. Gannosuke returned to the public on his 49th Birthday at Guts World's June 20, 2017 show at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. Gannosuke who is still struggling to open his eyes completely after suffering 10 fractures to his face after taking a knee to the face by Yuko Miyamoto on April 1, 2017 in Kumamoto. Gannosuke announced he would be returning to Guts World on their next show on July 25, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring as he will team up with Michio Kageyama as they will take on Keizo Matsuda and Yuji Kito. Gannosuke later announced as he will be first participating for Fire Pro's show on July 17th in Nagoya although that will most likely be an easy GUNS style comedy match. Gannosuke stated he had lost 33 pounds due to the injury as it has been very difficult for him to eat. It also has been difficult to get back into shape as he had to stop training for over 2 months and at 49 it is difficult to get your wind back. Gannosuke was suppose to originally suppose to appear for the Super Battle FMW promotion in July but instead will be pushing it back to their August tour.
I am going to be out for the first 10 days or so of July as I will be out in Texas for a couple of days and then will be going to Toronto next weekend. I spent a lot of time these last couple of weeks updating/cleaning up the Kintaro Kanemura Biography to cover his entire career that you can check out in the Biography section of the site. It will most likely be the last time I update it for him.
Added: 5/25
Atsushi Onita held a press conference in
Suidobashi, Tokyo at Toudoukan on May 10, 2017 to announce that his official
retirement match will take place on October 31, 2017 at Tokyo Korakuen Hall.
Onita stated that he has retied six times and this will be the seventh and final
time. Onita apologized for the inconvenience to various people for the coming
out of retirement so many times. Onita stated that if you deduct the periods of
time off due to retirement and political activities it adds up to about 40 years
in pro-wrestling. Onita stated he was originally planning retire at Kawasaki
Stadium due to the memories of FMW there but the stadium is now a stadium for
American Football and with Football season going on in October he has given up
with negotiations with the building because of how difficult they have been.
Onita stated he began to think about his career from his debut which was at
Korakuen Hall, his retirement while with All Japan at Korakuen Hall, how his
teacher Giant Baba had a retirement ceremony at Korakuen Hall (his official
retirement was at the Tokyo Dome after his passing). Onita stated that he could
probably get more people to attend his retirement show if it was held elsewhere
but he did not care and he wanted to retire for good at Korakuen Hall where
there have been so moments in his pro-wrestling life has taken place. Onita
would nominate Masato Tanaka for his retirement match but it has not been made
official who his opponent will be.
Onita stated that beginning September 9th at the Osaka Prefectural Gym # 2 there
will be an Onita Final Series Tour ending on October 31, 2017 at Korakuen Hall
which is 6 days after Onita will turn 60 as the plan for the last four years has
been for him to retire once he turns 60. He will then hold a show the following
week on September 16, 2017 at the Fukuoka Hakata Star Lanes and then two days
before his retirement he will hold a show on October 29, 2017 at the Nagoya
International Conference Hall which might be where the last Onita explosion
match takes place.
Super Battle FMW would return to Shin-Kiba 1st
Ring on April 27, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 300 fans for the show.
Atsushi Onita would team up with Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against
Chicken Suwama who was an unknown man in a black mask holding a rubber Chicken
through out the match along with MUTEKI who would be NOSAWA Rongai not even
bothering to wear the mask he had been wearing for the shows earlier in the
month, and Masao Inoue in a Falls Count Anywhere Exploding Onibo Death Match. A
Leatherface masked gimmick who would later to be known as Chainsaw Tony would
come out and attack Onita making it a disadvantage early for Onita's team. They
would take Onita to the outside of Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where Chicken Suwama would
hit Onita with the Exploding Onibo. Tamumi Nakano would try getting Chicken
Suwama back inside when Miss Mongol would grab the exploding Onibo and smash her
from behind with it as well. NOSAWA would bring Onita back inside in the ring
with NOSAWA smashing a guitar over the head of Onita. Masao Inoue would grab the
Onibo and with Chicken Suwama holding Onita he would go to hit him but Onita
would manage to spit red must at Inoue and then deliver a stunner to Chicken
Suwama. Onita would then take Chicken Suwama outside where he would hit him with
the Onibo and then come back to the ring where he would hit NOSAWA with a
Thunder Fire Powerbomb at 14 minutes, 34 seconds for the win.
The other matches on the show had Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Kotaro Suzuki, and HASEGAWA
defeat Ricky Fuji, Naoshi Sano, and Keiichi Sato when Kuroda would finish off
Sato at 13 minutes, 28 seconds with a Lariat. Miss Mongol and Miss Koharu would
defeat Kaori Yoneyama and Tamumi Nakano at 13 minutes, 3 seconds after Mongol
would make Nakano submit to the Kanbaya C with Mongol and Nakano getting in a
scuffle after the match with Mongol throwing her down on the mat. Wild Seven
would defend his Latin America Championship over Kenichiro Arai at 9 minutes, 2
seconds with a Modified Double Leg Lock to defend the title for the second time
with Wild Bear being named the next challenger for the title. Gosaku Goshogawara
and Shocker would defeat Daisaku Shimoda and Kenichi Fujii when Gosaku would get
the win at 9 minutes, 43 seconds over Fujii and the opening match would have
Wild Bear and Shuji "Wild" Ono feat Tomoryu and Raiden when Bear would
get the pin at 9 minutes, 37 seconds after using a Backdrop on Raiden.
Fire Pro-Wrestling ran their first show of 2017 on April 30, 2017 at the Hiroshima Marina Hop. Shows for the promotion have become rather scarce as the originally booked show by the promotion on May 27th in Gifu has been taken by the CMA Kaiser promotion with Onita participating on that show instead. The main event had Atsushi Onita, Hideki Hosaka, and Takeshi Okada defeat Raijin Yaguchi, Mayo-gun # 2, and Devil Magician in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match with Onita getting the pin at 12 minutes, 35 seconds after hitting Magician with the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. Masashi Aoyagi would once again attack Onita and along with Yaguchi who on certain shows is Onita's friend and some times an enemy along with the rest of the Mayo-gun Army would hold Onita as Aoyagi would hold a sword across Onita's neck. The 666 team of Yuko Miyamoto and Onryo defeated the team of Hiroki Murase and Amigo Suzuki when Miyamoto got the win over Suzuki at 15 minutes, 3 seconds with the Valkyrie Splash. Mototsugu Shimizu and Rocky Kawamura defeated Tomohiko Hashimoto and Mayo-gun # 4 when Kawamura pinned Mayo-gun # 4 at 11 minutes, 35 seconds after knocking him out with a Balboa Blow. NENE mugen D.a.i defeated Shota Nakagawa at 7 minutes, 25 seconds after rolling him up and the opening match was a REINA Offer Match with Makoto defeating Hirori at 9 minutes, 29 seconds with a Double Arm Suplex. Fire Pro-Wrestling's next show for July 17th will be at the Nagoya Aichi Nishiku Rokushima Sports Center with Mr. Gannosuke booked for the show which as of now is his first booking since his injury back on April 1st. Crusher Maedomari and Bad Nurse Nakamura have also been booked for the show.
Atsushi Onita would team up with Chigusa Nagayo and Takumi Iroha on May 7, 2017 for the Super Fireworks promotion where a special ring would be set up in Tokyo at the Aoshino Industrial Transportation company against TARU, Takuya Sugawara, and Hartley Jackson in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Onita would set up a table early on and put Jackson through it by piledriving him with TARU having to make the save. TARU would then throw powder in Onita's face and hit him with the exploding barbed wire baseball bat. Onita, Nagayo, and Iroha would all attempt hitting TARU with the exploding barbed wire bat but no explosives would come out. Sugawara would then reveal that he had hidden the real exploding barbed wire bat under the ring and replaced it one not connected to the explosions. Sugawara would give TARU the exploding bat and he would hit Iroha with it and get the pin at 19 minutes, 20 seconds for the win.
Atsushi Onita would then participate at ZERO1's Nagoya City Tsuyuhashi Sports Center on May 12, 2017 which would be the building that the first FMW show was held back on October 6, 1989. The original main event match made would be Bob Sapp vs. Akebono in a rematch of their Shoot Fight in RIZIN back on December 31, 2015. Akebono's declining health would result in him pulling out and Atsushi Onita was put in his place. The original match would be Atsushi Onita vs. Bob Sapp in a No Ropes Exploding Barbed wire Death Match although that would be changed to a 6 person with Atsushi Onita teaming up with Aja Kong and Shogun Okamoto against Bob Sapp, TARU, and Jaguar Yokota and the Exploding Barbed wire Death Match would become a Exploding Onibo Death Match. Onita and Sapp would go at it right away with Sapp picking up and slamming Onita. Sapp would go right to turning on the exploding Onibo but Okamoto would turn it off quickly. Yokota would spit red mist in Onita's face and TARU would turn on the exploding Onibo and hit Onita across the chest with it while Yokota would be holding on to Onita. Sapp would then splash into Onita in the corner and hold on Onita while TARU would pull out a kendo stick. TARU would go to swing the stick at Onita while Sapp was holding on to him but Onita would spit red mist in TARU's face and stunner Sapp. Onita would smash a piece of a table over Sapp's head and turn on the exploding Onibo and hit TARU with it to get the pinfall at 16 minutes, 29 seconds. Onita would grab the mic and tell Sapp that next time he will face just him in a Explosion Match with Sapp screaming he is ready before posing and leaving.
Super Battle FMW would then run a three show tour
for the Hokkaido region. The first show would be on May 16, 2017 at the
Asahikawa Taisei Citizen Center where they would announce a crowd of 350 fans
for the show. The main event would be Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Hideki
Hosaka defeating Kendo Kashin, MUTEKI who was NOSAWA Rongai under a mask, and
Chainsaw Tony who is Tony Myers a New Jersey Death Match Independent wrestler
who has been around awhile as he use to be a jobber for Jerry Lawler's USWA
promotion in Memphis in the early 90's. The match would be an Exploding Onibo
Death Match and Onita would end up hitting Tony and at 10 minutes, 2 seconds
would be able to get the pin over Chainsaw Tony. Other matches on the show saw
Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Kotaro Suzuki, and Ricky Fuji defeat Tomohiko Hashimoto, Hi69,
and Keiichi Sato when Kuroda would get the win at 16 minutes, 30 seconds with
the Tetsuchan Bomber. The FMW Joshi match on the show was Tamumi Nakano and
Manami Katsu defeat Miss Mongol and Yuuko Fujisaki when Katsu would score the
pin over Fujisaki at 14 minutes, 1 second with a Orange Blossom. A Team's
HASEGAWA and Takumi Sakurai would defeat Pandita and Wild Seven when HASEGAWA
would score the win at 8 minutes, 40 seconds with a Diving Footstomp over
Pandita. The opening match had Tomoya Adachi who worked for FMW at the very end
in 2001 and then began working for Mr. Gannosuke's WMF promotion afterwards who
I have not seen his name in years appeared to team up with Naoshi Sano to defeat
Gosaku Goshogawara and Kazushi Yoshida when Tomoya got the win at 10 minutes, 1
second with his SSD which is also known as the Michinoku Driver II on Yoshida
for the win.
Super Battle FMW's next show on the tour would take place on May
17, 2017 at the Hakodate Hokkaido Distribution Hall with the main event of
Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji defeating Kendo
Kashin, TOSHIZO who was again NOSAWA Rongai in a different mask this time,
Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Chainsaw Tony in a Exploding Onibo Death Match with
Onita once again using the Exploding Onibo on Tony at 11 minutes, 53 seconds for
the win. Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Kotaro Suzuki would defeat Tomoya Adachi and
Keiichi Sato when Kuroda would pin Sato at 14 minutes, 29 seconds with the
Tetsuchan Bomber. Miss Mongol and Tamumi Nakano would team up against Manami
Katsu and Yuuko Fujisaki with Mongol getting the win at 10 minutes, 59 seconds
when Mongol would make Fujisaki tap out to a High Angle Crab. Nakano would jump
on Mongol in celebration for the win with Mongol shoving her off. Mongol and
Nakano would end up getting involved in the main event as NOSAWA would grab the
exploding barbed wire bat with Nakano jumping in the ring trying to help Onita
from getting hit with the exploding bat. Mongol would hit the ring and hit
Nakano with the exploding barbed wire bat which would result in Nakano being
taken to the hospital afterwards. Hi69 and HASEGAWA would defeat the team of
Gosaku Goshogawara and Kazushi Yoshida when HASEGAWA would score the win at 11
minutes, 15 seconds over Yoshida. The opening match would have Wild Seven and
Pandita defeat Naoshi Sano and Takumi Sakurao when Seven would get the win at 9
minutes, 59 seconds with a El Quadrito over Sakurai.
The final show on the Hokkaido Tour would take
place on May 19, 2017 at the Sapporo Susukino Mars Gym drawing an announced 600
fans for the show. Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji
would take on Kendo Kashin, NOSAWA Rongai, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Chainsaw Tony
in a Exploding Onibo Death Match. NOSAWA with no mask this time would throw
Onita into the corner into a table. Hashimoto would turn on the Onibo but Onita
would move out the away with Hashimoto hitting the table in the corner instead.
Hashimoto would set up Onita on a chair with NOSAWA grabbing the Onibo and he
would slam it into Onita creating a huge explosion. Chainsaw Tony would then
grab Onita with Hashimoto would attempt to swing the Onibo but Onita would
instead spit red mist in Hashimoto's face and deliver a stunner to Tony. Onita
would then grab a piece of a table and smash it over NOSAWA's head and deliver a
Thunder Fire Powerbomb with Kashin making the save. Kashin would hold on to
Onita with Tony charging at him but Onita would move out of the way and Tony
would end up hitting Kashin instead. Kashin would then pick up the Onibo but
instead of using it on Onita he would hand it to Onita instead and Onita would
use hit Tony with the Onibo to get the win at 13 minutes, 51 seconds. Onita and
Kashin would shake hands afterwards ending their 15 month feud.
Miss Mongol and Yuuko Fujisaki would defeat the team of Tamumi
Nakano and Manami Katsu when Mongol would make Nakano tap out at 10 minutes, 58
seconds to an Anacoda Reverse Kanbaka with Mongol flipping off Nakano afterwards
to continue their feud. Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Kotaro Suzuki would defeat Hi69 and
Keiichi Sato when Kuroda got the win at 11 minutes, 44 seconds with a Tetsu-chan
Bomber over Sato. Tomoya Adachi and HASEGAWA would defeat Takumi Sakurai and
Gosaku Goshogawara when Tomoya picked up the win at 14 minutes, 17 seconds over
Sakurai with the SSD. The opening match had Naoshi Sano and Kazushi Yoshida
defeat Wild Seven and Pandita at 9 minutes, 27 seconds when Yoshida would use a
Jack Knife Roll up for the win over Pandita.
Atsushi Onita and Tamumi Nakano agreed to promote a show together on June 24, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. Onita went to Nakano following her being hit with the Exploding Onibo by Mongol on April 27th at the Super Battle FMW show and asked if she wanted another shot at Mongol after what she did. Onita stated that Super Battle FMW is Mongol's home so she could co-promote a show with him where she will have the home advantage instead as she gets another crack at Mongol with Nakano agreeing and shaking Onita's hand on the partnership.
Everything has been made official for Atsushi Onita to have his first match in America in over 25 years and to finally have his dream of having a Exploding Barbed wire Death Match that he has been wanting to have for the past 20 years. The match is scheduled for August 5, 2017 and will be held at the CZW regular building of the Flyers Skate Zone in Vorhees, New Jersey. I was told that the match will be a Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka are also scheduled for the show. Tickets went on sale as I was able to purchase 2nd row on the East side so if you are also planning on going make sure to stop by and say hi as this will be the first time in America I will be at a wrestling show that anyone will know me.
FREEDOMS returned to Korakuen Hall for their annual May 2nd show at the building drawing an announced 723 fans for the show. The main event saw Daisuke Masaoka defeat Kenji Fukimoto to defend his King of Freedom World Championship for the third time in a 4 Corners of Pain Death Match after Masaoka pinned Fukimoto at 22 minutes, 27 seconds with a Rokkura Kai off a ladder. Both Masaoka and Fukimoto would embrace after the match.
Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura successfully
defended their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles as they defeated Jun Kasai and
GUNSO as well as Takashi Sasaki and Shuji Ishikawa in a Hardcore Three Way Match
when Sugiura would score the pin on Takashi Sasaki at 18 minutes, 58 seconds
after hitting him with the Swift Driver for the second successful title defense.
Violento Jack who will be with FREEDOMS the rest of the year teamed up with
Minoru Fujita as they defeated Yuko Miyamoto and Kazma Sakamoto when Jack scored
the the pinfall at 10 minutes, 50 seconds after hitting Sakamoto with a Package
Piledriver. GENTARO would end up dropping his UWA World Jr. Heavyweight Title to
Yuya Susumu at 13 minutes, 26 seconds after Yuya would lock on the Crossface
Lock to get GENTARO to tap out for Susumu to walk out as the new champion. A 4
vs. 4 Single Elimination Match took place as Karate Brahman, Karate Brahman who
is Ryuichi Sekine, Buddha Brahman was who Fuminori Abe, and Muay Thai Brahman
who was Tanomusaku Toba defeated Mitsuo Momota, his son Chikara, Isami Kodaka,
and Kenichiro Arai. The first eliminated was Arai at 5 minutes, 59 seconds after
he was tossed over the rope by Karate. Buddha Brahman would be the next
elimination at 7 minutes, 1 second after Kodaka tossed him over the top rope.
Kodaka and Muay Thai Brahman would then be eliminated together at 7 minutes, 45
seconds as they would both toss each other over the top rope. Karate Brahman # 2
would then eliminate Momota at 8 minutes, 45 seconds with a Ryu Shoot but Karate
Brahman # 2 would then be eliminatd at 10 minutes, 26 seconds after being sent
over the top rope at 10 minutes, 26 seconds. This would leave just Chikara and
Karate Brahman with Chikara getting the win at 10 minutes, 41 seconds after
hitting Karate with a Saber Chop. The opening match had Takashi Sasaki defeat
Dragon Libre at 8 minutes, 46 seconds after making Libre submit to a Boston Crab
in Libre's Final Trial Match Series.
FREEDOMS then held their annual Golden Week show at the Yokohama Radiant Hall on
May 4, 2017 drawing an announced 241 fans for the show. The main event was a
Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match with Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and
Violento Jack defeating the Unchain team of Jun Kasai, Minoru Fujita, and Kenji
Fukimoto when Masaoka would get the pinfall at 17 minutes, 57 seconds with a
Rokkura Kai on Fujita. Yuko Miyamoto defeated Toru Sugiura in the semi-main
event at 15 minutes, 18 seconds with a Manji Cobra. Masamune and Kenichiro Arai
defeated the 666 team of Shinobu and Koji Takeda when Masamne got the win at 14
minutes, 21 seconds using a Gory Special on Takeda. Mammoth Sasaki defeated
Kazma Sakamoto in a match that had been hinted at since the start of the year
when Sakamoto began working for FREEDOMS with Mammoth picking up the win at 11
minutes, 52 seconds after finishing off Sakamoto with the 29 Years Old. Onryo
would win the opening match over Dragon Libre at 7 minutes, 35 seconds after
making Libre tap out to the Roku Roku Lock.
FREEDOMS would run their first ever show in Kumamoto at the Kumamoto Shintoshin
Central Hall on May 20, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 210 fans for the
show. The main event would have Daisuke Masaoka and Takashi Sasaki defeating Jun
Kasai and Kenji Fukimoto in a TLC Weapons Death Match when Sasaki would get the
pinfall over Fukimoto at 15 minutes, 3 seconds when he would nail him with a D-Geist
on a chair. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would defeat Violento Jack and
GENTARO at 13 minutes, 7 seconds when Mammoth would pin GENTARO with a Falcon
Arrow in honor being in Hayabusa's home town. Mt. Aso would defeat Chikara at 8
minutes, 2 seconds with the Magma Splash. Yuya Susumu and Kazma Sakamoto would
defeat Minoru Fujita and Dragon Libre with Sakamoto putting away Libre at 8
minutes, 39 seconds with a Enzigiri. A Gamushara Offer Match would have Yoki and
Mitsuhiro Mihara defeating Tessei and Barong at 11 minutes, 2 seconds when
Mihara would hit the Diamond Cutter on Barong. The opening match would have Toru
Sugiura defeat Tuereno Guerrero at 10 minutes, 13 seconds when Sugiura would
hook a Dragon Sleeper style Camel Clutch.
FREEDOMS would then run the next day at the Fukuoka Kitakyushu Moji Red Brick
Place drawing which is a building they annually run in the summer months where
they would draw an announced 141 fans for the show. The main event would be
Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Violento Jack defeating Jun Kasai, Kenji
Fukimoto, and Kazma Sakamoto after Sasaki would nail Kasai at 14 minutes, 11
seconds with a D-Geist. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would defend their King
of Freedom Tag Team Titles against Mt. Aso and Minoru Fujita when Mammoth would
finish off Fujita at 14 minutes, 38 seconds with a 29 Years Old to successfully
defend the tag titles for the third time. GENTARO would defeat Chikara at 8
minutes, 52 seconds after countering a pin and Yuya Susumu would defeat Nozomi
Kubo for the second year in a row at the building at 8 minutes, 44 seconds by
making him submit to the Crossface Lock. Kenji Fukimoto, Tessei, and YASU would
defeat Daisuke Masaoka, Yoki, and Tuereno Guerrero after Tessei would pin
Guerrero at 10 minutes, 21 seconds with a Diving Headbutt. The opening match
would be Takashi Sasaki once again defeating Dragon Libre at 8 minutes, 39
seconds with a Boston Crab.
FREEDOMS returned to the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on May 24, 2017 drawing an announced a crowd of 193 fans for the show. The main event had Yuko Miyamoto, Minoru Fujita, and Kenji Fukimoto defeat Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Violento Jack in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match at 16 minutes, 50 seconds when Fujita would hit Masaoka with a Tombstone Piledriver on a Light Tube for the win. Fujita afterwards would challenge Masaoka for a King of Freedom World Championship Match on July 5th at Korakuen Hall with Masaoka accepting. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would defend their King of Freedom Tag Team Championship against Jun Kasai and GUNSO as GUNSO would end up taking the fall at 15 minutes, 7 seconds after getting nailed by a Mammoth Home Run with Mammoth pinning GUNSO to defend the titles for the fourth time. Ryuichi Sekine as Karate Brahman would KO GENTARO at 10 minutes, 41 seconds for the win with the Ryukiri which is a Buzzsaw Kick. Yuya Susumu and Isami Kodaka would defeat Kazma Sakamoto and Chikara after Susumu would make Chikara tap out at 10 minutes, 29 seconds with an Deformation Arm Lock. Kenichiro Arai would defeat 666's Kozu Takeda at 11 minutes, 24 seconds with a Jumping Piledriver. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei made their return to FREEDOMS as they would defeat Fuminori Abe as Buddha Brahman and Tanomusaku Toba as Muay Thai Brahman when Kei would get the School Boy pin at 7 minutes, 43 seconds after throwing powder in Buddha's face for the win. Violento Jack opened the show by defeating Dragon Libre at 6 minutes, 42 seconds after finishing him off with the Violento Breaker.
FREEDOMS announced that The Winger who has been with the promotion since the start in 2009 has left the promotion. The promotion has not heard from him since the start of 2017 and his contract expired back in March. FREEDOMS built a Korakuen Hall show back on November 17, 2016 around The Winger's 25th Anniversary where he faced off against TAJIRI as the two went back to the IWA Japan days in the mid 90's. He had a neck injury following the show and did not compete after that show but the promotion was in touch with him going into December. All contact with him was lost in January and the phone number that they had for him is no longer in service. This strange situation is coming right off of their referee Kaisei Shimizu who has had no contact with the promotion since March and they are unaware of his status as well still. I take The Winger situation as less dire as I do the Shimizu situation. The Winger is married to a woman I was told by Naoshi Sano that runs the relationship and is very head strong. If something had happened to him they would have been contacted by her. Shimizu being in his early 20's and just dropping off social media as soon as FREEDOMS stopped hearing from me is a concern about his well being. It is a sad situation that the promotion has dealt with two unique situations like this so close together. I have met The Winger several times while in Japan and he was super nice to me in 2009 and remembered me when I saw him again in 2010. Hopefully both The Winger and Shimizu's where about comes out eventually.
A-Team held their second show on May 21, 2017 at the Nara Company Seiwa Logistics Koryo Warehouse where a special ring would set up and they would announced a crowd of 280 fans for the show. The main event would be Atsushi Onita who after making peace with Masakatsu Funaki back in February now has the alliance with the UWF group behind him as he would team with Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Daisuke Ikeda as they would defeat the team of Tomohiko Hashimoto, Nobutaka Moribe, and HASEGAWA when Onita would get the pinfall at 13 minutes, 26 seconds over Moribe after delivering a Backdrop for the win. Eiji Nakamura would defeat Ryunosuke Morikawa after 2 three minute rounds via a Judgment decision in a Boxing Rules Match. Naoki Tanizaki who is the Apple Star Drunk Champion would team up with Rion Mizuki as they would defeat Daisaku Shimoda and Masahiro Sase after Tanizaki would implant Sase's head into the mat for the pin at 6 minutes, 14 seconds in a Tequila Drunk Match. Naoshi Sano would defeat Takumi Sakurai at 9 minutes, 39 seconds after finishing him off with a Brainbuster. Tadanobu Fujisawa and Takeshi Irei would defeat Pandita and Wild Seven after Irei would get the victory over Pandita at 9 minutes, 32 seconds after hitting him with a Spear. The opening match would be TORU defeating Toshiaki Terao at 8 minutes, 59 seconds with a Reverse Rollup for the win. The next A-Team shows will be August 11th and September 23rd at the Tokyo Kitasenju Theater 1010.
Katsuji Ueda a former FMW regular from 1990 to 1995 passed away on April 20, 2017 of a myocardial infarction otherwise known as a heart attack at the age of 71. Ueda who had a kick boxing background made his FMW debut on January 7, 1990 at Korakuen Hall in a One Night Tournament where he lost to Mitsuhiro Matsunaga in the 1st Round via DQ. After Onita's popularity increased and he became a rock star like figure in FMW he ended up hiring Katsuji Ueda to be his body guard. Ueda mostly worked mid card matches with his biggest win taking place on August 22, 1993 when KO'd former Boxing World Heavyweight Champion Leon Spinks. Ueda stayed on for two Korakuen Hall shows following Onita's retirement knocking out Gosaku Goshogawara on May 28, 1995 and then Katsutoshi Niiyama on June 27, 1995 before he would leave the promotion for good. He would come back four years later and begin working for Atsushi Onita's new promotion Onita Pro in 1999 and then work the new Onita FMW promotion that Onita started following FMW closing down in 2002. Ueda would make his return to the ring in over a decade on July 25, 2014 at the Onita promoted show at the Tokyo Shinjuku FACE. I would get to see him live on June 21, 2016 at Korakuen Hall as he would team up with Tomohiko Hashimoto and Kazuhiko Matsuzaki in a loss to Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Daisuke Ikeda, and Takaku Fuke in a No Ropes Barbed wire Death Match. His final match would take place on August 7, 2016 at the Itabashi Green Hall for the Super Battle FMW promotion as he would defeat The Shooter and HASEGAWA when he would KO The Shooter in a Triple Threat Match. His passing would come to a surprise as he kept himself in good shape into his 70's as well as the timing of the announcement as it took almost three weeks for the news to come out.
Two months ago I mentioned I planned on going a Japan this Summer to Kumamoto to visit Hayabusa's mothers hotel. I ended up collecting all the information I needed but things do not seem like they are going to work out. I was expecting this trip to be less wrestling oriented but after Guts World changed their scheduled July 19th show in Tokyo to the next week there would have been almost nothing wrestling related that I would have wanted to see. The trip which already would have been pretty expensive ended up getting even more expensive as the flight prices skyrocketed. I am already going to Toronto in July as well as New Jersey in August for CZW so I am already spending a lot for traveling anyway. I also got engaged this past weekend so my life will be changing for the better. I do plan on keeping up with this site as much as I have for the time being at least to cover Atsushi Onita's road to his retirement as best as I can.
Added: 4/20
The Hayabusa One Year Memorial show called "One Day Night" took place on March 31, 2017 at the Kumamoto Circulation Information Hall drawing an announced 600 fans for the show. The show was promoted by Mr. Gannosuke as an FMW reunion show in memory of his late friend. There was a shrine built in the corner of the building. Hayabusa's now now has has a picture of him on it with a full moon in the background and his crutches attached to it. Two sets of flowers were designed based off his chest tattoo to form wings as well as a heart with a framed picture of Hayabusa in the middle. Another framed picture of Hayabusa was placed at the top of it along with his mask. Laid out on the table next to it was the bronze statue of him, his blue and white ninja pants, the shirt he wore to the ring as H, his Darkside Hayabusa vest, the alternative red outfit and boots he wore for a match on July 27, 1997, his purple kimono, a black mask of his, and television playing matches of his career would all be placed for fans to look at. Hayabusa's musical partners Fumi Taguchi and Sana Sakura would sing a Hayabusa song that he wrote to start the show and Mr. Gannosuke would then sing a song he wrote in memory of Hayabusa while Raijin Yaguchi would play the guitar for him. Gannosuke would then get in the ring with a framed picture of Hayabusa as they would start with a 10 gong salute in Hayabusa's memory. I will be getting this DVD of this show in a couple of weeks.
The main event would be Mr. Gannosuke, Jinsei Shinzaki, and HARASHIMA returning under his Hayabusa costume to go by the name Hayabucha as they would take on the team of Masato Tanaka, Mammoth Sasaki, and Yuko Miyamoto. Shinzaki would grab Mammoth by the arm and climb up the top rope for a his Praying Rope Walk before delivering a chop to Mammoth's head. Shinzaki and Hayabucha would then deliver a running Bulldog and do the signature Hayabusa and Shinzaki pose together. Hayabucha would then do a dive to the outside onto Mammoth while Gannosuke and Tanaka would charge at each other with Tanaka knocking Gannosuke down with a lariat. Tanaka would then deliver a Superfly Splash with Miyamoto delivering a Running Knee to the face of Gannosuke. Gannosuke would make a come back and throw Miyamoto in to the ropes with Miyamoto doing a double hand spring elbow but Gannosuke would manage to catch him and deliver a suplex on Miyamoto. Gannosuke would then deliver a Praying Powerbomb while Shinzaki would pray with him. Hayabucha would then deliver a Fire Bird Splash on Miyamoto and Gannosuke would finish off Miyamoto at 14 minutes, 45 seconds with a Fire Thunder. All the wrestlers would gather in the ring as Gannosuke would grab the mic and thank Hayabusa before doing Hayabusa's "Lets have some fun!" signature ending line to end the show. Hayabucha would go over to Hayabusa's mother and shake her hands as she would openly weep.
Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Ricky Fuji would team up to
take on GOEMON and Onryo in the semi-main event of the show. Ricky and Onryo
would end up brawling on the outside with Onryo taking off and running to the
corner of the building where the Hayabusa shrine is. Onryo would bow out of
respect to Hayabusa and then run off with Ricky following him and bowing as
well. Kuroda would do his signature run around the building before delivering a
lariat to Onryo on the outside. Kuroda and Onryo would make it back in the ring
where Kuroda would deliver another lariat and cover Onryo with Onryo catching
the referee's hand before the three count. GOEMON and Ricky would get tagged in
and GOEMON would deliver a sunset flip but to get Ricky down for the pin attempt
he would have to pull Ricky's pants down. Ricky would then throw GOEMON into the
ropes and deliver a hip attack with his ass still showing. Ricky would then pick
up GOEMON and go for the Kamikaze and would shout "Hayabusa!" when
doing the move and then cover GOEMON to get the win at 12 minutes, 53 seconds
for the Kuroda and Ricky win. Kuroda and Ricky would both bow to a framed
picture of Hayabusa facing the ring.
Emi Sakura who wrestled in FMW from 1999 to 2001 before suffering
a neck injury would face off against Gato Move's Riho. Riho would deliver a
Double Foot Stomp off the top rope on Sakura. Sakura would come back with a drop
kick but then miss a moonsault attempt. Riho would then deliver and get the
pinfall at 6 minutes, 25 seconds with a Kurukuru Ribon. Fugofugo Yumeji who was
a person friend of Hayabusa would team up with Mt. Aso who is a masked volcano
wrestler based off a huge active Aso volcano in Kumamoto would defeat the team
of Raijin Yaguchi and Gosaku Goshogawara when Aso would pin Goshogawara at 7
minutes, 30 seconds with a Backslide. Miss Mongol would face off against
Shinjuku Shark with Mongol going right at Shark but Shark refusing to do
anything because she was a girl. Mongol would then grab her whip and begin
whipping Shark in the back until Shark would come back with a punch to the face
with his boxing glove. Shark would then try to bodyslam Mongol but would hurt
his back and state that she was too big to slam which Mongol would respond by
going low on him. Shark would come back and get the pin at 5 minutes, 39 seconds
with a Jet Upper Punch knocking Mongol out for the pinfall. The opening match
would be a local Kumamoto based match as Koji Nizumi and Kenshiro Yukimura
would defeat Satoshi Ogawara and Van Vale Negro when Nizumi would get the win at
14 minutes, 19 seconds after pinning Vale Negro with a Small Package.
All the wrestlers stayed in Kumamoto for at least another day. Mr. Gannosuke, Masato Tanaka, Mammoth Sasaki, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Yuko Miyamoto, Ricky Fuji, Raijin Yaguchi, and Gosaku Goshogawara would perform for the 50th Anniversary of Yoshinori Murata's restaurant on April 1, 2017. Murata is a famous local due to his popular restaurant and he created the Antonio Inoki bronze statue that was a huge seller in the 1980's. Hayabusa and Mr. Gannosuke would frequently attend the restaurant while in college in the late 80's to get dinner and drinks and would still make it a point to visit every time FMW was touring in Kumamoto in the early 90's. Murata would eventually make bronze statues of both Hayabusa and Mr. Gannosuke as they are displayed at his restaurant. The show would be more of an exhibition so no results were ever released. Mr. Gannosuke would end up facing off against his student Yuko Miyamoto on the show where Gannosuke would suffer a serious injury after Miyamoto would deliver running knee to the face as Miyamoto would end up connecting too hard and fracture Gannosuke's face in ten places. Gannosuke's nose and eye socket area would be completely knocked out of place and although Gannosuke would manage to finish the match he would end up getting medical attention after the show and it would be ruled that he would be out of action for three months. This would mean he would miss the upcoming Super Battle FMW show on April 27th as well as the May 2017 tour that he was scheduled for. This also means that he would miss Guts World's big May 5th show at Korakuen Hall that he was scheduled to face off against Dick Togo on. Yuko Miyamoto would end up taking place for the match against Togo.
Super Battle FMW ran their first tour of 2017 on April 13th and April 14th in Aomori which they ran two successful shows last year. The announced numbers if anywhere close to true would be considered successes as well. The first show was at the Aomori Horisaki City Kawasanishi Physical Education Center on April 13th drawing an announced 1,500 fans for the show. The main event had Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, and Hideki Hosaka defeat the All Japan team of Atsushi Aoki, Hikaru Sato, and their masked military mystery partner Ghillie Man in a Exploding Onibo Death Match with Kendo Kashin as the special referee. NOSAWA Rongai who last year joined up with the FMW side against their feud against UWF was in the corner for the All Japan team during the match. Kendo Kashin was also the referee for the match and despite the past year of differences between Onita and Kashin he ended up being no factor during the match and was a fair referee. Onita would end up picking up the win at 12 minutes, 4 seconds after using the Exploding Onibo on Aoki to get the pinfall. Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Gosaku Goshogawara defeated in what was probably the last match of the W*ING Army Monster Army of Tomohiko Hashimoto and NOSAWA Rongai when Gosaku used the Hirosaki Bomb for the surprising win at 11 minutes, 36 seconds over Hashimoto. Kotaro Suzuki and HASEGAWA defeated Ricky Fuji and Keiichi Sato when Suzuki used the Blue Destiny for the victory at 11 minutes, 41 seconds over Sato. The first FMW vs. WAVE match of the tour took place as Yumi Oka and Hiroe Nagahama defeated Miss Mongol and Miss Koharu when Oka used the Big Boots at 15 minutes, 25 seconds to pin Koharu. Daisaku Shimoda defeated Pandita at 7 minutes, 26 seconds with a Piledriver and Naoshi Sano got the opening match win at 10 minutes, 14 seconds over Takumi Sakurai with a Brainbuster.
Super Battle FMW's next show on April 14, 2017 took place at the Aomori Hamansau Hall drawing an announced 1,000 fans for the show. The main event again was another Exploding Onibo Death Match although the match was changed the day of from a 6 man to an 8 man with the FMW team of Atsushi Onita, Raijin Yaguchi, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji taking on Atsushi Aoki, Hikaru Sato, Ghillie Man, and the masked MUTEKI who was NOSAWA Rongai who was all coverd up. Kendo Kashin was once again the Special Referee and was again neutral and played no factor in the match as Onita would once again get the win using the Exploding Onibo this time on Ghillie Man at 10 minutes, 39 seconds to get the win. Onita would end up unmasking Ghillie Man in this match to reveal Masao Inoue for the All Japan team. Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Keiichi Sato, and HASEGAWA would defeat the team of Tomohiko Hashimoto, Kotaro Suzuki, and Noashi Sano when Sato would pin Sano at 12 minutes, 14 seconds with a Rolling Cradle. The second FMW vs. WAVE match would have a different result as Miss Mongol and Miss Kohaur this time would defeat Yumi Oka and Hiroe Nagahama at 15 minutes, 13 seconds after Mongol would use the Kanbaya C. Gosaku Goshogawara would defeat Pandita twice the first time in 24 seconds with a Lariat and then again after a restart in 5 minutes with a Chokeslam. The opening match would be an A-Team match that would have Daisaku Shimoda defeat Takumi Sakurai at 8 minutes, 22 seconds when Shimoda would use a Backdrop for the win.
Super Battle FMW's next show will take place on April 27, 2016 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo. Onita originally had stated he wanted a match of himself teaming with Miss Mongol against Mongol's husband Samurai TV's Battle Men (recap show of all promotions) host Akinaga Toyomoto and a Mystery Partner in a Exploding Onibo Death Match as it has recently came out that Toyomoto was seeing another woman on the side as Mongol being able to hit Toyomoto with an explosion as revenge would help save their marriage. Toyomoto a very skinny man who is not a wrestler most likely turned down this idea. The main event instead will be the far less interesting match of Onita continuing his feud with All Japan as he will team up with Raijin Yaguchi and Hideki Hosaka against the team of the recently unmasked Masao Inoue, Chicken Suwama who most likely will not actually be Suwama as Onita had nicknamed him Chicken Suwama recently for not having a match with him, and a Mystery Partner in a Scramble Bunkhouse Exploding Onibo Death Match. Shin-Kiba does not allow explosions inside the building so the explosions with the Onibo will be taking place outside the building in the small parking lot. The other matches will be Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Kotaro Suzuki, and HASEGAWA against Ricky Fuji, Keiichi Sato, and Naoshi Sano. A FMW Women's Match. Wild Seven will defend his Latin American Title against Kenichiro Arai. Daisaku Shimoda will team up with Kenichii Fuji against Gosaku Goshogawara and The Shocker. The opening match will have Wild Bear and Shoji "Wild" Ono against Raiden and Tomoryu. This show will most likely not be able to draw very well compared to the previous shows this year.
It was announced that Atsushi Onita's dream of having an Exploding Death Match would finally be taking place in America. Onita who 20 years ago went to WWF Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut and asked Vince McMahon if he could set this dream up. McMahon agreed to it and then nothing ever was followed up with it. Onita then later that year went to Paul Heyman in late 1997 to have a match in Philadelphia which Heyman wanted to happen but the cost of the match made it never a realistic possibility. Onita then went to XPW in 2000 in Los Angeles to have the match and Rob Black was never going to be able to actually have the match take place. CZW wrestler Matt Tremont who has grown up as an Onita fan has been calling out Onita for the past year so that he could have this Dream Match. Onita accepted if Tremont could come through and allow Onita to finally have his Exploding Death Match in America. The match was officially made for August 5th with Onita facing off against Tremont in CZW on August 5, 2017. The building has not been made official yet though. Onita is under the impression the match will take place in Philadelphia but that is not the case. Tremont is currently working on permits to allow a No Rope Exploding Barbed wire Death Match to take place. Tremont is working with the two regular CZW locations in Vorhees, New Jersey at the Skate Center.
FREEDOMS returned to Osaka at the Hirano Ward Hall on April 2, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 252 fans for the show. The main event had Daisuke Masaoka and Kenji Fukimoto defeat the team of Jun Kasai and Takashi Sasaki when Fukimoto used his Package Piledriver to get the win at 18 minutes, 40 seconds over Sasaki. Fukimoto would challenge Masaoka for his King of Freedom World Title after the match for their next Korakuen Hall show on May 2nd with Masaoka accepting. Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and MIYAWAKI would defeat Yuya Susumu, HAYATA, and Naoki Tanizaki when Mammoth would finish off HAYATA at 19 minutes, 6 seconds with the 29 Years Old. Takashi Sasaki would come to the ring afterwards and challenge Mammoth Sasaki to a King of Freedom Tag Team Title Match with Sasaki and Sugiura defending against Sasaki and GENTARO the following week on April 8th in Yokohama with Mammoth accepting. The Kubota brothers Yasu and Hide would defeat GENTARO and Keita Yano when Yasu would use the Gedo Clutch at 13 minutes, 33 seconds to pick up the pinfall over Yano. Onryo and Rapid would defeat Kenichiro Arai and Dyna Mido when Onryo would his Onryo Clutch at 9 minutes, 50 seconds for the win over Mido. The women's match on the show would have Mochi Miyagi and Rina Yamashita defeat Drake Morimatsu and Maya Yukihi when Miyagi would pin Yukihi at 10 minutes, 21 seconds with the Metabolic Sand. The opening match would have Yuki Tanaka defeat Dragon Libre at 8 minutes, 23 seconds with the Hirakata Cutter.
FREEDOMS ran at the Yokohama Nigiwaiza on April 8, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 116 fans. 21 year old FREEDOMS referee Kaisei Shimizu was promoting the show but strangely vanished prior to the show starting and has not been seen or heard from by any member of the FREEDOMS promotion since. The main event was Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defending their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles against Takashi Sasaki and GENTARO for the first time when 18 minutes into the match Mammoth would use a La Magistral on GENTARO for the pinfall. Daisuke Masaoka would go up against Yuya Susumu and the match would end at 16 minutes, 38 seconds at a Draw when they would Double KO each other. Kengo Mashimo would would defeat Dragon Libre at 11 minutes, 18 seconds when Mashimo would use the Mudo for the pinfall over Libre. Jun Kasai would defeat Fuminori Abe at 10 minutes, 44 seconds with a Pearl Harbor Splash and the opening match would have Shuji Ishikawa defeat Chikara at 7 minutes with a Running Knee Lift for the pin.
FREEDOMS returned to Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo on April 16, 2017 drawing 253 fans for the show. FREEDOMS as of 2017 has stopped releasing DVD's of their Shin-Kiba shows and instead are uploading the shows to their Mobile Fan Club which you can only watch the shows in Japan on a Mobile device now. This effects me receiving DVD's from FREEDOMS and getting them out to the public as the DVD company that releases the videos have been super easy in purchasing videos from them the past 4 years and I will now only be able to get in Korakuen Hall shows and shows outside of Tokyo that they release. The main event of the show saw Daisuke Masaoka and Yuko Miyamoto defeat Jun Kasai and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match when Masaoka would pin his upcoming challenger Fukimoto at 18 minutes, 12 seconds with a School Boy for the win. Isami Kodaka and Yuya Susumu defeated GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai after Susumu would make GENTARO tap out at 16 minutes, 34 seconds to a Cross Armbreaker. Susumu would challenge GENTARO after the match for his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title for the May 2nd show with GENTARO accepting. Takashi Sasaki, Masashi Takeda, and Kazma Sakamoto would defeat the team of Mammoth Sasaki, Toru Sugiura, and Ryuichi Sekine at 14 minutes, 14 seconds when Takeda would use the Reverse U-Crash on Sugiura for the win. Brahman Shu and Kei defeated Mitsuo Momota and Dragon Libre when Kei would pin Libre at 9 minutes, 22 seconds with the Furuerushita. Chikara would defeat Karate Brahman # 3 which would turn out to be Atsushi Maruyama at 6 minutes, 38 seconds after the referee would stop the match after Chikara would deliver multiple Saber Chops while Maruyama was on the mat. The opening match would have Ryuichi Sekine as Karate Brahman # 2 face off against Tanomusaku Toba which would end at 8 minutes, 28 seconds after going to a No Contest.
The off shoot promotion of the Apache Army promotion that shut down following Kintaro Kanemura's retirement at the end of 2016 resulted in the A-Team promotion being created. The promotion is ran by Tomohiko Hashimoto which the Apache Army the last 6 years was actually ran by as well as HASEGAWA who is able to help finance the promotion as he is very wealthy person. Their debut show took place on April 16, 2017 at the Tokyo Kitasenju Theater 1010 announcing a sell out crowd of 140 fans for the show. Every match on the show was sponsored by a company to show that they are looking for as much money as they can starting off. The main event saw Tomohiko Hashimoto become a 6 time WEW Tag Team Champion as he teamed with Masashi Takeda to defeat Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Tatsuhito Takaiwa when Hashimoto made Kuroda tap out at 13 minutes, 40 seconds to a Crossface in a WEW Tag Team Title match. Kuroda will not be a member of this promotion like he was the Apache Army as he is now a freelancer and Takaiwa has now officially joined ZERO1 so they were going to take the belts off them as soon as possible. This promotion will have FREEDOMS participation unlike the Apache Army which could not due to the past issues with Kanemura. Jun Kasai would defeat HASEGAWA at 15 minutes, 38 seconds in a Barbed wire Board Table Death Match where Kasai would destroy and bloody HASEGAWA before delivering a Balcony Dive and sending HASEGAWA through the table for the win. Tatsuo Nakana would easily defeat Daisaku Shimoda at 3 minutes, 50 seconds with an STF. LEONA and Yosuke Enomoto would defeat Rion Mizuki and Keiichi Sato when Enomoto would finish off Mizuki at 13 minutes, 30 seconds with a High Kick. The DDT team of Hoshitango and Tomomitsu Matsunaga would defeat the A-Team of Hazard and Toshiaki Terao at 13 minutes, 50 seconds when Hoshitango would make Terao tap out to a Crab Hold. The Blue Shark would defeat Iori Sugawara at 7 minutes, 42 seconds via Count Out. Daisuke Ikeda would win the first ever match of the promotion defeating Takumi Sakurai at 11 minutes, 59 seconds with a Dai-chan Bomber.
I have plugged this before but I wanted to put this out here again. If you like this site you would really enjoy my Instagram I have been posting on over the last 9 months at I have posted over a thousand FMW related pictures now mostly from thousands of magazines I have picked up to post for this site. I also post pictures of the FMW merchandise I have collected over the years. The picture above is to show a majority of the FMW items I have managed to gather including the rare 12 inch Hayabusa figure released by the INSPIRE company back in 1999. I also list a back story if needed with each picture as well as pictures of me meeting up with certain wrestlers while on my trips to Japan.
Added: 3/26
Super Battle FMW ran their Hayabusa 1st Year Memorial show on March 22, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring drawing an announced crowd of 300 fans for the show. Based on pictures of the building that seems close to legitimate as most of the building was packed. There was a video screen by the entrance ramp where they showed pictures of Hayabusa before the show but I did not see anything about it being used after the show started. There was also a table set up with a framed picture of Hayabusa with fans allowed to place flowers by the picture.
The main event which was seen as a fitting tribute to Hayabusa as 6 of the 8 participants in the match were FMW wrestlers. Atsushi Onita, Mammoth Sasaki making his second appearance for the promotion, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji defeated Mr. Gannosuke, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Raijin Yaguchi, and Tomohiko Hashimoto in a Bunkhouse Barbed wire Board Death Match. Onita would piledrive Kuroda through the table early on but Gannosuke and Yaguchi would grab Onita and throw him into the barbed wire board and then both charge at him while stuck in the barbed wire. Gannosuke would grab a guitar and smash it over Onita's head an cover him with Hosaka making the save. Gannosuke would then go for the Praying Powerbomb on Ricky but Onita would make the save by spraying red mist in Gannosuke's face with Gannosuke screaming it as it had poisoned his eyes. Onita would grab a chair and smash it over Gannosuke's head and cover him but Hashimoto would make the save. Gannosuke would grab a barbed wire baseball and slam it across Onita's chest and cover him but Onita would manage to kick out. Kuroda would then grab the barbed wire bat and as he went to swing it he would be met by red mist to the face from Onita with Hosaka coming in and delivering a Death Valley Bomb followed by Mammoth hitting Kuroda with a Falcon Arrow. Mammoth would then smash a piece of the table over Kuroda's head and Onita would deliver a Back Drop to get the pin at 8 minutes, 55 seconds over Kuroda for the win.
After the match, Onita would get on the mic and begin to scream before going over to Gannosuke and pouring water over his head as the two would embrace ending their hostile relationship with one another. Atsushi Onita and Mr. Gannosuke the characters have not gotten along since December 1997 when Gannosuke turned on Onita following a War Games Match where he started up Team No Respect with Kanemura and Hido. Gannosuke feuded with Onita again in WMF in 2003 but before Onita would wrestle for the first time for the promotion he would cancel at the last minute due to an emergency political meeting he had as a member of the Japanese Diet. They would not interact again until December 31, 2014 shortly after Gannosuke's come back where he would be booked in a six man tag match against Onita and once again in March 2015. There was real life heat between the two in 1998 but that was the case with all the FMW wrestlers and Atsushi Onita as nobody in the company liked how Onita had came back and was politically trying to get his way to take back his spot as the top guy in FMW over Hayabusa. All the FMW wrestlers united and told Onita that he wanted he would need to leave the FMW. Onita got on the mic and stated he and Gannosuke are now friends and that he wished Hayabusa was there right now to celebrate with everyone before screaming Hayabusa Forever! 1, 2, 3 Fire! with all the wrestlers pointing their fingers up in the sky with some like Gannosuke pointing up to Hayabusa in heaven.
Mr. Gannosuke did an interview afterwards about how would not have worked the Super Battle FMW show if it was not a Hayabusa Memorial show. Gannosuke stated that he and Hayabusa had a conflicted past with Onita but he feels Hayabusa called him to return back to the company with the FMW name and end all the conflict that they had with Onita. The old FMW company is what made Hayabusa and Gannosuke professional wrestlers and FMW back then was Onita so he respects Onita for being the reason that he could get into the business. Gannosuke stated that that FMW was a great company but now everyone from it is in their 40's and some like him are about to be in their 50's with some like Kanemura already having retired that the wrestlers that carry the FMW name won't be able to that much longer so he was glad that he could do this now and wrestle in memory of Hayabusa. Gannosuke stated that there was no reason for him to not return to the promotion and he does not know if this now means that he and Onita will now partner. Gannosuke has since agreed to participate at the Super Battle FMW show on April 27th at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring.
Other matches on the Super Battle FMW show saw HASEGAWA and Konami defeat Miss Mongol and Shocker when HASEGAWA picked up the win at 8 minutes, 28 seconds with a Diving Footstomp on Shocker. Wild Seven defended his Latin American Title for the seventh time after defeating low level indie wrestler Kancho Nagase at 11 minutes, 32 seconds in a Chain Death Match via TKO after a towel was thrown after Nagase was getting choked over the top rope with the chain. Naoshi Sano, Raiden, and Tomoryu defeated Katsunari Toi, Masahiro Sase, and Toshiaki Terao when Raiden got the pinfall at 13 minutes, 21 seconds over Terao with a Diving Body Press. Gosaku Goshogawara debut his new Fritz Von Gosaku gimmick and defeated Pandita and Kenichi Fujii when Gosaku used the claw on Pandita and Fujii at 3 minutes, 56 seconds when he had the Iron Claw on both of them. Kotaro Suzuki opened the show by defeating Keiichi Sato at 7 minutes, 57 seconds with the Blue Destiny for the win. Ray did not appear on this show despite being announced for it the previous month to give an update on her health.
Atsushi Onita before the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring show sat down for an interview with Yahoo Sports. Onita brought up that Atsushi Aoki and Hikaru Sato of All Japan are going to appear in the main event of Super Battle FMW's two shows on April 13th and April 14th in six man tags but the third partner has not been announced. Onita stated he has requested that Suwama be their partner and if he does not appear on the shows it will be appear that he is a chicken and is afraid of Onita. Onita then spoke about his upcoming retirement. Onita stated that as of right now there is no opponent and no venue announced for the show. Onita wants the show to take place on his birthday on October 25th when he turns 60 but he is open to it being around that day. He stated he wants the show to take place at Kawasaki Stadium and he spoke with the administration of the building there and he came out of the conversation thinking the odds of him being able to rent that building out were not good. Onita stated that was okay though as he could look for other outdoor venues area in Tokyo or Kanagawa (Kawasaki, Yokohama) but he was going to need to research urgently with just seven months left. Onita also stated there is no opponent announced as the two main candidates have been Naoya Ogawa and Satoru Sayama. Onita stated that when Genichiro Tenryu announced his retirement in 2015 there was no venue announced until late June with the show taking place in November and no opponent announced until September so he still has time but very little of it. Onita ended the interview by stating that there would be no come back this time and that he can see the light at the end of the labyrinth (maze).
Atsushi Onita will appear for the Apple Star promotion on March 19, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring where he would team up with Hideki Hosaka, Ricky Fuji, and HASEGAWA as they would take on Akane Watase who is a female that Onita has been feuding with since last year in the promotion along with Raijin Yaguchi, Masahiro Sase, Kushinbo Kamen, and Keiicho Sato in a Barbed wire Board Exploding Coffin Demon Stick Death Match with the winner being the one to place someone in the coffin and then pressing a button to have the coffin explode. Onita would piledrive Kamen through a table early on the match but Onita would be met with red mist to the face sprayed at him by Yaguchi. They would then take Onita outside of the building and Wakane with Yaguchi helping her would swing the exploding barbed wire baseball bat at Onita's chest. They would bring him back in the ring and Yaguchi would hold Onita with Wakane charging at him but Onita would spray red mist in her face and then throw her gingerly into the barbed wire board. Onita and Hosaka would then place her in the coffin and Onita would set the alarm that would result in the coffin exploding officially ending the match and giving the win to Onita at 12 minutes, 1 second. Onita and Yaguchi would help her out of the coffin but Wakane would begin screaming at Onita letting him know that their feud was not over.
FREEDOMS returned to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo on March 2, 2017 drawing 217 fans for the show. Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and Yuko Miyamoto defeated the Unchain team of Jun Kasai, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match when Miyamoto pinned Fukimoto at 16 minutes, 2 seconds when Miyamoto countered a Dragon Screw for the win. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura earned a shot at the King of Freedom Tag Team Titles after defeating the former champions Yuya Susumu and HAYATA when Mammoth pinned Susumu at 16 minutes, 55 seconds after getting the win with the 29 Years Old. Koji Nakagawa retuned to FREEDOMS for the first time since May 2, 2010 as his GOEMON persona teaming up with Onryo as they defeated the GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai after Onryo got the win at 13 minutes, 24 seconds with a Onryo Clutch. Ryuichi Sekine as Karate Brahman # 2 defeated Chikara at 5 minutes, 46 seconds when scored the win at 5 minutes, 46 seconds with a Ryukiri with Karate Brahman in his corner. The opening match was the 3rd Trial Series for Dragon Libre as he lost to Atsushi Maruyama at 5 minutes, 37 seconds with a Tiger Suplex.
FREEDOMS held a special outside show on March 20, 2017 in Tokyo at the Kotoku Nanshan Topirek Plaza Parking with the main event of the show Yuya Susumu teaming up with a special mask wrestler representing the area they were fighting at in Topirek Mask as he teamed with Yuya Susumu as they went on to defeat Masamune and Black Topirek the evil rival of Topirek Mask at 11 minutes, 42 when Topirek Mask pinned Black Topirek with the Topirek Splash. Takashi Sasaki and Chikara defeated the team of Mammoth Sasaki and Dragon Libre after Chikara picked up the win over Libre at 8 minutes, 59 seconds with a Saber Chop off the top turnbuckle. The opening match was a WAVE Offer Match with Asuka defeating Hiroe Nagahama at 8 minutes, 15 seconds after delivering a Moonsault Press on her for the win.
FREEDOMS held their annual March show at Korakuen Hall on March 23, 2017 drawing an announced 738 fans for the show. The main event was a rematch from two years earlier where Masashi Takeda defended his King of Freedom Title against Daisuke Masaoka in a Death Match that put Masaoka on the map as a top guy for the promotion. Masaoka would get his shot at revenge against Takeda in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Thumbtacks covered Glass Board Death Match. Masaoka would set up a table of cut up cans and attempt a hurricanrana to Takeda through it but Takeda would counter and instead powerbomb Masaoka through it. Takeda would then set up the thumb tacked covered glass board and attempt to suplex Masaoka off the top turnbuckle but Masaoka would counter himself and deliver a hurricanrana sending Takeda through the thumb tack covered glass board. Masaoka would manage to deliver a powerbomb off the top turnbuckle on to Takeda and then finish him off with the Rokkura Kai to came away with the victory at 16 minutes, 11 seconds to successfully defend his title for the first time. Takeda got on the mic and stated that he now accepts Masaoka as champion as he really proved himself in the match that was a fit to be champion. GENTARO would successfully defend his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title against Yuko Miyamoto for a second time after GENTARO would deliver 3 Back Drops to Miyamoto with Miyamoto would managing to kick out and come back with a standing moonsault using his knees to GENTARO. Miyamoto would then set up for a Fire Thunder but GENTARO would roll him up for the win with a the cradle at 18 minutes, 4 seconds over Miyamoto who wore traditional trunks for the mat based match.
Mammoth Sasaki won his first title in 5 years along with Toru Sugiura as they defeated the King of Freedom Tag Team Champions Brahman Shu and Kei. Brahman Brothers would work on Sugiura's knee that was taped up. They would hit it with a kendo stick as well as do their bowling ball spot but instead of the groin would toss it into Sugiura's knee. They would blown Indian ink in his face but as Mammoth would go to make the save for Sugiura the other Brahman Brother would charge at Mammoth with a street sign but accidentally hit his brother with it instead allowing Sugiura to come in and hit the Swift Driver for the win at 16 minutes, 1 seconds after pinning Kei with the Swift Driver for the title win. Takashi Sasaki and Shuji Ishikawa teamed up to defeat the Unchain team of Jun Kasai and Kenji Fukimoto in a Street Fight Style Hardcore Match with all four wrestlers dressed in a very nice street clothes for the fight with Sasaki picking up the win at 11 minutes, 37 seconds with a Michinoku Driver II on a baby stroller that Fukimoto brought to the match. Yuya Susumu and Kazma Sakamoto defeated Kenichiro Arai and Chikara when Yuya used the Modified Falcon Arrow to get the pinfall at 10 minutes, 41 seconds over Arai. The opening match saw Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeat Dragon Libre in Libre's 4th Trial Series Match at 7 minutes, 37 seconds after Takaiwa put away Libre with a Death Valley Bomb.
Daisuke Masaoka and Takashi Sasaki following the FREEDOMS show at Korakuen Hall got on a plane and went to Mexico on March 24th where they participated at a DTU show in in Pachuca De Soto, Hidalgo at Arena La Aficion where Daisuke Masaoka defended his King of Freedom Championship for the second time in two days as he defeated Cyclope at 15 minutes, 47 seconds with the Rokura Kai with a Fluorescent Light Tube for the win. Takashi Sasaki teamed with DTU's Ovett to defeat Violento Jack and Miedo Extremo at 16 minutes, 23 seconds in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match with a Right Foot Kick to a Fluorescent Light Tube against Extremo's head.
Mr. Gannosuke promoted his Kishindo Returns 21 show on March 7, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring drawing an announced crowd of 312 fans which is a very good number. The main event saw Gannosuke continue to put over the younger wrestlers that he helped work with 10 years in WMF as Isami Kodaka defeated him at 22 minutes, 33 seconds in the main event with the Isami-ashi-zan as Gannosuke and Kodaka hugged and celebrated following the show. Yuko Miyamoto defeated Buffalo at 10 minutes, 36 seconds with a Moonsault Press. Jun Kasai went up against Magnitude Kishiwada with at first the match being stopped at 2 minutes, 30 seconds after both were counted out. The match restarted and went another 7 minutes, 19 seconds before Kasai was DQ'd for ripping off Kishiwada's mask. KAI defeated Atsushi Maruyama at 15 minutes, 21 seconds after using the Gannosuke Clutch that Gannosuke taught him last year on how to perform. Yasu Urano defeated Konaka Pale One at 10 minutes, 46 seconds after getting the pinfall. Mineo Fujita scored the win over Big Japan's Tatsuhiko Yoshino at 11 minutes, 13 seconds after delievering a Footstomp to the groin for the win. Papillon Akemi and Koharu Hinata opened the show defeating Milo Hadacaras and Micro when Hinara pinned Hadacaras at 7 minutes, 25 seconds after Hinata used a High Kick to get the win over Hadacaras.
Mr. Gannosuke, Guts Ishijima, and CHANGO challenged for the GWC 6 Man Tag Team Titles at Guts World's Shinjuku FACE show on March 19, 2017 against the champion team of Dick Togo, Masao Orihara, and Ryan Upin who they have been feuding with for months. Gannosuke and Togo would square off against one another in the match and despite Gannosuke hitting Togo with a Falcon Arrow he would end up getting caught in the Crossface and be forced to submit for the loss at 23 minutes, 13 seconds as the Far East Connection would successfully defend their titles for the second time. Orihara afterwards proclaimed that their feud was over now but Gannosuke would grab the mic and challenge Dick Togo to a singles match on May 5th at Korakuen Hall. Togo would accept and all six wrestlers would begin brawling with one another. The match between Gannosuke and Togo has been in the works since last year as they will get time to have a great match between two veterans that are on their second stints of their careers. Gannosuke's next match in Guts World will be April 11th at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring against Kushinbo Kamen.
March 3rd marked one year of Hayabusa's passing. His death just like his life made a huge mark in my life. He is the reason that I started this website over 18 years ago as the first two things that made this site were FMW results and a Hayabusa Biography. He is the person that really made me love FMW and have the passion to defend what everyone else was criticizing it. His death is also what sparked something into me that made me spend countless hours over a month updating his biography to include his life story as well as a career music video. It also has gotten me into collecting everything I can of his from his personal worn white jacket to every figure made of him that I come across including the very rare 12 inch INSPIRE Hayabusa figure. It also has given me the preliminary thoughts of going to Kumamoto this Summer and visiting his mothers hotel where she has created a shrine for her son. No matter how much time goes by since his death there will always be a passion inside of me because of him to try and give the best way for people to learn more about Hayabusa and FMW which is what this website has always been about.
Added: 2/28
Super Battle FMW returned at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on February 24, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 300 fans with the main event between Atsushi Onita and The Great Sasuke in their fourth and final match between the two in a Lumberjack Death Match. The Lumberjacks were decided by a lottery as Hideki Hosaka, Raijin Yaguchi, and Tomohiko Hashimoto were put on Onita's side and Black Tiger VII, Ricky Fuji, and Pandita were put on Sasuke's side. FMW's Lumberjack Death Match have always been different than a regular Lumberjack as instead of the wrestlers out there to throw the wrestler back in the ring they are out there specifically to help out the side they are on. Despite being picked for Onita's side both Yaguchi and Hashimoto would attack Hideki Hosaka and then go after Onita early on in the match and with the help of Black Tiger VII set up a barbed wire board across two chairs and deliver a Double Chokeslam to Onita through the barbed wire board. Sasuke would climb the top rope and attempt a senton off the top turnbuckle but Onita would move out of the way and Sasuke would end up flying into the barbed wire board. Onita would then bring in a trash can of weapons before dropping all the weapons out and placing the trash can over Sasuke's head and smashing it with a barbed wire baseball bat and would then grab a guitar and smash it over Sasuke's head before finally finishing off Sasuke at 15 minutes, 53 seconds with a Backdrop on to the weapons and would get the pinfall and win their series 3-1. Onita would grab the mic and thank Sasuke and tell him that he would never forget him. Onita would then bring up that his next All Japan match will take place on March 12th and that his tag team partner Masa Fuchi is ill and will be unable to wrestle on the show and that he would be bringing back The Great Nita in his tag match against Suwama on this show as Onita, Sasuke, and the other Super Battle FMW wrestlers would celebrate in the ring to end the show.
Atsushi Onita before his match came out with a picture of Chavo Guerrero, Sr. from this past August who died back on February 11, 2017 for a 10 bell memoriam salute for his rival and friend. Guerrero who died at 68 due to liver cancer feuded with Onita going back to March 7, 1982 when Onita defeated Guerrero for the NWA International Jr. Heavyweight Title and after congratulating Onita for the win, Guerrero would attack Onita and then begin smashing the trophy that Onita had been rewarded. They teamed up together back on August 26, 2016 to put and end to their 24 year feud and despite Kendo Kashin attacking Guerrero with a trophy and then having Guerrero believe it was Onita that had done it resulting in Guerrero once again attacking Onita with one they would end up making peace after the match with Onita handing him the trophy as a peace offering to finally make it good with one another just 6 months before Guerrero would pass away.
Other matches for the Super Battle FMW show would have Hideki Hosaka, NOSAWA Rongai going as Black Tiger VII, and Kenichi Fujii defeating Raijin Yaguchi, Tomohiko Hashimoto, and Shocker # 1 when Hosaka would pin Shocker at 10 minutes, 52 seconds with a Death Valley Bomb. The FMW team of Ricky Fuji, Gosaku Goshogawara, and The Shooter would defeat the former Apache Army team of Tetsuhiro Kuroda, HASEGAWA, and Takumi Sakurai when Ricky would pinned Sakurai at 13 minutes, 44 seconds with a 9999 DDT. Miss Mongol and Kaori Yoneyama as Yone Mongol would defeat Kagetsu and Miss Koharu when Mongol would pin Koharu at 11 minutes, 40 seconds with a Kanbaya C. The Wild Army consisting of Wild Bear, Wild Seven, and Wild Dragon would defeat the team of Tomoryu, Raiden, and Pandita when Seven would get the win at 11 minutes, 4 seconds over Pandita with a Diving Body Press. The opening match would have Naoshi Sano defeat Toshiaki Terao at 7 minutes, 41 seconds after making him submit to a Single Leg Crab.
Super Battle FMW Commissioner Kaoru Izumi announced that Ray would be appearing at next months show on March 22nd. Ray who is still going through treatment for a malignant brain tumor has not been at any shows the last couple of months and will appear at the March 22nd show when the weather is warmer.
Super Battle FMW will return to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on March 22, 2017 as the show will be promoted as the 1 Year Hayabusa Memorial show. No matches have been announced yet although Mammoth Sasaki has been booked for this show. Super Battle FMW will then return for a small tour on April 13, 2017 at the Aomori Hirosaki City Kawanishi Sports Center and then on April 14, 2017 at the Aomori Hamanasu Hall which is where they toured last year at this time and had successful shows. They will then go back to Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on April 27th as all the talk this time last year about holding a May 5th show at Kawasaki Stadium looks like a faded dream at this point for the promotion.
Atsushi Onita after winning an Exploding Barbed wire Royal Rumble back on January 22nd earned himself another shot at Masakatsu Funaki's Super Fireworks Title. Onita who lost the belt back on July 24th in Osaka and suffered a broken right arm during the match as well look to finally get his revenge after waiting over 7 months. Onita would early on spit red mist in Funaki's face but Funaki would come back with a chair attack on Onita and then turn on the Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat and smash it across Onita's body for the huge explosion but Onita would manage to kick out at two. Funaki would begin kicking Onita repeatedly but Onita eventually managing to dodge one and spit red mist again in Funaki's face before delivering a Back drop and then using the Barbed wire Baseball Bat himself on Funaki to get the win at 10 minutes, 10 seconds to win the title for the third time. The Voodoo Murderers along with Masato Tanaka who turned heel and joined the group back on February 19th rushed the ring and began attacking Onita. Funaki would make the save for Onita and begin kicking Tanaka and the rest of the Voodoo Murderers to clear of the ring. Onita would go over to Funaki for his gesture and the two would shake hands and then hug officially ending the FMW vs. UWF feud one year to the day that Onita had declare war at a Super Battle FMW show at Korakuen Hall after the UWF team had came out after a match of his and attacked him.
Onita after his match visited a clinic in Tokyo due to the pain he was suffering in his arm. They did x rays to reveal a crack under the plate that was put in back in July following Funaki breaking his right arm. Onita visited orthopedic surgeon as a result and learned that he will need to put a cast on his arm again and it will take 4 weeks to recover but Onita has already stated that he would not be missing any shows no matter what.
Atsushi Onita and Masakatsu Funaki met at the ZERO1 Dojo in Minato-ku, Tokyo where they announced that FMW and UWF would be teaming together for the first time on March 5, 2017 in Nagoya. Onita stated that although FMW and UWF go together like water and oil that he had always thought a tag team between him and Funaki would be the strongest and craziest tag team. They will challenge the team of Masato Tanaka and TARU in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. TARU would respond that the match would only take place if the Super Fireworks Title was put on the line during the match with Onita accepting. The winner of the pinfall will end up being the new Super Fireworks Champion.
FREEDOMS ran at the Osaka Moriguchi Citizen Gym
on January 29, 2017 drawing an announced crowd of 430 fans for the show. Daisuke
Masaoka and Jun Kasai teamed up to take on the team of Mammoth Sasaki and Toru
Sugiura in a Hardcore Match with Masaoka picking up the win at 18 minutes, 1
seconds after finishing off Sugiura with a Rokura off the top turnbuckle. Yuya
Susumu and HAYATA defended their King of Freedom Tag Team Titles against Takashi
Sasaki and Dyna Mido when Yuya hooked on an Arm Breaker to make Mido submit at
16 minutes, 51 seconds for Susumu and HAYATA's fourth successful tag team title
defense. Kamui made his return after 9 months with his Mystery Opponent turning
out to be Daisuke Masaoka who made short work of Kamui before defeating him at 6
minutes, 23 seconds with the Trans Rave. Kamui has not been booked for any show
since so it looks like he was not fully healed prior to this match. The Osaka
team of Masamune, MIYAWAKI, and Hide Kubota defeated Masashi Takeda, Kenji
Fukimoto, and AK when Masamune scored the win over AK at 14 minutes, 38 with the
Honebami. Drake Morimatsu & Kuishinbo Kamen defeated Takoyakida & Midori
Idea when Morimatsu pinned Idea at 12 minutes, 48 seconds with the Drake Driver.
Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei defeated Yuko Miyamoto and Konaka Pale One after Kei
pinned Konaka at 11 minutes, 24 seconds with the Five Body Dissatisfaction.
GENTARO and Yuki Tanaka defeated Fuminori Abe and Dragon Libre when Tanaka
pinned Libre at 12 minutes, 36 seconds with the Hirakata Cutter to open the
FREEDOMS returned to the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on February 11, 2017 for their
Valentine 2017 show doing a very good announced number of 303 fans for the show.
The main event had Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto defeat Daisuke Masaoka and
Jun Kasai in a Weapons Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match when Fukimoto put
Masaoka away at 16 minutes, 43 seconds after hitting him with a Package
Piledriver on a Gadget Board. GENTARO and Yuko Miyamoto defeated the team of
Mammoth Sasaki and Tatsuhito Takaiwa when GENTARO rolled up Takaiwa for the win
at 14 minutes, 56 seconds with a Kido Clutch. Isami Kodaka got a win over Yuya
Susumu after pinning him at 12 minutes, 27 seconds in a Special Singles Match
between the two. Kazma Sakamoto who looks like he is being booked for a match
with Mammoth Sasaki at a Korakuen Hall show defeated Mammoth's partner Toru
Sugiura at 9 minutes, 3 seconds after rolling him up with a School Boy. The team
of Brahman Shu, Brahman Kei, and Ryuichi Sekine going as Karate Brahman # 2 got
the win over Takashi Sasaki, Mitsuo Momota, and Chikara when Karate Brahman # 2
got the pin over Chikara at 9 minutes, 36 seconds after picking up the pinfall
while Chikara was busy putting a Sleeper on the original Karate Brahman and was
not paying attention for Sekine to snatch up the win. The opening match saw
Kenichiro Arai defeat Dragon Libre at 9 minutes, 58 seconds when using a
Hurricanrana to get the win.
FREEDOMS returned to the Hiroshima Industry Hall West Center on February 19, 2017 drawing an announced 602 fans for the show. The main event saw Daisuke Masaoka lose another fall since becoming champion as he teamed up with Jun Kasai and they would lose to the team of Takashi Sasaki and Yuko Miyamoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Thumbtacks Death Match with Kasai getting his Korean BBQ sticks shoved into his forehead during the bloody match before Miyamoto would pin Masaoka at 18 minutes with a Moonsault off a ladder for the win. 67 year old Yoshiaki Fujiwara would team up with GENTARO as they would defeat the Unchain team of Masashi Takeda and Kenji Fukimoto when Fujiwara would slap on the Wakigatame to get the win at 10 minutes, 42 seconds after making Fukimoto tap out. Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei captured the King of Freedom Tag Team Titles for the first time under their own names and second time total as they also won the belts back in January 2015 under the masked gimmick names of El Hijo del Winger Uno and Dos as they would defeat Yuya Susumu and HAYATA ending their 5 months run as champions at 14 minutes, 20 seconds when Shu would roll up HAYATA for the School Boy in what was their fifth defense. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura who were to get a shot at the tag team titles but now will have to wait due to the Brahman Brothers winning the titles were able to defeat GUNSO and Rey Paloma when Mammoth finished off Paloma at 11 minutes, 42 seconds with the 29 Years Old. Local talent Kenshin Chikano and the Devil Magician defeated Kenichiro Arai and Takumi Tsukamoto at 9 minutes, 51 seconds when the Magician pinned Arai. Tatsuhito Takaiwa and Dragon Libre defeated Takeshi Okada and Yuki Aoki when Takaiwa pinned Aoki at 11 minutes, 42 seconds with a Death Valley Bomb in the opening match.
The next show will be on March 2, 2017 at the
Shin-Kiba 1st Ring with the main event of Daisuke Masaoka, Takashi Sasaki, and
Yuko Miyamoto against the Unchain team of Jun Kasai, Masashi Takeda, and Kenji
Fukimoto in a Fluorescent Light Tubes Death Match.
The semi-main event will be a match to see who will challenge next for the King
of Freedom Tag Team Titles as the former champions Yuya Susumu and HAYATA will
take on Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura. GOEMON who will be appearing in
FREEDOMS for the first time since May 2, 2010 as he will team up with long time
partner Onryo against the team of GENTARO and Kenichiro Arai who at one time
tried out for the FMW Dojo but was unable to graduate. Chikara will take on
Ryuichi Sekine under his Karate Brahman # 2 gimmick with Karate Brahman in his
corner. Dragon Libre who is getting tested early on in his career will go up
against Atsushi Maruyama and the opening match will be a King of Freedom Tag
Team Titles match between Brahman Shu and Brahman Kei will defend against Kazma
Sakamoto and Hi69 for the first time.
HASEGAWA and Tomohiko Hashimoto held a press conference for the announcement of the A-TEAM's debut show on April 16, 2017 at the Kitasenju Theater 1010 in Tokyo which will be called TAKE OFF. HASEGAWA would announce that the promotion would be succeeding the Apache Army promotion due to Kintaro Kanemura's retirement. It will continue the flow of Fuyuki's WEW promotion but will be different than the Apache Army promotion. The WEW Tag Team Titles will remain active with the promotion and Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Tatsuhito Takaiwa will be defending the titles on the show. It was announced that although the WEW Heavyweight Title retired along with Kanemura that a newly created WEW Jr. Heavyweight Title will be created and be the main singles title for the promotion. Unlike the Apache Army due to the past issues with Kanemura this promotion will also partner with FREEDOMS as both Jun Kasai and Masashi Takeda are booked for the show. The main event will be Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Tatsuhito Takaiwa defending the WEW Tag Team Titles against Tomohiko Hashimoto and Masashi Takeda. Jun Kasai will take on HASEGAWA in a Singles Match to give HASEGAWA a chance to show what he has as the promotion looks to be focusing on him as he is the main financial backer of the promotion just like he was for the Apache Army. Daisaku Shimoda will take on Tatsuo Nakano in a UWF Style Match. Toshiaki Terao and Keichii Sato will go up opponents not yet announced. Rion Mizuki will go up against boxer Yosuke Enomoto and the opening match will have Daisuke Ikeda against Takumi Sakurai.
The Demon Devil Michio CHAN and the Far East Connection would continue for the Guts World promotion on February 21, 2017 at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. There would be four random matches between the two groups selected and Mr. Gannosuke's opponent would end up being Masao Orihara. Gannosuke and Orihara who have been feuding since Gannosuke's return in 2014 would begin trying to put away each other early before Gannosuke would remove the turnbuckle pad but it would come back at him as Orihara would end up being the one to smash his head over the exposed turnbuckle busting him open. Gannosuke would end up lariating Orihara to the outside and they would brawl to the outside where Orihara would also begin to bleed and both would be unable to make it back into the ring in time for the 20 count as the referee would end the match at 6 minutes, 46 seconds due to a Double Count Out. The Demon Devil Michio CHAN would end up winning the 4 matches series 2-1 over the Far East Connection. The next show will be on March 19th where the team of Mr. Gannosuke, Guts Ishijima, and CHANGO will challenge for the GWC 6 Man Tag Team Titles against Masao Orihara, Dick Togo, and Ryan Upin at the Tokyo Shinjuku FACE.
Mr. Gannosuke announced the full lineup for the Hayabusa Memorial Anniversary show on March 31, 2017 in Hayabusa's home town of Kumamoto at the Circulation Information Hall as the main event will be the main draw of the show by far as it will have Mr. Gannosuke teaming up with Hayabusa's best friend in wrestling Jinsei Shinzaki along with HARASHIMA going as his Hayabucha gimmick as they will take on Masato Tanaka, Mammoth Sasaki, and Yuko Miyamoto. Tetsuhiro Kuroda and Ricky Fuji will team up to take on GOEMON and Onryo. Former FMW women's wrestler Emi Sakura will take on Riho who along with Gannosuke she helped train for the Ice Ribbon promotion. Shinjuku Shark will go up against Miss Mongol as the two represent two different FMW eras of midcard. The opening match will have Ichiro Yaguchi who became very close friends with Hayabusa due to their love for music teaming up with Gosaku Goshogawara against the team of Mt. Aso and Fugofugo Yumeji.
I just wanted to post an update on the Hayabusa costume that I purchased back in December. Years of neglect from the previous owner had resulted in much of the paint coming off, dirt having collected all over the white outfit including the white fur, and much of the white just becoming yellow. I spent many hours working on this and with the help of several people I feel like I have been able to restore it to the best that I possibly can. It will never look as brand new like when Hayabusa wore it to the ring for his matches from 1998 to 2001 but I am very pleased at how it looks today. My next step is to place it some kind of sealed case although finding one that it will fit in at a reasonable price will be the next challenge for me when it comes to this rare item.
Added: 1/26
Super Battle FMW ran their first show of 2017 on
January 5, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring drawing an announced 350 fans
for the show. The main event. The main event was changed at the last moment to
Atsushi Onita and Hideki Hosaka teaming up with Ricky Fuji to take on Masato
Tanaka and Tetsuhiro Kuroda who would now be teaming up with NOSAWA Rongai. The
match would also be changed from a Scramble Bunkhouse Death Match to a Barbed
wire Board Death Match due to Onita's pelvic injury there was no way he was
going to be running to the ring to try and grab a barbed wire baseball first so
this was changed to suit his injury better. Onita who has been doing much better
was able to piledrive NOSAWA through a table and was able to be thrown into the
barbed wire board by Tanaka. Tanaka would grab a cain and begin using it on
Ricky which would be followed by Kuroda and NOSAWA suplexing Ricky into the
barbed wire board and Tanaka coming off the top rope with a Super Fly Splash.
Tanaka would then hit the Sliding D on Onita with Onita kicking out and then
spitting red mist in Tanaka's face followed by a chair shot to NOSAWA and then
he would hit NOSAWA with two Thunder Fire Powerbombs to get the pinfall at 11
minutes, 23 seconds for the win. Onita and Tanaka would embrace afterwards as
Onita has chosen Tanaka to lead Super Battle FMW after he retires in October.
Madoka made his debut for the promotion teaming up with Hi69 as they took on the
team of Raijin Yaguchi and Tomohiko Hashimoto. Hi69 and Madoka would have the
early advantage as they would deliver a double superkick to Hashimoto but
Hashimoto would grab Hi69 and deliver a choke slam with Madoka having to make
the save. Hashimoto would grab Hi69 and deliver another choke but this time
would turn it into a Crossface which he would end up getting the win at 11
minutes, 37 seconds with it for the submission victory.
Atsushi Onita had a special sit down talk segment with Mitsuhiro Matsunaga during the show. Onita and Matsunaga talked about their Exploding Barbed wire Death Match that they had on December 8, 1993 following Matsunaga leaving W*ING for FMW. Onita then announced officially that his Retirement show will be held in October 2017 with Onita asking Matsunaga if he wanted to be his opponent with Matsunaga just leaving it by not answering and just smiling as a response.
The women's match on the show saw Miss Mongol and Miss Koharu defeat the team of Aoi Ishibashi and Konami when Koharu would pick up the win at 12 minutes, 40 seconds with a Backslide. The team of Raiden, Naoshi Sano, and Tomoryu defeated the Wild team of Wild Seven, Wild Bear, and Wild Dragon when the referee would end the match at 13 minutes, 11 seconds after Bear would get DQ'd. The opening match had Katsunari Toi and Toshiaki Terao defeat Keiichi Sato and Shocker # 1 when Toi got the win at 13 minutes, 28 seconds with a Fisherman Buster on Shocker.
Atsushi Onita and Pandita held a press conference at Toudoukan in Suidobashi, Tokyo on January 26, 2017 announcing the main event of the next Super Battle FMW show on February 24, 2017 at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. Onita had a mask covering his face so he had Pandita read at the press release stating that Onita had caught a cold two days earlier after throwing water all over the ring and the fans after the show in Osaka. Pandita would read that Onita was challenging The Great Sasuke to One Last Fight at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on February 24, 2017 in a Lumberjack Death Match. Onita would have three Jado Army wrestlers around ringside and The Great Sasuke would have three Michinoku Pro wrestlers at ringside for him. This will be the 4th and final match between Onita and Sasuke as they had an Exploding Ring Exploding Barbed wire Death Match back on October 30, 1994 with Onita winning. The Great Sasuke would then defeat Onita on September 23, 2003 in a Exploding Barbed wire Death Match. Onita would win the third battle back on May 15, 2016 in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. This match will be the first to not have any explosives. Onita wrote that they are comrades that have had similar paths in wrestling and that he wanted to face Sasuke one last time in a decisive battle.
Naoshi Sano promoted his New Years Eve show on December 31, 2016 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring with a start time of 11:00 PM with the show drawing a crowd of 150 fans for the show. Originally the main event was suppose to be a rematch of Atsushi Onita vs. Naoshi Sano which took place over 8 years ago but Sano upon hearing the news that his friend Shota would need knee surgery in January 2017 decided to not only change the main event to Onita vs. Shota but the show would be a Shota AID show with the proceeds going to Shota's knee ligament surgery. That match would end up getting changed around again following Onita's pelvic injury on December 23rd with Onita unable to work a singles match. The match would be changed to Atsushi Onita, KAI, Hideki Hosaka, and Ricky Fuji against Shota, Kenichiro Arai, NOSAWA Rongai, and Trans-Am Hiroshi in a Street Fight. Onita would be limited but would be able to spit red mist and smash Shota over the head with a chair but it would be KAI that would end up picking up the win at 11 minutes, 43 seconds after KAI would hit him with a Thunder Fire Powerbomb which Onita was physically unable to do himself. Onita afterwards would apologize to Shota about having to make the match a tag team match due to his injury but stated once Shota comes back from his surgery he wants to have an Explosive Match with him. Onita and the other wrestlers then began pouring water all over Shota to end the show. Other matches saw the Guts World team of Mr. Gannosuke, Guts Ishijima, Masked Mystery, and Daisuke defeat Naoshi Sano, Leatherface, Wild Seven, and Kisarazu Clown after Daisuke would pin Sano at 14 minutes, 21 seconds after hitting him with a Frog Slash. Onryo and Masamune would also go to a twenty minute time limit draw during the show. Shota would have successful knee ligament surgery on January 24th and is currently recovering at the hospital.
Atsushi Onita and Masa Fuchi defended their All Japan All Asian Tag Team Titles on January 2, 2017 at Korakuen Hall against the team of Jun Akiyama and Masao Inoue in a Barbed wire Board Death Match. Onita was able to piledrive Inoue through a table and ended up getting thrown into the barbed wire board by Inoue before Inoue would hold Onita as Akiyama would smash him over the head with a guitar. Despite the abuse that Onita would take they would end up in victory as Fuchi would pick up the win over Inoue at 11 minutes, 36 seconds using a Backslide to get the win to successfully defend their titles for the first time. There is no official return date for Onita in All Japan but All Japan has given permission to allow the Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat the next time Onita appears.
Atsushi Onita has wanted a Exploding Death Match to take place in America since 1997 when he got FMW to form a talent relationship with ECW with the hopes of it being able to take place. It never came close. Onita as one of his last things he does before retiring in October this year is for an Exploding Match to finally happen in America. Onita had been in contact with Tommy Dreamer's House of Hardcore promotion about getting it done but that fell through. Onita looked to see if it was possible for it to take place in Europe instead but the licensing and the costs were too high. Onita then reached out to CZW's Matt Tremont who grew up as a huge FMW and Onita fan. Tremont has been working on getting a match with Onita since doing a promo back in September 2016 following a match in West Virginia stating Onita was scared of him. That promo got back to Onita through Twitter. Onita would respond back to Tremont on January 12, 2017 stating that he liked Tremont's passion and that he would give Tremont his match if he could get the Explosive Match to take place before Onita retires in October. Negotiations are now taking place between Onita's manager and the promoter for CZW with talks of Tremont getting to go to Japan for a match against Onita and Onita as well as his Jado Army being brought in to the United States for a show at CZW with an Explosive Match taking place on the show. There is no time right now for the match if it were to take place.
Super Fireworks held a show on January 22, 2017 at the what was originally named Osaka Prefectural Gym # 2 as the main event held the first ever Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Royal Rumble between Atsushi Onita, Masakatsu Funaki, Masato Tanaka, Chigusa Nagayo, and TARU. Funaki would end up being the first one eliminated at 10 minutes, 21 seconds after Tanaka would toss him over the top rope. Tanaka would then get tossed over the top rope himself at 11 minutes, 12 seconds by Chigusa Nagayo. Onita would then eliminate his tag partner Nagayo at 14 minutes, 2 seconds after hitting her with the Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat. This would leave just Onita and TARU with Onita hitting him with the exploding barbed wire baseball at 17 minutes, 9 seconds to get the win. TARU would not take the loss well as he would then attack Marvelous' Takumi Iroha who had wrestled earlier on the show and lay her out in a bloody mess. This will setup for the next show on January 29th at the Fukuoka Hakata Star Lanes where the main event will be Onita, Nagayo, and Takumi Iroha against TARU, Kamikaze, and Hartley Jackson in a Exploding Barbed wire Baseball Bat Death Match. Also, on the show Masakatsu Funaki will defend his Super Fireworks Title for the first time since winning it back on July 24th as he will take on Masato Tanaka with no announcement if the match will be a Death Match or not.
Kintaro Kanemura's retirement could not have came at a better time as just days following his retirement match he began to feel numbness in his left knee to a point where the pain became severe. He visited a doctor and had an MRI done where it was discovered he had suffered lumbar vertebrae damage which is the spinal area around by rib cage and the pelvis. The injury was resulting in nerve damage and the pain in the knee that made it too difficult for Kanemura to walk on his own. This is the second time that Kanemura has suffered nerve damage as back in 2012 he one day just lost the feelings in his hands and feet. Kanemura is now walking with cane which he showed off in public for the first time as he along with Masato Tanaka met up with Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly on January 6, 2017 at the Tokyo Dome Hotel where they went and got dinner together before taking pictures with one another.
FREEDOMS ran their first show of the year on January 3, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring drawing a very good crowd of 294 fans for the show for the 3rd Annual One Day Tournament with this tournament consisting of all singles matches. The 1st Round Matches had time limits of 5 minutes and after there would be a time limit the winner would be decided by rock, paper, scissors. The opening matches saw Takashi Sasaki and Dragon Libre go 5 minutes and be decided by Sasaki winning Rock, Paper, Scissors followed by Yuya Susumu eliminating Jun Kasai the same way after their 5 minute time limit. Daisuke Masaoka managed to defeat Kenji Fukimoto in just 3 minutes, 43 seconds after rolling him up for the pinfall. Chikara would last 5 minutes against Masashi Takeda and then manage to eliminate him by Rock, Paper, Scissor in the final 1st Round Match. The second round matches would go to 10 minute time limit draws. GENTARO and Yuko Miyamoto would have byes in to the second round with GENTARO getting the in over Miyamoto at 9 minutes, 20 seconds with a small package to advance. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura would also get byes to the 2nd Round with their match going to a 10 minute time limit with Sugiura winning at the Rock, Paper, Scissor contest. Yuya Susumu would advance by defeating Takashi Sasaki at 7 minutes, 40 seconds after making him submit to the Crossface. Daisuke Masaoka would make the final 4 by eliminating Chikara at 5 minutes, 33 seconds after rolling him up.
The semi-final matches of the Tournament would consist of Yuya Susumu and GENTARO in a very mat based match with Susumu hooking on the Cross Armbreaker to get GENTARO to get the win at 10 minutes, 24 seconds with the submission. Daisuke Masaoka would quickly defeat Toru Sugiura at 1 minutes, 28 seconds after Sugiura would go for a Rolling Elbow with Masaoka avoiding it and delivering a hurricanrana and then finishim him off at 1 minute, 28 seconds with a knee to the head. MIKAMI and Tanomusaku Toba defeated the Brahman Brothers in the only non tournament match of the show after Toba would knock out Kei and get the pin at 11 minutes, 30 seconds with a swinging punch to the face. The finals of the One Day Tournament would see Daisuke Masaoka against Yuya Susumu with Masaoka managing to get out of the Cross Armbreaker and deliver a Dragon Screw to Susumu followed by a Thunder Fire and then finishing Susumu off at 11 minutes, 40 seconds with the Rokura for the pinfall victory and to win the One Day Tournament and winning a New Years Present for the win.
FREEDOMS returned to the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring on January 26, 2017 drawing a normal size crowd of 184 fans for the show. The main event would have Takashi Sasaki, Jun Kasai, and Masashi Takeda defeat Daisuke Masaoka, Yuya Susumu, and HAYATA when Takeda would get the win over Masaoka at 18 minutes, 23 seconds after hitting him with a Reverse U Crash. Takeda would then challenge Masaoka for the King of Freedom World Title match which will most likely take place at Korakuen Hall on March 23, 2017 which back in March 2015 was the main event of the show and the first big Masaoka push into the main event picture for the promotion. GENTARO defended his UWA Jr. Heavyweight Title for the second time after defeating Tanomusaku Toba at 11 minutes, 46 seconds after delivering a Lou Thesz Press for the win. Chikara defeated Karate Brahman at 10 minutes, 14 seconds after the referee would be force to stop the match after Chikara placed a Body Stenosis Sleeper on Karate for the win. Mammoth Sasaki and Toru Sugiura defeated Kazma Sakamoto and Hi69 after Sakamoto would be DQ'd for attacking the referee at 12 minutes, 13 seconds in what would look to be a setup for a singles match between Mammoth and Kazma. Tatsuhito Takaiwa and Kenji Fukimoto would defeat Yuko Miyamoto and Kenichiro Arai after Fukimoto would score the upset pin at 13 minutes, 11 seconds after hitting Arai with the Package Piledriver. The opening match would have Isami Kodaka replacing MIKAMI who is out with a neck injury as he would defeat Dragon Libre at 9 minutes, 29 seconds after getting him to submit to the Hiza juji-gatame.
Mr. Gannosuke returned to the Guts World promotion show on January 24, 2017 at the Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. His group which called themselves the Demon Devil Michio CHAN which consisted of Gannosuke, Guts Ishijima, Michio Kageyama, and CHANGO as they took on the Tompachi Machine Guns along with the Far East Connection team of Dick Togo, Masao Orihara, Amigo Suzuki, and Ryan Upin in a Single Elimination Match. Gannosuke would end up being a surprised early elimination as he would be the first person in the match eliminated after getting tossed over the top rope at 8 minutes, 48 seconds by Amigo Suzuki for the elimination. The match would end up coming down to CHANGO who would go up against Dick Togo, Amigo Suzuki, and Ryan Upin. CHANGO would end up eliminating Togo by throwing him over the top rope and then he would eliminate Upin with a Jack Knife Roll up. This would leave CHANGO against Amigo Suzuki who he would eliminate at 21 minutes, 55 seconds with a Diving Senton for the Demon Devil Michio CHAN group. Tetsuhiro Kuroda would also debut for the promotion as a freelancer as he would defeat Fuminori Abe at 10 minutes, 9 seconds with his Technan Buster.
Mr. Gannosuke's next match will be on February 5, 2017 for Yuiga's Batoscafe promotion at the Itabashi Green Hall in a WMF vs. FREEDOMS match with the WMF team consisting of Gannosuke, Onryo, and Mineo Fujita as they go up against the FREEDOMS team with the alternative gimmicks of Takashi Sasaki wrestling as NANGO, GENTARO as BENTEN, and Toru Sugiura as DAEMON.
Mr. Gannosuke announced that he would hold a Kishindo Returns 21 show prior to his Hayabusa Memorial show on March 31, 2017 in Kumamoto. The main event will be Mr. Gannosuke taking on Isami Kodaka as Kodaka got one of his first breaks by appearing in Gannosuke's WMF promotion back in 2005 before he began working with Big Japan and teaming with Yuko Miyamoto and making a name for himself in 2009. The other matches on the show will have Yuko Miyamoto go up against Buffalo in the semi-main event of the show as there is some of what of a Tokyo vs. Osaka vibe going on for this show as Jun Kasai will take on Magnitude Kishiwada and KAI will go up against Atsushi Maruyama. Yasu Urano will take on Konaka Pale One and Mineo Fujita will face Big Japan's new acquisition Tatsuhiko Yoshino with the opening match being a women's match of Hikaru Igano and Micro against Papillon Akemi and Koharu Hinata.
Mr. Gannosuke attended the Tokyo Sports Awards on January 19, 2017 at the Tokyo Prince Hotel Takanawa as a substitute for Hayabusa who won the Pro-Wrestling Grand Prize Lifetime Achievement award. Gannosuke would deliver it to Hayabusa's mother on January 21, 2017 at Hayabusa's mothers home in Kumamoto where it can be displayed apart of the shrine that she has created in memory of her son.
I have added a new Music Video section to the front page as I recently have finished a Mr. Gannosuke Career Music Video to go along with my Hayabusa Career Music Video as well as a video of Hayabusa singing in English video that I filmed back in 2012. I will be working on creating more music videos of former FMW wrestlers through out the months whenever I find the time.
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2016
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2013
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2012
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2011
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2010
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2009
BAHU's Japanese Trip Diary 2008
Apache Army/FREEDOMS/Super Battle FMW & Production Shows News 2016 (January - December 2016)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS/Super Battle FMW & Production Shows News 2015 (January - December 2015)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS/Onita & Production Shows News 2014 (January - December 2014)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS & Production Shows News 2013 (January - December 2013)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS & Production Shows News 2012 (January - December 2012)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS & Production Shows News 2011 (January - December 2011)
FREEDOMS& Production Shows News 2010 (January - December 2010)
Apache Army/FREEDOMS & Production Show News 2009 (January - December 2009)
WMF& Apache Army News 2008 (January - December 2008)
WMF& Apache Army News 2007 (January - December 2007)
WMF& Apache Army News 2006 (January - December 2006)
WMF& Apache Army News 2005 (January - December 2005)
WMF& Fuyuki/Apache Army News 2004 (January - December 2004)
WMF& Fuyuki Army News 2003 (July 2003 - December 2003)
Kodo Fuyuki's Ceremonial Wake & Funeral Pictures (3/22/03 - 3/23/03)
WMF& WEW News 2003 (January 2003 - July 2003)
Post FMW News (February 2002 - December 2002)